Poopfeast420, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 12th

Risk of Rain Returns was released last week, and I’m having fun with that. It looks fantastic and plays well, for the most part. Some parts feel a bit clunky, since you can only shoot forwards and have to wait for the animation to finish before you can turn around. However, the developers said in the first hotfix patch logs, that they’ll implement controls to specifically shoot left or right, so that will be less of an issue, once that’s implemented. The current behavior definitely made me avoid some characters, just because it’s kind of a pain in frantic fights, where you’re getting swarmed by enemies.

So far I beat the game once, on the default difficulty, with the Loader, but I’m still unlocking stuff, learning, getting used to everything, but mostly just sucking.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker just doesn’t want to end, and it’s starting to get really tedious. After three story chapters back-to-back, and me thinking it might finally pick up the pace, the game throws you a curveball and has like 1–2 years of in-game downtime. Nothing happens, except for the occasional side quest, that takes like five minutes to complete. Who thought that’s a good idea? Yesterday, I finally made it to the next chapter, so I might be able to finish it this week (for real this time).

So many weird design choices, along with a lot of bugs, make it really hard to recommend this game to anyone. I still want to play the sequel, eventually (I wanna be a swarm that eats everything, even though it’s supposed to suck), but some of the things I’ve read don’t really sound appealing.

SlimePixel, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 12th

I been playing risk of rain returns. I love it. Been trying to unlock everything. It’s harder than I remember honesty.

makingStuffForFun, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 12th avatar

Just installed Card Quest on my Android tablet. So far, so good!

Telorand, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 12th

Saints Row IV: Re-Elected. Some clunky controls at times, but still the usual silly amount of fun.

terrehbyte, do games w What are your go-to sources for game reviews and finding new games?

Generally, I wait for gameplay footage from official and unofficial sources before committing to buying a game. I have a number of accounts I follow on other social media platforms that keep me updated on new games I might be interested, but none of them are reviewers outside of a quick 30-second blurb on socials or their Steam Curator account.

If I’m leaning buy but still hesitant, I’ll generally pick it up and play for a bit to see if I’ll keep it.

I don’t find that my tastes align very closely with any reviewer, so I generally steer clear of them. If there’s any kind of massive community criticism, there’s bound to be plenty of people shouting about it online which makes it easy to take into consideration (whether to ignore it or not).

Kierunkowy74, do test1 w /Kbin markdown test avatar
ernest, do test1 w /Kbin markdown test avatar


matsafi, do test1 w /Kbin markdown test avatar

@m0bi13 testy na produkcji? Tak tylko w 🤪 @m0bi13

m0bi13, avatar

@matsafi Nie będziemy się bawili w stagingi, będziemy się nap... rozpoznawać bojem ;)


Kierunkowy74, avatar


Omegamanthethird, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 5th

I’ve been play Theatrhythm Final Bar Line since beating Final Fantasy 16. Next I’m either playing Spider-Man Miles Morales or Stranger of Paradise.

gibandaley, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 5th avatar

I finished Psychonauts for the first time a couple of months ago, and just started Psychonauts 2 last night. Only a couple of hours in, but really enjoying it so far.

Mannivu, (edited ) do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 5th

Played Planetside 2 this weekend. I never tried it before and at first I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. Then I understood how to play and what to do and I enjoyed it very much. I’m not very good at it, but I play to have fun, not to be competitive.

Eggyhead, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 5th avatar

Finally reached trails of cold steel II. Been playing every game accessible to me from the series by order of release. I think this is the halfway mark.

HalJor, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 5th avatar

UFC 5, at least for another few days. I got all of the offline trophies in about a week (my main objective) and learned, once again, that while I can do just fine against a CPU opponent, playing against an allegedly human opponent online, I totally suck.

I’m likely going to switch back to Spider-Man 2 sooner than I expected.

CodingCarpenter, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 5th

Forgive Me Father, fantastic fps. Also Pokémon leaf green

Poopfeast420, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 5th

Still Pathfinder: Kingmaker, but I should be able to finish it this coming week.

It feels like I’m always complaining about the game, but it just does have a lot of issues. The gameplay (meaning combat and exploring) is still good enough for me to put up with it though.

The story kinda picks up now, a shame it only happens after I’m already 100h into the game. Even then, there are a bunch of things that don’t make sense. Some parts that your character should know about, but you can ask about it again and again at different points, as if you’re hearing it for the first time. The DLC I did after the third act was ok. The pacing for the quests continues to baffle me. After a cool 200-day gap between Act 3 and 4, now you don’t get any downtime at all. Everything is happening at once, with new notifications for events popping up constantly.

So, the game was originally just RTwP, and turn-based combat was added later via a mod, which was then officially implemented by the devs (I think). Because of this, I’ve been giving the game a pass for minor issues in combat, but this week was just bad at times. The game loves to eat parts of your turn constantly. I think it happens when you’re right at the limit between a normal move action and a double move. The game shows you’ll be able to attack, but then you’re just one pixel too far away and your attack just gets skipped. You can’t even use it for something else, like cast a spell. There are also some other small things, that wouldn’t matter by themselves, but when something small happens all the time, it starts to get annoying.

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