eoddc5, do gaming w is moving to avatar

Thanks for the info cosmicsploogedrizzle

CosmicSploogeDrizzle, avatar

🫡 Always happy to serve. Thank you all for your support!

Sir_Kevin, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet? avatar

PCVR is where the high quality games are. Quest and Pico do have quite a few gems now though!


You can always connect your quest to pc right? (Hope OP has a good computer to do that, haven’t checked the quest 2 but I remember how much worse roborecall looked on quest 1)

Sir_Kevin, avatar

Indeed you can. Same with Pico.

SpikesOtherDog, do gaming w What's the age cut off for socially acceptable gaming

Do what you want!

Assuming you aren’t ignoring other obligations, gaming is completely acceptable.

Anything else is pretentious.

Vitaly, do gaming w The best open-source games you know avatar

Did you guys tried Endless sky? Awesome game if you love space

Vitaly, avatar

And minetest+mineclone2 is pretty good if you want to play minecraft but don’t have a license

nivenkos, do gaming w Whats a game that everybody seems to love that you cant stand for one reason or another?

Terraria - I just don’t understand what you’re meant to do or why it’s interesting.

I actually really like TOTK though, it’s a big improvement over BOTW with a slightly more alive world and the vehicle creation stuff is fun.


Idk if I’m just dumb or something but I have tried to play terraria on 5+ separate occasions and the controls and UI just DON’T make sense to me. Like how to craft?! How to equip? How to do stuff? It was just so confusing. I tried on mobile and steam deck. I even looked up the controls online and mapped it out. It just never clicked for me. I felt like an 80 year old using a smartphone for the first time.

Tenkuucastle, do gaming w Your favorite board games?

I’ve been getting into Go/Baduk lately, it’s a shame how few people there are playing it in the US! Would love to play in-person instead of always online


Go is the most amazing game I know. I often regret not sticking with it as a kid. And IRL games are wonderful. The feeling of the stones on fingertips, the rattle of prisoners, the clicks and clacks when placing stones on the goban…

Nintendianajones64, do gaming w How many steam deck folks are here and what are you playing?

Steam Deck install base: less than 2 million

Nintendo Switch install base: 125+ million

But by all means let’s talk about Steam Deck.

Here we go again…

Hexadecimald, avatar

What does this even mean? People shouldn’t talk about it because it doesn’t have as many users?

BeardedSingleMalt, do gaming w What are some of your LEAST favorite game mechanics?

Radiant quests. You can never complete the game because of this, the quests are generic and repetitive and offer nothing but “stretch the playtime”.

That and mechanics like “rando dragon attacks in Skyrim” and “City is under attack” from Fallout 4. I quit F4 because I was on my way to a mission and got the "city under attack notification, and on my way to defend another city was under attack.


To yes-and this: procedural content in general. No Man’s Sky is a snore-fest for me, big, empty, meaningless. Missions in Elite Dangerous and X4 are similarly pretty boring, though the former is more fun the first time around. There has to feel like there’s some world-affecting point to what you’re doing. IMO


I found the procedurally-produced planets in No Man’s Sky to be stunningly beautiful. Then I would walk around on them and the similar-but-not-quite look of every part of the landscape would slowly drive me INSANE.

hikaru755, do gaming w Comfort games? avatar

XCOM 2 on the lowest difficulty. Sacrilege, I know, but there’s just no better feeling than waltzing through some aliens with my whole squad intact at the end while feeling like a tactical genius. And even the weird Chimera Squad is just fun at times for a bit of a changeup.


I am taking this as my permission to play on rookie!

hikaru755, avatar

You play however is the most fun to you! Gaming can become so much more fun when you realize that different difficulty levels are there to serve you and your enjoyment of the game, not the other way around!

eldrichhydralisk, do gaming w What are y'all's all time favourite game OSTs?

This is going way back, but the 7th Guest soundtrack had lived in my head since the first time I saw the game. Really great atmosphere, equal parts creepy and playful, perfect mood for a haunted mansion filled with puzzles.


The haunted jazz aesthetic of the soundtrack is so enjoyable!

Jentu, do gaming w Whats a game that everybody seems to love that you cant stand for one reason or another?

Any game that has daily login bonuses or a bonus for playing every day. Animal crossing pocket or whatever it is. Pokémon go. A bunch of afk phone games. A bunch of gacha games. It just feels so shallow to me. Like, I’m not being manipulated to play something, I just end up feeling so guilty to lose a streak I’d rather delete the game.

Dathknight, avatar

While not a daily login bonus, the weekly and monthly tasklist of Forza Horizon 5 killed the game for me. It triggered some sort of fomo and I would rush in every week to grind the new tasks/events. That burned me out very fast, so I could not enjoy the rest of the game.

Silvia, do gaming w What are some of your LEAST favorite game mechanics? avatar

Quick-time events but SPECIFICALLY the ones that give you way too little time to react. Like, I never mind them too much, especially the ones in the Yakuza series, but I remember there was this game on the Wii called Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings that would throw these inputs WAYY too fast at you.


I like them sometimes, but there should ALWAYS be a way to turn them off, for people who don’t have fast reflexes or have problems with their hands, etc.

heliumlake, do gaming w What are some of your LEAST favorite game mechanics? avatar

Stealth. I hate hiding and creeping around waiting for an NPC to move. It’s like, “oh, you want to play the game? How about not playing the game instead?” Infuriating.


I feel like most games get it wrong and just make you stay in one place waiting for the enemy dude to slowly make his route as you map it in your head. It’s just boring, I don’t know.

A nice way to change that would be to give a button that gives you a “top view” map of the enemies’s movement maybe, to make it a little bit puzzle-y. Or, if you want to make it more “action-y”, give the player a way to hide or disengage by scrambling to find something in the environment that allows them to do that, when they get detected.

Stealth is just implemented in a terrible way in most modern games I feel like. Makes it not fun.

lvxferre, do gaming w What are some of your LEAST favorite game mechanics? avatar

I'm not a big fan of fishing mechanics, they're usually shallow "press button at random signal, get a random prize" mechanics.

Also escort missions where the NPC being escorted does not understand that it should protect its own life. I don't mind repeating a mission due to my own mistakes, but I don't want to do it because some AI went potato.

koopacha, avatar

nah man fishing mini games are THE SHIT

it’s not about gameplay it’s about vibes It’s just so calming

pussytermin4tor1337, do gaming w Your favorite board games?

We play all the dune games at work. The new remake of 1978, done betrayal and dune imperium. And sometimes twilight imperium.

With friends we have bought spirit island, which is fun but really difficult. We also play dead of winter and some DND spinniof games. My mate works at a Games Store so he has lots of games i haven’t played yet. Oh and I’ve joined a poker home game.

My favourite is twilight imperium if we can ever find enough people who can spend their whole day playing a game.


You have (in my opinion) a great taste in games.
There's nothing quite like a session of TI. It doesn't get on the table a lot but the few times it does it's amazing every time.

Unfortunately I personally get to play big games all to seldom as I mostly play with my SO and she prefers them a bit lighter and with a bit less conflict. Some of the games we've enjoyed and played recently 2 player..

Viticulture is the one we fall back on alot of the time. It really is a great worker placement.

Castles of Burgundy is a new one in our collection but probably not new to a lot of people in the hobby. Really don't know why I've not picked this up earlier because it is a really good game.

If we want to go for something fast we usually bring out Azul. No setup time and no teardown is a trait I value more now than I have in the past. Sure Gloomhaven is fun but the setup alone makes me want to cry.

monkeytennis, avatar

If you haven’t tried it, I’d recommend Cascadia for a couples game. Also, Tuscany adds some pleasant complexity to Viticulture … Not that you were asking for recommends, I just couldn’t resist…

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