I’ve finished Kingmaker and WotR is in my backlog.
Pathfinder is a really decent RPG system with tons of choice, but the game Kingmaker comes out as quite linear, you don’t really have much choice in how you play the game apart from being good or evil.
The game is split between being a typical adventure explorer RPG and being a kingdom management game, the former is interesting and has good quests, the latter is opaque, difficult to get to grips with and inflexible.
The worse part is no matter your best intentions, it you don’t do exactly the right things with your kingdom you can find yourself in a dire losing position by the late game.
I don’t mind games that have failure conditions, but losing the Kingmaker game after 30+hrs of playtime because your kingdom starts rioting and you can’t complete any events seems too harsh to me.
Personally I had to turnoff all the failure conditions in the options so that I could grind through the game to get through the final quests, it ended up leaving a bitter taste for the game which started off as promising.
I hear most of these issues have been addressed in WotR though so I’m looking forward to picking up that.
Yeah, the more people mention, the more that kingdom management part is not looking good. Thankfully, as someone already mentioned, there are mods to handle both that and the crusade management part in WotR. But turning off all failure conditions is also a good option to keep in mind, so thanks.
I had a bug where I didnt get a treasurer until late in the game. So I kept losing to stupid bullshit over and over because my guy was underleveeled and I had a huge backlog of things for him to do. I just ended up using cheat engine and giving myself a hundreds of the +% success tokens to make it playable late game.
Rogue likes usually have very little story getting in the way. Binding of Isaac, Slay the Spire, Nova Drift, Darkest Dungeon are a few of my top played. I also really enjoy the make your own adventure Creative Survival type games like Minecraft, Astoneer, Terraria, Starbound, Empyrion Galactic Survival etc. City builders, colony sims and Farming Sims are always a good choice too. Some of my favorites are Cities: Skylines, Banished, Timberborn, Forager, The Anno series, Stardew Valley. Then there’s the pure building games. I really enjoy just building stuff and testing my creations out with games like Scrap Mechanic, Instruments of Destruction, Main Assembly, Cosmoteer, Reassembly, Kerbal Space Progam (the first game, Id wait on the second until all the bugs are fixed). Hack and Slash ARPGs are always fun for turning the brain off and most of them dont have a ton of story, save for a few cut scenes here and there. Path of Exile, Torchlight, Diablo 1 and 2 (I don’t like 3 and 4 personally) Grimm Dawn, Cronichon, Fate, Last Epoch are some of my favorites.
I’d say start with Wrath and don’t bother with Kingmaker. Wrath is just much more interesting both as a game and as a concept, and there’s no shortage of replayability there - the amount of variability between paths is crazy. That said, whichever game you start with, I’d strongly recommend you download a mod to trivialise the management minigame (kingdom management for Kingmaker, crusade management for Wrath). They’re a) not fun, b) difficult (and unlike the rest of the game have no difficulty settings), c) have nothing to do with the core RPG gameplay, and d) can brick your campaign if you screw them up.
Also, you know about Baldur’s Gate 3, right? It’s coming out in two weeks after a very long and successful early access period and it very much looks like all the crazy reactivity of Wrath on a full AA budget.
That said, whichever game you start with, I’d strongly recommend you download a mod to trivialise the management minigame
d) can brick your campaign if you screw them up.
Wow wtf, really? Thank you very much for the tip!
Yeah, I know about Baldur’s Gate 3. Made by Larian, no less, so my expectations are kinda high. I played (but never finished) the first one and I remember liking it at the time but thinking it was a bit dated. But I loved the traditional CRPG experience so I hope they stay true to that, more or less.
I’m actually playing it with my wife right now lol, enjoying it so far. Some of the tutorials in the first case were a little annoying but got past that part and it’s good. Having a lot of fun with it.
If you plan on playing both, I’d recommend starting with Kingmaker. I’d agree that it has a bit of a nicer beginning, where WotR kinda floods you with exposition. If you’re only planning on playing one, is probably recommend WotR, since I think it has a bit larger scope.
They are completely separate story-wise. Kingmaker’s story is IMO a bit easier to follow at the beginning. WOTR is newer though and therefore has more character customization options. They both use the same engine and the gameplay is almost identical.
Oh ok, good to know, thanks! I don’t mind harder to follow stories, and having more character customization options is always a good thing for me. I guess I’ll go with WOTR.
One other thing worth mentioning: both games have a DLC which lets you play like an infinite roguelike dungeon crawl which is super fun. I probably have more hours in the respective roguelike DLCs for both than I do for either of their campaigns. I just love the idea of taking classic CRPG/D&D mechanics and giving it progression like Slay The Spire
Yes, this so much! VR minigolf is amazing, you barely need any space to play. The skill ceiling is jogh and the multiplayer is really enjoyable (you only see floating hands and it plays like normal minigolf)
The maps are colorful, the themes really interesting and also they look really special, like you are on an incredible theme parl of sorts, the inmersiveness of this game and gameplay are unmatched.
A couple of my favs: Moss, fantastic puzzle/platformer, great story and still family friendly & Asgard’s Wrath, single player action/rpg with good mechanics and a fully fleshed out 40hr campaign.
Maybe not my favorite game but one of the very few games I truly felt required pen and paper were some of the old Might & Magic games - most notably I think of the first 3 games.
Those were first person dungeon crawling RPGs. They didn’t have, what later became termed “automaps”, but what is now just a in-game map. So if you wanted to look at a map you had to either buy real life books they sold called Cluebooks which had maps printed in them or you had to pull out the graphing paper and get to drawing.
It wasn’t just a limitation of the time, the games back then honestly treated it like a feature. I think it was in M&M3 that you could eventually cast the spell “Wizard Eye” and the entire point of the spell was to present to you a minimap of the surrounding area. NPCs and quests didn’t put icons on your map (there was no map), you were given directions and had to figure out how to get there.