Calcharger, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet? avatar

VTOL VR is my absolute favorite VR game. All you need is a chair, a headset, and two paddles. You don't need to walk around. You are in the cockpit of a fighter jet with a watered town cockpit. It's a lot more approachable than DCS.

If you want your breath to be absolutely taken away, and you've got a top tier gaming rig, Kayak VR will make you cry.

Dangerhart, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

One I don’t see people mentioning is the walking dead saints and sinners. I haven’t played part 2 yet but I put a lot of hours into the first one

Zeku, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet? avatar

My Valve Index is my Beatsaber machine. Half Life Alyx is great, too.

bermuda, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story?


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  • at_an_angle, avatar

    You mean the post-apocalyptic, self driving car game?

    LiiTheBaddie, (edited ) do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

    I’m surprised no ones mentioned No Mans Sky. I put a ton of hrs in that game in VR. Edit: Elite Dangerous if fully playable in VR. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is fun in VR as the bomb de-fusser. The Talos Principle is great in VR too.

    ranting_sandfish, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

    Personally my peak VR experience has been playing the Outer Wilds with a PC VR mod, but very hardware dependent to get decent framerates.

    Wanderer might be a good option for you if you’re looking for a puzzle game with a bit more story meat to it.

    I think a lot of VR games end up short and sweet not just for technical & cost limitations but because the extra effort and intensity of the VR experience means players can get burnt out on longer story focused games. I remember Valve talking about how they had to really change up the pacing of their standard formula when they were developing Half Life: Alyx.


    That last point is a big one, for me putting 30 hours into a single VR game feels like putting 100 into a pancake.

    ArtZuron, do gaming w I used to be concerned about a game being too short. Now I worry that it will be too long. avatar

    Yeah, there’s a happy medium.

    For example, Elden Ring is a great game, except for the fact that it just drags on for SOOO long. I’m convinced that both Faram Azula and Mountaintops of the Giant were meant to be completely separate from the main sequence, much like Haligtree or Moghwyn Dynasty is. Then they just shoved them onto the end to pad time.


    Yeah but that was really the point of Elden Ring IMO. They were showing what they were capable of with a few hundred employees and they showed that amazingly. Also I don’t think that they just shoved them onto the ending considering the whole point of the ending is to burn the tree down and going to those endgame places to finish what you started. Haligtree and Moghwyn Dynasty are secret areas that you have to figure out how to get to. I think they did an amazing job with the lore and the length of the game.

    Also, I 100% it on steam and only had 100 hours.

    ArtZuron, avatar

    It is a very good game for sure. That doesn’t mean I can’t criticize its flaws of course. The balance in latter sections was just not that good.


    That’s fair, I raged hard on some of the last bosses but got through it eventually. But yeah I agree with you, balance on latter sections isn’t great

    LegendofDragoon, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist? avatar

    A VN/RPG that has romance and doesn't make it an after thought. Like in most persona games or fire emblem games or even like mass effect. When romance is a thing, once you hit that we're a couple button that's pretty much it.

    But then VNs represent the opposite end of the spectrum where you make the decision to pursue someone and that's it, the entire narrative shifts to completely focus on that. I want a middle ground, where there is one structured narrative that asks the question "How might chasing down the big bad change if this person versus this person was the person most important to the main character"

    Like for example of you wanted to woo the nerdy tech wizard, following his or her story might involve tracking down parts and materials to improve tech and brace against the coming of the bbeg. On the other hand of you want to romance the overeager hothead it might involve trying to take the fight to the bad guys while saving puppies and children along the way. Completely different paths with the same end goal of defeating the bbeg.

    Lmaydev, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story?

    Kenshi. The story is basically what happens during a play through. But there is plenty of lore to discover.

    theComposer, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

    I can’t believe no one has mentioned The Last Clockwinder yet. It’s a automation puzzle game in which you create clones of yourself and get them to all work together. It’s not too hard to progress in but makes it easy to try to optimize your solutions if you want. The theming and story is cozy too. Really great game!


    Came here to say this. The Last Clockwinder and The Room VR are some of my favorite recent puzzle experiences

    borkcorkedforks, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

    If you're expecting 100 hour plus experiences in open worlds or detailed campaigns like AAA titles for $30-60 then there aren't that many. There are still good titles. Might want to check out steam and see what's popular in their VR section. Maybe see what has longer play times if that is what you're interested in.

    averyminya, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

    I just made a comment about this on Kbin last night! I play on the reverb G2, but you should be able to play on Steam with the Q2 no problem. It’s a copy paste, so if something seems off it’s due to the context of the other post!

    Here’s some of my favorites:

    Vertical Shift: fairly short and barebones but it’s got a full range of powers for you to play with around an open world. Fun VR mechanics worth the sale price, despite the minimal gameplay.

    You mentioned Boneworks and Phasmophobia which are also both a lot of fun, but motion sickness and multiplayer can make them not as convenient to always be ready to play. Of course, if we mention Boneworks then we have to talk about Duck Season. Blade and Sorcery should be on the list as well, it’s just too good to pass up. And well, if we’re talking about B&S we can’t ignore GORN.

    Pistol Whip is basically a rhythm John Wick simulator. Very worth the cost of the game, lots of content, multiple free content updates - just a stellar game through and through. Also much more engaging than BeatSaber IMO, never been a fan of flailing my arms to slash blocks on beat. But shooting and dodging? Give me more!

    Bonus: They just released a map creator. The life of the game is virtually infinite now, so that’s exciting :)

    Superhot VR pre-content removal. Still a great game without the ending though.

    V-Racer Hoverbike is a great VR game oriented Hoverbike Racing. Great sense of speed and feel, motion sickness is somewhat a given given the nature of the game…

    Rez Infinite for anyone who remembers Rez for the PS2.

    Pavlov VR is also a good popular fun game for your VR FPS itches. For more, there’s Into the Radius, Arizona Sunshine, ARK and ADE, Naked Sun, Bandit Point, Risk of Rain 2 VR (mod).

    Speaking of mods, Subnautica in VR…

    And one of my favorite pass-times, Holo-ball! It’s basically racquetball :)

    There’s a couple party games that are fun as well, Wii Sports style with Pure Bowl VR, NVIDIA’s VR Funhouse, Tennis Arcade VR. All pretty decent (particularly compared to others that are available). Oh, also check out VRNoid which has brickbreaker and Hyper Psychic Gauntlets for a unique game. You can also play all your NES roms in VR with 3DSenVR which is pretty awesome. While we’re here, give Metroid Prime a playthrough with Dolphin VR, or all 3 if you get it running :)

    Then there’s the whole world of productivity/not quite gaming programs.

    I love, love love SynthVR. It’s just one of the smartest uses for VR, period. Create your virtual environment and just make it a giant music setup. Absolutely stellar. Similarly, Vinyl Reality for using your own music to DJ and mix! There’s also a drumming program called Paradiddle which is awesome for the same reasons. For painting, Vermillion.

    If you’ve got a HOTAS or a racewheel there’s also a number of games that work great in tandem, Elite Dangerous for your space trucker sims (for this one, be sure to get SCRCPY for your android phone and run XS Overlay or OVR Toolkit to bring your phone with you in VR), Star Wars Squadrons, Drone Hero.

    Also check out Podracer VR on GitHub!


    What’s they remove from super hot?


    Spoilers below:

    spoilerThroughout Superhot you are slowly doing more and more egregious actions, like robbing airports and stealing planes and whatnot. As you go through the game accomplishing these tasks given to you after you put on the headset, you become very familiar with following orders. By the end of the game, the last level, you put on your headset and continue as normal. Upon finishing the game, you remove your headset. A knock comes at the door and it’s a being (either a drone or a person can’t quite recall). Your character is then at the edge of your roof. You look left, nothing. You look right, empty. You look up, sky. You look down, and you see the ledge. The only place left to go is to step off.

    It’s very powerful. It has quite an impact and I understand why they chose to remove it, however I wish it were made an option because it is such a strong story for those who feel comfortable with the subject matter. I am very glad that I played it a few months before they pushed the update removing that ending.

    For anyone interested, you can still download that version of the game on Steam.


    Also much more engaging than BeatSaber IMO, never been a fan of flailing my arms to slash blocks on beat. But shooting and dodging? Give me more!

    Personally I’m more interested in flailing my arms than shooting and dodging.

    Pistol Whip is just a much better execution of its concept than Beatsaber is of it’s own. Though Beatsaber is a pretty decent execution of Beatsaber. It just falls slightly short of its potential. Whereas Pistol Whip shoots straight past any expectations you’d have for it and finds new ways to be better than it strictly needs to be.

    Vuipes, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet? avatar

    I really liked Down the Rabbit Hole

    Dadifer, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

    I love how Halflife: Alyx isn't even being mentioned.

    JshKlsn, avatar

    Too scary lol. I got it with my index and never played. Really wish valve included a less scary switch in the settings, because it’s one of the best made VR games.

    Just can’t do it. Not built for it.


    I had no idea it would be so scary and played through it out of sheer will to enjoy the experience. I have no idea how I made it through.

    SevenSwell, avatar

    The half life games are right at the limit for me in terms of scary video games. They tread the line just enough imo. I think it’s because it’s not just horror the whole time, there’s tons of non scary puzzles and gun-slinging going on to cool down.


    I read some interview about how they had to “nerf” the headcrabs by making them latch on to your chest instead of actually your face because it was too intense for VR, haha

    Loved the game!


    Seriously haha, arguably the best VR game out there


    Right? It’s literally bundled with one of the most popular headsets.

    Though there are still plenty of indies that still exude quality and love from their developers. Things like Compound, Budget Cuts, Until You Fall, or Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades (if you’re a gun person) are all a bunch of fun.

    Though there’s that Walking Dead game if you want something with more money behind it (and are less anxious than me).

    delial, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet? avatar

    Myst, Superhot VR, Beatsabre

    WhipperSnapper, avatar

    Man, I haven’t played through Myst since… the original Myst. I heard that Firmament was a bit of a letdown, but I really should go back and play Myst in VR. Thanks for the reminder!

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