muhyb, do gaming w What is your game to de stress ?

Soviet Republic and Transport Fever 2.

Mango, do gaming w What is your game to de stress ?

Idk. I’m broke in the brain. The games I play to unwind tend to have high performance demands. I became the top ranked player in project muse with what I thought was casual play. Turns out that obsession is second nature to me. What I like more than anything else is being able to have my fingers move as fast as I can think.

I don’t think I actually de-stress though. Anyone have any ideas for me?

Briict, avatar

I de stress by engrossing and ignoring my problems so I tend towards whatever sucks me in. Started Osu! In 2012, other than that I like things like tarkov and am getting close to 4k hours in hunt: showdown. I get told it’s not as casual as I say it is, but it’s casual to me lol


I fuckin love Osu! I miss my computer.

lqdrchrd, do gaming w What is your game to de stress ?

Mining stars and talking nonsense on Old School RuneScape. It’s got an activity for any mood

papabobolious, do gaming w What is your game to de stress ?

I guess Stormworks, but it can also be frustrating at times when I got tough nuts to crack in my grand designs. Still haven’t found an engineering game of the same caliber.

Okami_No_Rei, do games w First game you played avatar

First game I remember:

Playing a friend’s copy of Pokémon Red. Many a late night was spent getting as far as I could without being allowed to save.

First games I remember owning:

Sega Genesis 6-PAK with Sonic the Hedgehog, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Revenge of Shinobi, Columns, and Super Hang-on. Mostly played Sonic. Mom forbade us from playing the “violent” games, so we’d get in trouble if we were caught playing GA, SoR, or RoS.

First game I have fond memories of:

Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage. This was one of the first games we got when we upgraded from the Genesis to a PS2, and I played it many times over from the start before we invested in a memory card. The first game I actually beat start to finish without saving. I fondly remember 100%ing it over a weekend, leaving the PS2 on overnight while I slept.

vairse, do games w First game you played

My first gaming experience was when I was stuck in the hospital for days due to surgery on my feet when I was super young. My mom’s friend let me borrow her kid’s NES and, as I couldn’t get out of bed, I did nothing but play River City Random, Super Mario Brothers, and one other game I no longer remember.

neuroneiro, do games w First game you played

Either Combat or Pitfall on Atari 2600.

Blew my toddler mind. Which happened again the following year when Santa delivered an NES for Christmas with Super Mario & Duck Hunt.

ehrik, do games w First game you played

Descent. My dad had a joystick setup for it and I remember being stunned by the graphics and the ability to fly around

boatswain, do games w First game you played
Zip2, do games w First game you played

Probably The Ultra on an Oric-1.

the16bitgamer, do games w First game you played avatar

The first game I played was somewhere between those Disney Storybook Games on PC, and the Tonka games. And sitting on my Dad’s lap playing Police Quest and Wolfenstein 3D Shareware. Eventually we got a PS1 with non-point and click games with Spyro the Dragon and I think Crash Bash and CRT. Can’t remember which one we played first.

Reucnalts, do games w First game you played

Fond memories i have of Golden Axe and Warcraft 2. They werent my first games. But ones i played alot. My Dad had an Amiga and the only game i can remember by name is Golden Axe :) maybe Gianna Sisters too

wildcardology, do games w First game you played

All of the games in the 42 in 1 cartridge for the Nintendo Famicom.

Daxtron2, do games w First game you played

Man I don’t remember I was like 1. Probably kidpix or something like that lol. Some of my earliest memories are watching my dad play Doom though

brsrklf, do games w First game you played

Probably something on the Amstrad CPC computer, and I couldn’t tell which game specifically.

I had the Donkey Kong arcade port on it, ironically better than the NES one because it had the full 4 levels instead of just 3.

Other game of note was Jet Set Willy. Despite the simplistic style that game was creepy as hell to me. The intro music was a pretty good 8-bit rendition of the Moonlight Sonata. Not sure how much of this is due to the game, but that music still kind of gives me the creeps.

Then on that computers I had lots of forgettable games, often in compilations. And a few bad ports (Salamander a.k.a Life Force), okay ones (Contra) and a very late addition of Lemmings, probably the best game I had on it yet not the best version of the game by far.

I got a NES as a secondary gaming platform at some point. Super Mario Bros 1 and 3 were not the first games I played, but after playing so many crappy platform games on the CPC they definitely had a huge impact on what I still consider good game design now.

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