boatswain, do games w First game you played
Zip2, do games w First game you played

Probably The Ultra on an Oric-1.

the16bitgamer, do games w First game you played avatar

The first game I played was somewhere between those Disney Storybook Games on PC, and the Tonka games. And sitting on my Dad’s lap playing Police Quest and Wolfenstein 3D Shareware. Eventually we got a PS1 with non-point and click games with Spyro the Dragon and I think Crash Bash and CRT. Can’t remember which one we played first.

Reucnalts, do games w First game you played

Fond memories i have of Golden Axe and Warcraft 2. They werent my first games. But ones i played alot. My Dad had an Amiga and the only game i can remember by name is Golden Axe :) maybe Gianna Sisters too

wildcardology, do games w First game you played

All of the games in the 42 in 1 cartridge for the Nintendo Famicom.

Daxtron2, do games w First game you played

Man I don’t remember I was like 1. Probably kidpix or something like that lol. Some of my earliest memories are watching my dad play Doom though

brsrklf, do games w First game you played

Probably something on the Amstrad CPC computer, and I couldn’t tell which game specifically.

I had the Donkey Kong arcade port on it, ironically better than the NES one because it had the full 4 levels instead of just 3.

Other game of note was Jet Set Willy. Despite the simplistic style that game was creepy as hell to me. The intro music was a pretty good 8-bit rendition of the Moonlight Sonata. Not sure how much of this is due to the game, but that music still kind of gives me the creeps.

Then on that computers I had lots of forgettable games, often in compilations. And a few bad ports (Salamander a.k.a Life Force), okay ones (Contra) and a very late addition of Lemmings, probably the best game I had on it yet not the best version of the game by far.

I got a NES as a secondary gaming platform at some point. Super Mario Bros 1 and 3 were not the first games I played, but after playing so many crappy platform games on the CPC they definitely had a huge impact on what I still consider good game design now.

Hamartia, (edited ) do games w First game you played

Mazogs on my godparents ZX81. The game was basically navigating a maze and occasionally fighting spiders. Which was a luck based thing where you just ran into them and waited for the result. Not very exciting but novel at the time.

But it probably wasn’t the very first game. I grew up in a tiny coastal tourist town that had four arcades. So it’s more likely the earliest games I played were in them but I don’t have a defined ‘first’ memory. They were fairly ubiquitous arcade games so: Space invaders; Donkey Kong; Pac-man; Asteroids; Frogger; Pole position; Paper boy; Lunar lander, etc.

I think the first game that I ever got addicted to (partly because I had the pocket money to sustain the addiction) was Ghosts and Goblins. Been chasing that buzz ever since lol.

TIMMAY, do games w First game you played

I doubt it was the literal first game I played, but Ghouls n’ Ghosts for the sega genesis was my favorite as a kid, with sonic 2 as a VERY close second

Tarkcanis, do games w First game you played

Iirc it was a Sega Master System racing game. Can’t remember the name.

Konraddo, do games w First game you played

It was either the dungeon crawl game “Eye of the Beholder” or a Japanese translated strategy game “Romance of the Three Kingdoms III” on a floppy, around 1991-1993 I think.

dj1936, do wwa w 💥 ROZKŁAD JAZDY - LUTY NA ZACZYNIE! 💥
!deleted2556 avatar

“🎼26/02 MARC EUVERIE - koncert pianinowy. Więcej info TBA 🔜” - dajcie więcej info! Wow!

ZaczynSquat, avatar

wleciał post, zapro! :)

dj1936, do zapytajszmer w Grupy na Signalu
!deleted2556 avatar

Ja się znam i orientuje. Mam bardzo duże doświadczenie z grupami na signalu.

Uważam, że przydatne jest spisanie regulaminu - choćby krótkiego i grupy powinny być moderowane, jeśli są duże (nie bać się kogoś upomnieć itd.).

Przede wszystkim jestem przekonania, że jeśli do grupy wstąpi spamer/inbiarz/jak zwał tak zwał, to będzie spamował zawsze, wszędzie i bez względu na cokolwiek - podobnie, jak alkoholik będzie pił.

Nie znam innego sposobu niż nie przyjmowanie/usuwanie takich osób z grup. Skutecznie potrafią zniechęcić dziesiątki innych użytkowników do korzystania. Osoby wartościowe uciekają, spamerzy zostają = koniec.

harcesz, do zapytajszmer w Grupy na Signalu
!deleted269 avatar

Nie widziałem nigdy żadnej, ale też nie szukałem, bo Signal nie jest najlepszym narzędziem do tego. Matrix jest do tego lepszym miejscem, np. jest tam kanał szmeru, chociaż obecnie mało aktywny.

JackGreenEarth, do games w First game you played

Minecraft Buzzy Bees update. I still remember my first few days on the school computers, getting ore, digging a hole, finding a village…

I don’t have the world anymore, but I have, as you say, fond memories.

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