For a game that somehow missed my radar entirely, Anno: Mutationem is almost everything I want in a game: compelling story, fun characters, simple but engaging gameplay, and the visual style is just… I don’t know if it gets any better than that.
Satisfactory. Been progressing my last save for a few weeks. I’m in the last (but largest) phase. My factory took a lot longer before turning into spaghetti comparred to my previous attempts. Now it’s slowly getting complex to the point of considering going mass dissassembly and make something more pretty.
Heh, there’s still soooo many physics bugs in Subnautica, which is honestly a bit baffling considering how long it’s been out. Still a fantastic game though, no doubt about that
One of the funniest ones that happened to me was when I ran my cyclops aground in the shallows and I tried to deploy out of my prawn to push it but the hatch was right next to the seafloor so I immediately clipped through the ground while in my prawn and fell through the entire game world. Good times
Is it illegal? Possibly, but it’s a grey area and it all depends on your country whether it breaks the law.
(I am not a lawyer so take this as an armchair opinion at most) In Canada, you are allowed to do “format conversion” of media for personal and archival use. So even if on the label it says “Copying this tape is a crime”, making a copy to replace an older tape nearing the end of its life (implying you don’t intend to use it), converting it to CD or digital file format is allowed in order to play the media in respective devices built for the formats. So it’s arguable that conversions/changes to be compatible with Linux or a low-disk space computer could fall under this, for a game which you have a license/genuine copy.
The caveat is that in Canada breaking or circumventing “digital locks” is strictly against the law. The overall definition of what constitutes a digital lock is (to me) very broad and vague. So DRM-removal would arguably fall under digital lock circumvention, but other cases would be less clear.
Legislation is in the House of Commons right now (Bill C-244) to better define in what cases circumvention of locks would be permitted for fair and reasonable use of a product.
If I’m not mistaken with digital download games you are paying to lease them rather than buying them outright. So technically you don’t own the game, you are just borrowing it. This would make pirating the same game you bought more of an illegal act.
(Again I’m not an expert) With the Steam Subscriber Agreement it’s effectively a purchase of a perpetual/indefinite license to non-commercial use of a game. But purchasing a DVD is, arguably, the same thing, you are given indefinite license to view the video non-commercially in a home setting. What difference does it make between a game on your hard drive and a movie on a disc?
By my moral standard, games with Steamworks bypassed by something like Goldberg is functionally equivalent to DVD decryption. It’s my opinion that the continued access to social and internet connected features like Friends list, Workshop, Matchmaking, Redownloading games, Cloud Save Backups is contingent on accepting and adhering to your agreement with Valve and/or the server hosting the matchmacking service. That’s why I’m very much against always online type of DRMs for single player games.
Imagine having a pool in your backyard, but the pool installers have to permit and supervise you while you use it. For a public pool it would make sense to be supervised for everyone’s safety to ensure no one’s messing around, but for your own pool it doesn’t.
Don’t forget to save regularly! Because it was a glitch that happened to me yesterday which caused me to start saving every 30 minutes or so.
So yesterday I was building a base from the surface down to a couple stalkers (to farm teeth). It was really simple; and observation room connected to a T with a door, and vertical connectors going to the surface to an I corridor with a solar panel for air.
Well, I was curious and started to build out of the water, was 3 pieces high, and the game just froze after I placed a room at the top. I play on switch, so I just put it to sleep without saving when I’m done sometimes. So I had lost hours of progress and farming stuff.
This same thing happened to me on my most recent playthrough, same area, same thought lol. So glad I saved but my spouse and I were both just screaming in horror at the whole situation and how rapidly everything can spiral out of control when something like that happens. Glad you saved too!
On the other side of the spectrum: Older games that I own on CD-ROMs are much faster to pirate, download, and install than it would be to find the CD in the attic and then hunt for the USB CD Drive ;)
The House of Da Vinci. I got it in the Steam summer sale and needed something like The Room games. I had no idea it was so much like The Room games. I’m glad I bought it with a huge discount. It’s not worth the full price, which is the only difference I see between The House of Da Vinci and The Room. The Room is definitely worth full price on Steam and a huge value if you get it on sale. Anyway, I’m happy. I get more of The Room, but it’s in The House of Da Vinci. Great puzzle game to play clicking on stuff with your mouse and feeling relaxed.
Ohh nice I played that one. I agree it’s not nearly as good as the room in my opinion. Idk why exactly, but it just seemed less polished. Still worth it on discount imo though
The “less polished” feel, I think, comes from the way sometimes the double-click doesn’t focus right depending on the angle you’re looking at objects from and also the way sliding objects don’t slide the way they’re supposed to. The sliding objects get wicked fiddly, sometimes. The camera isn’t as good as in The Room, either. The Room had all of these aspects perfectly polished, it was just easy and intuitive to interact with. The House of Da Vinci, lacking this perfection, pales in comparison. The regular price now is 19.99. It used to be twice that. I got it for 7.99. Having payed 7.99, I’m OK with the major wonky. If I had payed 19.99, I would be very unhappy. If I had payed 39.99 I would be very seriously pissed off. I have to say, though, too, that I like the addition to the looking glass, where it lets you see things in the past. I really think it adds a little more depth to the puzzle solving. Plus, you get a Renaissance bionic arm thingy. Kinda cool. This game is keeping happy. In a place where I need more of The Room and I finished all of The Room. 8 bucks well spent and I’m happy.
Nice! Yeah I didn’t even consider the PC price. I played all these games on my phone and I think I got house of davinci for like 99c on sale, so I think that wasn’t a bad price at all haha. I would not be super happy about paying full price yikes.
I can’t imagine playing this game on a phone. I guess 99 cents isn’t so bad. Do you still have eyes after playing this game on a phone? LOL. I wonder if the phone version and the PC version are different. Like, on a 17" screen, I’ve had to adjust brightness to see things and then re-adjust brightness to see other things. LMAO. I could play this on a tablet, though. Totally could see things on there. With brightness adjustments available on the fly. I can totally imagine The Room being accessible perfectly on any device. That’s the “polished” you couldn’t quite put your finger on. The Room was carefully created for all devices. The House of Da Vinci is a blue light special.
Referring back to The Room, I had choices. I could play it on my iPhone, my iPad, or on my gaming laptop with Steam. I went with my gaming laptop on Steam. Again, I bought all of those in a sale. I was bummed because I was like, “I could have lolled around on the couch with my iPad and played this no prob instead of being weighed down with my heavy gaming laptop on my lap. Even the last installment, with the complicated creepy doll house shit and all the travel through the house and all.” The first The Room I saw as totally potentially cool on my phone, and maybe even The Room 2. After that, I don’t know. Maybe. The House of Da Vinci, as I am playing it on my computer, it really needs the screen real estate because of the camera and the wonky nonesense. I can tell that the developers originally made it for a computer because of the way you have to manipulate things. The Room is a format I can imagine on a touchscreen. The House of Da Vinci is not something I can imagine on a touchscreen. But you are living proof you can do this, on a phone. So there is something else to say about this game. It’s great on a phone. 99 cents is nice. It’s less than 7.99.
I have not, because I don’t have a VR headset, either. VR technology is something really interesting, though, isn’t it? Right now, what I’m seeing, is a lot of few people owning VR headsets whining about how they wish old games could be VR-enabled and adjusted to be made VR. My best guess is that some console maker will make VR an integrated part of its technology (probably Nintendo) and everybody will get their VR on until they’re exhausted (like with the Wii) and then, after that, we’ll have VR that is affordable to the masses (not like what happened to the Wii, which my great-nephew used to call the “wee-wee” when he was 4).
Yeah I think VR is cool. I don’t think it’ll take off until they can make a headset that’s actually comfortable to wear for a long time though. I’ve tried a bunch out, and some aren’t that bad. But for prolonged periods it’s just uncomfortable usually. And it makes me not want to set it up again when I know I’ll just get sweaty and irritated after an hour
I am playing Jedi Survivor. Having had a blast with the original I was excited to hear people say that the second installment is similar but better in many ways. I don’t know what it is about it but I’m just not able to get into it. Maybe it’s the semi-open world feeling of some of the larger areas? I dunno it’s just not working for me, which is disappointing.
I’m waiting for the price to come down on it. I never finished the original because I suck at souls games but we need more good Star Wars games like these. I want to support both single-player Star Wars adventures and Respawn because they made my favorite shooters of all time (Titanfall and TF2).
I just finished the story this week. I don’t know why it’s not working for you - I liked how it feels, but have to admit the story didn’t grip me as much as in the previous game. It looks like it’s setting up an interesting character journey for Cal for the third game though.
I’d say, try not to get distracted with the open world - explore a little bit, but try to stick to the main story so you can finish it before you burn out on the open world (I learned this the hard way with Witcher 3 and AC: Valhalla).
I’ve been thinking of trying to 100% Survivor, but will probably give up on collecting all the things. Especially that there’s an unfixed bug in the bounty hunters side quest that doesn’t let you finish it.
Hades. I bought it a few months ago and finally installed it yesterday. Only played about 30 minutes, but love it so far. I didn't even know it was a roguelike -- I thought it was more like Diablo from the screenshots. I just bought it because everyone said it was amazing, and I think I'm going to agree with them.
I had to torrent SWAT 4 a few years ago to get a copy of it, even though I had paid for it. I bought it on Direct2Drive back when that looked like a good option for buying games long term. When Direct2Drive was purchased by GameFly, you suddenly had to download games from the GameFly client, and not all of Direct2Drive's catalog was available there. For the games that weren't available on GameFly, it would just show you your CD key.
Today they aren't owned by GameFly anymore, but SWAT 4 still isn't downloadable, it only shows your key. I finally bought it again on GOG a couple months ago when it was like $1. I almost didn't want to do it out of principle though, haha.
its def not stupid, legit sources are super inconvenient, like i forget account passwords all the time, and steam makes sharing yr games for multiplayer really hard. way easier to just go download a cracked copy
I had to do it once, kind of. Because of some inane reason, a version of Capcom Beat Em Up Bundle I got for Steam was not working in my country unless I used a VPN, so guess what, I had to download a cracked version of the launcher to bypass the georestriction - the “fix” wasn’t published until almost FOUR YEARS AFTER RELEASE
Also: I like to purchase games in the Nintendo eShop, dump them, then run them at full speed and resolution via Yuzu - best of both worlds and the developers do get paid for the hassle