Behaviorbabe, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

I really liked that little crab island shooter. Cute and inexpensive. Not a huge or blockbuster game but pretty fun for me. I need a new FPS after OW2 ruined OW1.

Philote, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Dave the diver. This is such a fun game, it’s hard to explain. Simple concept dive for fish and run a sushi joint. Somehow it’s managed to become all games in one and every angle of play is well thought out. The diving part is part shooter/adventure/exploration/rpg. The Sushi joint aspect is collector/rts/management simulator. The animations are top notch as well. I can’t recommend it enough.

drcouzelis, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences? avatar

The Guardian Legend for NES. I never heard of it until about a month ago and I am OBSESSED. I played through it on an emulator, bought the cartridge, and now I’m playing through it again on an NES. It’s a combination of Zelda 1 exploration and a vertical shoot 'em up with a dash of metroidvania, set on a futuristic space station. I can go on and on about how good it is so I’m working on a long form review as I play through it again.

Xariphon, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

"I Was a Teenage Exocolonist" continues to be an experience; I haven't seen all 29 endings yet, partially because I can't bring myself to screw over some of the characters in the ways I would need to to get some of them.

bermuda, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

I think the number one was DUSK. I initially put it off as just another boomer shooter trying to “ride the wave” of the trend, but after giving it some time to get past the first few levels, it really is more than that. It’s sort of a combination of the “badass” gameplay of Doom but with a horror story and atmosphere. There were truly some terrifying moments in the game, and a lot of the levels a pretty nightmare-fuel. The low-poly aesthetic sort of turns this up a notch in a way.

It has this very refreshing gameplay loop where part (or multiple parts) of a level will be a typical boomer shooter focus on gunning down hordes of enemies or even a boss fight, while in the meantime you’re navigating a labyrinthine environment with some pretty terrifying imagery. A lot of the story is implied during the levels and then explained in between levels through text, so the player is really left guessing for a lot of the game, and the story opens up far more than one could ever expect.

A lot of people may go into DUSK expecting Doom or Quake or even a more modern game like UltraKill, but I think it’s a lot more than those three combined.

PerogiBoi, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences? avatar

OP if you liked Project Wingman VR, you absolutely owe it to yourself to try out VTOL VR.

As a combat flight simulator enthusiast I can’t recommend it enough. Virtual joystick so you don’t need to set up a HOTAS (it works surprisingly well), online multiplayer with a very active modding/custom scenarios community, and a good balance between realism and arcade.

I literally rebuilt my pc with this game in mind 🤪

ArtZuron, do gaming w I used to be concerned about a game being too short. Now I worry that it will be too long. avatar

Yeah, there’s a happy medium.

For example, Elden Ring is a great game, except for the fact that it just drags on for SOOO long. I’m convinced that both Faram Azula and Mountaintops of the Giant were meant to be completely separate from the main sequence, much like Haligtree or Moghwyn Dynasty is. Then they just shoved them onto the end to pad time.


Yeah but that was really the point of Elden Ring IMO. They were showing what they were capable of with a few hundred employees and they showed that amazingly. Also I don’t think that they just shoved them onto the ending considering the whole point of the ending is to burn the tree down and going to those endgame places to finish what you started. Haligtree and Moghwyn Dynasty are secret areas that you have to figure out how to get to. I think they did an amazing job with the lore and the length of the game.

Also, I 100% it on steam and only had 100 hours.

ArtZuron, avatar

It is a very good game for sure. That doesn’t mean I can’t criticize its flaws of course. The balance in latter sections was just not that good.


That’s fair, I raged hard on some of the last bosses but got through it eventually. But yeah I agree with you, balance on latter sections isn’t great

Crankpork, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

For a game that somehow missed my radar entirely, Anno: Mutationem is almost everything I want in a game: compelling story, fun characters, simple but engaging gameplay, and the visual style is just… I don’t know if it gets any better than that.

Conyak, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Elden Ring and Dead Cells stand out to me the most.

dQw4w9WgXcQ, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th

Satisfactory. Been progressing my last save for a few weeks. I’m in the last (but largest) phase. My factory took a lot longer before turning into spaghetti comparred to my previous attempts. Now it’s slowly getting complex to the point of considering going mass dissassembly and make something more pretty.

interolivary, do gaming w [Subnautica] Do not fire your propulsion Cannon at your cyclops if you have lockers on the interior walls...!
!deleted5791 avatar

Heh, there’s still soooo many physics bugs in Subnautica, which is honestly a bit baffling considering how long it’s been out. Still a fantastic game though, no doubt about that


One of the funniest ones that happened to me was when I ran my cyclops aground in the shallows and I tried to deploy out of my prawn to push it but the hatch was right next to the seafloor so I immediately clipped through the ground while in my prawn and fell through the entire game world. Good times

Rentlar, do gaming w Pirating games you own?

Is it piracy to do that? I’d argue no.

Is it illegal? Possibly, but it’s a grey area and it all depends on your country whether it breaks the law.

(I am not a lawyer so take this as an armchair opinion at most) In Canada, you are allowed to do “format conversion” of media for personal and archival use. So even if on the label it says “Copying this tape is a crime”, making a copy to replace an older tape nearing the end of its life (implying you don’t intend to use it), converting it to CD or digital file format is allowed in order to play the media in respective devices built for the formats. So it’s arguable that conversions/changes to be compatible with Linux or a low-disk space computer could fall under this, for a game which you have a license/genuine copy.

The caveat is that in Canada breaking or circumventing “digital locks” is strictly against the law. The overall definition of what constitutes a digital lock is (to me) very broad and vague. So DRM-removal would arguably fall under digital lock circumvention, but other cases would be less clear.

Legislation is in the House of Commons right now (Bill C-244) to better define in what cases circumvention of locks would be permitted for fair and reasonable use of a product.

dmalteseknight, avatar

If I’m not mistaken with digital download games you are paying to lease them rather than buying them outright. So technically you don’t own the game, you are just borrowing it. This would make pirating the same game you bought more of an illegal act.


(Again I’m not an expert) With the Steam Subscriber Agreement it’s effectively a purchase of a perpetual/indefinite license to non-commercial use of a game. But purchasing a DVD is, arguably, the same thing, you are given indefinite license to view the video non-commercially in a home setting. What difference does it make between a game on your hard drive and a movie on a disc?

By my moral standard, games with Steamworks bypassed by something like Goldberg is functionally equivalent to DVD decryption. It’s my opinion that the continued access to social and internet connected features like Friends list, Workshop, Matchmaking, Redownloading games, Cloud Save Backups is contingent on accepting and adhering to your agreement with Valve and/or the server hosting the matchmacking service. That’s why I’m very much against always online type of DRMs for single player games.

Imagine having a pool in your backyard, but the pool installers have to permit and supervise you while you use it. For a public pool it would make sense to be supervised for everyone’s safety to ensure no one’s messing around, but for your own pool it doesn’t.

Fartmaster, do gaming w [Subnautica] Do not fire your propulsion Cannon at your cyclops if you have lockers on the interior walls...!

I’m glad you saved. Keeping note for when I finally get the rest of the fragments 😭

reric88, avatar

Don’t forget to save regularly! Because it was a glitch that happened to me yesterday which caused me to start saving every 30 minutes or so.

So yesterday I was building a base from the surface down to a couple stalkers (to farm teeth). It was really simple; and observation room connected to a T with a door, and vertical connectors going to the surface to an I corridor with a solar panel for air.

Well, I was curious and started to build out of the water, was 3 pieces high, and the game just froze after I placed a room at the top. I play on switch, so I just put it to sleep without saving when I’m done sometimes. So I had lost hours of progress and farming stuff.

So be sure to save often!


Aaaaaa that’s terrible!! Haha I was just thinking of building out of the water today, glad I didn’t 😭 it’s so immersive I always forget to save.

farlateal, do gaming w [Subnautica] Do not fire your propulsion Cannon at your cyclops if you have lockers on the interior walls...!

This same thing happened to me on my most recent playthrough, same area, same thought lol. So glad I saved but my spouse and I were both just screaming in horror at the whole situation and how rapidly everything can spiral out of control when something like that happens. Glad you saved too!

marco, do gaming w Pirating games you own? avatar

On the other side of the spectrum: Older games that I own on CD-ROMs are much faster to pirate, download, and install than it would be to find the CD in the attic and then hunt for the USB CD Drive ;)

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