I hate anything that stops me from playing the game. Stun mechanics, usually, but I also include quick time events.
The one that sticks in my mind was those dumb water mages in genshin impact. They trap you in a bubble and hold you there for a few seconds. If it’s an intense enough fight, a few seconds is an incredibly long time, and you’re just sitting there watching the game happen and you’ve lost your agency. It’s worse for me because I had built shields and healing into my team to shore up my shortcomings with dodging. It felt clever, but them the game sends in this mechanic which invalidates my solution.
With quick time events, I just get annoyed at the genre switch. Don’t get me wrong, there are cool enough cinematics out there… It’s just… Like usually I’m watching these and thinking, “wow, that would’ve been fun to do, you know, myself.”
Nevermind that I’m too ADHD. Like I have cats and a partner and a phone. If I get a buzz or whatever else, I might miss the prompt. Or if I ignore the buzz, whatever that might have been can sometimes get discarded in my brain.
I love team building. The interplay of abilities, the hard choices with limited slots and opportunity cost. Finding unintentional synergies, or even stumbling on them. Its all a dream, and it’s part of why I love ttrpgs so much.
I can sometimes get so bogged down (positive) with team building I never make it amywhere in the game itself.
Also love me a good physics engine. God knows how many hours I spent building stupid shit in Garry’s Mod. I learned to code before I played that game, so it was delightful to put those skills to use with wiremod as a little kid. LoZ: ToTK I have like 1000 hrs logged just fucking around in the builder spot at the base of Tarry Town.
Also, Roland’s death in Borderlands 2 just because the game up until then may have some dark-ish moments, but for the most part is still a nigh-brainless looter shooter. Angel’s ark makes you feel like they’ve hit their important-character-death-quota and then Roland dies as well.
There’s a big moment in SOMA that really stuck with me. Not gonna spoil it. Mostly it’s a horror game but it engages with some pretty intense ethical questions and does so in a way that feels very personal.
Oh fuck… I remember getting to “that point.” I was so engrossed in the game that I wanted more and didn’t want it to end. But I was also happy to see how the story concludes.
The Last of Us 2 is the only game to make me cry every single time I play it, ever. It also is so emotionally painful that I genuinely get minor depression after I do my yearly playthrough for at least a few days. I honestly don’t think there’s a game out with nearly as much of an emotional impact on me as that game.
The little mermaid side story was sad. Then, I spent the entire second act just grinding along to get the best character in my party back only to end up super depressed about it when that didn't happen.
Mass Effect as a series had so many heartbreaking moments. I’ll never forget the horror of finishing 2 without doing enough loyalty quests and seeing that final mission play out. For me, it was Legion and Tali that got me. I always sided with the quarians over the geth, but Legion’s death was always just so hard
I went through that whole thing waiting for -- apparently -- a Paragon option that never showed up, that would've managed to save them both. It kinda put me off the series.
HOW DARE YOU PUT ME THROUGH THIS RIGHT NOW. I was just sitting here, enjoying some coffee, truly having a great day. I can’t handle this right now,@Xariphon
Omori. Finally understanding what is it that the protagonist has been trying to repress so hard and coming to terms with that. That game took some ideas that are pretty much a cliche in surreal RPG circles, yet the build up and execution around them is masterful. The art and music do a lot to fully convey all the emotions involved. By the end of it all I could feel the entirety of it, and it was overwhelming. I could understand why that affected the protagonist and everyone around him so much.
I don’t know if this is an emotional moment for everybody, but I have been playing video games with my daughter ever since she was 4. When she was around 5, we played Majora’s Mask. There is a part in the gerudo desert where a dad and his little girl live in a house, but the dad went missing, so the daughter is waiting for him at the house. As part of the quest, you go talk to the daughter, then go rescue the dad from underground. So far, so good.
We go down to the dungeons, and the father finally escapes and reunites with his daughter. The moment the dad meets his daughter, my daughter starts bawling.
‘Where were you dad? I was alone and missing you! Some strangers (referring to link) even visited the house! Why did you leave me alone??’
I was absolutely stunned by her words and emotions, and it was tough to console her while I was getting emotional myself. I’m getting emotional right now as I type this.
So yeah, that was the most emotional moment in a game for me.
One other emotional moment was from Brothers: A tale of two sons, which I’ve replied to one of the comments.
This is probably my favorite answer so far. One thing I love about Nintendo is that it’s made for kids, they can’t do THAT much to shock you. They can only tell what I’d call human stories, stories that anybody on the globe will be able to understand. N64 Zelda is fairly simple as far as writing goes, but it does the simplicity extremely well. It reminds me of Greek tragedies more than anything else, where the tragedy, the main situations can be understood even without dialogue.
Yeah Zelda games are the complete package every time. I’ve played half a dozen zelda games with her, and we loved each one of them (except Twilight princess. It was too dark/depressing and we didn’t finish it). She’s 7 now, and she has forgotten a lot of what we played when she was younger. It’s bittersweet, because she doesn’t remember the fun we had, but I get to play the same games with her again.
Well that’s the great thing about kids forgetting the fun they had, there’s nothing stopping you guys from playing the same games over and over again with her. She’ll remember everything as she gets older though. Loved playing Halo co-op with my Dad when I was a kid, it was so fucking cool.
Final Fantasy 7 when Aeries dies. I was a teen then and it was the first RPG I ever played and the first time I experienced a main character just die and is gone from the game.
I don’t think I experienced anything like that again until maybe Destiny 2 when Cayde died. Little different with that though as they should his death in a live stream about the launch of that DLC. Had a different impact but had to be done since the entire premise of that DLC was getting revenge so couldn’t hide it from the promo materials.