wirelesswire, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

Hmmm, reinstalling Wolfenstein doesn’t sound too bad.


I’ve been toying with the idea. So many good memories from New Colossus. It might be linear, it’s such a great story. Not Shakespeare great, but honest b-movie great.


I agree with that. I think it’s time for Terror-Billy to go on a rampage again.


I can just see the NSA nerds now, “Sir, we have seen a severe uptick in downloads and installations of the video game ‘Woflenstein’… We must do something to stop the propaganda!”



germtm_, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

it doesn’t have to be Wolfenstein specifically. i’ve been blasting some in Metro not too long ago.

Zimroxo, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

I’ve been playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein! Having a blast revisiting a childhood classic and blasting through Nazi scum

owlboy, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? avatar

If you have a Quest you can return to Castle Wolfenstein in VR.

dragonfucker, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

Nazis deserve to be shot and killed

kittenzrulz123, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

Brutal Wolfenstein is a very fun game, you truly get to experience spilling Nazi blood :3

ODuffer, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? avatar

Waiting for Sniper Elite blow Elon’s balls off DLC

Akasazh, avatar

Why not LARP it?


Because Elon’s balls are nonexistent. At least he still has the heart and brain, however small and hard of a target they are.

Akasazh, avatar

Well he has balls, as he managed to produce offspring, yet they are such that even his male offspring rejects the idea of balls altogether


Imagine being Grimes and fucking that guy.

Visstix, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

I would suggest Indiana Jones and the great circle as well for this.


I’m on PS5 so that’ll have to wait until some point this spring.


I look forward to it.

flicker, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

“No reason”

They’re nazis, friend! That’s all the reason we need!

reksas, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

bj would have been beyond devastated about what is happening now

Excrubulent, avatar

BJ saw it in 60s US, and you know what he did?

He got to work.

EntirelyUnlovable, avatar

There’s a line in New Colossus where he’s in the USA during a parade for the Nazis and everyone is cheering and he says something like “look at them, cheering for their own destruction” and I keep being reminded of it

kaosof, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

I’ve been punching nazis and Italian fascists (as well as shooting, crushing skulls with heavy objects, blowing them up etc) in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle since around christmas.

It’s a great time.

TankovayaDiviziya, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

I need to finish the game.

collapse_already, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

Someone is going to release a Trump administration reskin and it’s going to be spectacularly popular.

dan1101, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

Also Sniper Elite 4 and 5, and The Saboteur. The Saboteur has boobies and we can all agree on boobies.

Excrubulent, avatar

I just looked it up, very positive reviews and very cheap. No mention of boobies in the feature list but it has this:

Key features:

  • First Ever Open-World Paris

Thank god, FINALLY someone did it.

zolar, (edited )

the campaign is really cool in coop btw.

Edit: I mean the campaign in Sniper Elite 4/5


The Saboteur shows only as single-player in the description. Does it really support co-op?


Sniper Elite 4/5 has a 2 player coop for the campaign


I don’t think it’s coop. I would have played it coop if it was.


sorry, should have clarified it more: In Sniper Elite 4/5 you can play the campaign in 2 player coop. I have not played The Saboteur so I don’t know about that one…


The Saboteur is a lost gem that everyone should play.

ChairmanMeow, avatar

I suggested we play Sniper Elite 4 to my girlfriend recently. She’s not usually one for shooter games (she’s more of a Stardew Valley/Animal Crossing/Cozy Grove/Coral Island type of gamer), and I wasn’t sure she’d like it. She thought she wouldn’t, but she’s happy to try out a suggestion of mine every once in a while even if she thinks we won’t play it much.

We loaded into San Cellini island and she initially struggled with the controls and how to aim and shoot. The gravity and wind effects weren’t super easy to grasp either (she’s on the Steam Deck as well, making it slightly harder to aim too). She accidentally shot a couple times as I was giving her a quick tutorial, which attracted a Nazi soldier to investigate and try and shoot her (which scared her a bit as she got hit). Off to a rocky start, and I could tell she wasn’t enjoying it at all.

We got to the first tower, where the game gives you a pretty good view of the area and lets you fairly securely shoot a bunch of Nazi soldiers. Time to shoot! Here we learned she gets a bit jumpscared if the game suddenly shows you a slow-motion killcam, especially if I was the one triggering it. Again, not a great start for her.

She struggled, but did hit a couple of them. Then on the 3rd or 4th kill, the game showed her the magic words after the kill: “TESTICLE SHOT”. This caught her completely off guard, immediately exclaiming “WAIT DOES THAT MEAN I SHOT HIS BALLS OFF?!”. I have never witnessed her doing a complete 180 degrees turn on her opinion of a game. Suddenly the game became extremely enjoyable for her. The first time she had a killcam where she could see the Nazi balls pop one after the other was like giving her crack cocaine or something. Total bloodlust.

We’ve played through the entire campaign in a span of two weeks, then the DLC, the overwatch missions (twice to play both roles) and now the survival maps. Every evening after dinner she asks if we can “shoot more Nazi balls”. Her spirit animal is Hugo Stiglitz at this point.

God I love that woman.


Just, uh, be careful if she shows a sudden interest in certain “relationship aids” just in case it was less about what the balls were attached to than the pure act itself

djsoren19, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

Yeah absolutely, really itching to just bash the first smarmy fascist I see.

In minecraft, y’know?

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