Thinking of Relic, looks like Homeworld remastered is <$4 cad and I’ve heard amazing things about that series, might have to grab it myself, the DoW series are easily my favourite RTS games.
I’ve tried a few space RTS games, and it’s not my favorite. They tend to be extremely slow paced to simulate the vastness of space. At super low prices it can be worth it to try out, but it’s definitely a different experience to consuming a map with an ork waaaagh.
Crusader Kings III, it isn’t exactly an RTS but it’s on a sale, and I consider it a must have due to it’s vast amount of mods. I always end up playing in Tamriel with the Elder Kings II mod or in Westeros with the A Game of Thrones mod
Divers is a game I really want to get back into. I’ve put so much time in most of the games but kinda bounced off divers. I think trying to play it so soon after porgy made me oceaned out lol. But this has inspired me to give it another shot!
The game starts out kinda tough so no surprise you bounced off. I took my time to learn how elemental resistances work and write down what resistances different enemies have and the game clicked. It was very satisfying to finally be able to destroy piranhas after they harassed my young adventurers for so long~
I was literally googling earlier today to see if there were any updates on the next installment. Maybe it was subconsciously influenced by current events?
Oh my god we need John Brown simulator. Old western setting, open world, muskets, horses and hand-drawn maps, tracking down slavers and stalking them across the prairie and conducting raids on their properties.
Fun fact: Wolfenstein first released in 1981 as Castle Wolfenstein, and the famous one is 1992 Wolfenstein 3D. The Wolfenstein people usually talks about these day is the one made by MachineGames. There’s no known Wolfenstein released in 1940s.
True I did see a lot online excusing Biden sending money to kill kids & saying people should vote for Kamala even though she said she’d pay Israel to kill kids too.
Fun fact, Trump just lifted the hold on 2,000 pound bombs being sent to Israel, guess where those are going? You let the house burn down while you were trying to save the garage.
But it still doesn’t justify Biden sending shit there too, just cuz the bombs are bigger now doesn’t mean Biden isn’t just as guilty. They are both trash and the Israelis are complete shit humanbeings to be given a place to exist then exterminate everyone who lived there first.
If that “logic” helps you cope, fine, but its effectiveness will probably deteriorate rapidly over time. Enjoy knowing that the next four years are partially your fault.
You expect Nazis and their sympathizers to have a brain and form coherent sentences, huh?
I fear, there are at least some who do and those are even more dangerous than the typical braindead Nazi.
The type of ‘anger management’ described in the OP is unhealthy and doesn’t even help you feel better, short or long term. ‘Blowing off steam’/venting literally does the opposite of what most people believe it does.
I don’t think they are trying to decrease/cool down their anger. I think they are trying to engage in it.
I’ll be honest, as long as people are not acting awful towards their fellow human beings (like taking out anger on a person who has nothing to do with it, punching someone over cutting in line at the bank) I do not particularly mind if people are increasing their anger and aggression instead of decreasing it. Jogging it out and getting angrier is still far better than punching it out at a person, especially since you probably still reap the health benefit of jogging.
Thanks for the link though, fun read! I guess we should go to bed angry ;) Clicking one of the links in the article you linked was pretty interesting…
Genuinely? I think there are always a couple trolls downvoting anything and everything, or people who can’t resist being contrarian for the sake of it. I see downvotes applied to on-topic, factually correct, and completely uncontroversial posts and comments all the time. For example, go to any cute animal community. You’ll find various inoffensive pictures of the animals, with zero incorrect assertions because it is literally just a picture, and at least a few of these pictures of critters the entire community is about (so it’s on-topic) will have a few downvotes anyways. Same principle could apply here. If there are lots of upvotes I almost expect to see a few downvotes as “noise” from trolls.
Also because Lemmy has Local and All, maybe there are people who, not caring that the community is Games, see this in their Local/All feed and do not like video games or Wolfenstein so they just hit downvote for “dislike” and move on.
Sometimes I fat-finger my phone and downvote something I didn’t mean to. I always take it back, but I imagine not everyone would undo their accidental downvote. Especially if the sequence is downvote -> crash -> reopen tabs -> wait where was I, whatever I don’t care enough to undo one downvote online
I’ve also downvoted things on accident before. Not yet on Lemmy because I have to more deliberately choose through Voyager. But it’s only a matter of time.