acastcandream, (edited ) do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?


FinnTheFickle, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist? avatar

I had an idea of a game where you played as a photojournalist documenting the brutality of a near-future totalitarian regime. There would be elements of stealth because you’d have to evade the police to take your photos and you have pretty much no combat ability. You’d use your earnings from selling the photos to gradually upgrade your equipment, maybe starting off with a shitty cell phone camera and working your way up to professional quality full frame SLRs. I’d want it to simulate the workings of a real camera… f-stop, shutter speed, ISO, etc., so you’re challenged with getting good, usable photos in difficult conditions.

Coelacanth, avatar

You know, that sounds sick actually. Especially if it was more sandboxy than linear, and also had some kind of survival system (pay for food/rent) to add tension and encourage risk taking when snooping around.


A Spiderman game without the Spider part?


So, just a man game?


No gorls allowed


This is more or less what I wish Beyond Good And Evil had been. The combat in that game wasn’t good but I liked the idea of having to photograph evidence and getting photos of wildlife on the side to earn some money. It wasn’t nearly as fleshed out as your idea though.


This is a really cool concept and I like it a lot.

!deleted4201 avatar

Beyond Good and Evil is this, but it’s almost 15 years old so not quite at that level of complexity.

StantonVitales, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption
Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York
Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York
Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong
Vampire: The Masquerade - Night Road
Vampire: The Masquerade - Heartless Lullaby
Wraith: The Oblivion - Afterlife
Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of The Forest
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
Sonic Frontiers
Milk Inside A Bag of Milk Inside A Bag of Milk
Milk Outside A Bag of Milk Outside A Bag of Milk
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
Half Life: Alyx
Yakuza: Like A Dragon
Dark Souls
Hi-Fi Rush


I’ve not played any other VtM games, but I loved bloodlines. I played it a couple of Christmases ago and my friend who introduced me to World of Darkness watched me play it and it is one of my favourite memories. I played a Malkavian


Haha Malk as a first run? That had to be a treat.

It’s genuinely my favorite game of all time, I only found out about it this year and I’m on my fourth playthrough (only finished twice, abandoned my brujah and am saving it for later cuz I wanted to play Malkavian, now I’m on Nosferatu).

If you like WOD lore on its own, check out Coteries of New York, Shadows of New York, and Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of The Forest. They’re incredible visual novels that I found captivating.

Redemption is a mess, but great if you love WOD/VTM and can deal with Doom ripoffs from that era, but it’s genuinely frustrating to play a lot of the time. I admit I only love it because I’m a huge nerd more dedicated to the lore than I am interested in actual gameplay.

Swansong is buggy and badly animated, but the story was very enjoyable for me, and I think a lot of the problems people have with it are more… Let’s say, things to complain about in a YouTube video, than issues actually worth being upset about as a fan.

The rest are basically text adventure novels, they’re great but it’s ultimately just reading a book in which you make choices about the direction (which Coteries and Shadows also are, but accompanied by absolutely gorgeous artwork and dynamic backgrounds).

Wraith: The Oblivion - Afterlife is incredible if you have VR 🤩

nothacking, do piracy w Internet Archive copyright

They will delete it if they get a DMCA takedown request, as required to avoid liability under US law. They don’t however proactively look for copywriten content. As long as the music owner doesn’t care or doesn’t notice it will be fine.

snowbell, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences? avatar

Sea of Thieves. I’ve had so many great interactions with other pirates, and the freedom the game gives me allows fights/battles to go in some very interesting ways. I’m not sure I’ve played another game that lets me outsmart my opponent in so many ways, and the ability to speak to other pirates can provide for some very interesting or funny moments. The other day I was attacked by a reaper ship, once they knocked down our mast I started swimming with a gunpowder barrel towards their ship. They swam right past me while looking for me, unfortunately I was killed just feet from their ship. But they had no idea about my second gunpowder barrel and started sailing closer to my ship. As it sunk, the barrel was freed from the chains of gravity and hit their ship, killing most of their crew. We all had a laugh in the ferry of the damned after that. They were pouting that we had no treasure so we teased them with how we just sold a giant pile of it when they started chasing us.

Another time we were about to log off so me, in a sloop, approached some random galleon to give them all our supplies. We were really lucky with finding them and had an absolute fuckton of supplies. The first words from them as we approached were “They’re here” and they all jumped on our deck ready to attack. We told them we come in peace, with gifts, and gave them our supplies. In return, they gave us a key to one of our chests, which had three items we needed inside of it, that we would have otherwise missed out on. Got like 5 achievements out of that interaction.

whou, do gaming w Ace Combat is great

true, based and redpilled


I’d spend $300 on a holy trinity remaster for PC. I need it

winterayars, do gaming w Does anyone else use mouse acceleration? I love it.

Because most people’s experience with mouse acceleration is horrific. Usually the default Windows version that’s impossible to control. Gave the whole technology a bad name.

KovaaK (legendary Quake player) wrote a tool to bring Quake Live’s mouse acceleration to the masses, for example.

OminousOrange, (edited ) do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences? avatar

I would be very interested in those Tarkov modes/mods you have, OP. I got into it a bit but would just get mangled by well geared groups of players too often that it made it quite frustrating.

E: disregard, I found your other comment with the details.

As for memorable games, I played all the Quantic Dream games recently after seeing someone play Detroit: Become Human on stream. The story(s) in each one are amazing and unique in their own ways. They make you feel emotion and you’re immersed in the character’s experience. Their facial mocap really takes the games to the next level. The emotions just feel so real, which I find many games fail to do with only janky animated expressions.

Nyoelle, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Hunt: Showdown.

The thrill, the suspense, and at times, action.

In theory, could do that with EfT too, but, EfT doesn’t work on Linux, so that doesn’t count :/ (And, with the recent changes, I feel EfT became too much of grindfest, while Hunt feels… chill at times. Which I love.)

DNAmaster10, do gaming w Pirating games you own?

Additionally, many newer games use Denuvo which is known for making your games run slower. Sometimes the pirated copies not only take up less space, but also perform better.

M0n4d0, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

The Xenoblade Saga and all DLC included in the experience ; Cyberpunk 2077 and Shovel Knight, best experiences so far

Nacktmull, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Disco Elysium - for the unrivaled thick atmosphere

Divinity original sin 2 - for the amazing combat system

Nova Drift - for getting me in the zone every single run

AnarchistArtificer, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

I reckon it’s gotta be Disco Elysium ; that game changed my life. I just came to it at a particular point in time where some of the messages of the game hit especially hard.

A friend was recently telling me that it seems like it’s exactly their kind of game in many respects, but that their impression is that they would find it too depressing to play. Whilst it is true that the setting is pretty grim, I also found it to be one of the most hopeful games I’ve ever played.

If anyone isn’t familiar with Disco Elysium (DE), it’s a RPG where you play as an amnesia cop trying to solve a murder. It’s very introspective and quite heavy on the text, which I personally loved. It’s a very grey world where there isn’t a clear right answer in anything and it’s so well executed that it made things feel real.

As an example, one of the things DE is known for is its creators thanking Marx and Engels when receiving an award for the game, leading many to view DE as “that communist game”. However, although you can play as a communist, the game pulls no punches for any of the ideaologies, especially communism. It was made by an Estonian game studio, and it never feels overly idealistic - this particular kind of sad wistfulness towards history is something that only a post-Soviet country could pull off, I reckon.

Quexotic, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

The Blaster Master Zero series is a trip down memory lane and a fun romp. Excellent nostalgia feels if you ever played the original.

The horizon games have been good for both storytelling and gameplay.

Firewatch, while much too short, tells a moving story about the isolation that loss brings.

The Stanley Parable is one giant Easter egg with I finite replayability.

I’m a huge fan of “sky children of light” when I’m stressed out.

The free just cause games on PlayStation are kinda meditative in their own way, allowing you to fly across the countryside in a wingsuit.

I’ve also played BOTW, but am fairly disappointed in the lack of challenge. TOTK however, I am looking forward to.

Finally, Control. It has sweet gameplay, a cool story, a creepy as hell atmosphere, and links all the Remedy games together, all of which is love for the same reasons as I love Control. Of all the games I am looking forward to, Remedy is giving me the most antici…


loops, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Deep Rock Galactic:












Deep Rock Galactic (DRG) will always have a special place in my heart for the role it played for me over the pandemic. My late best friend made a discord server for a bunch of his sad and lonely friends over lockdown, and DRG is probably the game we’ve played the most of.

I tend to play the hell out of a game and then get sick of it for a while, and that would’ve happened a couple hundred hours ago at least, but it’s more than a game, it’s a means to connect with my friends. We try to find time each week to do the Elite Deep Dive and having that checkpoint has saved my sanity.

It’s such a well designed game that I don’t just like it, I respect it. I’ve played a lot of co-op games like it, but I love the synergy of the classes and how each class has a wide variety in their potential loadout and how they fit into the team, but also a very clear identity

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