iagomago, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS) avatar

all of Outer Wilds?


Exactly what I came here to say! The theme song is set as my ringtone and I get chills every time I get a call haha


The big finale with cracks in the screen always gets me crying pearl-sized tears. Even when watching someone else play, just can’t help it.

Also, the scene at the lost escape pod in Dark Bramble. Also, the inside of the Interloper. So many hard-hitting moments in this game.

Xariphon, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

People have already said two of mine (Aeris and Sarah), so I'll go with a third:

"Had to be me. Somebody else might have gotten it wrong."


Mass Effect as a series had so many heartbreaking moments. I’ll never forget the horror of finishing 2 without doing enough loyalty quests and seeing that final mission play out. For me, it was Legion and Tali that got me. I always sided with the quarians over the geth, but Legion’s death was always just so hard


I went through that whole thing waiting for -- apparently -- a Paragon option that never showed up, that would've managed to save them both. It kinda put me off the series.

!deleted6348 avatar

HOW DARE YOU PUT ME THROUGH THIS RIGHT NOW. I was just sitting here, enjoying some coffee, truly having a great day. I can’t handle this right now, @Xariphon


Admittedly, some things will never not be too soon.


I don’t know how to neatly segue into this, so I’m just gonna drop this link right here. If you love Mordin, I think you’ll love this.

EtzBetz, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Things like C&C. If you know current ones, let me know. I didn’t really research anymore. Most of what I’ve seen in the past had some random new spin on it.


I’ve heard good things about Beyond All Reason, although I haven’t had a chance to properly try it myself yet.


Screenshots look interesting. I’ll may take a look, thanks :)


Friend of mine just released Terrytorial Disputes. Not exactly C&C, but heavily inspired with a mix of tower defense. It’s got a free demo if you want to check it out


Hmm, tbh I’d like something with more refreshed graphics :) But it certainly looks like CNC, even the logo, haha. I’ll may still take a look.

Mandy, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Games that are made for the sake of making the game insread of being made to squeeze as much retention and money out of you as possible

Now thats a style that is becoming increasingly rare


I contend that there are more games out there now that are made for the sake of making them than ever before. It’s just that fewer and fewer of these games are AAA titles. The indy scene is really what are making these games nowadays.


That or modding. Modded Minecraft is done purely because someone wanted to have the functionality of magic wands or engineering or resource processing in their lego game. It’s completely unmonetized and gets extremely involved very fast. I fondly remember my nuclear reactor exploding and having to work around the irradiated zone. Good times.


the indie scene may be greater for that but is also filled with the same money making trite and on top of that constantly copying each other and barely doing anything new.

Rozauhtuno, avatar

Half-assed unoptimized horror game : Find the 8 pages before the tooth fairy jumpscares you!


Just follow a YouTuber with similar tastes and play the indie games they play. AAA is creatively dead


Thank you but I trust youtubers opinions as much as a gaming “journalist” which is to say, not at all

  1. Willing to paint an entire swath of people with a broad, negative brush
  2. Unwilling to spend any effort finding media you might actually enjoy.

The problem might not be with the industry.


Youtubers are inheritor by the virtue of their existence just are a little to biased like the gaming magazines, I also find text much easier digestable than 2,5 minutes of invideo ads, sponsors selfplugs, like button smashing.or whatever else they want to subject me to

I spend far more effort trying to find gold than one really should have, there shouldnt be a need to spend so much time

Take a genuine hard look at this industry, an industry full with exploitation, lootboxes, micro and macrotransactions, the same 5 ideas ad naseum, where for every cuphead you have 10 slendermans, (thats just the tip of the iceberg)

you mean to tell me in THAT industry its ne with the problem? Cause thats a fair assassment and ill support whatever conclusion you may or may not draw


I have hundreds of games in my steam library with no in game purchases or lootboxes which I have enjoyed for between 50 and 2000 hours each. If you really have that much trouble finding games you can enjoy playing, then you need to change your habits.


I think it’s more that, in absence of a gaming social circle, games discovery in the indie scene is hard. So, the easiest way for a lot of us is to find a gaming content creator who played games we like and play whatever they’re playing.

There’s a YouTube streamer I’ve been following for over a decade and every single game he plays is a 5/5 for me. At least ½ of my gaming is just games from his channel. It’s super easy; I don’t even watch him on Twitch much, but I can scan his recent broadcasts for gaming suggestions, and watch him play for like 30 minutes to figure out if it’s for me.

iamak, do gaming w What Pokémon Go could've been.

I have major issues with this game’s battling system. The original game’s combat is pretty complex but it is well balanced with 6 different stats, types, abilities, etc. Pokemon go simplifies it into type advantages and a number (CP). CP is more affected by atk than def and hp. This (amongst other things) trivializes def and hp stats.

I was hopeful that they would rework this with pvp but they didn’t. Instead they tried to copy the Smogon tiers (the different leagues) but somehow made the original combat which requires a lot of strategy to a dumb tap fast to win combat.

I used to play Pokemon Go a lot till covid and I kept hoping for better updates and new mechanics (I even theorized how they could translate the turn based combat to real time) but it seemwd they didn’t want to make it anymore than what it was so I quit.

hjeremy, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

The end of Half Life 2 Episode 2 before HL:Alyx retconned it - that fade to black with Alyx sobbing 😭

off_brand_, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

I hate anything that stops me from playing the game. Stun mechanics, usually, but I also include quick time events.

The one that sticks in my mind was those dumb water mages in genshin impact. They trap you in a bubble and hold you there for a few seconds. If it’s an intense enough fight, a few seconds is an incredibly long time, and you’re just sitting there watching the game happen and you’ve lost your agency. It’s worse for me because I had built shields and healing into my team to shore up my shortcomings with dodging. It felt clever, but them the game sends in this mechanic which invalidates my solution.

With quick time events, I just get annoyed at the genre switch. Don’t get me wrong, there are cool enough cinematics out there… It’s just… Like usually I’m watching these and thinking, “wow, that would’ve been fun to do, you know, myself.”

Nevermind that I’m too ADHD. Like I have cats and a partner and a phone. If I get a buzz or whatever else, I might miss the prompt. Or if I ignore the buzz, whatever that might have been can sometimes get discarded in my brain.


For positivity:

I love team building. The interplay of abilities, the hard choices with limited slots and opportunity cost. Finding unintentional synergies, or even stumbling on them. Its all a dream, and it’s part of why I love ttrpgs so much.

I can sometimes get so bogged down (positive) with team building I never make it amywhere in the game itself.

Also love me a good physics engine. God knows how many hours I spent building stupid shit in Garry’s Mod. I learned to code before I played that game, so it was delightful to put those skills to use with wiremod as a little kid. LoZ: ToTK I have like 1000 hrs logged just fucking around in the builder spot at the base of Tarry Town.

ichbinjasokreativ, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

Lots of things in mass effect 1-3

Also, Roland’s death in Borderlands 2 just because the game up until then may have some dark-ish moments, but for the most part is still a nigh-brainless looter shooter. Angel’s ark makes you feel like they’ve hit their important-character-death-quota and then Roland dies as well.

walkingears, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

There’s a big moment in SOMA that really stuck with me. Not gonna spoil it. Mostly it’s a horror game but it engages with some pretty intense ethical questions and does so in a way that feels very personal.

UwixTheWizard, avatar

Oh fuck… I remember getting to “that point.” I was so engrossed in the game that I wanted more and didn’t want it to end. But I was also happy to see how the story concludes.

BartsBigBugBag, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

The Last of Us 2 is the only game to make me cry every single time I play it, ever. It also is so emotionally painful that I genuinely get minor depression after I do my yearly playthrough for at least a few days. I honestly don’t think there’s a game out with nearly as much of an emotional impact on me as that game.

aksdb, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

To The Moon.

I think the game is full of different emotional triggers. The one that got me was the revelation why the person in question actually wanted to the moon. All the mysteries in the game around weird behaviors and circumstances suddenly made sense and the implication of what the moon really meant to this person made me cry. That was so damn sad. It still makes me cry just thinking about it.


Played that one only 2 or so years after my mother's succumbing to cancer.
That game helped me im more ways than one - fantastic experience, still can hear some of the musical themes of it in my head as I type this out.


Art is just so cathartic for some reason. I think it’s just easier for us to think about another fictional person’s emotions than our own.

LoamImprovement, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

I realize this is getting hyper-specific, but party-based dungeon crawlers that are true 3d and not grid-oriented. Really, the only example aside from Wizardry 8 (that I’m scared to try because it looks like way too much effort and investment for a not-great return) is the Might and Magic series circa Win95, and specifically 6, 7, and 8, all built off the same, almost pseudo-3D engine. I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something very satisfying for me in that gameplay loop of clearing out dungeons via potshots and backpedaling, selling the loot to level and train your party, and moving on to the next one. The push and pull of skirting groups of enemies so they don’t take swipes at you when they get too close, the thrill of picking up fireball from the advanced magic shop and just nuking low-level mooks, the ecstasy of learning town portal and Lloyd’s beacon and never having to think about travel again.

I think part of the reason these games don’t really get made anymore is that they were always kind of a weird middle ground between first person Action-Adventure-RPGs and top down party-based TTRPG engines, and those genres are fully expressed today by a number of games.


Barony sounds somewhat similar to what you described, but it’s more rogue like and is singleplayer/ online coop


Kind of - the customization options run a little deeper in M&M. You could pick up 6, 7, and 8 for less than $30 on GOG. $10 at most for the pack that includes 1-6, and I’d say of those three, 6 offers the best experience.

Scrath, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

Since I just played it: Life is strange both the ending and when they find rachel. Don’t want to elaborate more for those who haven’t played it yet

Deestan, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

The ending of Link’s Awakening

dewin, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

If you haven’t played Talos Principle, it might be up your alley as a first-person puzzle game. And a sequel is planned for later this year!

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