LBreakout[1] is the best Arkanoid clone, period. There has been many attempts by Taito (or Square Enix by proxy) to reboot the franchise but each of their releases just flopped terribly because they keep removing features that people come back to Arkanoid for (the latest PC release, Eternal Battle, has no level editor). In similar vein is Apotris[2] (whose developer is being hunted by the Tetris Company like a fugitive the last few months) is the greatest iteration of Tetris IMO, and it is open-source and developed by a one-man team.
Definitely throw in my hat for Hidden and Dangerous 2. It has by the the most varied environments of any shooter I’ve played. Everything from icebergs, pacific jungles, forests, fjords, deserts, mountains, no man’s lands, and more.
As a kid I liked the original Deadly Dozen, but I’ve tried replaying it about 10 years ago, and realized that the only reason it ever worked was because of save-scumming.
Nier Automata on the Switch, it is the only version I have played so far I think it is a great port… The anime motivated me to get around this title BTW (I think it is usually the other way around) so far I like it, even if it is the same genre that seems to reign the gaming market nowadays, open world action RPG…
In the vein of multiplayer games with singleplay bot matches like Battlefield 1942 being mentioned, try the standalone mod for for Battlefield 2 called Forgotten Hope 2. Many maps have single player bot support (by launching coop server on your lan). Battlgroup 42 mod for bf1942 has a tons of singleplayer maps too. You can also get bots via third party plugins for the og Day of Defeat (sturmbot or shrikebot) and as mentioned Day of Infamy has built-in bot support. Worth mentioning are the Arma 3 WW2 mods and dlc.
waaaay out of the timeframe you have specified (it is a 2020 game that is still actively updated) but still with the same vibes, I'd check out Easy Red 2, as it scratches that specific itch of a WW2 shooter with scale. It is maybe too open at times for my taste but it is one of the very few modern games covering that niche. It does have optional squad management gameplay elements but you can ignore those in favor of playing a simple soldier, and the AI will do those jobs for you.
I’ll toss 2 mobile games on the list. Desert Golf and Golf on Mars. No ads. No stupid paid trinket nonsense. Just a couple bucks for the game and a very chill and casual 2D golf game.
Skator gator is a really fun 3d platformer. It has some time trials that I got into when I never care about things like that. It’s cute and controls very well.
Ostriv, an 18th century city building game. I believe it is just the single developer based in Ukraine.
Live For Speed, this one isn’t quite “hidden” but is overlooked by many as it is not on any storefronts. Sim Racing history and still going strong today with the 3 original devs.