lowleveldata, do games w Fuck Ubisoft.

I don’t hate the idea of exclusive games because they kind of bring more competitions. But I also couldn’t give too much fucks because Ubisoft games suck anyway.

xele, do ekg w [zbiorczy] zmiany w spółkach państwowych avatar
xele, do ekg w [zbiorczy] zmiany w spółkach państwowych avatar
inclementimmigrant, do games w Playing Pillars of Eternity for the first time

Glad you’re enjoying the CRPG. There’s plenty of older stuff that’s great in that vein too, one of my favorite older CRPGs that has a great story is Planescape: Torment.

leanleft, do piracy w So I finally did the math on data brokerage and worked out how much we're all being robbed avatar

this service claims:

“Ad based search engines make almost $300 a year off their users.

Google generated $76 billion in US ad revenue in 2023. Google had 274 million unique visitors in the US as of February 2023.

To estimate the revenue per user, we can divide the 2023 US ad revenue by the 2023 number of users: $76 billion / 274 million = $277 revenue per user in the US or $23 USD per month, on average! That means there is someone, somewhere, a third party and a complete stranger, an advertiser, paying $23 per month for your searches.”…/why-pay-for-search.html

!deleted269 avatar

Would that factor in the [unknown] costs of that revenue? Running all the servers (incl youtube), offices and staff aint cheap. So more likely some is paying enough to leave 23USD on top of massive costs.

acetone, do zapytajszmer w Jak się odnaleźć na rynku pracy po studiach?
!deleted621 avatar…/optymalizacja-cv-pod-katem-ats-jak-na…

Dobre CV to podstawa. Aplikując na jakieś stanowisko upewnij się że w CV zawarłeś słowa klucze który były w ogłoszeniu (czyli konkretne eumiejetnosci, jakiś soft itd itp) - to zwiększy Twoje szanse.

Druga sprawa CV im prostsze tym lepsze, najlepiej jednokolumnowe. Kilka bulletpointow, wymień jakieś rzeczy które zrealizowałeś a nie czym się zajmowałeś (np. realizacja x dla klienta x, dostarczenie x).

Od dobrego CV bym zaczal, robionego samodzielnie a nie w jakim kreatorze.

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

ehhhh, CV mam zrobione samodzielnie (bo dla mnie użycie kreatora cv to najgorsze lenistwo które powinno skreślać kandydata lol), jednostronne, z:

  • doświadczeniem zawodowym (2 pozycje z zakresem obowiązków)
  • wykształceniem (2 pozycje)
  • językami obcymi (3 pozycje z wymienionymi pięcioma certyfikatami)
  • innymi kwalifikacjami (znajomość oprogramowania na którym pracuje i jakieś standardy typu prawo jazdy i office)

i oczywiście formułka rodo w stopce

rozwiniesz o co chodzi z rzeczami, które “zrealizowałem, a nie którymi się zajmowałem”? mówisz żeby wymienić konkretne osiągnięcia a nie ogólny zakres obowiązków?

!deleted621 avatar

Dokładnie. Nie wiem na jakim stanowisku pracujesz ale nawet jako pracownik biurowy można trochę ubarwić. Zamiast pisać obsługa ksero czy drukarki to np przygotowanie dokumentacji produkcyjnej w realizacji projektu. Wybrać jakies istotne dla Twojej firmy zlecenie i napisać w jaki sposób pomogłeś w jego realizacji. Opisywać sukcesy raczej a nie obowiązki.

HawlSera, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 14th

So I recently have been playing Cult of the Lamb, a few Doom wads, and had been trying to get some Skyrim mods wokring…

More excitiingly though I was actually approached by this company called Maple Leaf Studio to playtest this game called Realm of Ink. Haven’t mentioned it much on my social medias mainly because they had me sign an NDA. The game is quite fun and very pretty, it’s kind of like Hades but has this awesome art style themed off of Chinese Mythology.

Now that the demo’s public though I’m allowed to talk about it, the link’s here if you wanna check it out -

FlashMobOfOne, do gaming w With Nintendo Switch Online having emulators like gba and 64 etc. Would you play those versions or would you continue to emulate those games on another device?
!deleted7243 avatar

There are some games that are so good I’ve been content to repurchase them on new devices, like Castlevania.

But I also have an extensive library of emulators on my PC, which is important too because many of these games can no longer be played otherwise.

ExpectedWall, do games w Best ergonomic/vertical mouse for FPS gaming?

MX user here, imo the MX is to bulk for constant FPS. Feels like your throwing a rock around. I preferred the size and weight of the amazon cheapy especially considering how much the MX cost. It’s a nice mouse just not a great gaming mouse for long sessions again just my opinion

xele, do parlamentarna w PO, Trzecia Droga będą głosować przeciw usunięciu Bosaka avatar

liberalni wygrali - Bosak został

smeg, do gaming w What are some good games that have a bad reputation due to unreasonable expectations?

I think almost all “big name” AAA games that announce a new game will be over-hyped, and over-hype makes people disappointed. The higher they fly, the harder they fall; look at everything Blizzard, Bethesda, CDPR, and all the big names have released in the last few years - people expecting something better than their favourite game will always be disappointed!

dj1936, do parlamentarna w Żarty, żartami, ale jak sądzicie co wydarzy się podczas protestu 11 stycznia?
!deleted2556 avatar

I co się wydarzyło? Nie widziałem zadnej relacji.

!deleted269 avatar

Jak to demonstracja - przyszli, poszli, podobno 30-35 tysięcy.

savbran, do games w What is the next "grown up game" now that Minecraft only goes for children?

I think the best approach is: search, try and stick with games you enjoy the most 🙂

conciselyverbose, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 14th


Fuck the always online shit, but since last time I played they added a rogue lite mode. "Just kill randomly selected NPCs on existing maps" doesn't sound mind blowing (and occasionally a level feels kind of trivial), but the "die and they're on alert, die again and start over without your gear" format combined with limited access to gear really does give a fresh, high stakes feel.

matthewmercury, do gaming w What are some good games that have a bad reputation due to unreasonable expectations?

I hated Callisto Protocol because of the story so much that I quit rather than advance the narrative. When I couldn’t kill Dani Nakamura for murdering my partner and crashing my ship and locking me in her cell after I freed her, I quit. No thanks, she sucks, not interested in saving her under any circumstances.

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