My all-time favorite game is Factorio. If I were stranded on a deserted island and could bring only one game, it would undoubtedly be Factorio. That said, Crusader Kings II will always hold a special place in my heart—even though I tried diving into Crusader Kings III, it just never captured the same magic.
My favorite part about my Dark Urge playthrough is that they often phrase the option as something like, “think about hurting the cat,” and that cat was just a dick to me so while I’d never actually hurt the cat, I can certainly think- oops, I just fucking tortured and murdered that cat.
It shows the amount of faith people have in the platform. You’re spending money on something that requires steam to continue to exist (as well as your user account), or else the purchase was wasted.
I wouldn’t advance-buy a game I wasn’t sure I’d play soon on a Google or Microsoft platform. I’d lose the ability to play the take within a year!
Oh, and also I guess it speaks to the quality of the discounts available on steam.
Ah, it does auto log-in at start up, so I guess that. Otherwise, it does just sit there passively. It probably ties up a couple megs of ram or something. Sounds worth it if the alternative is that annoying.
Pharaoh/Cleopatra includes somewhat detailed descriptions of life in ancient Egypt in context of the gameplay. You have a beer production chain; the game has a short outline of beer in ancient Egypt.
It has great gameplay too that stands the test of time.
Jak Panoptykonowi zawsze kibicuję to jednak trochę za dużo w tym tekście AI a za mało podstaw i uniezależnienia od amerykańskich korporacji. Zawsze krok do przodu, może jest metoda w używaniu modnego tematu jako wytrycha, ale jednak brakuje mi tego.
The older Tribes titles if you’re into classic arena shooters. Tribes 2 had some maps and modes that were more Battlefield-esque too. The old Age of series were excellent LAN games as well (empires/mythology). These are PC titles and I’m not sure of your target platform.
Far Cry 3 was absolutely a high point in the series. At least until the second half of the game. But the first half is incredible. The 2010s had some amazing video game villains. Vaas, Handsome Jack, Flowey, Father Comstock…hell, I’ll even throw in Andrew Ryan and GLaDOS.
I liked Far Cry 4 and 5. I’ll argue that Joseph Seed is the closest to a second Vaas the series has come. He’s not as melodramatic as Vaas, but he is a solid B- villain in my book. Pretty convincing, menacing, and rooted in his beliefs. Plus, I ran co-op a lot with my wife. So lots of good memories there.
I’m a sucker for 4’s main Villain, but damn did Joseph do a really good job. I’d have to place Vaas above him though because the dude seems genuinely unhinged.
You’re right about the 2010s villains too, I really hope we get some really good ones this decade too
Completely agree. 6 has some fun elements and really cool guns, but the enemy health system they implemented completely ruined the game and franchise (among other shitty things)
Reasons why Ubisoft is in the shitter, facing hostility from both gamers and shareholders alike. It seems the Guillemot familly is hellbent into destroying every last shred of good will left.
4 is very similar to 3, in my opinion. It generally ranks lower than 3, but I’d attribute that to 3 defining expectations and 4 meeting expectations rather than pulling another groundbreaking move. 3 shared some notable elements with 2 but refined the direction of FC. 2 doesn’t have magic and FC enjoyers begroaned 3’s supernatural element, but here we are.
5 removed the supernatural element and got some mixed feelings. I’d put some of that on the fact that they brought the white American savior trope home to America. Instead of a foreign land under a whimsical authoritarian regime the West likes to go to war with, it’s a religious cult in classic Americana rural towns. It’s like changing from 1990s Batman movies to the Nolan trilogy. Gritty, more realistic, closer to historical fiction than fantasy. It harks back to the 1993 Waco Massacre.
I’ve played 6 on and off over the last few years. I read lots of hate but still enjoyed it. It’s in Cuba, so it was back to being a far-off fantasy for me, with lots of story rooted in the 1960s revolution (though the game is present day). That is until the Gaza war flared up. Suddenly the game got uncomfortable for me. You play as a terrorist group fighting the military. That’s not exactly different from 4. Sure, if you win, it’s a revolution, but if you lose, historical speaking, the winners call it terrorism. I suppose the story could be considered weaker, but it’s a change up. Instead of basing the story on you vs the big bad, it’s rooted more in the friends you make along the way. You’re building a revolution as one faction gathering 3 more.
There’s also 3 half-games. Between the main titles, half of the prior maps for alternate experiments. I’d wait for all the titles to be discounted but would say the halfsies need to be discounted more. Granted, they’re probably all regularly under $20 now anyway.
After 3 came Blood Dragon, using one of the islands for an over the top 1980s synthwave action comedy. It has corny 80s moves in lieu of superpowers. It’s fun.
After 4 came Primal, a prehistoric version of the FC formula. I think it’s neat that they developed a proto-proto-indo-european language for a 10,000BC setting. Spears, slings, clubs, and knives are the weapons here with some grenade-like items. There’s spiritual elements resembling living a mythology. It’s also fun.
After 5, New Dawn is actually a continuation of the story. A quasi-Fallout/Mad Max post-nuke-apocalypse world in which Joseph Seed still lives - and becomes an ally. I think it brought in supernatural powers from nuclear stuff. Probably my least favorite of the 3, but still enjoyable. It also introduced a number of the elements people begroaned in 6, so maybe that’s why I don’t mind 6 as much.
I’m surprised there hasn’t been a halfsies between 6 and, presumably, an upcoming 7. 6 does have some extra story (dlc?) that has you relive parts of the prior titles. I haven’t done them nor read about them much so I can experience them myself.
I liked 4, it’s very much a victim of being a Ubisoft game though, as in it’s more of the same. I’d say the only difference is the setting.
5 is similarly pretty good, I feel like it removed a lot of the “Guerrilla Warfare” feel of the combat but the villain is really good and the setting is pretty solid too. I haven’t played 6 though. If I had to guess though it’s the same. More of the same.