I’m glad you enjoyed the song. I don’t know your age, but seeing that screenshot made me realize how hard it’d be to explain the popularity of dubstep and, in particular, Skrillex to anyone who wasn’t there. Same goes for the immortalization of the “oh my god!” featured in Nice Sprites and Scary Monsters, screamed by the girl who stacked cups in record time. Or stacking cups. This feels like the making of an “onion tied to my belt” type of rambling story. I imagine most of this platform was there for dubstep and that the young adults today had way more internet access than I did as a kid, so it’s probably not even unknown yet.
The song shuffles into my playlist sometimes and takes me back to both that game moment and the generalized memory of blasting that from my ipod nano into my grandpa’s handmedown Ford Taurus with the headphone wire I hardwired into the cassette deck. If you think dubstep sounds bad now, I made it sound worse.
What a coincidence. I looked up the Key & Peele skit about dubstep. My exact generation of Taurus is involved, identified by the circular rear window. The skit is worth it on its own, of course
I think I was too young to be there for Dubstep. Though I feel like I was there for stacking cups. So maybe I didn’t miss it and it was more so my internet access at the time. But damn, this song definitely made Dubstep click for me. One of the last things I did last night was add it to my music library.
Idk, maybe I’m the one who phased out of cup stacking by being old. But still, we can’t be that far off from when explaining cup stacking will sound like how I feel about pole sitting.
Skrillex is sort of the face of mainstreamed dubstep. I just learned his subgenre is brostep. The work that came before him was… Gritty. Close to the Key & Peele skit. The FC3 song is closer to common EDM.
Sierra Leone by Mt Eden is probably what I’d use as an example of the best of traditional dubstep
Well I’m not sure exactly where this may fall, but I play a very wide library of games over LAN on my KVM. Emulators from the NES era all the way up to PS3 and nintendo switch. I also can play my whole steam library, all from a convenient launcher called EmulationStation (desktop edition)
The KVM is connected to my Linux PC over its own individual Ethernet wire to the living room TV. It works great and can do 4K and has zero latency problems (at least none that I can notice)
I think that is basically life you try your best to not lose it all and you take the hits of joy no matter what. Sometimes it’s a just one line but sometimes it’s a whole tetris. Sometimes a misstep can cost you a delay in getting a new line, sometimes it can cost you the whole game.
right up until redacted and suddenly it’s reeeaaaal difficult to find a way to end the game, because dying isn’t an option if you didn’t prepare for it XD
I found one of those genies that multiply in someone’s multiplayer room.
I farmed the Valkyrie for wishes until I was broken, but I still could not reliably cast my own wish spell. Turns out, it gets harder to cast the more you level it up. You would need some ridicilous stuff to counter that.
I watched that video when it came out and it sent me down a rabbit hole of speed running and gaming retrospectives that was so deep I now can’t even sleep without my gaming videos. I don’t even play games and haven’t in many years but I’m so deep in the shit now even my daughter questions my watching habits wondering why I watch this stuff but don’t actually play.
Ah the ole summoning salt a roo. I feel like we’ve all been down a similar rabbit hole. I went down one with one of his many Mike Tysons punch out videos lol
No he glitched it on purpose. classic tetris game doesn’t stop. it goes forever until you lose.
however after certain level there is specific glitch that stops the game and it’s up to you can choose to not do it and play forever, or get multiple chances to delay it few more levels then do it to glitch and crash the game. That’s as close as you can get to “beating” the game
Right? A lot of games have no win condition it was just to see how far you could get. Already saw some good examples on the comments, but pacman is another one. There is the kill screen but that’s just cause the game wasn’t made to go that long.
To serwery nie weryfikujące rejestracji. W zasadzie powinniśmy banować je całe, ale wtedy możemy im odmówić szansy do poprawy… W każdym razie bardzo prosimy o zgłaszanie tych wiadomości - wtedy możemy zbanować spamujące konta. Przy najbliższych aktualizacjach wejdą zmiany, które pomogą nam wyciąć ten spam. Jeżeli skala jest większa niż to co do teraz widzieliśmy, ale nie była zgłaszana to możemy to wycinać brutalnym hackiem na bazie danych.
I mean, what even is the point of winning a game? Ah yes, now I get to click through half an hour of dialogue and cutscenes, so that I can then not play the game anymore, because I’ve ‘completed’ it. Really, completing a game sounds like a scam invented by Big Game to sell more games. Like, oh yeah, we’ve made our game so fucking boring that players want it to be over with, so they can buy another of our boring ass games and play that to completion instead.
Well, I was hoping my comment would be ridiculous enough to make it clear that it’s in jest, but apparently not. 🫠
I mean, I do strongly prefer a gameplay loop you can (want to) play forever over story-driven games, but I am very much aware that this is a personal preference.
Life is the same. What is the point in “winning life”, just so I can be burried with some medals, and remembered for a few years, before being forgotten, while everything I did is undone.