rysiek, do zapytajszmer w Widziałem post o bocie Nicole, czy jest jakiś powód, dla którego ona nie wysyła wiadomości na Szmer? avatar

To pytanie do scammerów, którzy te spamerskie konta tworzą. Trochę jak pytać “dlaczego te maile o nigeryjskim księciu nie są w języku Hausa”.

rockerface, do games w One-handed games?

Balatro is turn-based and is easy enough to control. I myself play on mobile, but Steam Deck shouldn’t be very different.

Bananobanza, do games w One-handed games?

If they have a keyboard and are into turn-based role playing games then I can recommend Caves of Qud. It has a bit of a learning curve but once you get the hang of it starts to open up and it’s just incredible!


When we are talking about turn-based RPGs, they could also give Stone Shard a look

Stern, do games w One-handed games? avatar

I think a fair amount of survivor games like Vampire Survivors and 20 minutes til dawn are intended for just one hand. Then there’s every turn based strat game like Civilization and stellaris, along with every turn based RPG out thete

Here’s a curator for one handed gaming as well. ……/41112101-One-Handed-Gamer/

Grimtuck, do games w One-handed games?

Rafa Nadal is right handed and plays left handed. If someone has issues with a non-dominant hand then it’s time to start making the other one dominant.


Try to read the post again, “having issues with an arm” doesn’t sound as simple as you might think…


for most games you need two hands though ;)

MonkderVierte, do gaming w Tetris


  • Loading...
  • tuoret,

    2048 has a finite board and an “ending”. 131072 is the biggest block you can get (assuming you’re playing a version that occasionally spawns a 4 instead of 2), after that you can still fill up the board with descending pieces but you won’t have enough space to upgrade them all.

    Die4Ever, do games w One-handed games?

    I guess games like Monkey Island could work using the touch screen or touchpad working as a mouse

    koncertejo, do games w One-handed games? avatar

    You might be interested in the videos made by Champutee, a one-armed gamer who has done several experiments with both genres and controllers to continue enjoying gaming.


    That’s an incredible username!

    victorz, do games w Day 249 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots

    It makes me giddy to see you still going strong with this ✊😁 Hope you are doing well!

    Tolstoy, do games w One-handed games? avatar

    Slay the Spire
    Vampire Survivor & Clones

    Flagstaff, avatar

    I’m gonna say it.

    I’m gonna say it.

    Slice & Dice is better than Slay the Spire (not by much, to be fair, but… yeah).


    How do I get into it? I’ve tried and it’s not really sticking, to be honest.

    Flagstaff, avatar

    Did you try it on Hard?


    I don’t think I changed the difficulty-settings.

    Flagstaff, avatar

    That’s a big deal; I wouldn’t think much of the game if I had only played it on Easy the entire time. It really shines in Hard or Unfair!


    You like it better, it isn’t objectively better.

    I bounced off of SnD. I wanted to like it but just couldn’t for whatever reason.

    Flagstaff, avatar

    No problem; I’ll play it more for you!


    Thanks. Give those baddies a couple good rolls for me!

    smeg, do games w One-handed games?

    Super Mario Run was quite fun as a single-button Mario platformer. You could also try visual novels or point-and-click adventures, or even something just with simple controls like pokémon.

    baggins, do games w Half Life: Alyx is Five Years Old Today

    The reason it’s forgotten because most people aren’t able to play it. If valve really did put important story in a game that they knew most gamers would never be able to play that’s kind of shitty


    The idea was people would buy the game and play it.


    The idea of sinking $500 into a headset and then another $80 for one game is pretty crazy. Not like Valve doesn't have the ownership numbers from the hardware survey. It was never going to sell like HL2.


    Plenty of people do that to play a single game.

    Given how different it is to other, normal 3d games, I don’t think the comparison is fair. Additionally there are a lot of other, really great games in VR too.

    Regardless, I don’t think the problem is financial anymore. Rather that VR requires a sort of “commitment to inconvenience” where you feel cut off from the outside world (among other things) that I don’t think a lot of people are comfortable with.


    Are "plenty of people" enough to make a game commercially viable? And not in an indie way.

    I zone out, completely cut off from others, while playing games all the time. What I don't want to do is fork over more cash for things that will collect dust (like a headset for a single game).

    Given how different it is to other, normal 3D games, I think it's a bit much to stake your franchise on something most people will never have. It's obvious Valve knew that, they're not idiots and have put out good hardware that didn't see mass adoption in the past (Steam Controller, Steam Link, etc.); it's clear they wanted to try out something new even if it wasn't a huge blockbuster. They have lots of revenue from other sources to fall back on.

    They probably hoped that some people would take a chance and get the hardware to play the game, and some people did. But to expect that most would do that? Lol. They're not that dumb.

    "The idea" was to do something no one had done before with a beloved franchise. Not to sell headsets.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    I don’t think they particularly cared if you bought their headset, but they had the premium offering if you were interested. I think they wanted Alyx to be the Mario 64 of VR.

    Quazatron, avatar

    It’s both financial (huge investment for a single game) and not. Playing with a thing strapped to your face does not sound fun. Especially with glasses. Or in the summertime. Plus I’m a Linux gamer, so I’d probably run into a lot of issues before I could run it.


    I also run on Linux exclusively and I could play Half-Life Alex almost flawlessy on the Steam Index. And other VR games as well, including Beatsaber, Gorn, Walkabout Golf and many others. I’m really grateful to Valve and their Proton.

    Quazatron, avatar

    Thanks, that’s nice to know in case I decide to get a VR headset in the future.


    Its $500 today but at the time it was $1500 and required cable and beacons.


    True in regards to the index kit but WMR has been around for a long time as well and that was a fraction of the price without base stations.

    Also nobody has missed out on playing it yet! There’s still time before half life 3! 😅

    AdrianTheFrog, avatar


    it’s doomed now, but I love my Reverb G2, I got it for the same price as a Quest 2 (before the q3 released) and, having used both, its a lot better.


    I mean it‘s 5 years old now and what has Valve released for VR since? A single game isn‘t gonna make a hardware and they know that. It was a failure in the end of the day.

    gamermanh, avatar

    5 years old now and what has Valve released for VR since?

    You know Valve has released a whopping 3 things total in that timespan (didn’t include deadlock cuz I’m not sure that’s officially released yet), right? A free steam deck teaser, the card game they’ve been working on for a while, and the CSGO 2 update

    Valve works slow, my guy

    A single game isn‘t gonna make a hardware

    Good thing there are a shit ton of other games, then

    It was a failure in the end of the day

    No it wasn’t, you high? They sold out of Indexes around the games launch. Would have sold more if not for COVID, too


    Hold on. Why are you replying with unrelated things that Valve did instead of focusing on VR to get people onto that platform? Kind of proves my point, doesn‘t it? Also Covid? Seriously? If anything Covid should‘ve accelerated development on VR games.

    gamermanh, avatar

    Also Covid? Seriously? If anything Covid should‘ve accelerated development on VR games

    Your claim was that the game was a failure, my point with COVID was that you would have been extra wrong about that had there not been a pandemic limiting how many headsets they could actually sell, which was the point of the game. In the world that we got they sold out and had Back-orders for a year, had there not been a global pandemic those Back-orders would have been sales, and likely many who couldn’t buy one would have been able to as well

    The rest of your comment shows you have 0 idea how Valve works internally. The whole studio doesn’t just work on one project, there are smaller teams that pick and choose what they do. This is why Valve tends to release shit a couple years apart that are wildly different (Alyx and Artefact), but 5-8 years between similar products (Portal 2 and Alyx). It being 5 years or more since their last major VR release is to be expected from them, not a sign of failing at anything


    Do you know about gaming consoles? 3D accelerator cards? Graphics cards? Or… CD ROM drives?

    People have been buying hardware to play a certain game for literal decades. The games are called “system sellers”. Games so good they sell hardware. It’s usually even the opposite: if your hardware doesn’t have such a game, it doesn’t sell (atari Jaguar anyone?).


    VR has the extra element of needing a suitable living space to play in, though. Other games I can do at my desk or in my tiny, cramped living room, but I have nowhere I can easily set up for VR that would allow for significant range of motion.

    I own a VR headset, but I only really use it for games that allow you to be stationary and just use the headset as an immersive monitor with a standard controller. As one would expect, it doesn’t get much use, because not many VR games are made to play that way!


    So people should buy hardware to play a single game and then leave the hardware to accumulate dust after a few hours of gameplay? Quite the waste!


    I agree, that would silly. Luckily, Half-Life Alyx is not the only VR game.

    Kecessa, (edited )

    Sure, but if people love Half-Life and don’t care about other VR games it sucks that it’s locked behind hardware requirements that even Valve doesn’t give a crap about considering it’s the only VR game they made.

    Edit: I’m sure all of you would be pissed if Sony released a new PlayStation with one game from a beloved series and then just said “now it’s in other people’s hands, let them take care of creating more games for our hardware!”

    ripcord, avatar

    God damn people want to just argue about everything


    Block me if you’re not happy


    It’s ok, get it out.


    It isn’t up to Valve alone to push forward the industry and release top-tier VR games every other year. They took a risk and created one of the best games I’ve played, and I’m not alone in that opinion. Valve are trying expand the gaming experience, they are trying to be innovative, and people blame them for “not giving a crap”. Say what you want, but I thank Valve for what they are doing.

    skulblaka, avatar

    This entire argument can be made identically for Half-Life 1 and 2 requiring people to upgrade their PCs to be able to play them.


    Didn’t know Valve was selling PCs back in the day!

    pory, avatar

    $1000 and your gaming PC for Alyx is way beyond buying a PS4 for Bloodborne, and even doing that is a bridge too far for me.


    I thought you still needed to plug the VR headset into a computer ? is the computer built into the headset ?


    Most of the common ones now do wireless streaming from the PC for PCVR. But yes, for PCVR games you will still need a PC to run it. There are some VR headsets that are capable of running some games on it without a connected PC, like my Quest 2 can run Superhot or BeatSaber etc.


    Pretty cool I didn’t know that at all


    Yes for the standalone devices, but you can connect them via cable or wirelessly to a pc too

    AdrianTheFrog, avatar

    The game starts at 60 USD and goes down to 30 pretty often. If you have VR already, it’s not very expensive.


    I’m showing it as $18 right now.

    circuitfarmer, avatar

    It’s also way different from the goal of HL2. Downloading a launcher called Steam for free is not the same thing as buying specific hardware to play one game.


    It’s free if you buy an Index

    lime, avatar

    not any more.


    Maybe not in your country. I literally just checked on the American store and it’s still included with the Valve Index.

    They even give you a free copy of Half-Life Alyx if you buy a pair of knuckles controllers for $279.

    lime, avatar

    that’s annoying, i certainly didn’t get a copy.


    You could buy a quest 2, connect it to your 5 year old PC and play it just fine. I ran it off a gtx 1070ti with that headset just fine.


    Valve’s ‘official’ VR hardware costs ~$1500. Ain’t no way 😆


    Huh? It’s $1K, not $1.5K. still expensive though for outdated as shit hardware.


    With the little box doohickeys it’s currently $1300 CAD. Add on tax and shipping. I believe it used to be more.


    What boxes? The 1k pack comes with two base stations. You mean if you want to add 2 more? Then yea, fair.


    the valve index is very expensive

    The whole kit is $1300 before tax


    Your looking at it in Canadian. I’m talking usd. So we’re saying the same thing, just different currencies lol.


    But it’s not required, there are much cheaper options, especially today with used quest 2 devices.

    Kolanaki, avatar

    The “other reasons” people aren’t buying affordable VR setups is because they don’t trust Meta or their privacy policies. If the new Valve headset was $300-500 it would go a long way. But $1200 isn’t it.


    That is why those other VR sets are so cheap.

    With valve, you’re paying for the hardware. With Meta, you’re the product


    Psvr2, plus the pc adapter, i got both for a total of like $400 a few months ago, and got hl alyx on sale.

    Kolanaki, avatar

    Have you used any other VR headset? I ask just cuz I wanna know how the PSVR2 compares to other headsets.


    The only other one ove used is psvr1, and one of those smart phone ones, psvr2 is obvioisly miles ahead of bith, though i cant say how it compares to Index, or quest. Id imagine its probably near quest quality.


    I’ve used pretty much all of the headsets on the market. I still haven’t tried a Big screen VR headset though :(

    For popular headsets I’d rank them kinda like this

    1. Valve Index - it’s just really old and really expensive now, don’t buy one unless you get a hell of a deal on it used
    2. Quest 2 - Still very very good, screens are getting a little dated now
    3. PSVR2 - its a little janky on PC but it works fine and the OLEDs are sublime
    4. Pixmax Crystal - Money not a problem this is the best headset I’ve tried. The FOV is crazy, displays are beautiful, and tracking is damn near perfect. Its just like $2300 for the whole lot
    5. Quest 3 - Overall the best headset on the market. Its $570 (just get the pro strap, trust me) and gets you so close to the big boys in screen quality, plus it’s wireless, plus it has crazy good passthrough (I use it a lot, most people don’t), and streams PC games perfectly.

    PSVR2 has really really really good looking displays, but it has some other downsides which really bring it down in the rankings. I’d stay away from it unless you get a deal on a used one, then it would absolutely be worth it.


    Plenty of people aren’t interested in vr for different reasons.


    Don’t tell me that. Tell Valve.


    Kingdom Hearts would like a word.


    It’s the only good way to do VR. Otherwise it’s just a gimmick.


    Fair but why not include a traditional mode so everyone can experience it. Otherwise it’s still just a gimmick to sell hardware


    For the same reason N64 games couldn’t run on the SNES


    Oh I didn’t realize connecting a VR headset to my computer made it not a computer anymore

    gonzo-rand19, do games w One-handed games?

    I think you should be able to play Organ Trail one-handed. It's a zombie apocalypse version of Oregon Trail.


    Organ Trail... What's the objective?


    The objective is to make sure you have enough supplies to survive for as long as you can while making it across America to a place safe from zombies.

    I believe the goal is ultimately to get to Canada (I haven't played in a while) but I might be mixing it up with Death Road to Canada, which is similar in premise but probably not something you could play one-handed.

    Voroxpete, do games w One-handed games?

    For the record, I use a mouse with my non-dominant hand and I can play even fast paced FPS games like Titanfall competently enough. I actually used to dominate on Splitgate for a while. It’s a skill that can be learned. I have the advantage of having done it my whole life and I fully acknowledge that’s hard to replicate, but I think that with some practice anyone should be able to get to the point where they can play slower, primarily mouse driven games like turn based RPGs. Real time with pause might also be doable if you bind the pause button to the mouse (a mouse with some extra bindable keys would really help here). Anyway, just a thought.

    If those options don’t work, maybe look into games like Vampire Survivor, or Realm of The Mad God (though I think the latter does need some rapid mouse inputs when looting, so maybe not so good).

    DoucheBagMcSwag, do gaming w Tetris

    I am the man that arranges the blocks

    That decend upon me from up. Above.

    They come down and I spin them around

    Till they fit in the ground like hand. In. Glove.


    I am the man that arranged the blocks

    That are made by the men. in. Kazakhstan.

    they come two weeks late.

    and they dont tesselate.

    so much for the leaders five. year. plan.


    My grandpa once told me a story

    Of when he worked in the bycicle factory

    And the delivery of bike chains didn’t come in

    So for producing. enough. bikes.

    They took the chains from the finished products

    And brought the dismembered and the new bicycle. into. storage.

    Another one on the list for the five year plan.

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