That’s like the one review site I don’t trust, because it’s steam users. One of the worst parts of human existence, on a level with 4chan in many regards.
It can be good for a “vibe”. Like if something is mostly negative, might be worth looking into. But for an actual review? That’s just not what it is.
I often sort and read negative reviews, the ones that are well written. Then if it’s still interesting i read a couple of positive ones to get a better sense.
Works for me.
Just reading random ones is pretty bad indeed. Gotta be source critical like always.
I’m glad that PS5 owners get to play Forza, but overall I don’t have a lot of confidence in Microsoft’s ability to stay in the hardware market, which is concerning for everyone as I think Sony will leverage that position to raise their prices on their hardware and on PSN.
Xbox has said it will be producing a new console next gen with powerful hardware, but I will probably stay away, despite owning a Series console this gen.
Bionic Commando. Love love love to shoot Hitler in his doughy, laughable master race face with a rocket launcher through the window of a fucking helicopter as I fall past it.
The Surge is way better than a sci-fi souls-like attempt that so many reviews seem to argue it is. And Shammy’s review of it really does it better justice than most reviews imo. The limb-targeting system makes it really engaging, and the sequel’s directional parry system adds the depth that Dark Souls and Elden Ring are missing. I highly recommend it for anyone tired of replaying Souls games
Lawbreakers was easily the most fun I had in a multiplayer game ever. Ok, maybe that spot is shared with Titanfall 2, but Lawbreakers is a far better competitive shooter.
I’m still holding out hope that the modding community will crack the server-side code and create a good server browser for it.
Extremely easy question: Sonic The Hedgehog (AKA Sonic '06). Such a buggy mess, but I absolutely loved playing it on 360 and definitely wanna play it again some day.