Extremely easy question: Sonic The Hedgehog (AKA Sonic '06). Such a buggy mess, but I absolutely loved playing it on 360 and definitely wanna play it again some day.
Brink was cool, if a bit flawed. It could have become better if they had given it more of a chance.
Shattered Horizon was awesome at first, but eventually the game changed entirely and at some point an update just broke the game for hella people (myself included) so we couldn’t even play on a local server with bots and it was never fixed. :/
I definitely think Microsoft is going to abandon Xbox because I think the see the writing on the wall in so far as why they are in this market. I think there will always be a place for dedicated gaming hardware like the PS5, but I think it will become more of a niche purchase as time goes on and I think Microsoft does too. I think they don’t like the numbers they are predicting for future console sales, but they do like the ones they are predicting for cloud gaming, since, in theory, anything with a screen and an internet connection could be a console these days. I have no clue if it will pay off for them (personally I hope not), but as technology gets better, the more space for people to settle throughout the wide spectrum of compute power. Microsoft I think wants to try to fill as much of the space as possible.
Just as a final note, that is a touch on my more personal opinion. I hope cloud computing is seriously considered as a huge source of the carbon footprint of the world with how much power it consumes.
I own Forza 5 on the Xbox, and GT7 on my PS5. Historically, I’ve preferred the Xbox over the Playstation, but my experience on GT7 with VR on the PS5 basically killed Forza 5 and the Xbox for me.
So if Forza 5 comes to PS5 with VR support, for me, this will be good news. But if it doesn’t come with VR support, I won’t bother.
And I guess, ultimately, it’s bad news either way, because I probably won’t be going back to the Xbox whatever they do.
Microsoft said in the past (around launch of Xbox Series) that they are not interested into VR. And given that the VR2 headset didn’t sell too much on the PS5, I don’t think that Microsoft goes the extra mile to implement this feature to a game that is not even build around it. Not saying it won’t happen, but its unlikely. Hope I am wrong though, for people who enjoy VR. Maybe this could be used as a “training vehicle” to port to VR, then port it to other VR platforms as well on PC.
I personally wait until Valve makes a VR headset for cheap price that can be used without cables, something like the Meta Quest but for the Steam eco system and by my trusted Valve.
For the most part, VR is a toy at this point. Interesting, but not compelling. The single exception I would say though, where it is genuinely transformational to gameplay rather than just gimmicky, is car/racing simulators and games. Most things, I can take or leave VR. But I can never play a racing sim again if it doesn’t have VR. But, even if it doesn’t come to Forza, it’s no big loss, as there are plenty of VR enabled alternatives out there (though mostly on PC to be fair)
I enjoyed my time with Redfall. The gunplay wasn’t anything special, but the atmosphere was great. I loved the setting and soundtrack. I thought the art style was cool, and I liked the little bits of lore you could pick up.
The final update brought some big QoL changes to the game. I just look at present day Fallout 76, which launched in an even worse state and wonder what could have became of Redfall if Microsoft hadn’t fired everyone.
I think this is a great move. For context, I have the Xbox consoles, but play mostly or almost exclusively on PC. I think more people can play the games, its better for the gamer and for the publisher too. Xbox has too many good franchises and games as to hold them hostage on their platform (besides PC). This is one of the best moves of Xbox in my opinion.
However, there is the other side of the coin. Because this means less incentive for gamers to buy a dedicated Xbox machine. Which first doesn’t sound bad, because you are not forced into a hardware and eco system you may not want. The implication is, that the Xbox consoles will sell less and Playstation sell more. And its already a huge difference. Sony already show that they can do what they want, publish cheap remasters and sell expensive PS5 Pro and some other stuff I am not mentioning here. This will only get worse, the weaker its competition gets.
My hope is, that Valve will take its place of Xbox and Microsoft publishes for Valve consoles (based on PC technology and software of course). However this can take a decade maybe, we need to see if Valve is interested into a home console like system and what Xbox will do with their next generation. Nintendo is doing Nintendo stuff and Playstation, well we’ll see too.
This game is almost universally hated, but I really quite enjoyed it and even respected what they were going for with the writing. My 8/10 review from when I played it: howlongtobeat.com/user/knokelmaat/reviews/…/1
I have no experience with other Silent Hill games, which might have made me less critical of this game. By no means a masterpiece, but an interesting experience for me.
Nemesis and Dead Cells are the board games doing that for me right now. Nemesis is semi cooperative, but there are full co-op objectives if you don’t wanna play versus. Dead Cells is completely co-op. Both have resulted in good stories and experiences that stay with you after the game is done in my friend group.