So far I kinda like it but haven’t played much, just arrived at the docks.
The art style is nice and you really can see the love for details. The voices feel a bit off, for a non-nativ english speaker it sounds like americans trying as hard as they can to speak with a british/Victorian era accent.
For those who’s playing on PC, check mods for performance. After some tinkering I’m getting solid 120+fps @1080p with high/max settings with RT enabled (FSR quality and FG) on a RTX 3060 and a Ryzen 3600.
I will give an update as long as i don’t forget it
Soooo… I think I’m about to leave the first proper map. The voices aren’t as bad as I thought at the beginning. Some NPCs have stronger accents than others, taking the backstory of the island to account it totally makes sense since a lot of people are coming from different regions.
I love the comments from the companions every time you stumble across a new region, street, house. It really lets you feel like they know the way around and you’re the visitor.
The story picks up a notch and gives enough choices for every mood. Also it lets you remember some of your choices and opens new ways to solve some quests. Combat feels better and better as more you dive into. All weapons are viable and are well balanced. I started as a heavy two hand melee but now my second loadout is a book with a pistol…
The map design is really really nice IMO. You really have to take a look behind everything to find something. The loot is plausible. Enemy placement don’t feel off.
After all it’s a good solid game. Maybe not a full priced one but for 10-20€ off a really nice worth to be played one.
I hope it doesn’t fall off the more you play…
Performance got worse in Paradis but still is around 90 in my case.
Z powerbanka może nie działać jako że powerbanki potrzebują minimalnego poboru mocy ale z kostki jak nie jest zepsuta to powinno działać.
USB działa na 5v i zminne nateżenie do 2A
USB-C natomiast ma dodatkowe rozszerzenia Power Delivery gdzie może mieć do 20V* i 5A ale do tego potrzebny jest chip do komunikacji między dwoma urządzeniami.
I like it, but haven’t played more than a few hours.
The voice acting and (most) character faces feel insanely dated, though. Fantasy just comes off weird in an American accent.
The game runs poorly and doesn’t really look and feel that great considering the processing cost, but that’s just Unreal Engine 5 being shit.
Those are my biggest complaints.
Combat is pretty engaging and I think it’s pretty cool, but it can be kind of health-spongey. Feels like it needs some work to feel better and more fluid.
The story seems okay, although I haven’t gotten far. Kind of generic fantasy akin to Divinity Original Sin 2/Baldur’s Gate 3 or Pillars of Eternity (duh).
Honestly, I like that it’s not just another murder hobo simulator and has a bit more focused story.
It’s a pretty solid 6-7/10, which is fine. Maybe it’ll grow on me, but there’s no chance of it becoming another Cyberpunk 2077.
Hopefully they learned from making this and The Outer Worlds 2 is a lot better than the first one.
Tak, będzie działać a napewno nic się nie zepsuje, możliwe że nawet lepiej niż z komputera bo ładowarka może dostarczyć więcej mocy (ale nie napięcia! przynajmniej dopóki głośnik nie poprosi.).
Refunded, was expecting an Obsidian interactive world got served a dead open world with static NPCs, static everything. The only saving grace is combat but it’s not nearly deep enough to carry the game. I’ll get it again when it’s at 10-15€ which is the price I’m comfortable playing for this level of competence. Was back to Kingdom come in a flash.
kinda sounds like The Outer Worlds, in a way. Which is kinda the feel I got from some youtube videos I watched about the game. Got to wonder how on earth the current 70€ pricetag is in any way justified.
Oh well, wishlistforgotten, maybe some sale notification at some point comes a long
I thought it was okay, though not without it’s issues. The itemization (everything being “standard -> better -> betterer -> best”) and the size of the playable areas were kinda weak.
IIRC Finished the main game twice, couldn’t be arsed with the dlc though.
Well, it’s a gametype/genre I tend to enjoy greatly - so I can probably overlook quite a bit of jank/issues/whatevs and still get some enjoyment out of it. First round was the “blind go”, second round I wanted to see what can be done differently and what kinds of different outcomes there are. IIRC not much changes when doing stuff differently. Admittedly the second round around was bit of a slog - I think I played it through, but not 100% of it.
To me the “okay” means more of a “more fun than not”. The game isn’t great by any means, but it’s not also off-putting to play, but I don’t feel like I need to re-install the game ever again. Also, the game isn’t terribly long either.
The price tag exists solely to drive people to subscribe for Game Pass. With the kind of content the game offering, it’s a perfectly good 40 dollar game, not a 70 dollar one. A good spin-off to the PoE franchise while still moving the world forward.
I played it when it was new and I'm afraid some people just don't get the magic of the gameplay. I'm one of those people. The setting is gorgeous but the action side of things bored me. It felt like homework I had to do before the game would let me see the next bit of the setting.
As I recall the powers combined with shooting was really new to the genre, along with the ways you combine them. Lighting enemies on fire who would run to water to put themselves out, then hitting water with electricity to zap a group was creative stuff. The way big daddies acted like a boss fight you could tackle in a bunch of different ways was significant too. The options there and with many other obstacles gave player agency for how to navigate most non-linear levels that was a real rarity. For instance, those turrets - have you shcoked them and hacked them? What about freezing them and hacking them? Or using hypnosis on enemies to make them fight the turret? But hacking all those turrets makes for a great distraction in a big daddy fight. And breaking the turrets gives you more ammo.
At the time most shooter were “go here shoot this, go there shoot that” and hell, thats still really common. This game really shook it up, even if it drew inspiration from thief and system shock, it did a lot to improve and advance them. Combined with the unique environment, smart story line, and interesting characters there’s plenty of reason it sticks in people’s memories as an all time classic.
You nailed it about the gameplay in your guess. It was very cutting edge when it came out. The animations on the plasmids were especially memorable I recall. It’s interesting to hear that part doesn’t hold up so well.
I’d highly recommend you play 2 as well. It’s quite different but I thought it was the best of the series gameplay-wise.
If you like the setting I would also recommend you go on to play BioShock infinite and specifically the DLC for it. I won’t say why, and I recommend you go through the base game first (very cool in its own right), but the DLC is really going to tickle your fancy I think.
I played through all 3 games again back-to-back a few years ago (having previously only played separately as they released), lots of stuff tie them all together and loop back to familiar scenes and incidents from different angles and times, even a 2 part DLC for Infinite. Basically looping back to where the first game starts that kinda makes it an Infinite story loop…very well done.
Also, there’s a book that prequels the first game- tells the story of Ryan building Rapture and how it all got started. Lots of back-story and lore on quite a few characters…especially “Fontaine” and how he ended up as the fish merchant…
Bioshock is a true classic, in my opinion. The setting still intrigues me to this day, and I finished the game many years ago. I was very disappointed when the proposed movie did not make it to the big screen.