A survival game akin to rimworld, banished or project zomboid except food is insanely realistic. Crops take ages to grow, hunting a deer should be a massive victory that secures you for a while, you could become nutrient-deficient by only plowing down heads of cabbage, and so on…
I would say Project Zombiod the closest one on that list. Just need a few mods to raise the hunger rate, more comprehensive nutrient stats, and farm difficulty scaling. The game already laid out most of the groundwork.
Unreal world is a roguelike based in iron age Finland which fits almost exactly like you are describing except it’s a single pawn you control and not a colony.
Personally, I really like watching Nilaus play factory games. I enjoy playing the games to a point but he puts forth an amount of effort that I can never bring myself to emulate and it’s really satisfying even to just watch. Satisfactory, Tectonica, DSP, etc
I feel like the MMO Star Wars Galaxies was close to it. Some people didn’t fight at all. They just were entertainers, or medics, or just made items to sell. Every thing was uniquely made. Some sellers sold stuff like crazy because their quality was so good, others struggled to make a living off of it. It was so nuanced.
And there were very very very very few jedi. I mean, I think I saw a couple in the entirety of the game after years of playing. There were very specific things each character had to do to even unlock the possibility (and no one knew what their unique unlock was). And they couldn’t easily go into cities…bounty hunters would be alerted that there was a sighting.
You could build cities with your guild and your own houses, store all your gear there. Your city could grow and you could have shops in it that people could stop by, or you could build a transport center in your city and people could use it to travel around the planet.
Your faction was based on what you did, not a pre-destined thing you chose in your character creation. Some people stayed neutral, and others went down one path or another.
It was honestly, still to this day, the best game I’ve ever played.
wow, im almost glad i wasnt old enough to play that when it came out, because it looks like a game that would have taken over my life completely lol. that is insane and ive never even heard of it before
Its actually still available through private servers. The graphics aren’t terrible considering it’s age, but it’s definitely not up to modern standards.
For general gaming news, I go with Jeff Gerstmann and the Nextlander guys. For more technically focused stuff, it’s hard to beat Digital Foundry and their methodology of focusing on the user experience over benchmark numbers. I think all of those folks have been around long enough to be above chasing the hype cycle for traffic and they all have context from decades of being in the industry. Rich from DF started working in games media in 1990 and Jeff started working at Gamespot in 1996. It’s hard to find other folks who have been in the industry that long and still working in games coverage.
I’m part of the club! Although tbf I haven’t touched it much since getting it about a year ago (I just haven’t played that much retro stuff these days or most of it has been with my Super Nt).
One great addition I got recently was a 3D printed grip case, it made long play sessions sooo much more comfortable (obligatory “not affiliated” and I’m not the one making these, but I really like the quality which is why I’m linking it here).
As far as what I’ve been playing on it recently… really just pick up and play, SoR 2 or Turtles in Time, but I completed Metroid Fusion (first time) a few months ago on the Pocket (that’s what made me get a grip case, it really wasn’t too great wrt shoulder buttons comfort).
Yeah, this is a good one. Works surprisingly well for solo playthroughs, too. The base game for free is a great deal. Lots to do before you get to the later DLC.
Good writing, voice acting is miles above all other Elder Scrolls games, the magic and abilities are really fun (don’t know if it’s available with this free version, but Necromancer class is fucking awesome).
And so. much. lore. If you ever read the books in any of the games, there’s a particular individual who often comes up in necromancer books which sometimes net you a skill point in Conjuration in Skyrim. This game fleshes out that entire story.
You also get to discover areas we haven’t seen much of. Elsweyr, Black Marsh, Summerset Isles, High Rock, and more. Every province, basically.
Literally my only complaint is that I really loved Molag Bal’s voice actor in Skyrim and this new one doesn’t hit as hard for me. Actually goes for a few of the Daedric Princes. I know why people didn’t like his voice, but I fucking loved Hermaeus Mora in Skyrim. Also doesn’t hit as hard here, but it doesn’t matter much.
I should actually maybe get back to it. Kind of burned myself out, but now feels like a good time to jump back in.
There is some stuff (other than the story DLC) which essentially requires real money, but none of it is particularly necessary (although one could argue that the crafting bag is absolutely necessary, which I wouldn’t entirely disagree with).
They got the Skyrim voice actor (wes Johnson) back for old Herma Mora for the new expansion in Apocrypha. And they had him go back and rerecord the old voice lines as well. I think they did that with Dagon as well.
I really like watching ChristopherOdd and Gab Smolders. Odd plays a lot of tactical games and popular titles. Gab tends to do more indie and horror but also does some popular games on occasion.
I haven’t played ESO but I can tell you the standard of writing in the other ES games is, IMO, very high. Morrowind is my all time favourite, the lore in that game is fantastic.
When Todd leaves after TES VI, I hope someone from the ESO team takes the reins. They seem to care a lot about the world and lore. Lol, like I’m obviously not holding my breath for TES VII, but still.
I have 27k games. I’m basically using Threes for stimming, not really trying to get any records, haha. Just very calming block sliding. Got 3072 only around 50 times and was close to 6144 a couple of those, but never got to it. Maybe one day I’ll go read some strategies on it and would try to achieve it, but for now I’m just content with what I have.
Give me something like The Matrix Online again. I want missions/quests that are unique. Only one person/team can complete them. Failing is an acceptable outcome and has ramifications for the rest of the story. You would absolutely need writers and asset artists on staff as old things content gets completed. Let the players make content as well a la Eve Online where factions vying for control of territory IS content. This fills in the blanks between the written stuff.