huginn, do gaming w Steam doesn’t want to pay arbitration fees, tells gamers to sue instead | Ars Technica

This is a good thing why you trying to spin it as bad?

Arbitration has always favored companies.


Because it's not quite the good-faith gesture people are making it out to be; it's a cost-saving measure for Valve. From the consumer standpoint, very little actually changes, as the average user isn't taking Valve to court in the first place. It's not as if Valve is suddenly lowering their legal funding in conjunction with this move; they'll still defend themselves harder than most consumers would be able to, and will win their cases in court instead of in arbitration, which is even more costly for the consumer when they lose.

While arbitration favors companies, so do the courts. If anything, this just makes it more cost-prohibitive on the consumer side to make Valve face the law.

all-knight-party, avatar

So if it's worse for the consumer for valve to allow class action lawsuits, then should the consumer see all the other companies who force arbitration as the better outcome?


Nah, not really. Technically, this is better. But only marginally so, and unless Valve does something catastrophically, egregiously abusive with the Steam platform, then the people who will actually benefit from this are few and far between. Valve wouldn't just say "come sue us" if they weren't wholly confident that they weren't about to be losing any cases any time soon.

This isn't some huge "win" for the people; gamers aren't gonna rise up over this. For 99.999% of Steam's userbase, this is an entirely lateral move. Valve are the only ones who will see any tangible benefit from this.

gedaliyah, avatar

I think this still eliminates class action suits. According to the article quotes, they still define the court and terms under which you can sue.


Other companies didn’t pay the arbitration fee so valves system was a bit better than the rest. Realistically, the consumer always gets fucked.

The point is more that Steam is getting praised for this, while it’s just to make class action lawsuits, like the one they were just served with for their anti-competitive and monopolistic behaviors, much costlier for the other party.


Except it doesn’t make class actions more expensive, because it removes the step of invalidating the arbitration clause.

Footing the bill for arbitration was pro-consumer. They abandoned the whole thing because of bad faith frivolous lawsuit spam trying to extort settlements, not for any other reason.

Zozano, do games w Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic” avatar

“Famously, Steam does very little to earn the massive cut they take”

Must be why it’s so successful.


I kind of cracked up at “Steam does very little”.

Hell, Epic does not have any social features, didn’t have cart, refund process through support only, very basic search, I am not sure about cloud saves and if they don’t break completely when you play offline (is there even offline mode?).

Steam, on the other hand, is constantly adding and improving features - like the new beta family sharing which is finally what an easy way to share with my GF and sister.

The only things that Epic has are free games, exclusivity, and lower fees - and that’s about it. All three, as you can see, are not really hard to implement for the developer team, but easy to throw large sums of money at for a quick boost so they can boast numbers.

Fuck Epic, seriously. Money can solve lots of stuff, but not by throwing it at the wall. Meaningless.


Don’t forget first party Linux support and Proton to add Linux/Mac support to many windows exclusive games.


Oh, completely forgot about my Steam Deck, it is just that seamless.

I also hate the other side of the coin that is against both Steam and EGS. Citing Steam doesn’t “deserve your loyalty”. Why not? I can’t really pinpoint any particular fuckup in the 15 years I’ve been using it. Sure, some delays in games, updates, and other minor shit - but imagine if like game ratings broke, I am sure they’d get fixed in an hour.

Steam absolutely deserves our loyalty.

savvywolf, do gaming w Valve: Most games made with AI tools are now welcome on Steam avatar

Those disclosures will be shared on the Steam store pages for these games, which should help players who want to avoid certain types of AI content.

I mean, this is better than most places.


I wouldn’t be surprised if, in just a few years time, pre-AI-era content of all kinds, not just games, ends up becoming cherished by people, to the point that entire fandoms and subcultures develop around preserving and promoting it.


This is no different than anything else, we naturally appreciate the skill it takes to create something entirely by hand, even if mass production is available.


I feel like this is different. Even something mass produced using machinery used to be always designed by a human in the end.


The games will still be designed by humans. Generative AI will only be used as a tool in the workflow for creating certain assets faster, or for creating certain kinds of interactivity on the fly. It’s not good enough to wholesale create large sets of matching assets, and despite what folks may think, it won’t be for a long time, if ever. Not to mention, people just don’t want that. People want art to have intentional meaning, not computer generated slop.


Reminds me of how many early indie games relied on procedural generation but people got tired of it over time.

ampersandrew, avatar

Plenty of games still rely on procedural generation to different degrees. It's a huge selling point in many cases, and in others, it's a pillar of their genre.


You mean like how people cherish hand drawn animation over digital? Cause except for some niche projects, the majority don’t.


People shit on the Hobbit trilogy for the CGI compared to the live action of the LOTR trilogy. This stuff does happen.

Sanctus, do games w Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic” avatar

EGS is worse than Steam was 10 years ago. Its only useful for piling free games from the store that I’ll never play.


Oh yeah, I don’t have time to play my main Elite:Dangerous profile anymore but I’ll totally have time to use my free Epic license to plaster my name across the galaxy on deep space exploration.


Why can’t you just draw dicks like a normal person?


Not sure if joking… But someone did take advantage of the 3rdgparty heat map and spent a couple dozen hours of game time drawing this dick in the galaxy…/someone_mapped_out_a_giant_dick/

DudeImMacGyver, do astronomy w [Eric Berger] Seeing this eclipse is probably the highest-reward, lowest-effort thing one can do in life avatar

Low effort if you live in that little strip I guess


That’s how it was for me in 2017. The path of totality went right over my house. I took the day off and strolled out to my back yard to watch it. We also smoked some meat and invited people over for a party, which was the most effort in the whole situation.

CodexArcanum, do games w Is Palworld a “dead game”? Who cares, says the game’s developer

It’s a ridiculous metric anyway. There are dozens of ancient MMOS that still manage to crawl along because a few hundred subscribers is enough to fund one or two developers in maintenance mode effectively forever. See also indie studios like Spiderweb Software who’ve been sustainably selling games to their fans for decades. See also indie roguelike devs who manage to make their one game a job by having a patreon and a few hundred fans. See also retrogaming. See also the boomer shooter renaissance.

Games on the whole have never been less dead, unless their studio intentionally smothers them by shutting down servers and locking off access.

umbrella, do games w 11 years after launch, 49M people still use their PS4s, matching the PS5 avatar

high price, availability issues, no games…

kratoz29, avatar

And a disappointing slim model too… (I was waiting for the slim one).

umbrella, avatar

whats wrong with the slim version?

kratoz29, avatar

I think it looks ugly, you need to buy the dock thingy separately?

And it is more expensive than the og model lol (without the dock).


No real advantage compared to the regular


It’s not slim. I was waiting for a slim version, like I usually do with PlayStation. Now I’m just writing off the PS5 entirely.

morgan_423, do games w Unity makes major changes to controversial install-fee program ...😑 avatar

Far too little, far too late. Even if this was the most glowing revision ever (it isn’t, but even if it was), the trust is gone.

DreamySweet, avatar

I know I won’t be using it. There is no guarantee that they won’t do something similar in the future.


And therein lies the rub.

They’ve proven they can’t be trusted. The people who devised and attempted to enact this plan - the exec team - have not gone anywhere, and they aren’t going to. They have shown the industry who they are, and they clearly don’t give a shit about business ethics or even legality (the AppLovin shit smells an awful fucking lot like anticompetitive market interference). They will definitely try something similar in the future.


They can just creep up the fee bit by bit and they can say, hey it’s not as bad as that runtime fee we announced in 2023

DreamySweet, avatar

Not just that but what other new fee will they create and force on developers out of nowhere?

anindefinitearticle, do astronomy w NASA officially greenlights $3.35 billion mission to Saturn’s moon Titan

Titan is a place where methane and ethane rain from the sky and have a hydrologic cycle like the kind we’ve only ever seen before with water on Earth. These organics form rivers and flow into seas, carrying sediment with them. This mission will be going to the equatorial desert to understand that sediment.

Titan, like Europa, is an icy ocean moon. Titan is even larger, though. While Europa’s ocean is measured to have about twice the liquid volume of all of the earth’s oceans combined, Titan’s ocean (which possibly has significant quantities of ammonia and organics and alcohols mixed in) has five times the liquid volume of all of the earth’s oceans combined.

Sitting atop this ocean is a thick icy crust, upon which is a surface that looks more earth-like than any other planetoid surface in our solar system. Although it looks earth-like, the chemistry is in fact fundamentally different. It is based around organic solvents instead of water as the dominant driver of weather and erosion. The water on titan is stored in the bedrock!

And the sediment on top? Well, titan’s atmosphere is 5% methane. That methane gets hit by UV light and turns into more complex organics. Titan’s atmosphere is also rich in nitrogen and carbon monoxide, which add Nitrogen and Oxygen to these complex organics. These organics sediment out and coat the surface. Around the equator, they blow into large dunes in a desert biome. Precipitation falls and erodes the tar-covered landscape. These complex organics get mixed together as sediment in the rivers and dumped into the beds of the polar lakes and seas.

Dragonfly isn’t going to the seas. Too dangerous for the first mission here. We don’t know what we’ll find, and it’s hard to communicate with earth, and there is complex weather and clouds called the “polar hood” that might interfere. Dragonfly is going to the desert, to observe the complex organics falling from the sky and gathering on the ground to be blown into dunes. These are the ingredients that will get mixed together in the seas. There is also a cool crater there that calculations suggest melted the H2O bedrock and created a water-filled pool for the organics that has long-since frozen over. However, calculations suggest that this liquid water pool full of organics may have stayed partially liquid for hundreds of thousands of years in the subsurface. This is a location where we can study: “what happens if you take a bunch of complex organics and add water?” How far along the path to life could they get before the snapshot was frozen?


Amazing writeup! thanks!

thejoker954, do games w Is Palworld a “dead game”? Who cares, says the game’s developer

Wut? It literally just got a major update a month or 2 ago. And it’s got great reviews.

How the hell would it be considered “dead” by any metric?

Stupid clickbate ‘journalism’

Xatolos, avatar

The article points out how other sites and articles are calling it a dead game due to the fact it doesn’t have the 1.5 million concurrent players now (it did in Feb). Not that’s it’s been abandoned by the developer, but that is not getting the daily player counts that games as a services expect and how this game is bucking that trend and it’s a good thing.

Its not clickbait journalism.


I wasn’t aware Palword was supposed to be a game as a service.

To me game as a service are games like world or warcraft or apex legends.
Their whole point is to get money by microtransactions and recurring payments using constant new content to keep players engaged.


You’re making the same points as the article (and the devs), hence OP stating that what he posted is not the “clickbait journalism” that you appeared to accuse it of being originally.

If you were saying the other articles referred to in the headline are clickbait journalism, then I’m pretty sure we’re all on the same page. Your phrasing was just a little ambiguous at first.


It’s not a games as a service under any definition of the phrase, so the comparison is garbage


Masturbation joke?


It’s still in Early Access, it hasn’t even officially released yet, how can it be a dead game already?

randomaside, do games w How to port any N64 game to the PC in record time avatar

Honestly, this article shouldn’t be called how to. I’m trying to make heads or tails of this documentation but I would love to see more. I just want to recompile Mystical Ninja starring Goemon as it’s my favorite N64 game from my childhood.


This is - crazy enough - the first time I‘ve ever read someone mentioning Goemon and I couldn‘t agree more


Is that related to Goemon’s Great Adventure? I played that a ton but I never really understood if it was a franchise, a one off, etc. I think I was just too young at the time to understand much beyond smacking monsters with a pipe lol


It is! I‘ve ever only known it as „Goemon 2“ and it‘s very different from the first game (it‘s a 2.5D sidescroller) but also a fantastic game IMO. The first game is kinda like an N64 Zelda game… Kinda.

altima_neo, (edited ) avatar


Gimme more IMPACTO

applepie, do games w 11 years after launch, 49M people still use their PS4s, matching the PS5

as other's have said, console makes pretty good all purpose media center unless you are a high end electronic waste snob.

Green13, do astronomy w [Eric Berger] Seeing this eclipse is probably the highest-reward, lowest-effort thing one can do in life

If you waited to start planning until now it’ll be the hardest thing you’ve ever done.


Yep. Anyone reading this that was planning on driving home right after - do yourself a favor and find a place nearby to stay the night.

Last time my 4 hour drive out was 17 hours back home. Gas stations out of gas, no bathrooms, bumper to bumper the whole way.

njm1314, do gaming w Steam doesn’t want to pay arbitration fees, tells gamers to sue instead | Ars Technica

Man anyone saying this is a bad thing has never been through arbitration before. It’s basically a room full of lawyers getting paid to waste your time and money just to fuck you over later. Course as I type that it kind of sounds like all lawyers…

gedaliyah, avatar

I think more ironic than bad.

doodledup, (edited ) do games w Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic”

I gave Epic’s store a chance but even after all this time it’s still shit and very far from feature parity with Steam. There’s not even proper reviews. No big-picture equivalent. No good out-of-the-box Linux support. No Steam-Deck. The list is very very long. Until Epic starts delivering, the 30% cut Valve takes is more than justified.


I gave it a chance when they took over Rocket League. The damn platform doesn’t even support profile avatars while Steam did. So to get a basic nice feature working all you had to do was… not use their platform.

They still don’t have avatars.


They absolutely slaughtered rocket league. They even put the dumb cyber truck in it lmao


Oh really? I haven’t played since they disabled trading items.

I mean, the cyber truck probably looks better than some of the other cars, and you’ll probably get better FPS due to the lowered polygon count! But yeah… no bueno.


the cyber truck probably looks better than some of the other cars

It’s actually quite close to the real version.

So no.


I haven’t seen it, but I thought it might be better than the Grog or Scarab.


it might be better than the […] Scarab

Surely you jest


I went and played a few games. You’re right, the cybertruck is the worst looking car in the game by far.


Heroic launcher works pretty well to get epic and gog games in the deck. But yes, support could be better, especially since i remember unreal tournament being Linux friendly early on.


Yeah i get and play the free games from there, but they don’t seem to want to do more than the bare minimum for the storefront so I won’t purchase anything through them.


It’s beyond me how they can affors all of these free games and exclusive but not a single capable developer to make this platform beyond just the bare minimum.

BedbugCutlefish, avatar

I never gave it a chance, as theit practice of paying for exclusivity is infuriating to me.

Make your shit better. Hell, make it comparable, and charge a lower cit (so devs make more), and I’d support then.

Paying to make the market more closed off sucks.


FWIW, my understanding is that the owner of Epic is actively anti-Linux, so your third feature is a unlikely at best. The fourth was only remotely likely due to market share.

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