Videos idea: disabled transport in netherlands, how do people move around when they cannot cycle.
Since one of the major copium people have about car dependency is disabled people/elderly have a hard time riding bike. Yet, in reality, it is much more expensive/dangerous to put a disabled/elderly in a car than public transport or a electric wheel chair than in a car.
On the other hand, I am also curious whether a electric wheelchair will congest the bike lane, given the bike lane is kind of narrow.
NJB already featured the tiny four-wheeled car thingy that people use for exactly this. Idk which video exactly, but it’s there for anyone to comb through.
Being orange-pilled is painful in situations like this; you know the exact thing the Dutch already figured out but unless you have the exact video ID and timestamp on the ready you’d have a hard time pushing back the cope-ists. Even the ones that insists there’s no way these people are mobilizing outside of public transport.
I’m really excited for another boring ubisoft open world wasteland with next to nothing going on. Or gated off by a “gear score” grind-a-thon. Not to mention how excited my wallet is to buy all those juicy timesavers & monopoly money
I’ve played the demo for this and I really loved it. I going to pick this up Friday, so I can have something to chill with after getting frustrated playing AC6
I can't believe how much this game has missed the mark.
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag but with none of the Assassin/Templar shenanigans. That's all they had to do...
That’s pretty much all I’ve wanted in a game since I played AC4 or the pirates of the carribean on xbox.
So much so that while at uni doing comp sci I started trying to get into game dev just to learn that knowing how to program was such a fraction of requirement, I couldn’t make 2D or 3D assets at all, just don’t have the flair for it and didn’t want to use bought assets.
I love handcrafted world of skyrim. Escapist preview essentially mentioned that a lot of the starfield world is barren procedural-like planets. I would love an exploration game. I’m not sure I want a game with bazillion planets each of which has essentially same outpost (from design perspective). Granted, I might be wring, I keep watching reviews and opinions, but at this point, the game is not instabuy, more like wait for a sale - if it kept its hype.
That’s fair, but also, the fact that it has procedural generation should not be a surprise to anyone at this point, they were very open about it.
I’m just hoping there’s an easy way to distinguish in game between the procedural stuff that’s not worth exploring and the stuff that is. I’m hoping it can be safely ignored, but it WILL be annoying if they hide really interesting questlines on otherwise barren planets.
It’s not that I’m surprised. Personally, it’s that I felt the procedurally generated content in Skyrim and Fallout 4 was their weakest aspect. The quality, hand crafted content is why I enjoy their games.
I’ve been skeptical of this one since they announced the whole 1000 planets thing. I’m checking up on reviews and waiting for the general public to get their hands on it cause I just don’t really trust that they can make quality procedurally generated content.
He talked a lot about his experience and feelings (and that's great!) but I wish he went a bit more into actual mechanics. How "RPG-like" is the game, do choices and builds matter or do you just stack stats and better gear? How is the enemy scaling? What are the build archetypes, if any? Other outlets said the exploration is a bit lacking, so is the settlement building complex enough to carry the game on its own or are we going to have to wait a few years until we get "sim settlements" or something?
It definitely looks like a purchase for me down the line but I still can't tell what kind of demographic is the game actually aimed at, if that makes sense. Is the focus exploration? Basebuilding? Story? Or is it really everything a bit but nothing in specific?
You can make of it what you want, but you have to make the effort. There is a mission for base building, and mission boards for doing cargo, bounties, exploration, etc. The game does start out with the storyline, but it doesn’t force you to stay on the story past a certain point, you are free to go off and do what you want, but it also doesn’t hold your hand, and you have to figure out a lot of mechanics on your own.