CrateDane, do gaming w Dragon Age Dreadwolf keeps getting delayed internally, report claims | VGC

More like Deadwolf at this point…

Kolanaki, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’
!deleted6508 avatar

Pfft… I really doubt Elder Scrolls 6 will even be in the same league as Dwarf Fortress; the ultimate fantasy world simulator that already exists.


Far different games though. Completely different genres and I don’t find dwarf fortress as immersive as even nethack due to it being more of a god game. It really pulls me far out of the experience when you don’t control a single character. I still find it fun but more in a strategy system way rather than an RPG.


For me Dwarf fortress is like watching TV, nethack is like reading a book.

I feel like I’ll watching some bizarre sitcom with such great stories as “dwarven child sees an elephant trample a goblin and then gets possessed, keeps making bone carvings of the scene, and then gathers all the elephant meat in a forge and kills three grown men by slapping them with meat.” I’m not anyone in that story, but it’s fun to watch.

Nethack is like getting to know the quirks of your character as they narrowly escape death.

!deleted6508 avatar

You… Can control a single character?

Have you only played the Steam version? The non-steam build has Adventure mode, where you control just a single character in a turn-based roguelike. IDK why it wasn’t included with the Steam release, but it’s always been my favorite part of the game.


Oh, I am far mistaken then. Yeah, I’ve only seen the steam version.


IDK why it wasn’t included with the Steam release, but it’s always been my favorite part of the game.

They just didn’t have time at first. They’ve said that they’re working on it though.

Everblue, do games w Dragon Age Dreadwolf keeps getting delayed internally, report claims

Delay as long as you need, just please release a good game. I loved the first game, and while I felt DA2 was a step back, I still enjoyed it. DA3 felt too… MMO-y to me.

It’s such an amazing world to play in, I really hope the 4th installment isn’t garbage.


Totally agree about the DA series. Can’t say I have very high hopes for this one, given the direction they’ve taken the franchise, but I’d love to be wrong.

bermuda, (edited ) do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

I think it would be very funny if the game came out and was good. Like Bg3 level good. Just the irony of everybody going “not Todd doing his bullshit again” and it turns out to be a perfect game or something.

And for the record I’m not a huge Bethesda fan.

Edit: I’m astonished I even have to say this, but this is just a stupid joke comment. I’m not trying to make comparisons between baldurs gate 3 and a game that hasn’t even come out yet. Don’t dig that deep.


I’m not into fantasy at all, but it’s would be so funny seeing people cope about the game being good. But let’s be real, if it’s still on creation engine, it won’t be.


The engine’s name has very little to do with the tech in it, much less the quality of the game. It might well suck but it won’t be because of this.

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

I agree the name means nothing. Which is why when people go gaga over Creation, I have to remind them it’s still GameBryo, but with more graphical features tacked on to it. The foundation of shit that is GameBryo is still at the heart of the tech driving their games. If Bethesda’s games were buildings, they all build them on a foundation of sand.

I also agree it’s not the reason why their games suck (their games in and of themselves tend to not suck), but it will be the reason why it performs like shit or has the same technical issues that have existed since they started using GameBryo. Unless even after all the time they’ve spent using the engine they still suck at using it, and that’s the reason they have so many problems.

The only other company and series of games I see having the same stuff holding back making better products because of the engine used is Bohemia with ARMA. They have just kept piling stuff on top of Virtual Battle System and all the problems stemming from VBS are present in the current iteration of the engine. Even the devs themselves hate it, but it would be way more work to make an entirely new engine.


from what ive seen, most of the issues with the engine folks have are in fact not issues with the engine


They are on creation engine 2 with starfield and honestly, we’ll see how much of an improvement it is. I was saying back in fo4 that if they don’t upgrade the engine it would be a flop but it apparently was one of the best selling games at the time.


BG3 is a gem in this current age, but if you look at it as an open world game and specifically look at that only, then it’s not even good. (honestly even compared to BG1, the open world aspect is very limited)


I’m not sure why that’s relevant


BG3 is a different genre game than TES. Neither tries that hard to be like the other. They’re just both are set in fantasy worlds


I’m not trying to argue that? I’m just making a dumb comment, dude.

!deleted6508 avatar

If you look at BG3 as an open world game, I have to question what you think an open world actually is, because BG3 is not an open world game.

Faydaikin, avatar

The worst part is that it wouldn’t be that hard to “up” the level of Bethesda games. More focus on the writing, both story and characters would go a long way.

Dropping the whole “It’s one big world, no transitions.” goal. Make cities huge, with transitions and fill them with stuff and people. More “inhabited biomes” so to speak.

Choice & Consequence. Having different paths the players can go down. Locking players out of certain content and areas because of their choice, isn’t a bad thing. It just encourages multiple playthroughs. As well as adding multiple ways to dealing with a problem.

Not forcing motivation or character upon the player. The “chasing after a loved one” motivation in Fallout is terrible. And being a ‘shiny superman’ in both TES and Fallout is boring. We need more grey-area to move around in.

There’s clearly more that could be added to the list. But these four points alone would elevate their games to a more passable grade.

But this is just my personal opinion.

Swedneck, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’ avatar

i genuinely cannot imagine that it’ll be anything other than a continuation of the bethesda model: simplify and just add more environments to keep the players inside the basic gameplay loop of “go here, do thing, return, reward, go here, do thing”


76 has actually made me pretty hopeful for the direction of bethesdas games- it includes a return to older style dialogue, introduced more skill checks and the like, featured a more cohesive world and generally seemed like it went back on the simplification a fair bit

starfield similarly seems to be more of a return to form for them, focusing more on character builds, an expansive trait system etc

it is also being worked on heavily by the lead quest designer for far harbor iirc, which is absolutely a good sign and is setting my hopes high for a deeper, more complex and more forked main questline than Bethesda usually goes for


Yeah… 76, seems a case study.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar
hyorvenn, avatar

Skyrim but no skill tree, too complicated. Player can buy every weapon and spells and skills level are just damage boost. Bethesda adds a 3rd person view during conversation and a weird standard male voice so that any chance of roleplay is dead. All cool spells are removed and players can only use destructions spells. No more illusion or alteration funny spells. Only fireballs and bolts exist now. All guilds quests have been removed in favour of radiant quests. Everything is randomly generated and sold as replayability and “every playthrough is unique”. Main quest is 3 quests long because people didn’t finish skyrim main quest. Everything is level scaled. They learned from skyrim and oblivion mistake so now every enemy is scaled but 10lvl below you so you never struggle against anything (no more oblivion sponges!). Every location can be fast traveled to from the beginning of the game because the world is too big. Spears have been added to the game but it’s an official creation club mod only. The stamina bar has been removed for “faster paced” combats.

Anyway that’s my prediction for TES 6

Renacles, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

I mean, of course he wants that, he’s the direction of the biggest fantasy-world simulator franchise out there.

Jinxyface, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

This just in: guy whose job it is to sell you a product really wants you to know the product will be good so you'll pre order it


The product was announced 5 years ago. 5.

They the. Said nothing for half a decade. Now starfield is coming out and is shipped from their perspective so he’s on to his next sale. Simple as that. See you in another 5+ years

!deleted6348 avatar

And that was 8 years after its massively successful predecessor. They could have released 3 more games and earned so much money in that time

TurboHarbinger, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

Says the scared developer after Baldur’s gate 3 success.


Did he make any comment regarding BG3? I haven’t seen it.

blindsight, (edited ) do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

This article is almost entirely non-news. ES6 is a long ways off, was likely announced prematurely, and they have nothing new to say.

The only nugget in the article that seemed relevant to me was that in the engine work for Starfield, Bethesda was mindful of including future engine requirements from ES6.

The rest was just what you’d expect the ES6 project lead to say: “We want it to be amazing, of course!”


was likely announced prematurely,

It was announced 5 years ago and there’s still no release date. You can drop the “was likely”, it’s a definitive. It was.

Default_Defect, avatar

It was only announced because people were foaming at the mouth for any info at all, so they said “Yes, it is coming.” and people got bent out of shape that it isn’t already out even though they never hinted that it was soon.

argv_minus_one, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

I’m just worried it’s going to be some Denuvo-encumbered, unmoddable, play-once-and-forget game.

altima_neo, avatar

I think realistically is going to continue using their crusty old gamebryo engine, play and handle exactly like previous games.


Almost certainly still stuck with their fork of gamebryo. On the bright side, the footage I’ve seen of Starfield suggests that they’ve actually gotten around to implementing a better animation system.

I’m not sure on the specifics of how animations work at the engine level (I know there’s stuff about animation rigs, but not much beyond that) but all their games up until now have had the same system of character animations and it consistently looked ancient. Straight from the late 90s levels.

altima_neo, avatar

Oh man, I remember in Oblivion how bad the third person view looked. Characters were stiff and stood perfectly upright while their limbs flailed around in nonsensical ways. I was amazed at how bad it was for a game of that gen.

Then Fallout 3 was a little better but still pretty shit. And Skyrim massively improved it, but it still wasnt up to par with games that actually put some effort into the animation systems (like GTA4).

Gaybees, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’ avatar

Too late, Baldurs gate 3 already came out. And I didn’t need to buy horse armor with real money. 10/10

BigBananaDealer, avatar

baldurs gate 3 was 11 years too late. skyrim came out in 2011

!deleted4201 avatar

Baldurs Gate 3 is a better RPG than Skyrim.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

ive never played baldurs gate

!deleted4201 avatar

Then why did you say it was 11 years too late?

BigBananaDealer, avatar

why did you say elder scrolls 6 was too late?

!deleted4201 avatar

I didn’t?

BigBananaDealer, avatar

oh sorry, didnt realise it was the other guy. i thought he was replying to me the whole time lol


I think if we are strict on the definition, BG3 is definitely the better roleplaying game. The Bethesda games are better at the go here and do anything,but their world connections has always been far more gamey that what Larian is doing. I think if Bethesda really wants to make ES6 the undisputed best again, I think they need the NPCs improved to at least Oblivion standards, better town to town(power Dynamics), better so that remembers what you have done contextually, and then probably 2 or 3 very well fleshed out companions, and a really good story which I think they have set up already. Their gameplay is undisputed imo, but their reason to care about the world can sometimes be a mile wide but an inch deep.


BG3 is definitely the better roleplaying game.

Only in the context of the specific set-pieces provided within the game though. You have no way to work outside of the very specific rails that BG3 provides for interacting within the game.

If Skyrim is a mile-wide but an inch deep, then BG3 is an inch wide but a mile deep.

melmi, (edited ) avatar

I think that’s part why BG3 has taken off so much, honestly. We’ve had so many open world games with ridiculously large maps that a lot of people are disillusioned with the lack of depth.

BG3 with its narrower scope makes for a much deeper experience. I would love a game that can do both depth and breadth, but these games already are a massive undertaking.


They are such different games that direct comparisons don't seem very useful.

joelfromaus, avatar

and I didn’t need to buy horse armour with real money.

Skyrim came out in 2011.

I think they know…

BigBananaDealer, avatar

well yeah, i just told them

stopthatgirl7, do games w Dragon Age Dreadwolf keeps getting delayed internally, report claims
!deleted7120 avatar

At this point, I won’t believe Dreadwolf is coming out until it’s for sale on store shelves.

NaoPb, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

If they give it fair weather, I’m in.


And reintroduce features from Daggerfall that have since been removed.


Skills and spells that outright don’t work and unreadable maps from hell ?

Just joking, I know how impressive Daggerfall was, but wow did it feature some of the trademark Bethesda jank already.


I was expecting someone to mention all the bugs and crashing of the game, hehe. That is something I would not miss allright.

Sibbo, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

Let’s not overhype it, okay? Better to be surprised by how good it is than to be sad because it does not live up to expectations.

XaeroDegreaz, do games w Dragon Age Dreadwolf keeps getting delayed internally, report claims

Lol I wouldn’t want to go up against Baldur’s Gate 3, either. They need to take this time to tighten things up, and let things cool down for a while. They’re competing for the same fans, so it would be a death sentence to release in the near future.

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