TigrisMorte, do gaming w Larian says it’s discussing potential Baldur’s Gate 3 DLC | VGC

So very refreshing to see the DLC planned after release instead of cutting out parts of the game for DLC along side release.

alertsleeper, do games w Dragon Age Dreadwolf keeps getting delayed internally, report claims | VGC

Anthem 2 is not looking good

zeusbottom, do games w After 2.5 years, Cyberpunk 2077’s Steam reviews are now ‘very positive’ | VGC

Goddamn, gamers can hold a grudge like no other asshole out there. The game has been working fine for years now. It’s time to move on.



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  • aSingularFemboyHooter,

    What was promised where? Because yeah, get capable technical team together who are excited to share a project they’re working on, and they are bound to be optimistic about what could be realistically implemented over a long timeframe. Nothing but the official release product information should be considered a promise, and nothing but unsponsored, unaffiliated reviews should be taken as proof.

    I highly doubt that any pre-launch ‘promises’ were made with an intention to decieve.



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  • aSingularFemboyHooter,

    But it’s pretty realistic and happens all the time. I don’t see what’s ‘bootlicky’ about not trusting ‘promises’ by corporations years before release that are not protected under laws like the Trades Description Act.

    I don’t know what was supposedly promised, because I didn’t follow interviews and stuff leading up to it, I just bought the game based on what was actually delivered in the end, which is how all purchases should really be made.

    Stuff mentioned during development should never be taken as a promise, no matter how trustworthy or honest the developer is. This is just the simple reality of long projects.

    It’s also why we don’t hear from devs as much these days, instead it’s mostly PR people, as too much weight is put on off-hand quotes.

    Studios like CDPR have nothing to gain, and lots to lose, by deliberately over-promising.


    I would guess of us already moved on. We bought the game on launch, got a shitty, barely working experience. Then after finishing it or not, we moved on. Now, every few months there’s always some posts about about the game finally being good, even years after its release. But I only remember my shitty experience because I moved on. I couldn’t care less about the game at this point.


    Oh well patientgamers always win.

    While I loved the cyberpunk's premise, idea and atmosphere since the game's announcement, I sticked to the "no preorders ever" rule and because of reviews decided to just wait them to patch it.

    Still haven't played it, but likely now I can add it to my wishlist and when the time's right, I'll try it out.


    This is the way. Just picked it up on steam summer sale since I hear the new dlc is coming soon with a lot of changes to the base game.

    I have critiques but overall it’s a really beautiful game with good characters and story. The gameplay is interesting and varied enough, too. I’ve still encountered a quite a few crazy bugs but nothing too frustrating.

    I hope they do more with this franchise because I really like what they have set out to make and I’d love to see it even more fleshed out in the future

    fleabomber, do games w After 2.5 years, Cyberpunk 2077’s Steam reviews are now ‘very positive’ | VGC

    Hey guys, thanks for paying to beta test this all these years. I can’t wait to try this release version. Jk I bought it too.


    This is why I just never buy games on release day anymore. I used to get so excited for them.

    cyd, do games w Dragon Age Dreadwolf keeps getting delayed internally, report claims | VGC

    EA said in March that BioWare’s Mass Effect team had been drafted in to assist with Dragon Age: Dreadwolf development, while a small group led by Mike Gamble continued pre-production work on the next entry in the sci-fi series.

    Isn’t this what happened during the development of Mass Effect: Andromeda and Anthem too? Jason Shreier’s post mortem of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is going to be awfully familiar reading…

    dauerstaender, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

    Nothing will be more Skyrim than Skyrim

    resketreke, avatar

    Skyrim 2: Electric Fus Ro Dah


    I'm sure they'll release a few more versions before we get a release date for 6.


    They still haven’t done a port to phones xd

    mothersprotege, do games w Dragon Age Dreadwolf keeps getting delayed internally, report claims

    I think at this point the best plan is to mash all the assets together and release Dragon Effect. Mass Dragon? No, that sounds like maybe a Catholic dragon. Mass Age? No, people will buy it expecting a massage. Maybe subvert all expectations and go with Age Effect! We’ll throw out all the magic and aliens, it’ll be a harrowing exploration of human mortality.

    n3m37h, do games w Dragon Age Dreadwolf keeps getting delayed internally, report claims

    Just give us Mass Effect

    LetMeEatCake, do gaming w Dragon Age Dreadwolf keeps getting delayed internally, report claims | VGC

    Not surprising.

    Bioware has spent over a decade chasing mass appeal for their games, to the detriment of what they’re good at. They made that work as they shifted from 2D to 3D to action-3D. That stopped working as they went too far, abandoning their core strengths. Bioware hasn’t had an unmitigated success since… ME2 in 2010? That’s 13 years of them floundering, with the very mitigated successes of ME3 and DA:I early on in that.

    That kind of floundering is going to filter down to everyone working there. It’s hard to bounce back from that. They know Dreadwolf needs to hit it out of the park if they hope to continue on. Easy situation to end up in development hell with delay after delay…


    And it certainly doesn’t help that a great “classic Bioware” game was released by Larian (… again).

    7112, do games w Sony’s latest PlayStation 5 sale knocks £75 / €100 off the console’s price in Europe | VGC

    Most likely getting as many sales before the slim is announced.


    They ain’t gonna fool me with these sales. Still waiting for the slim.


    A slim doesn’t exist. The new model is the same thickness and slightly shorter.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    It’s the PS5 Short King.




    Does the pro exist? I’ve seen so much conflicting information.

    beefcat, avatar

    I don’t think the slim will be any better than the current models. It sounds like they are doing it to simplify their lineup. One console with an optional detachable blu ray drive. They are likely sticking to TSMC’s 7nm process, so the SoC won’t get any smaller or less power hungry.


    I don’t really care about any of that, I just hate how huge the console is.

    beefcat, avatar

    I’m saying the new console won’t be much smaller if at all.



    Mot, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

    Unless they’ve made some major engine changes… I feel like it’s going to be hard to top games like BG3, Elden Ring, or even Breath of the Wild.

    BG3 has the deep story and npcs. Elden Ring has the emphasis on combat. Breath of the Wild freeform exploration.

    Yes, I want a game that combines all of those and in the ES series the closest was probably Morrowind (combat being perhaps the most notable lack.)

    Mot, (edited )

    Also ES has some of the best, deep, insane lore. The series is at its worst when it tries to be grounded.

    Even Skyrim ends with you going to the afterlife to gather aid from the dead and fight the embodiment of the cyclical nature of time by imposing the concept of mortality on it. And somehow that was a bog standard dragon fight.


    Oblivion was fantastic too I think. Things started going seriously downhill with Skyrim, at least that is what I think.


    Even Skyrim wasn’t bad. I put like a thousand hours into it. It’s just not exactly what I’d call “ultimate”.

    Oblivion was good. It’s dated at this point and like Morrowind combat is not comparable to say Elden Ring. Oblivion solves the whole open world (as in OpenCities) thing in mods, but Morrowind has it to start with. Which is why I think Morrowind is the closest the series has been to my ideal.


    Morrowind is older than many in this thread. It was a great game but I really don’t understand why people think it was way better than its sequels.


    Rather than saying it’s better than say Oblivion, I’m saying it’s closest (among the ES games) to being what I’d want out of an “ultimate” ES game. Oblivion has mods that fix its bixest shortcoming (OpenCities and various magic mods) but I’m not inclined to give Bethesda credit for the work of modders.


    Because it is.

    Left click on zombie has better graphics, and that’s it.


    Morrowind was the first of the ES series where they drastically reduced the area but invested more in the content in that area. It had a unique art style and location. It kept most of the complexity of the prior games in the series, while subsequent games heavily simplified things to cater to console gamers. There are a lot of babies that were thrown out with the bathwater after Morrowind. Of course the later games also added a lot of improvements, but I think for its time, Morrowind was a very good game. It depends on preferences, but I would consider it the best game of the ES series relative to when it was launched.


    Fair enough. I loved it. Had never played a game like that. I was definitely under the impression that these were mostly PC games. I had a lot of fun with Morrowind and played oblivion a bit too. I didn’t see a ton of difference in them. Then Skyrim for me was absolutely incredible. Besides the bugs (which I barely ever saw myself) I didn’t see a single reason people talked so much smack about that game.

    qooqie, do games w Dragon Age Dreadwolf keeps getting delayed internally, report claims | VGC

    Hasn’t BioWare been having a shit ton of problems these past few years? Hope they’re able to clean up and get back to making some great games.


    What EA sees:

    Hasn’t BioWare been having a shit ton of problems these past few years? Hope we can make some good money after we fire everyone and close the studio.

    lorty, avatar

    I mean, most of the people that made those great games don’t work there anymore.

    idle, do gaming w Xbox boss would ‘love to find solutions’ so games aren’t lost when the 360 store closes | VGC avatar

    Im sure this is a dumb take, but can they just open source the 360? Then they are not giving away games they are not allowed to.


    Not a dumb take at all, it’d be awesome if they did. Unfortunately there are likely contracts or business reasons preventing them from doing so, or code shared between the 360 and current gens that they want to keep proprietary. Still, with MS open sourcing more and more projects over time, I’d love to see it.


    Still, not sure how that’d solve the store shutting down

    idle, avatar

    If the goal is game preservation, the idea would be the community would preserve them for you. We would likely have highly usuable emualtors within a short time.

    storksforlegs, (edited ) do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’ avatar

    Bethesda, everything doesn’t need to have the biggest map ever, it just needs to have good writing and replayability.

    Like New Vegas has a map 3 times smaller than fallout 4 & 76 and I’m still enjoying it almost 15 years later. (I’m not knocking those other games, I’m just saying map and game hugeness isn’t what matters.)


    You don’t need the biggest map ever to make a good game. You do, however, need the biggest map ever to make a good Elder Scrolls game. People referring to BG3 don’t really understand the essence of the Elder Scrolls, a vision the series has pursued all the way back to Arena.

    storksforlegs, (edited ) avatar

    …well when you put it that way you are right. Elder scrolls games are known for having enormous expansive maps, criticizing that is like criticizing mario for having too many coins or something haha


    Mario games are all right, except for all the platform jumping.


    You don’t need the biggest map ever to make a good game. You do, however, need the biggest map ever to make a good Elder Scrolls game.

    No you don’t. The evolution of the Elder Scrolls series proves that, as the map size has been massively reduced. The Skyrim map is extremely tiny compared to Daggerfall.

    robbotlove, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

    I’d be happy with just Skyrim with better melee combat.


    My question is why is lockpicking so unresponsive. Fallout new Vegas and 4 handle it way better.

    all-knight-party, avatar

    Skyrim with actually good melee combat, much greater magic variety, companions who are smarter and not suicidal, horses who can move around with logical sense, more biome variety as much as I love what's already there, factions that don't end in you ruling all of them at once...

    Turns out Skyrim gets a lot right but there are tons of things that could be much better.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    I just wanted Skyrim where I could invite a few friends to come along for dungeons. Then they made Elder Scrolls Online as though that was at all the same thing.

    all-knight-party, avatar

    That would indeed be pretty cool, I'd love to see if they go that route for TES 6. Clearly the FO76/ESO routes are not what that same customer base wants, for different reasons.

    ESO is a fine MMO, but it's absolutely an MMO and not a multiplayer TES game. FO76 is a skeleton of a Bethesda RPG but isn't formatted at all how what the average Bethesda fan would want to play. It's strange they went both of these routes before attempting what people have been asking for and even trying to make themselves for so long.

    It's a bit of a shame Starfield won't include multiplayer either, but it's hard for me to complain since I don't have friends anyway.

    some_guy, avatar

    FO76 is a skeleton of a Bethesda RPG

    Tell me you played 30 minutes of 76 on launch and never touched it again without telling me you played 30 minutes of 76 on launch and never touched it again


    Yeah 76 is pretty rad and based now. There was an actual dialog I had with an NPC who wanted me to go find gold and I was telling them this unquenchable lust for money caused the whole damn apocalypse in the first place.

    all-knight-party, avatar

    I actually have not even played it, but I've heard it's been much improved, correct me if I'm wrong though it's still different from literally Fallout 4 with other players. For example, are there multiple long faction storylines, large populated cities with many side quests, a few radio stations, caravans, morality or faction reputation, bobbleheads, basically every major and minor feature in a standard Bethesda Fallout.

    If it's been updated enough times and in the right directions to include all that stuff, then awesome. I was by no means saying it was a bad game, I just want to know if it's seamlessly a Bethesda title through and through with other players or if it's still Fallout in a different direction.

    Are you able to enjoy the world privately with only players you choose without any DLC or microtransactions based restrictions on construction or storage, mod support so long as each player maintain the same modlist, etc.?

    snowbell, (edited ) avatar

    I played it recently and it is still a clunky half broken mess with friends. Setting up three camps was a pain and the one quest we tried to do failed to spawn the final objective except for the party leader, and none of the rest of us were able to complete it.


    I played around 20 hours of it at launch, and it was bad. Not just in all the hilariously broken things that were memed all over the place back then, but the fundamental concept of the game just didn’t quite work.


    It's a little bit of a hassle to set up, but Skyrim Together does work now and it's great fun

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