fmstrat, do games w E3 has officially ended.

Glad I got to go when the panels were good.

TheAlbatross, do games w We're listening and we hear you. We've been planning a business update event for next week, where we look forward to sharing more details with you about our vision for the future of Xbox. Stay tuned.

What’s this in response to?


Rumors of Microsoft IPs going cross platform


Wouldn’t that be a good thing? More access to different titles? Usually the ‘see you and hear you’ line is used when a company gets caught doing vile shit and wants to pretend they care

altima_neo, avatar

Yeah but the Xbox fanboys are seething and Sony fanboys are whetting their lips at the thought of Starfield on ps5.


Yo of all the games to be hungry for, Starfield ain’t one lmao

garretble, avatar

Yeah, I don’t think anyone is really that excited for Starfield at this point.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

And everyone else just realizes how bad this means things are going for the gaming industry as a whole.

This isn’t good news for anyone who likes actually owning their games instead of just having a license, if they own a console.

That ship sailed in PC gaming forever ago, which is honestly fine considering storefronts like GOG exist, but it’s still going to be a gut-punch to people who have invested financially heavily in the Xbox ecosystem.

It’s going to mean smaller selections of games, more gambling/gacha bullshit, and “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” will dominate the industry. When licensing runs out for music, they’ll just pull a game instead of trying to “fix” it, if it’s not profitable enough. We’re entering an era where there will be a dead-zone of lost media and history because so much of it is increasingly locked up behind corporate barriers.


It’s going to mean smaller selections of games, more gambling/gacha bullshit, and “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” will dominate the industry. When licensing runs out for music, they’ll just pull a game instead of trying to “fix” it, if it’s not profitable enough. We’re entering an era where there will be a dead-zone of lost media and history because so much of it is increasingly locked up behind corporate barriers.

I have some bad news about the past few years for you…

!deleted7120 avatar

I’ve yet to see a single PS person excited about getting Starfield. At most, they’re like, “Oh, that’s nice,” and go back to doing other things.

altima_neo, avatar

I was being sarcastic. No one cares about Starfield.

KingThrillgore, avatar

Of all the games you want, Starfield is not one of them.

altima_neo, avatar

Sarcasm, yo.


If it’s part of a shift that includes dropping Xbox hardware, that’s very much not a good thing. Less competition doesn’t turn out well for consumers.


Oh like not making an Xbox console anymore?


Yeah. Between these rumors and Microsoft not having a next-gen GPU contract yet, it’s a possibility.

Hope I’m wrong.


The worrying aspect is that they seem to be trying to make non gamepass users pay for the development of gamepass games.

Gamepass is a massive drain on Microsoft, and numbers appear to have flatlined and not enough to pay for all the games made by Bethesda, Id, obsidian, Activision, blizzard and so much more.

So now I think they want to get non gamepass users to pay for the development and have gamepass users get the same deal they always did. Which is imo setting the industry up for some very turbulent times in the future as the cost of gamepass is buried under this, and the Xbox platform is further weakened as it gets deeper into the “no one buys games” pit.

But also less exclusives is good


Gamepass is a massive drain on Microsoft

How so?


Licensing and making games probably costs more than the revenue from subscriptions, would be my guess.


Considering how many subscribers they have and the cost, they are making a heck of a lot. They own many of the titles on there now with the Bethesda takeover. I can’t imagine they would agree to any deal that would put them in such a position again (licensing costing more than subs, it would scale), after what they did with the contracts for the original Xbox whereby cost did not decrease on some of the hardware (or something weird like that).


nope. consider this

  1. they don’t have the income from retail games any-more, if you’re an Xbox player, you almost certainly have gamepass. which means you aren’t paying for a single game they produce. A decade ago a new Halo would come out and that would be 100 million in revenue day one. Now it’s nothing.
  2. They have to pay for the entire cost of development of multiple game studios. I’ll highlight the ones for relevance, these are studios they have to pay salaries for hundreds of people for every month, as well as all the other costs of development, and then get no payday. Gamepass has to (but doesn’t) pay for all of these: Bethesda Game Studios, ZeniMax Online Studios, id Software, Arkane Studios, Machine Games, Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog Games, Roundhouse Studios, Blizzard, Treyarch, Infinity Ward, High Moon Studios, Toys for Bob, Raven Software, Sledgehammer Games, Beenox, Radical Entertainment, Rare, 343 Industries, The Coalition, Mojang. Ninja Theory, Playground Games, Undead Labs, Compulsion Games, Obsidian Entertainment, InXile Entertainment, Double Fine
  3. Then they have to licence all the other games on gamepass, all the third party stuff on there currently that microsoft does not own. Again, this means that they don’t make any money from game sales of those products, and also have to pay for them. Gamepass subscriptions currently probably covers this cost just about

Currently Gamepass can only exist thanks to microsoft azure and office 365. those to microsoft services pay for gamepass game development. This is why no other company does this, only microsoft can front the money from their other businesses.


<span style="color:#323232;">Gamepass subscriptions currently probably covers this cost just about

Why wouldn’t it scale? They’re not stupid.…/xbox-game-pass-has-over-30-m…

30m last year, over $10 per month on average, $350m+ a month, plus game sales which, contrary to what you’ve said, still exist. New titles result in more console sales and more subscribers. They haven’t shifted to this model to make less money.

They aren’t losing money.


I want to be extremely clear about this, game sales functionally do not exist. We are not going to be discussing the validity of if xbox gamers purchasing Xbox games. We know they are not.

New titles are not resulting in more console sales and subscribers, as those have flatlined.

They have indeed shifted to this model to make less money so that they can be the one making money in a decade. It’s extremely short-sighted to claim otherwise.

ABCDE, (edited )

25m.> 30m subscribers is not flatlining. Where is a source about console sales and game sales stopping? “We are not going to be…” Uhh why?…/xbox-series-xors-consoles-se…

Console sales higher than ever in December. BG3 just came out, which sells alongside COD:…/baldurs-gate-3-top-selling-xbox/


Update: The LinkedIn profile in question removed the references to the “30 million” milestone. Microsoft reiterated to us in a statement that 25 million remains the last official milestone.

literally from your article.

from another ign article

“We’re seeing slowing adoption of Xbox Game Pass even though Microsoft will claim otherwise thanks to the repositioning of Xbox Live Gold as Xbox Game Pass Core,” McWhirter says. “Our forecast estimates total Xbox Game Pass subscriptions (excluding Core/Live Gold) to be at 33.3 million at the end of 2023, which represents subscriber growth of just 13% - down from 15% in 2022. Piscatella notes too on X/Twitter that subscription services specifically aren’t growing as fast as they used to.


33.3m, higher than I thought, and that’s not including Core. 13% is great growth.

emb, do games w We're listening and we hear you. We've been planning a business update event for next week, where we look forward to sharing more details with you about our vision for the future of Xbox. Stay tuned.

Should be interesting.

I haven’t kept the closest eye on this - rumor is they’re planning to port more of their games to competing platforms, maybe allow 3rd party Xbox hardware, and phase out most physical Xbox games, right? Or am I way off the mark?


Basically. The main rumor is that Starfield, the new Indiana Jones game, and all of their other first-party exclusives are going to be coming to PS5 and Microsoft is giving up on the idea of console exclusivity. Not sure what that means for Xbox in the long-term, but it is going to be an interesting week.


Are people mad about this? Console exclusivity is asinine and bad for gamers.

And MS doing that may pressure Sony to stop playing the exclusivity game too. Nintendo definitely won’t stop that, but maybe Sony will.


Yes, because console wars. A lot of people that bought into the Xbox brand are angry Microsoft is "giving up" and "disgracing" developers by putting their games on PlayStation. It doesn't help that without a clear statement from Microsoft people are free to speculate that Microsoft is going to be the next Sega and Phil Spencer is going to personally come to their house and destroy their Xbox.

More seriously, there is some genuine concern about what will happen to the digital libraries of people who bought into the Xbox eco-system if Xbox stops being a thing. Or what will happen if the AAA game market comes down to Sony and Nintendo. But there are a lot of people angry their favorite mega-corporation "lost" even though we have no idea what Microsoft's actual plans are.


I can partly understand the frustration. If you bought a Series X/S instead of a PS5, you must have put some amount of faith in Xbox exclusives to make it worth missing out on Sony exclusives. Now, after an abysmal half-generation, it seems like Xbox is giving up on exclusives altogether. So what was the point in buying an Xbox? If PS5 gets all Xbox exclusives, then an Xbox retroactively becomes a really dumb purchase.


maybe allow 3rd party Xbox hardware

They just started blocking a lot of accessories so I’m not sure about that.

lorty, avatar

There’s also the rumor they are exiting the console business, which is probably what is making people anxious.

Xanvial, do games w We're listening and we hear you. We've been planning a business update event for next week, where we look forward to sharing more details with you about our vision for the future of Xbox. Stay tuned.

Will be a really long week

BudgieMania, do games w We're listening and we hear you. We've been planning a business update event for next week, where we look forward to sharing more details with you about our vision for the future of Xbox. Stay tuned.

A week?!

The house is going on fire and they wanna take their sweet time finding the most optimal faucet?

That basically confirms every rumor about this. It wouldn't take a week to prepare a statement if it wasn't the tectonic shift it is rumored to be. Damn.

Computerchairgeneral, do games w We're listening and we hear you. We've been planning a business update event for next week, where we look forward to sharing more details with you about our vision for the future of Xbox. Stay tuned.

Well, that's certainly not going to reassure Xbox fans. Just seems like they're waiting for things to die down before confirming the rumors. It will be interesting to see how that goes. If they start treating PlayStation the way Sony treats PC in terms of releases then I could maybe see the Xbox consoles staying afloat as a Gamepass box. I've seen speculation that they'll pull out of the console market entirely, but I just can't see Gamepass coming to the PS5 or Switch especially since Sony has been trying to build up their own answer to Gamepass with their PS plus tiers. Then again stranger things have happened. If they do decide to become the next Sega it's going to be surreal watching Halo and Gears of War show up on PlayStation.

key, do games w FF VII Rebirth - Improvements to Performance mode image quality coming Feb 21th avatar

I’m getting tired of all these Day -8 patches.

FullFridge, do games w The first trailer for #ELDENRING Shadow of the Erdtree will be revealed in 16 hours. Join us at 15:00 UTC.

I’m looking forward to and dreading this at the same time. I really enjoyed Elden Ring but eventually got burnt out playing it after Leyndell and just started googling what I’d missed and doing it before finishing the game.

I hope this dlc is more focused and not another 150 hours of content. I’d be more than happy with 20 - 30. Also show us Miquella!


I feel you, I’ve been burning out right after Lyndell, went from no Spirit Ashes straight to the mimic one and rushed the remainder. Missed most of it, I presume. On the plus side, I’ve been edging to play the last stretch ‘for real’ and am wating for the DLC to do so.

Stovetop, do games w The first trailer for #ELDENRING Shadow of the Erdtree will be revealed in 16 hours. Join us at 15:00 UTC.
Coelacanth, (edited ) do games w The first trailer for #ELDENRING Shadow of the Erdtree will be revealed in 16 hours. Join us at 15:00 UTC. avatar

I loved my playthrough of Elden Ring - and I’m happy I got to play it at launch and participate in the zeitgeist and discovery of it at the point where the wikis weren’t even populated etc - but I’m not super keen to play the DLC. Finishing the game was definitely a little more of a relief that it was over than I would have hoped to feel. It didn’t help that the last boss is terrible, so the game kind of ends on a sour note.

Also, FromSoft DLCs are always much harder than the base game. I already didn’t enjoy what they did with Malenia, if they try to top her in the DLC I honestly just can’t see myself having any fun.

EDIT: spelling


As someone currently slogging through dark souls 2, that second paragraph is giving me PTSD.


The Dark Souls 2 DLCs are some of the best content in all of Souls. While the original game has some level design issues, the DLCs are sublime.


Counterpoint: the run back to blue smelter demon and the run back to sir alonne.

Goronmon, do games w The first trailer for #ELDENRING Shadow of the Erdtree will be revealed in 16 hours. Join us at 15:00 UTC.

To echo what have seen other say, I’m excited about this DLC in theory because I really enjoyed Elden Ring on my first play through and some quick NG+ runs for endings. I actually got all the achievements, which is rare for me.

But after all that, I’ve struggled to play since. I’ll play for a few hours on a character, then take weeks or months before I want to play again. And I’m worried I’ll have the same reaction with the DLC.

There is so much open space in the game that it somehow is overwhelming once you have a rough idea that most of the content isn’t that important, but some of it is crucial to specific builds you may want to run. It’s almost like you spend most of your effort avoiding content because of how time-consuming just playing the game “normally” can be.


It’s almost like you’re allowed to not replay single player games after you’ve done what you wanted in the game


My point was that I’m worried I’ll feel the same when I try to play the DLC.

Even worse, judging by past FromSoftware games, the DLC isn’t something you do right at the beginning or right towards the end of the game. So, it will likely require a decent amount of playtime to reach the content.


If you’re so worried, then don’t risk it.


Weren’t your feelings positive, though? You did a full playthrough, and you got all achievements - especially considering that’s not something you do usually. I’ve basically done the same, but I don’t consider it a bad thing to not be as interested in the game I’ve already played. And you can use one of your existing saves to do the DLC, considering it will probably be more difficult than the base game, so having a fully geared up build will help

llii, do games w The first trailer for #ELDENRING Shadow of the Erdtree will be revealed in 16 hours. Join us at 15:00 UTC.

Oh no I need to finish Elden Ring.

maidenless_prawn, do games w The first trailer for #ELDENRING Shadow of the Erdtree will be revealed in 16 hours. Join us at 15:00 UTC.

Oh man I’m so ready for this, I can’t wait. I purposefully stopped playing elden ring for months just to experience a fresh run when the dlc comes out. I even have a character ready in NG+ so I can play it all over again and reach the dlc. I’m so damn happy, it’s finally arriving!

Sibbo, do gaming w New Rimworld DLC: Anomaly

Reminds me a bit of dead space.

bl_r, do gaming w New Rimworld DLC: Anomaly

I’m genuinely hyped for this DLC

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