I’m so excited for this game. I thought the first game was really interesting and did really well with a limited budget, and really showed a lot of potential.
Hopefully a bigger budget, bigger scope and expanded combat can have this game really blossom.
Ah yes, a statement on copyright thanking someone for buying an authorised edition of Great Expectations, a book whose copyright expired in 1940 at the latest…
Right, the copyright is specifically for random essays added to the book, so that they could release it and say it wasn't entirely public domain, so you shouldn't copy it. A weird place to say "copyright fuels creativity" when it's clearly not the reason for the copyright here.
The maps aren’t generated inch-by-inch, if that’s what you were hoping for. Each stage has a bucket of unique rooms it stitches together to create the level geometry. The devs did a clever thing and made rooms with multiple doorways, with two chosen at random to be part of the path, so you can traverse through the same room in a slightly different way each run. At this point, I’ve seen all the possible rooms, but the combination of character upgrades, surprise challenges the game springs on you, weapons, and enemies keeps it fresh. There’s a lot of replayability in just character builds alone, since you can find multiple ways to make each character effective, depending on what perks you got first and what risks you take.
The co-op works well. Gunfire Reborn is a lot easier in co-op because friends can revive each other with unlimited tries, whereas in singleplayer, you get only one revive by sacrificing the character-upgrading resource. Recently, they’ve added a Left 4 Dead-style bot co-op mode so you can have that experience instead of the pure solo one. I’ve actually ground myself into a weird corner where I’m way better than everyone else I play with and can carry a whole team, dealing like 80% of the entire team’s damage across the whole run. I’ve not actually tried public matchmaking, just playing solo or with friends.
In terms of DLCs, each comes with two new characters and a handful of weapons. Each DLC character has a different mechanical focus in case you’re getting bored of the characters you already have. The base game is just fine to start with. I have the first two packs, but the latest one, the third, I skipped during the Steam winter sale to buy more games. The character I was playing here, Zi Xiao, comes from the second pack, Artisan and Magician. His counterpart in that pack is Nona, who is pretty much the red panda version of Gaige from Borderlands 2 (no anarchy stacks, though), summoning and commanding a combat robot. The first pack, Spirit Realm, has a monkey who aggressively upgrades his guns and a fox who, with the right build, can just stop using guns and drop fireballs on enemies instead.
Okay, here’s my final pitch. The game is on sale as part of the launch of the new season. It’s not the all-time low, but it’s pretty close.
I recommend you avoid games with continuous movement early on. Moving with joystick feels very bad until you get your VR legs. Also get the Lab, Valve’s free VR minigame collection.
One of the first VR games I played was No Man’s Sky, on base PS4. Very low res and frame rate, teleport movement possible on foot but obviously not while flying spaceships. And I may have tried spinning a bit (that’s a good trick).
Got very sick, very fast.
Nowadays I’m mostly fine playing continuous movement, even relatively fast-paced one. Tunnel effect helps, when it’s available.
The only problems are on badly designed games (like those with forced, unpredictable “cinematic” camera movement, don’t do that in VR for fuck’s sake).
The reason that they can be a lawsuit is you can sue for anything in the US, doesn’t mean that it has any merit to it, or the case will ever even be heard.
That doesn’t sound like a Reddit problem. It’s a rule set up by the mods of the sub. And imo, not a bad rule for such a large sub
And I’m not defending Reddit, which I’ve stopped using when the API changes happened, after using it for maybe a decade. Just pointing the blame in the right direction.
I don’t think so, no. Sure, Reddit made these controls available to mods, but the mods can decide to use them as they see fit.
Frankly, I don’t think it’s a bad rule. For a sub that big, they need pretty strict controls before a new user can post. Otherwise, they’d get flooded with spam.
Love my G-Shock. Use it as my everyday beater at work etc. It’s knocked about to all hell, but it doesn’t look bad in anyway (a bonus of the casing being a polymer rather than metal). My only annoyance is that I love in Australia and we don’t get the time synch radio signals down here. So mines out a little bit (it’s only out by less than 3mins, and it’s fast rather than slow, so I don’t mind). Which is why I went with the Casio Oceanus for my more “fancy” watch. Yeah, it is sorta technically a smart watch, but it literally only has two smart functions. One, it can sync with my phone to adjust the time. And two, it can make my phone make noise if I hold down the button if I’ve lost my phone. Now, haven’t actually figured out how to do that second one yet (I’m no idiot, so I’ve asked various friends to attempt to use it too, they can’t either), but I don’t need that feature, so I couldn’t care less (I didn’t even know it was a feature til I had the device in my hands and was reading the manual). But yeah, as far as smartwatches go, it’s dumb as fuck. Which ain’t bad thing, I ain’t giving it any data to send to a server lord knows where…
I install rR on every computer and device that’ll run it. Wonder what Cho is up to? clicks link in OP Wow! Apparently he’s been cranking games the whole time, what a back catalog to dig through!
It’s the oddest choice to sue FromSoftware because Elden Ring, a Souls-like which, is advertised to be a very difficult game. Personally, I stay away from Fromsoft games because of their difficulty, I play games for fun; any game that requires an extreme amount of skill right out off the bat is simply not it to me. I guess this person can waste their money doing whatever they’d like; I don’t see them having any hope of winning this frivolous lawsuit.