LadyLikesSpiders, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games

This subject keeps popping up, and I think the part that’s really upsetting me besides the whole “I bought this, Capcom, let me do with it what I want” is the idea that you can have a game where the solution to your problems is blowing someone’s head off with a shotgun, but god forbid Chun Li have exposed tits

I’m not here saying that Capcom should just stop putting violence in its games, or that it should just sexualize all of its games. What I AM saying is that the idea that sexuality is inherently more offensive than killing is straight up backwards to me. It’s not even a capcom thing. That’s just most societies, but Capcom is hitting a nerve with this


I remember hitting a point when I realized how insane it is the most media will solve all problems with guns. Like it makes more sense why the culture cherishes guns after becoming aware how weird it is.

Zion, (edited )

What I AM saying is that the idea that sexuality is inherently more offensive than killing is straight up backwards to me. It’s not even a capcom thing. That’s just most societies, but Capcom is hitting a nerve with this

Exactly, it’s ludicrous and always was. Especially in this day and age.

  • Mom/Dad: Billy what are you watching?
  • Billy: The Texas chainsaw massacre.
  • Mom/Dad: What happens in that?
  • Billy: People get hacked up with a chainsaw.
  • Mom/Dad: Oh, ok.

Later that day:

  • Mom/Dad: Billy what are you doing?
  • Billy: I’m playing Street fighter.
  • Mom/Dad: What’s that?
  • Billy: It’s a one on one fighting game.
  • Mom/Dad: Oh, that’s nice… Wait a minute, IS THAT A PAIR OF BREASTS BILLY!!!
  • Billy: yeah, I installed this mod and…
  • Mom/Dad: THAT’S IT! (Proceeds to confiscate the console)

As a parent myself, I understand not wanting to expose your kid to sexual content depending on their age, but in the context of sexual intercourse etc, not just a naked body.

Swedneck, do games w Latest Baldur's Gate 3 update adds colour-blind settings, hireling customisation and best of all, sponge baths avatar

so is it the good kind of colour-blind settings or did they fall for the old “this is just fucking filters that simulate colourblindness” chestnut?

kadu, (edited ) avatar

I can’t test it (not colorblind) but many recent developments have been made with Microsoft’s help, and for all their faults, Microsoft is usually quite good with accessibility so perhaps it’s the good version.

junezephier, do games w Latest Baldur's Gate 3 update adds colour-blind settings, hireling customisation and best of all, sponge baths

According to RPS, that’s full of spoilers.

TSG_Asmodeus, avatar

Yeah holy crap, a bunch are sentences like: Fixed an issue that would cause spoiler (MAJOR PLOT POINT) to occur later than expected

I think they meant to spoiler tag them and forgot.


Spoiler is right before the highlights in bold

TSG_Asmodeus, avatar

At the very top of the document, it says:

SPOILERS - Please bear in mind some of the entries below might contain spoilers, proceed at your own risk

But it doesn’t separate them, or have any cover whatsoever. So if I want to find out if a quest that’s bugged for me is fixed, or other issues, I do have to read it at some point.

This is why I think they meant to spoiler tag it and didn’t (I edited it to remove actual spoiler content):

The ‘(GOAL)’ background goal for Soldiers will now unlock correctly after you spoiler kill (ENEMY) and escape the (AREA).


Ah I’ve never seen a tag in their patch notes before, just the disclaimer since early access.

fiah, avatar

So you can use a sponge and soap but you can’t even chill in a tub completely naked like my man Geralt? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

Nepenthe, avatar

Up til now, we've had:

• The sudden realization that you can bathe and don't have to crunch around in weeks of dried gore

• The further realization that at least one npc mentions you stink and should probably do something about that

• Standing relatively close to a waterfall for a few minutes if you can find one, or perhaps walking at a normal pace through a really deep puddle.

• Sophisticated method — stealing a water bottle, throwing it really hard at the floor, and hoping the splashback is enough

After months of steady work, we can use the soap now, but you're going to have to give your fellow gamers a minute to get used to things before you start making other suggestions


There is a cloak that makes you wet when wearing it at the start of act 3 - I always use that to clean of blood after a fight

Nepenthe, avatar

How did I forget about that cloak!? I got that before reloading because I kept failing my attempts to steal all my money back. I didn't expect all of those to be so addictive. I loved it.

My personal favorite was the boots that grant their wearer misty step for the tradeoff of leaving all your other clothes in a pile at your starting point. Still kinda sad I couldn't snag those again.


I’m 300 hours in the game and I never heard of those two items

!deleted6508 avatar

I just go to my camp and back; that always magically makes me clean.

FrigidAphelion, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games

lmao fighting r34 is the definition of futility

popekingjoe, avatar

The Internet is for porn. R34 rules that roost.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

It’s not just futile, it’s like fighting fucking Hydra

Sabata11792, avatar

If anything I expect to see more fine degeneracy out of spite.


Monster dick mods on Monster Hunter are gonna get bigger and more grotesque. Quite a way to assert dominance

Sabata11792, avatar

I should revisit that game...


I have. Not because of the monster dicks, though. Someone just dropped a decently-sized Bloodborne mod


The mod to give Monster World’s monsters cocks and cloacae was the best fucking mod ever


That’s a thing?


Gawd I can’t find the site! It’s a site that predominately has sexy mods with humans. But I was just interested in the dragons.

It’s EXTREMELY high effort. Bagelgoose’s cock becomes lava rocks when enraged. Insanely detailed. If I find a link, I’ll send it over. It works with Iceborne!

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Ask my $1k+ of bad dragon—I’ve got no answers!


So… you have a single bad dragon?


Hahaha they’re not THAT spendy! Let’s see, we have… seven total now. Six EXTREMELY various dildos and one fuckdragon. Absolutely had to get the Meatcanyon model too, though I don’t think I’ll ever use it.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar
KingThrillgore, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games avatar

Didn’t you give Cammy a huge dumpy for a reason?

You can’t do anything about it, so owe up to it and offer an SDK and Workshop support where you can at least curate the experience and steer it in the right direction.

noxy, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games avatar

then why did they make so many of the monster hunter monsters so outrageousky attractive?


Yeah, it really is their fault for dressing like that.

noxy, avatar

but they’re all naked!

beefcat, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games avatar

it’s funny how this was a pretty long and nuanced discussion about modding, but social media is brewing a shitstorm over this one cherry-picked statement.

cottonmon, (edited ) do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games avatar

I can’t help but feel this stance is because of a recent fuck up where a person hosting a tournament didn’t turn off his nude Chun-Li mod while streaming it.


That would be an issue of moderation, tho, not the mods themselves.

val, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games

I don’t think I’ve seen any public backlash hitting the developer or publisher for the content of a mod being “offensive to public order and morals” since the hot coffee stuff, and that was only because it was content already in the game. This is almost certainly a lie and the real reason is they’re worried mods will compete with things they’re selling.

beefcat, avatar


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  • val,

    It was literally the reference point I used in my post for the last time I’ve seen any real backlash, in the first sentence.

    ono, do games w Latest Baldur's Gate 3 update adds colour-blind settings, hireling customisation and best of all, sponge baths
    Coasting0942, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games

    Although I don’t understand the appeal of Leon in a g-string, I also understand that Capcom didn’t make the mod.

    Heads up capcom, the religious conservatives of the world are angry that kids are playing games and not praying. Your reputation is already in the sewers.


    This might be an issue, however:

    In a separate slide that’s explained a little more fully, the company adds that the impact of mods on their reputation isn’t just the result of someone stripping Leon Kennedy down to his knickers. Players who install mods only to suffer performance problems such as crashes, freezing or save data corruption can end up turning to Capcom for support, which can then eat up workload and development budget that might otherwise be spent on creating higher-quality games.

    ante, avatar

    This sounds like a load of corporate bullshit that they’re going to use to justify preventing modding of their games.


    Actually, no.

    While it’s hard to imagine anyone finding goofy mods swapping cartoon characters or kids’ TV characters for grisly monsters all that scandalous - something that Capcom seems to recognise by acknowledging that “the majority of mods can have a positive impact on the game”

    ante, avatar

    Why are you intentionally leaving out the rest of that sentence?

    it’s apparently nevertheless a concern that some mods might be deemed offensive in a way that requires tighter controls on modding.

    They are specifically talking about restricting modding.


    Restricting, not preventing like you said.

    ThunderingJerboa, avatar

    Oh yes, because everyone knows. They say one thing it totally won't morph into something new afterwards. Also how do you imagine they will "restrict" the modding? By making the game more tamperproof and harder to mod. So while it may not be "prevented" they will basically make the only mods around texture swaps or some shit.


    Goddamn. What a shady move. I expect it from the media and shit by for some reason it stings more when a rando does it.

    TSG_Asmodeus, avatar

    They probably spend fractions of a percent of their profits on moderation. We’re talking like 0.01%. Half the time it’s cycling college grads through 18 month contracts that they terminate so they can pay them less and less each time (Source: Worked at Microsoft, and they’re infamous for this. Hell, QA for Microsoft’s game division make about 50 cents above minimum wage in BC.)

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

    I've worked in software support for a decade and saying "We can't support you because you modified this" is pretty standard. And with automated replies they don't take too much support time.


    You could even automate that entire process.

    Require customers to email support, require a log file, have your log files show if mods are installed, auto reply that the customer should reinstall the game without mods and see if the issue persists.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

    If you want to get really snarky, figure out who wrote the mods and cc them on the reply saying "For your convenience we have included the authors of the installed mods on this email so you can work with them to resolve your issue."


    Yeah that logic on their part is horseshit, anyone savvy enough to mod a game that isn’t mod friendly knows that if they have instability that’s on them for modding in the first place. All the times I completely hosed my Skyrim install with mods, or my Cities: Skylines install with mods, I never once thought about contacting the game maker for support. So to act like across the board modding will cause a flood of support requests is dishonest.


    I killed my Cyberpunk game trying to mod it. I just changed the installation directory, re-download, and loaded from cloud save when I got sick of trying to fix it. It’s so easy to recover from stuff like that nowadays.


    Exactly, if you hose your self, uninstall, delete the folder entirely and redownload. It’s a cope out to point to mods as increasing demands for technical support. If handled right modding can breath longevity and extra interest in your games. Shit, some of the most popular games on the market started out as mods originally.

    Tone deaf companies will continue missing the point.


    Gee capcom. Got any hard evidence that people who install mods are going to you for help?


    Look at the Sims 4 support website, is a good start to see that a lot of people will 100% ask questions like, " Completely moded action, has a bug. How to fix it? I don’t play with any mods I promise."

    So personally I don’t have any higher hopes for the Capcom audience, but credit to EA at least they just shrug their shoulders and answer " First completely remove your mods, clean the cache files and repair the game"


    Then just impliment some automatic message before anyone in support is contacted. Something like “If you installed mods in your game, the first step is to uninstall them. If it still works, reinstall the game. If it’s still not working after that, THEN we’ll help”

    Maybe worded a little more professionally, but just an automatic trouble-shooting message that’s gonna be every support person’s first response anyway


    The Sims 4 have a support message like that. I have no idea how much it helps but God knows it is desperately needed.

    Monkeyhog, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games

    Honestly, if it isn’t “offensive to public order and morals” I’m not that interested.

    scrubbles, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games
    !deleted6348 avatar

    Because we all know how Bethesda’s reputation was ruined by Skyrim.


    I mean, kinda. But not in the same way, more like Bethesda makes shit games that modders fix.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    That was their reputation before Skyrim. Skyrim’s many re-releases is how that particular game tarnished their rep.

    Kolanaki, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games
    !deleted6508 avatar

    Capcom exec is mad that someone replaced the 9 foot tall dracula woman with Thomas the Tank Engine.

    _haha_oh_wow_, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games avatar

    You know what tarnishes the rep of your games? Shitty business practices.

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