
Prunebutt, do gaming w A follow-up to the legendary Disco Elysium might have been ready to play within the next year⁠—ZA/UM's devs loved it, management canceled it and laid off the team

Nothing escapes the cursed commercial district.

cmdr_nova, do gaming w A follow-up to the legendary Disco Elysium might have been ready to play within the next year⁠—ZA/UM's devs loved it, management canceled it and laid off the team
@cmdr_nova@mkultra.monster avatar

@ylai this got game of the year if I recall, a total blunder for the management to fumble so hard

runjun, do gaming w A follow-up to the legendary Disco Elysium might have been ready to play within the next year⁠—ZA/UM's devs loved it, management canceled it and laid off the team

Truly heartbreaking

Zehzin, do games w I played Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector and talked to its creator about quests that 'don't give you the dragon money'
@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

I picked up the first one like a year back and ended up playing it through in two long sessions.

I relate to the Mass Effect 2 comments. One of my absolute favorite RPGs that fails at basic RPG things.


I got the first game a month ago and binged it in three sessions. It was a fantastic experience, and I rate the game highly. However, I wish the decisions you made had a more significant impact on the story. I understand that maintaining a great narrative can make this challenging, but I hope part 2 can expand on that aspect. From what I’ve heard, it sounds like it might offer more flexibility in choices. Regardless, I’ll probably enjoy it either way.

ColeSloth, do gaming w Casper Van Dien is loving the Starship Troopers renaissance but still finds it mind-boggling some take it at face value

The main arguments for it being a pro military and pro war movie is that the Bugs ARE attacking and that if humanity wants to survive, they will have to fight. Then, while most people do die, the movie ends with a major victory that looks like it may help save humanity.

I don’t really think you can argue those points away to claim its an anti military/war movie. The movie would have needed for humanity to have attacked the bugs first, starting the war; or at the least having had most everyone die for no reason, without making a shred of progress in the war effort.

I mean, they were fighting to save our entire species, and the two most vocal people in the entire movie (Ricos parents) that were against the military machine were some of the first people to die in the movie.


Are the bugs really initiating the attacks? Because with the distance between Klendathu & Earth it seems pretty obvious the movie is trying to imply the bugs aren’t the ones sending meteors at the humans.

When I rewatched the movie with a friend recently he was surprised that the movie ended with what felt like an anticlimactic resolution - because the war keeps going forever (or so it seems). I really like the interpretation that Starship Troopers (the movie itself) is an in-universe propaganda film used to recruit soldiers to feel important and make a difference in the war effort.


The movie point blank says the bugs attacked first and that it’s a colonization species that just hurls meteor filled bugs randomly into space in order to try and find new planets to colonize.

Also, when the “main” character in the movie (Rico) is in basic training and about to quit the military, a bug meteor impacts the earth, taking out an entire city, and killing his parents, so the bugs were most definitely attacking humanity, and earth directly.

The movie also ends on a high note, making it seem like they learned some very important information by capturing one of the until then unknown bugs that was able to think and direct all the mindless bugs. So while the war will go on, it leaves the viewer to think that humanity was making progress towards a victory. The movie also marked the first time that humanity actually went to the bug home planet and “took the war to them”.


Klendathu is shown to be on the opposite side of the Milky Way. It is physically impossible for the bugs to hurl meteors at these distances while accounting for drift, every piece of matter in between and also the time difference. “Oh yeah, let’s launch this meteor so it can destroy a city called Buenos Aires, that hasn’t been founded yet by a species that hasn’t evolved yet.”

They didn’t learn anything at the end, they all remained the same characters, still happy to be gears in a military machine. Oh, and NPR mutilated the brain bug’s face vagina.

The music made you feel this way, but that’s to manipulate you to do so.


It is physically impossible for the bugs to hurl meteors at these distances

This one always bugged me (no pun intended) when I first saw the movie as a kid. We (humans in the movie) can barely do precision missile-strikes on another planet across the galaxy, and the bugs are way less technologically inferior. How do they even move/manage a meteor?

Buenos Aires is an inside job?


The bug meteors aren’t launched ballistically, they are launched in some kind of superluminal method that isn’t explained and doesn’t need to be, it did bypass earths defenses however. You can see that happens because the transport ship Denise Richards is piloting literally sees it happen. In the movie the idea of Buenos Aires being a false-flag isn’t supported by the text, nor the subtext.


The movie actually doesn’t care if the asteroid was sent by the bugs, was a false flag or just really unfortunate circumstances because it doesn’t matter. What matters is how the government reacts and the government instantly presents it as an attack.

It’s like with WW1 the assassination of Franz Ferdinand is presented as the reason the war started, but really countries were just looking for an excuse to start a war. Buenos Aires didn’t really matter because Earth was just looking for an excuse to start a war.


The movie point blank says

The in-universe propaganda TV show point blank says these things. The film is pretty vague on the origins of the bug conflict - we know that the “Mormon extremists” tried to colonize a bug world and got killed for the trouble, and we know that Zegema Beach in the outer rings also gets nuked like Buenos Aires did, but not much else besides these two totally contextless events. In fact the very first propaganda film we see is about how great the Earth’s planetary defenses are - so why was the asteroid allowed to impact at all? This and the fact that Klendathu is so far away that launching meteors towards Earth doesn’t make sense is why many people who analyze the film conclude that the destruction of Buenos Aeries was a false flag, or at least was allowed to happen, by the fascist government in order to spur the people to support the war.

Also, the cinematography speaks for itself. Look at this shot from the battle of Klendathu sequence, where the mobile infantry are literally swarming over the arachnid home planet like ants. The movie wants you to question who the “bugs” really are, because any time humans and arachnids are on screen together, the humans are swarming around the much bigger aliens, only barely managing to bring them down (except in the very brief shot of the aircraft bombing the valley).

And the ending of the film - Dougie Howser walks out in a Nazi SS uniform and uses his psychic powers to tell everyone that the brain bug is afraid. You can tell it’s afraid just by looking at the fucking thing, the way it’s recoiling from him - it looks like it’s about to cry! Johnny Rico’s whole character arc in the film is being a kid who wants to do some good and who has some humanity in him getting that humanity ground out of him by the military machine until he’s shouting the exact same catch phrase that the older generation shouted at him. An older generation that is without exception portrayed as broken by their lives in the military meat grinder.

Last thing I promise: and really, the film isn’t about the conflict with the bugs. Listen to the director’s commentary with Verhoven and the script writer, and they barely talk about the bugs at all. The movie is really about the ways in which a fascist society perpetuates itself and destroys the people in it. Whether the bugs started the war or not is irrelevant - the war is necessary for that society to exist. It’s a society that brainwashes you as a kid, and then incentivizes you to maintain your brainwashing as an adult. It’s a society of broken people breaking their children. It’s a society where a hundred hot young adults can stand around in the shower together and everybody is so horny for the political ideology that they forget to be horny for each other!


Nice write-up


Seconding the other poster. Excellent write up; you distilled every rebuttal point I would have made to OP perfectly.


that just hurls meteor filled bugs randomly

I think you meant to say “bugs filled meteors”?


The point is the war must continue for ever, this is made very clear in the book - that’s what happens when you deify soldiers, when you make a society obsessed with valour there needs to be a war for the generals to earn stripes - when your society’s entire social contract and cohesion is based on war your leaders will always find a war that just HAS to be fought…


It’s all people who don’t read much or only read modern stuff, heinlein was an author who explored ideas he wasn’t someone who believed that his job was to tell people what to think. People who think the book is trying to be pro or anti anything are honestly borderline illiterate, they certainly haven’t read his other work.

The movie is just a dumbed down action movie directed by someone who didn’t really understand or enjoy the book - is a great movie for an action movie but it’s not very well thought out and it’s certainly not deeply thoughtful.

The film misses all key moments - the first scene, Zim throwing the knife, etc and everything subtle that really makes the story and emotion work - for the film the ending makes no sense, in the book it’s really powerful.

The movie isn’t really about much, the book is about everything - along side Friday and Stranger it’s a fascinating insight into the evolution of Americanism and cultural ideals pushed to absurdity. That’s not to say it should be read expecting answers, prime golden era sci-fi wasn’t about giving answers it’s about posing questions - hence foundation, the laws of robotics series, Stainless steel rat, etc - ‘We must be as stealthy as rats in the wainscoting of their society’ it’s not about telling you how to live or how not to live it’s about showing possibilities you probably haven’t thought to explore.


We aren’t talking about the book at all, though. We’re strictly talking about the movie.


There is implications in the film that we started colonizing the bugs territory and initating conflict. We caused the war. The bugs were just defending themselves. While we sent massive ships after their planets.


No there wasn’t.


Watch again.

Mr_Wobble, (edited )

I think this is how it went, it’s been years since I’ve seen the movie:

The bugs were already expanding onto other planets before they met humans. Then some extremist Mormon colonists set up a colony in the known bug zone when they were told not to. Then the bugs sent a meteor to Buenos Aires.

GoodEye8, (edited )

You’re missing the satire. It’s a satirical anti-war movie. At face value everything in the movie makes sense, the bugs attacked and we’re fighting for our survival. But you really need to take a deeper look at the movie. How do we know the bugs attacked first? The government told us. What do we know about the government? The government promotes a militaristic class society where the only way to be a citizen is to join the military. You regularly see people who have lost limbs, how did they lose them? It’s not a peaceful society, otherwise people in military service wouldn’t lose limbs. You dig and dig and eventually you would have to question what the movie shows you. You can’t really be certain that the bugs attacked first because all you know is what the government tells you and that its in the interest of that government to have this war.

And the movie even backdrops that the war effort is not on the side of humanity. Towards the end of the movie roughnecks get reinforced and those reinforcements are literally children. You don’t send children as reinforcements unless you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel. It’s a very clever hint that humanity is actually losing that war.


But none of that changes that during the time frame of the entire movie, humanity is being attacked (regardless of who shot first) and that the Bugs will destroy humanity if they aren’t fought against. It’s hard to be a movie seen as anti military, when during the time frame of the movie, the only thing saving humanity is the military. Everything else is speculation, like who attacked who, why the war started, if the military machine intentionally started the fight…all of that is just at best a “we don’t know”.

But what we do know, is that aliens are attacking the earth.


But how do you know humanity is being attacked or that the bugs will destroy humanity? Just like you say everything else is speculation that is also speculation. It’s also a speculation that the only thing saving humanity is the military. For all we know we’re actually the attackers and bugs are just defending their homes and if we never attack there wouldn’t be a conflict.

You can’t just take away the whys and hows and say it’s pro war. It’s satire, if you remove all the nuance then of course it’s going to be pro war. The whys and hows make this an anti-war movie.


Buenos Aires, on earth, was destroyed and everyone living there was killed… nothing within the movie actually presents as the bugs may not be trying to destroy humanity and just spread/populate the galaxy. All of the government conspiracy inside job false flag stuff everyone here has fun talking about is almost completely baseless. It’s all conjecture.

PetulantBandicoot, do gaming w Hidetaka Miyazaki 'knows for a fact' other FromSoftware devs want a Bloodborne PC port: 'If I say I want one, I'll get in trouble, but it's nothing I'm opposed to'
@PetulantBandicoot@aussie.zone avatar

C’mon Sony, do us a solid and just release it on PC already.


Monkey’s Paw wish granted: The PS6 is a dedicated gaming PC that can only play Sony games.


I mean that’s kinda what it already is

VirtualOdour, do gaming w Casper Van Dien is loving the Starship Troopers renaissance but still finds it mind-boggling some take it at face value

I would just like to take this moment to suggest people find a comfortable place to sit with a stiff drink, spliff or whatever and listen to the first chapter of the audio book - and I mean really listen, actively visualize the story and everything being described, let yourself really emotionally connect with the events as much as possible - it’s a really powerful and well written bit of action sci-fi.

It’s on YouTube read by Christopher Hurt, first chapter is about 40 min, I’ve read a lot of sci-fi and it’s without a doubt in my mind the strongest and most thought provoking opening to a Sci fi. It gets you pulled into the characters, the world, and emotion without a break in the action - and for a book punished in 1959 the action is unbelievably believable, it’s hard to imagine better high energy action sci-fi combat – someone needs to make a real gritty anime of it.


Doesn’t appear to be on audible UK - is it on USA?


I don’t know, I just listen on YouTube, it’s not got the useful features but it works

luciferofastora, do gaming w Hidetaka Miyazaki 'knows for a fact' other FromSoftware devs want a Bloodborne PC port: 'If I say I want one, I'll get in trouble, but it's nothing I'm opposed to'

Last I heard, there were some issues about who owns the IP and copyrights? I’m not overly familiar, but legal jungle combined with corporate politics may be scary enough to navigate that Miyazaki would rather be careful around making explicit statements


Oh great. Can’t wait for Sony or something to come in and completely ruin the IP with a movie or some shit.

dino, do gaming w Hidetaka Miyazaki 'knows for a fact' other FromSoftware devs want a Bloodborne PC port: 'If I say I want one, I'll get in trouble, but it's nothing I'm opposed to'

This is taking way too long.

Neato, do gaming w Hidetaka Miyazaki 'knows for a fact' other FromSoftware devs want a Bloodborne PC port: 'If I say I want one, I'll get in trouble, but it's nothing I'm opposed to'

Why would he get in trouble? Sony only owns 15% of From. And who the hell would fire him? That’d be like firing Kojima. And we see how that turned out for Konami.


Sony execs: “well we were going to send Kratos after him, but he only said he ‘wasn’t opposed’, so you can send Kratos home.”

@sneezycat@sopuli.xyz avatar

Knowing how good companies are at taking decisions, they’d be capable.

Crackhappy, do gaming w Casper Van Dien is loving the Starship Troopers renaissance but still finds it mind-boggling some take it at face value
@Crackhappy@lemmy.world avatar

I watched the trailer and thought to myself, 20 years ago me would be super excited for this game!

Zozano, do gaming w Hidetaka Miyazaki 'knows for a fact' other FromSoftware devs want a Bloodborne PC port: 'If I say I want one, I'll get in trouble, but it's nothing I'm opposed to'

It’s bound to happen.

Sony has been breaking into the PC space for a bit now.

frezik, do gaming w Casper Van Dien is loving the Starship Troopers renaissance but still finds it mind-boggling some take it at face value

People don’t even get Robocop, and that one is even less subtle (IMO).


Neo Nazis didn’t get The Dead Kennedys (a very left-leaning hardcore punk band). It motivated them to write a song titled “Nazi punks fuck off” (the lyrics just repeat the song’s title aggressively) in an attempt to pass the message into their thick, mostly empty skulls.

RememberTheApollo_, do gaming w Casper Van Dien is loving the Starship Troopers renaissance but still finds it mind-boggling some take it at face value

I don’t understand why people wouldn’t take it at face value without any further context offered to them beforehand. It’s a campy action film that’s a lot of fun but with just the faintest dusting of authoritarianism that could be easily disregarded as just part of the ambience of the filmmaker’s decisions. It ends on a hopeful scene implying better understanding of the Bugs in order to reach victory.

You’ve got to read the book to get it, but even then that doesn’t really shift the film out of being a Big Action Shooter that’s fun to watch.


Umm, I’m pretty sure Heinlein meant it as a system that could work. The book is definitely not the parody the movie is.


Sorry if it came across that way, but no…the book is not like the movie. No disagreement there.


All good. Maybe my reading comprehension was off.

shasta, (edited )

I think what made it an obvious parody was the over the top PSA/commercials they broadcasted, and the fact that citizens are treated as a privileged class. I think at one point someone mentions that they have to become a citizen in order to be legally allowed to have children and that’s why they joined the army. It’s so far abstracted from our own reality, that I even picked up on the fact that it was a parody watching it for the first time at 12 years old.


TBF but a parody of what? Sure it has a satirical look and exaggerates aspects of modern society, however we are trying to balance that against the book.

We could even say that the movie is taking shots at Heinlein’s own personal beliefs because arguably Heinlein’s personal politics paint him as a rabid anti-communist, pro-nuclear and -projection of force.

Personally I viewed the commercials and over the top stratified society based using a trope of a somewhat Roman or Spartan militaristic society, but it’s been a long, long time since I read the book to remember enough to actually compare Heinlein’s politics to the book and then the film to that book and modern society.


Sorry, I meant satire.



zagaberoo, do gaming w Casper Van Dien is loving the Starship Troopers renaissance but still finds it mind-boggling some take it at face value

Is it really that mind-boggling? ST has always seemed to me to read whichever way you are already predisposed to. How does everybody dying make it an anti-war movie? I would be shocked if the kind of person who believes in the good of a war machine were surprised that lots of people die in war.

Maybe my memory is a bit hazy, but the bugs actually annihilate a city, right? What is the human response supposed to be? The extreme nature of the government and military only come across as insane if you’ve already been educated about fascism. Desperate times do indeed call for desperate measures, which muddies the antifascist message in my opinion.

It’s a great movie, but anyone who thinks it’s going to change anyone’s mind from their preconceptions is fooling themselves.

What am I missing?

@ZeroHora@lemmy.ml avatar

If I recall correctly, most things that the bugs did was fake news, just propaganda to justify the war that sustain the failed government.


We must have based humanity off the movie.


Lies !! The bug obviously launched that asteroid ! You’re a traitor spreading lies it’s all that i see !


"I want to make a movie so painfully obvious in its satire that everyone who understands it lives in perpetual psychological torment inflicted on them by all the people who don’t."

  • Paul Verhoeven, director of Starship Troopers

The movie makes it clear that:

  1. The bugs were responding to human colonization
  2. Humans fired the first shots
  3. The government is lying to everyone claiming the bugs are mindless. They overjoyed shouts of the soldiers when they learn the opposite is true - is only because they learn that the bugs are terrified.
  4. The endless over the top propaganda is supposed to be a pretty fuckin heavy clue that it’s a fascist state.

4 in particular I think is more open to interpretation based on ones existing biases than people seem to think. Being over the top doesn’t necessarily have to be mockery and authorial intent is peanuts to a random personwatching a movie.

The other points IIRC are individual moments rather than recurring themes. It’s not surprising to me that significant numbers of people overlook them.

@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

4 in particular I think is more open to interpretation based on ones existing biases than people seem to think

I mean yeah, people with fascist views obviously wouldn’t see fascist propaganda as being ironic.


One of the hallmarks of fascism is that the enemy are simultaneously too strong - so we must militarise - and too weak, because we are the superior race and destined to prevail.


Most of your points aren’t true at all.

  1. The movie point blank states towards the beginning that the Bugs were flinging out their pods/eggs/whatever into space looking to land on worlds to colonize
  2. The movie gives all appearances and inferences that the Bugs attacked first. Not the humans. This makes further sense by point 1, and how far away the bugs home world actually is.
  3. The only announcement made of a bug being afraid wasn’t all bugs. It was only the large “thinking” bug at the end of the movie, after it had its mouth cut off and it was strapped down and being experimented on in the lab. There was no inferences at all of any other bugs being made. So no, the government wasn’t depicted in the movie as lying about knowing of any bug intelligence. I didn’t know of any intelligent bugs, and by the end of the movie it was only known that the one type of rare smart bug captured was the only intelligent one, and that it was able to possibly psychically control the other dumb bugs.

The propaganda films say that the bugs are attacking by flinging asteroids from the other side of the milky way, do you know how long that would take? Also we never see any bugs in space, just the plasma getting thrown, never see how they are supposedly throwing these asteroids.


What’s your point? I’m not really sure why you sent this as a reply to me.


The point is that the footage we see is part of the in-universe propaganda, so we have no reason to assume it’s true.

Once again proving that even fictional propaganda is highly effective.


There’s also no presentation that it isn’t true, and by whatever means, we do know for sure that the Bugs are attacking earth. Retaliation or not, so either way it’s people stuck having to fight in order to save humanity.


None of your points except maybe number 4 is true.


It’s the same reason people thought Stephen Colbert was a champion of conservatism until he moved to the tonight show.


“its afraid… Its afraid!!” cheering

Anyone who misses the satire is a dolt, but I do agree satire is ineffective in changing minds. It’s a preaching to the choir sort of genre.


Maybe my memory is a bit hazy, but the bugs actually annihilate a city, right?

The bugs were alleged to send an asteroid from another solar system and hit Earth. Logically, the bugs would have to know hundreds of years that they were going to get in a war with the Humans, know how to shoot an asteroid across the galaxy, and know exactly Earth was going to be for the asteroid to hit.


Is it surprising that people might miss that, though? Especially if they don’t already agree with the antifascist message.


I missed it and wasn’t brought to my attention years later that the movie was satire on fascism. I always took it as a dumb action movie.


Not an unreasonable interpretation!


The bugs don’t launch the asteroids ballistically, they are launched superluminally as can be seen by the gravity singularity that Denise Richards detects when they (almost) avoid the asteroid.

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