
ozoned, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

Money. They were thinking money.

therealjcdenton, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

See if there wasn’t only online and Denuvo I would be able to mod that shit out. But because it has Denuvo I will wait until someone cracks it then pirate it so I can mod what features they pay walled to play how it was intended to be played by the honest developers


Is Empress still the only human capable of cracking Denuvo?


I don’t think she’s the only one able, just willing. Isn’t there still someone who consistently cracks Madden games or something similar? Also fitgirl maybe, but I think that’s just repack stuff.


Yeah, fitgirl does not crack


Does she still do Denuvo games? I know she doesn’t work with Empress anymore, so there must be somebody cracking those for the repack if so

@Dumbkid@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Shrug mods seemed to work for me, got 999 portcrystals and metamorphosis books and didn’t get banned, should be good now. The re engine is super easy to modify


and didn’t get banned


@Dumbkid@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ill update here if I do, only had to modify my game the once so I won’t have to mess with it again


Just say “argh, matey.” Don’t need to gussy it up.

Kolanaki, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?
!deleted6508 avatar

I’ll just wait until it gets the Dark Arisen treatment and all the MTX and pre-order content becomes freely available in the game and the limits on port stones and the random currencies that aren’t just gold for shops are removed.

The original game originally had limited fast travel, too. But it was eventually made non shitty and you can just buy the stones you drop as FT points at a shop in the main city.

constantokra, do edc w DIY Hayanawa Bracelets

Do you find yourself using it, and what for?

I almost always find myself using a full arms’ span of cord, which for me is around 5.5 feet, so I generally carry two of that length, one wrapped up, and one in a loop with a diamond knot, which I find convenient in place of a carabiner.

@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve used it once to try to recover something stuck in a tree 😅 The length is quite long for some uses but perfect for hojojutsu. I also used to carry a shorter length in the form of a keychain for more mundane uses.


Ooo, I like that short one. I think I’ll use that. Thanks for the link.

ME5SENGER_24, do edc w DIY Hayanawa Bracelets

I was literally wondering what to do with a role of paracord today and Googling ideas

@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

If you make this type of bracelet, post a pic! :)

daltotron, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

The most insane part to me still isn’t necessarily the money-grubbing shit, because capcom has been doing that in basically every game they’ve made for a while now. It’s sad to me that dragon’s dogma is kind of, the outlet for getting shit on, with this, basically because the other games they put out have built-in fanbases and engagement that are gonna ignore the monetization. But maybe they also have more easily ignored monetization, and it’s not as though dragon’s dogma doesn’t have a fanbase, even if the fanbase is much smaller than the others.

Anyways, the thing that really baffles me about this game is that it’s not multiplayer. That seems like an obvious sell. Is there like, some idea there that they’d be cutting in on monster hunter’s turf, or something? I dunno, the pawns just seem kinda annoying, and the game, overall, seems kind of mid. I haven’t seen a large amount of it, in any case, but maybe it’s just sort of, the monetization and denuvo is kind of the final and most prominent cherry on top of a dog shit sundae, and nobody’s talking about the actual game itself being maybe more mid because of that. I dunno, though, I legitimately haven’t seen much on this game outside of this.

TexMexBazooka, (edited )

Bro the commas, the commas!!! Reading your paragraph made my brain stutter

Edit: op edited the commas, we love op


Don’t, forget the, weird Russian DRM,.


That sounds like a you problem. Maybe read better?

EdibleFriend, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?
@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

What was Capcom thinking?


That nerds would bitch and moan and cry then buy it like they always do. Which is exactly what happened.

!deleted6508 avatar

They added this shit after the reviews and shit came out and said it didn’t have any of this garbage though, so it’s a bit unfair.

@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

I literally took that screenshot right before I made the post. Right this second it’s still the number 1 seller on steam.


You do realise that the stats wont just change overnight right?


Many of us preordered because at least for me day 1 performance issues don’t bother me. I loved dragons dogma and knew pretty much no matter what I wanted to play this.

Hiding that you have micro transactions until release day is just bullshit. I don’t know if that knowledge would have kept me from buying it though. Fast travel so far is pretty much non-existent as the ferry stones are super rare…


Yes, this is the same as the first game. Ironically the DLC was also available for the first game


@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Many of us preordered

Never pre-order. Never. Just don’t fucking do it.

I’s bad for you and everyone else who buys video games.


I get what you mean, but 99.9% of the time I’m buying it day one anyway so they get me with the dumb trinkets they throw at you for pre-ordering lol

CosmicCleric, (edited )
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

I get what you mean, but 99.9% of the time I’m buying it day one anyway

Well, no one is saying you can’t buy it on day one, just don’t buy it on day minus one.

On the day it comes out you can just check some reviews first and then reaffirm your decision to buy, or you may hear about something you weren’t aware of, and then decide not to buy.

Also by doing this, you help all your other fellow gamers, by diminishing the importance of the pre-order and the shenanigans that go with it.

Ilflish, (edited )

I don’t think that’s true. I remember seeing some of this stuff on store description at the very least and as far as I’m aware, some reviews mentioned the DLC could not be reviewed because it wasn’t live which inferred it was known. I’ll have to research this tomorrow because I keep hearing both sides but this aligns with the fact they were available day one unlike RE4Make

Edit: A credible source suggesting DD2 Microtransactions were known about by Reviewers and just never mentioned. forbes.com/…/why-dragons-dogma-2-reviews-didnt-me…


To be fair the developer that said that and the corporate shill that decided microtransactions should be in the game arent the same person


Unfinished slop will be bought if the game has a devoted enough following/hype, a notable example being Cyberpunk 2077

Bamboodpanda, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

It’s not a big deal. You can purchase and find these in game. All of the dlc is pointless and is practically the same as the original games dlc. For real.

@Chailles@lemmy.world avatar

One of the DLC is just a better version of the camp item that you can’t find in-game.


That’s just a straight up lie. I found a better camp than the dlc from a side quest less than 8 hours into the game.

Fridgeratr, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

You can get all of these items in game for free for not that much effort. Yes it’s dumb but everyone is exploding about this a bit much


I think the concern some people have is that it’s a slippery slope. Sure, right now it might not be too egregious, but if this behaviour is just accepted, publishers will want SP games to be designed around mtx. There’s no limit to greedy peoples’ imaginations when it comes to squeezing people for their money, so god knows how they’ll limit your ability to play games without putting in either a lot of time, effort or money.


This has been happening for years. Shadow of war (2017) had orcs in loot boxes, every assassin’s creed since, and including, black flag (2013) has had microtransactions in some form, odyssey (the last one I’ve personally played) had a rotating cash shop in every city. I know it’s another Ubisoft game but farcry 5 had cosmetic microtransactions in a game that is permanently in first person. You could only see your outfit on the change outfit screen. This comment isn’t meant to come across as antagonistic but I do find it strange to be warning about a slippery slope when we’ve all been riding the toboggan for years.

Boiglenoight, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

I was considering buying this but no longer. Game might be good but vote with your wallet to signal intolerance for greedy business practices.


Arrr 🏴‍☠️


Denuvo makes that pretty unlikely and people on steam are saying that characters are stored server side so I don’t know how that will affect piracy attempts even if denuvo is cracked.


Denuvo doesn’t make it impossible, it just makes it take longer, dependant on the interest of the crackers. The main need to be online comes from the initial Denuvo validation and for the ability to use others’ pawns. Being offline means you’ll just have to use generated pawns.


The only cracker that works on denuvo games hasn’t done a release in over 10 months. At this point it’s a matter of if/when the developer removes denuvo because there is no one cracking it right now.

@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t have the game but I assume “characters stored server side” means other people’s pawns like in the original where you could browse through people’s weird sidekicks and recruit them to your party. Not even Monster Hunter stores characters server side, it would be a weird shift to do it now.


From what I have picked up reading steam reviews, starting a new character is an MTX so they enforce that by storing your character on their servers. Others are saying you can get around that by deleting a specific folder but it’s still really shitty.


Capcom has been removing denuvo in 6-12 months. I’ll just wait till then


Denuvo can be cracked in as early as week after release. It all just depends if people care about the game enough.


There is one person cracking denuvo, they haven’t done a release in 10 months and when they were active they were doing them by request for a $500 “donation”. It has never been about how much people care about a game. The other titles that had releases early on were because devs occasionally mess up and push out updates that don’t have denuvo applied, not because anyone was cracking denuvo.


Yeah, I’ll just pirate it.

I only pay for games that aren’t kneeling at the alter of enshitification.


Yeah this whole thing may seem minor to some people but that’s what companies want you to feel. They’ll slowly slip in these greedy practices until it becomes the norm. Not long ago, Yakuza made New Game+ a paid DLC. What’s next? Paid save slots? Paid difficulty settings? I wouldn’t be surpised if that’s where we end up in a few years and we start posting “Remember when [X] was a standard feature in games?” memes.


“What can we get away with?” 👈 Capitalism


Yeah this whole thing may seem minor to some people but that’s what companies want you to feel.

Remember when Oblivion’s horse armor DLC was considered outrageous? $2 for an in-game cosmetic is hardly a blip on the radar now

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah this whole thing may seem minor to some people but that’s what companies want you to feel. They’ll slowly slip in these greedy practices until it becomes the norm.

This is why it’s so important to push back on this crap.

Don’t buy these kind of games, and never pre-order any game.

And don’t listen to the shills/astroturfers telling you otherwise.

elxeno, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?
@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar




Thank you for enshrining this beautiful moment.


Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened

SuperSaiyanSwag, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

This makes me afraid for Monster Hunter Wilds. That is my favorite series and the only game I still play online.


Luckily the only paid Monster Hunter content so far has been cosmetics and expansions, hopefully it stays that way.

Restaldt, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?
Cold_Brew_Enema, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

This whole thing has blown up completely unnecessarily. Guys, it’s a SINGLE player game! Everyone one of these things can be easily unlocked in game. If you are against it, here is a crazy idea; Don’t buy them.

The game is awesome, for anyone not blindly joining in on the circlejerk.

@Thrife@feddit.de avatar

Exactly, it is a SINGLE player game! None of that microtransaction-crap needs to be in there.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So why are they in there? to prey on people?

Maybe predatory behaviour is bad and wrong? Things can be unacceptable without them personally hurting you btw.

umbrella, (edited ) do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?
@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

i got made fun of when i said microtransactions were a slippery slope and this was gonna end up happening


The thing with microtransactions is that people actually buy it. And it makes gobs of money. We don’t deserve full games.


Whales buy it. For every 1,000 fans upset by this decision there is 1 fan who is rich enough that spending $1,000 on the game is nothing. A lot of these aggressive monetization schemes aren’t meant to make money on the average player.

@gmr_leon@mstdn.social avatar

The sad part is, those preyed upon aren't always necessarily well off enough to afford it.

It's one of those situations where either the microtransactions are in fact small, so the low costs add up over time before the victims realize it, or they're set up to pressure people into multiple rapid transactions, and so they either exploit some people's poor impulse control or gambling addictions, or more often than not, both.


It’s not that this monetization isn’t meant to target the average player specifically, it’s made to entice singular one-time purchases in a similar fashion to how places like Walmart work. Yes, they have the data that shows a few whales will make those transactions worth it, at the same time they are counting on catching the occasional non-whale slacking. Trick enough minnows into a net and you have the same mass as a whale.

I know this is a small difference in context, to a business it can mean millions of additional dollars. So remember: They know whales will pay. At the same time they are expecting to catch more than a few smaller fish in the process.

It’s up to us to prove them wrong where we can.

@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, they have the data that shows a few whales will make those transactions worth it, at the same time they are counting on catching the occasional non-whale slacking. Trick enough minnows into a net and you have the same mass as a whale.

You’re actually thinking much more intelligently than they do. I was in games for almost two decades, left a couple years ago. The vast, vast, vast, vast majority of money made is from whales, it’s not even close. I’ve worked on games where we had to speak to banks in both Canada and the UAE to allow a man to make six figure purchases per week. He and one other whale were over 75% of our revenue.

Now the intelligent thing to do to make money here would be, as you said, getting minnows to spend – but that takes too long and the people who run these things want it now.

So rather than selling each armour colour or whatever for 50 cents each, they’ll charge 20 bucks for all of it, pricing out 90% of users*, and barely making money on it, instead of a million people buying it making them a tonne of money. (*this is a personal experience tale, this did happen, these numbers are unaltered.)


I was under the assumption this was the case for the mobile market. I didn’t realize this extended to larger titles. I mean, I guessed everyone is whale hunting, just didn’t realize to what extent. I appreciate the perspective!

@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

To be 100% fair here, that anecdote I used was a mobile game, but the same thing does happen in larger PC/Console game titles, it’s just not 75% of (player) paid revenue.

This is especially so in games that have battlepasses – far fewer people buy those every time thank you’d think, and the ones who do are a small percentage of total players, but make up a lions share of the total revenue earned from said battlepass. Those are also the people (the every pass ones) who buy everything in the shop. 50 dollar cape or whatever, they buy it on release.

@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly. They also have to know the number of “whales” is rapidly shrinking as more and more money is moved to fewer and fewer hands. Eventually they’ll be left with like 4-5 whales and only a couple live minnows.

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