
Transporter_Room_3, do games w Day 7 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

I’ve seen almost that exact sight so many times…

For a second I thought it was 2012 again and I was curled up under my blanket with some hot chocolate to play skyrim and watch some cartoons.

And I was in my 20s.

@MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.world avatar

Skyrim really is a magical experience like that. I wish I was old enough to experience it on launch in the early 2010s just so I could experience that with the rest of the community for the first time

@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

I didn’t get it right away, since I try not to buy anything in the first month it’s out so I get a good feel of the game. Also, you know… poor. But mostly the first thing.

But holy shit the videos of dragon fights… I had to fight an impulse buy.

Since then I’ve spent over $100 on various copies for various consoles and my computer, all on sale. It may not seem like much, but when 95% of my library was purchased during sales and events… That’s a lot.

It’s not perfect, but there are so many mods for it, you can tailor it to whatever you want. Personally, I like a bit of survival mechanics like food/water and temperatures/wetness. I also like the older oblivion style of magic combat.

Bethesda may not have made the greatest video game of all time, but at this point it might as well be the best fantasy RPG-lite sandbox I’ve played. The only thing that could make it better is a settlement system like fallout. I like to build.

@MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.world avatar

Survival is what I went for on this Modpack too. I have survival Mode enabled, along with a whole bunch of clothes and stuff for warmth. I’ve been trying to to get the Campfire and Frostfall mods to work but they won’t load in game for some reason so I may just have to give up

I would kill for a settlement system like Fallout 4’s or a C.A.M.P System like Fallout 76. Even just a revamp of Heart fire using the new system might be enough to get me to buy a 4th rerelease of Skyrim


Well, i haven’t neen much of a gamer for years (got too adicted to WoW), but just started again this year. I am amazed by Skyrim, and am now modding it up.

I also just got Cyberpunk 2077, and will get into it soon.

caut_R, (edited ) do games w Day 5 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

Pretty good game, I was really missing a fasttravel feature towards the end

(on the planets ofc lol, you can fasttravel between planets)

!deleted4407 avatar

I got lost on Dathomir more than I would like to admit.


Strong agree, and something I hope Survivor corrected. I haven’t gotten a chance to play the second yet, but I’m looking forward to it regardless since I really did enjoy the first game despite its flaws.


Survivor has fast travel. But it also has a different general level design for the two main planets which are much more open compared to Fallen Order.


Oh man, more open? That makes me nervous. I liked the linearity of Fallen Order and was hoping Survivor would have more of it, just with more depth.


More like an open hub world and several linear levels instead of the interconnected linear levels of Fallen Order.


Ahh, okay. I actually really enjoy hub design when it’s done properly (e.g. Dark Souls 1). I’ll probably start Survivor after I finish Nier Replicant remake (and game that’s got kind of a primitive hub design, come to think of it).

@MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.world avatar

I think the furthest I ever got was the bit with At-Ats on my PS4 save. This screenshot is from my Steam deck save after I picked it up on the summer sale so I’m hoping to complete it this go around. Especially because of all I hear about how good it is

FrankLaskey, do games w Day 3 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

TBH This might be a good enough idea to merit a whole community of people just posting singular cool screenshots of games they are playing. Could be a cool low-effort visual way to document what folks are into at the moment. Kind of like a visual version of those ‘what are you playing’ weekly threads that used to be everywhere.

@MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.world avatar

It would be awesome to see what other people are playing through screenshots. I wouldn’t mind seeing more people share their screenshots, whether as their own post or piggy backing off of mine

Martineski, (edited )
@Martineski@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

There is !photomode but it’s dead.

E: Ok, it’s not dead. I must have confused it with a different community.


Not exactly what I was thinking of but still worth a sub!

HubertManne, do gaming w Why are you like this

I hate consumables and temporary buffs which is why I do so bad at elden ring.


I have no problem with consumables for health and magic but temp buffs aren’t my thing. I’ll never finish that game.


Seriously, I go in to a boss fight and spend minutes hacking and dodging with basic attacks and combos, then watch GDQ and they use a couple items and then cream the boss in two combos…

That game is not hard at all, just insanely punishing for little mistakes. Mistakes like… not using consumable buffs…

I despise games made to be frustrating for all except the intended play style. Dark Souls games are at the top of the list for games that aren’t simply misbalanced, but designed by cruel idiots.


I mean I still get through (granted I tend to have to overlevel) and sometimes I break down and use a different play style.

squirrel, do gaming w Peak graphic design
@squirrel@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It still bothers me that the cube inside the cube is bigger than the outer line, despite forming the outer line during the intro animation. It will never stop bothering me.


It’s in the foreground. The appearance of lining up with the rest is just an optical illusion, like the penrose triangle.

canis_majoris, do gaming w Speak for yourself
@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar


I want to live the dream. I want it to be true.

Please let me be well rested.

Guntrigger, do gaming w GTA: Vice City Remastered

Is there such a thing as a demaster? If so, this is it.


There are demakes!

buzz86us, do gaming w I even remember taking batteries from a smoke detector once.

I have AA batteries that are rechargeable, and I’m challenged to find a use for them


Once I had a kid, the demand for AAs skyrockted. I already had a bunch of nice Eneloop and generic equivalent rechargeables and a fancy third party smart charger. But when a kid gets a LOT of toys, the rechargeables turn out not to be a good solution. You need to have a large quantity of batteries that get rarely used, unless you want to be swapping batteries every time they switch toys. Good luck with that, lol.

And even worse, if you have a bunch of rechargeables in toys all over the house, they can start getting trashed or given away inside those toys!

So it was like an overflow error that put me back at the beginning of the battery user progression. Buying alkalines baby!

@redbr64@lemmy.world avatar

Haha, same situation here. Whenever my partner says she is giving away a toy, my first reaction is “take my batteries (eenlops/EBLs) out!”. My older brother was always shitting on rechargeables, but they have been great for me


Yeah, it’s the presence of the partner that complicates things. Likewise I would never let something leave the house without checking the batteries if it were only me.

It’s always fun when I come home and take out some garbage bags because she did a big cleaning, and then the damn garbage starts playing music or giggling at me.

Oh great, so now it’s a question of whether I leave it up to fate or dig through the garbage and go find my little screwdriver. Because for anybody not aware, kids toys typically have a screw to keep the battery compartment cover in place and kid proof.

Fortunately, I’ve only found alkalines the last couple’s times. But my son is 7 so the heat Alkaline Influx happened many moons ago.


All the things I have that use batteries don’t seem to function well on rechargeable (such as my electric door locks). So I also have a bunch of them I don’t know what to do with and still have to buy disposable. 😔

@redbr64@lemmy.world avatar

Wow, that sucks. It has worked for me. I have a zwave lock that I have been running on rechargeables for about 6 years now. Even now with the abuse of a 5 year old kid who learned the pin and insists on locking and unlocking unnecessarily, I only charge the batteries once every 6 months! I thought maybe I was exaggerating, but I have a home assistant automation that alerts me when battery level is 50% or under, which is when I charge, and yeah, just about every 6 months. Maybe it’s because I spent too much on “good” rechargeables? Or not, it might be placebo


It could very well be that yours are “good” rechargeables! Mine are just Amazons brand lol. If I use them in my locks I have to change like every 4-5 weeks.

@redbr64@lemmy.world avatar

Oh wow. I suppose it could be the locks. But yeah, they’re good higher capacity rechargeables, EBL brand (according to the research I did)


I use them for my game controller and my wireless mouse but that’s about it.


Everything I own that I’d like to use rechargeable batteries in, explicitly tells me not to use rechargeable batteries in it. It’s super annoying.

sundray, do gaming w And now you get the bad ending

Whatever happens, I’m either taking these 26 unused Elixirs across the finish line in triumph, or to the cold embrace of the grave.


I mean, obviously. You might still need them

penquin, do gaming w Please think of how your actions affect Gabe

“Gabe is starving to death great job” Ever heard of punctuation?

onlinepersona, do gaming w No notes. It's perfect.

What’s the dialogue that gets you to this? 😅

Anti Commercial-AI license


I noticed you license your comments here, do you really think that stops llm scrapers? I have more or less resigned to the fact that anything I write or post here is in the public domain and on the internet essentially forever.


Regardless of its effectiveness, it will be fun to see that text regurgitated


It’s actual purpose is to infuriate lemmy users. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a comment with that signature included that doesn’t have at least one reply from someone telling them it doesn’t work. It’s pretty funny.


I guess? If your purpose is to annoy people trying to discuss things…


Just ignore the signatures, it’s harmless


It’s “harmless” in the sense that ads are “harmless” which is to say it’s a deliberate waste of my time, and thus vile.




It’s actual purpose is to infuriate lemmy users

That doesn’t actually take much to do. Especially the talentless hacks calling themselves “artists”


Who’s that targeted at? I feel like you have a you problem there.

@dumbass@leminal.space avatar

Hey now! It takes skill and fineness to manipulate the spooky art robot to make things…


Same energy as the boomers posting those crazy “Facebook is not allowed to use my stuff!” posts on FB. Some people never learn.


In order to make it really work you have to, print off the comment, write NO COMMERCIAL LICENSE in green ink to 45° angle, then upload the picture of the comment with the sign on it.

Otherwise it doesn’t count.


You have to use RED ink you damn fool! Stop spreading misinformation.


Well AI needs our data. It’s this or it starts sending robots back in time.

I prefer it to have my random anonymous comments.


It’s been years since I played New Vegas, but I feel like you can get this dialog not long after you first pick up Cass as a companion. I believe the dick in question is that of the NCR, which has overextended itself in the Mojave and is struggling to secure its territory.


Thanks for the explanation! Never played New Vegas. The reviews said it was terrible, but maybe after a few updates it was OK?

Anti Commercial-AI license


What fuckin reviews you reading? Its literally the best one.

Overwhelmingly positive 96% approval on over a 100k reviews.



It was released in 2012 or something. Back then it wasn’t greeted with such positivity and I hadn’t checked since.

The reviews do look pretty positive now.

Anti Commercial-AI license


You’re right. Obsidian had a very tight timeframe for developing this game and it was a buggy mess when it released. as is anything based on the creation Gamebryo (creation is skyrim onwards and is based on gamebryo) engine.

Once it was polished up a bit though it was recognized for the genre defining game it is


I’ve never really understood the hyper around NV but admittedly my memory could be tainted by time.

I loved Fallout 1 & 2 and when Fallout 3 dropped I was delighted to get 1st person modern graphics in the world I loved. Then NV came along and the novelty of the new perspective and graphics had worn off, and there were these 2 new groups I really didn’t enjoy. Take me back to simpler times of raiders and brotherhood. Then Fallout 4 came out and I was happy once more…back in the world I loved with fresher graphics.

But nothing can replace 1 & 2 for me.


I would definitely recommend giving it a try.

A number of devs from Interplay (developers of the first two Fallout games before Bethesda acquired the license) moved to Obsidian and worked on New Vegas. Many long-time fans of the series consider it to be the best of the series after the transition to 3d first person, if not the best in the series, period.

A lot of the negative reviews were tied to the very buggy state the game released in. I’ve heard rumors that Obsidian asked for more QA time but was forced by the publisher to rush it to release. Given that Obsidian had a bounty reward if they hit a certain Metacritic score and they missed it by one point, I’m inclined to believe that rumor.

Personally, I think Fallout 4 has better gunplay, but New Vegas is much better at being an RPG with guns in it, rather than a shooter with RPG elements tacked on. It’s gotten a ton of polish since release, and there are years of community mods and patches to further smooth out the rough edges.


A lot of the negative reviews were tied to the very buggy state the game released in. I’ve heard rumors that Obsidian asked for more QA time but was forced by the publisher to rush it to release. Given that Obsidian had a bounty reward if they hit a certain Metacritic score and they missed it by one point, I’m inclined to believe that rumor.

Thanks, that’s what stuck with me and I hadn’t checked since. I’ll give a go. Thanks.

Anti Commercial-AI license

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, (edited )
@p5yk0t1km1r4ge@lemmy.world avatar

…why are you licensing your comments? That’s such a cringey boomer thing to do


…why are you so triggered? That’s such cringey right-wing thing to do.

Anti Commercial-AI license

@p5yk0t1km1r4ge@lemmy.world avatar

Lol I see no reason to continue engaging with you after this. Your cringey licensing, the use of the word “triggered,” even bringing politics into this for some reason (really? Lol) tells me more than enough about you than I really care to know. Have a nice day!

ColeSloth, do gaming w Art imitates life
hal_5700X, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2

Still not going to buy it.

Toneswirly, do gaming w Justice

That guy was not even born when battletoads was made

djsoren19, do games w do you guys think this game needs a remake?

It got one? The HD collection came out in 2012 and is honestly still pretty good, plus you get DMC3 with it.

I’m generally against remaking games that are currently perfectly playable. I’d vastly prefer getting DMC6 before they re-release the original for a second time.

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

I second this. Especially since I think the first one still holds up. You will have to reintegrate your brain into being cool with the locked camera, but the game still plays well and has a lot of fun moments. DMC has had a really fantastic and interesting life beyond the original entries, so I think it'd be more fulfilling and interesting keep seeing what can be done with the series than to try and mine old content.


To be fair:

  • it got a remaster; a remake is usually something that recreates the game from scratch.
  • DMC1 did not age that well in terms of gameplay, imo, as much as DMC3 did; it’s a little stiffy! But it is true that it still plays much better than many PS2 games.
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