
dumpsterlid, do gaming w Git gud

Git off discord tho for game development, it ends up causing only the types of people who are really active on discord to interact and give feedback and I have seen that really send some games off the rails as the rest of the playerbase begins to get the vibe the game is being developed for a small sliver of the game’s fans (the ones on discord and really active).


Seriously. Definitely gives the loudest a place to control how games should work. And when they don’t get their way, they get loud in other places and make drama.


Any dev worth their salt knows to balance and weigh the feedback across all channels. Discord is easy for quick troubleshooting and frequently asked questions. I see devs have some issues with Steam forums because of the toxicity, but most still take feedback from there too.

Usually Discord is just a funnel to redirect feedback to an internal backlog though. Together with all the other channels, including in-game reporting tools.


Any dev worth their salt knows to balance and weigh the feedback across all channels. Discord is easy for quick troubleshooting and frequently asked questions.

I am sure most devs who primarily interact with their game’s community through discord believe they are listening to feedback from a variety of sources, but it is clear to me in every case I know of where a game has “join our discord!” plastered all over the store page that functionally the only place where your feedback will actually be taken seriously and get to the devs is discord.


That might just be the instant chat nature of Discord and how it’s easier to get a reply on there. I’m sure if you went the classic route of sending email it would be acknowledged as well, generally speaking.


One of the biggest mistakes I keep seeing devs make is listening to the no-lifers who live on social media. Especially the content whiners: fuck content, make the game work right first.

@TeoTwawki@lemmy.world avatar

Speaking from experience giving the loudest users real time access to your sanity isn’t great either. Better to corral them into a slower mode of communication, such as an old fashion forum or use githubs “discussions” feature. Then you can spend your weekend on unwinding without a bunch of kids screeching that they’ve been ignored because you missed some message that was checks notes 200 paragraphs of back scrolling.

p.s. its 1000x worse when you inherit this kind of “community” from someone before you who let the monkeys do whatever. All I can say is thank god discord has that slow-mode feature now.

CaptainBasculin, do gaming w Git gud

git: ‘gud’ is not a git command. See ‘git -help’.


Why is this not an easter egg at this point?


Because then it will be lame after a decade.

I cringe at all the Easter eggs and In-jokes of the 80s-90s.


Which ones do you cringe at?

I find most of them amusing and witty. Especially things like WINE’s name being a recursion joke.

WINE Is Not an Emulator


YAML: Yaml Aint a Markup Language
PHP: PHP: Hypertext Processor


Fyi - “gud” equals god in Norwegian.

So its even more potent 😄

@TeoTwawki@lemmy.world avatar

so would it be like the god of gits or a god that is a git? asking for a friend dumb git

teft, do gaming w Git gud
@teft@lemmy.world avatar

I agree with the dev.

Kusimulkku, do gaming w Git gud

0.9 hours on record

not_that_guy05, do gaming w Well now I'm sad

Should’ve gotten good.

Git gud scrubs

@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar
slazer2au, do gaming w Well now I'm sad

Only for a courier to deliver you a letter with your inheritance.

Tagger, do gaming w Well now I'm sad

I quite like how Sniper elite handles this. As you are tagging enemies, small snippets about them pop up. So the Nazi you have in your scopes might love jazz music even though it’s illegal, or might draw caricatures of his fellow soldiers that give them some light hearted relief or might have tried out for the ss and failed the medical and takes his anger out on the locals.

It genuinely changes how I play the game. If they seem like they are just someone caught in the Nazi machine I tend to spare them if I can but I make pretty sure to end the true believers.


Which installment?


certainly 5, I think in 4 and maybe before


Oh, that explains why I never see it lol. I only have up until 3.


If you have game pass 5 is on there at the minute

@tetris11@lemmy.ml avatar

Judgement is a spectrum:


FMT99, do gaming w If anything, I expect to enjoy them MORE once I can share the interest with my kids

Maybe one day. But that day is not today.

Broken_Monitor, do gaming w If anything, I expect to enjoy them MORE once I can share the interest with my kids

Finding time for them has become more difficult. The kids dont typically play great games. Its fun to play some things with them but by the 3rd lego game I was done, its so repetitive. I keep playing stuff like that to entertain them, not really to entertain me. Playing more adult games requires setting up a separate space or waiting for kiddos to be in bed, and man I’m too old to stay up so late. I still enjoy them and haven’t grown out of them completely, but in a sense I sort of have just because of competing responsibilities that win the fight for my time.

@anomaly@sh.itjust.works avatar

I feel this, I have a Steam Deck that allows me 30 minutes to an hour of play at a time with the ability to pause and resume games when other responsibilities come up. This allows me the separate space but I can always plug it back in to the TV and play with my children. Of course I play mostly single player games these days so it’s not a fit for online multiplayer games.


It’s gotten harder to find games that don’t feel repetitive or similar to other games I’ve played. I think that’s part of the joy of gaming for kids - it’s all new experiences.

I find myself appreciating unique indie games now, especially if they don’t try to consume all my time. I don’t get much out of a 100hr open world game where I have to collect 500 keys since I already did that in so many other games.


Another thing to do is just go back and look at older games. A lot of them fell through the cracks over the years. Like Arcanum: Of steamworks and magic only problem is half the forum posts are in polish or written cyrillic and the best guide is an ancient ass website I need to archieve.


The kids dont typically play great games

Fucking Roblox


I tell my son I don’t let him play Roblox because of all the exploitive stuff around Robux

But the truth it calling those things Games is cancer, and we have to stop cancer before it spreads.


Fucking REAL. My library continues to grow and my time continues to shrink. Damn the Steam sales


When all the kids are outta the house and you have an empty nest, only then do you find the time.


Yeah. I set up the PS5 next to my work station at home and am on my fourth play through of Cyberpunk. I often play between or even during boring meetings.

Transporter_Room_3, do gaming w M for Mature
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

Taking a look at my installed games list, my dream is self-sustainable communities, building an off-grid homestead, and a world where everyone’s basic needs are provided for.

It’s all building games and I like ones where you can build a small settlement with multiple people assisting in various aspects.

My only gripe with city builders is they focus too heavily on forcing US views instead of real-world examples (walkable cities aren’t viable, lack of dedicating 90% of areas to cars is penalized, zoning bs, etc)


Farthest Frontier is my newest addition from that genre


Any recommendations/favourites?

@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

I like mucking about in Cities Skylines with mods, that’s basically my goto when I don’t feel like playing anything else.

Right now since I got a new pc and it’s on sale, I’ve been playing fallout 4 with a bunch of settlement building mods installed. Probably not gonna be on this much longer.

Next I think I’ll give Ixion a try.

Here’s a few I spent some time on in no particular order, ranging from top-down style city management to first person settler type:


Factorio & Satisfactory

Caesar 3/Pharoah


Surviving Mars


Medieval Dynasty

Against the storm (never could get into it, might have to give it another try)

Timberborn (didn’t get to play much, it’s on my list)

Dyson Sphere Program <— keep coming back to this one too especially now that my computer can go above 10fps

I love fallout’s settlement system, and specifically the mod Sim Settlements. I also like the idea of making a homestead for many people to live in and work together. Not many games that allow both group survival and independent building. Most that I’ve tried are like State of Decay, which is fun, but I don’t like the buildings being on rails. I like getting creative even if that means things get sloppy and disorganized.

My factory builders tend to utilize a lot of point-point logistics if available, otherwise it’s a spaghettified mess of conveyor belts and pipes. The kind that make experienced players cry and flee in terror. But they’re mine.

I’m also looking forward to seeing how good Manor Lords will be. If it looks good after a few days it’ll make a nice birthday present to myself.

!deleted6508 avatar

If my game preference determines how I want the world to be: I must want the world to be a fucked up, cursed wasteland where everything is in a state of constant suffering, and the best outcome is killing everyone so they at least stop suffering.

I’ll let y’all figure out what kind of games I play.

@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar


Or dark souls.

!deleted6508 avatar


Thinking about it, real life isn’t much different than Dark Souls. But I would like the IRL monsters to look better than just a poorly re-skinned default character.

@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

You know, I was thinking just that as I typed. “outside is kind of turning into dark souls but MORE depressing” but figured that might be pushing it. Glad to know I’m not alone.

In modern society, EVERY day is like you’re in Blighttown.

hperrin, do gaming w If anything, I expect to enjoy them MORE once I can share the interest with my kids

There are certain video games that I feel like I’ve outgrown, but I will never outgrow video games as a whole. That’s like saying you’ll outgrow movies.

@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

That’s like saying you’ll outgrow movies.

I’m stealing this


Yeah this is a good one.


I wouldn’t say that. At some point, you may just lose interest. I used to be playing all day, but during my 20s interest faded and now in my 30s, I maybe play some old games for a few hours here and there, but more for nostalgia. If I couldn’t play any games anymore, I wouldn’t say I would be terribly sad.

Maybe it’s different for you. People are different, after all.


I think I may be have outgrown movies, it’s that or almost all of the movies in the past 5 years have been total crap.

Hmmm nah I don’t think I’ve outgrown movies, I think it’s the total crap thing.

@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

i usually stay away from hollywood and cookie cutter movies and its fine. even then every once in a while something will catch my attention, i think you are just tired of all the really bad movies out there, like your tastes got more refined if you will.

SirSamuel, (edited )

Sorry, i replied on the wrong comment.

To your point, I’ve found storytelling to become fairly predictable as I age. Not that I didn’t watch shows or movies anymore. There’s a comfort in knowing what comes next and enjoying the art of visual storytelling and good acting. It also makes shows/movies that defy expectation that much better. Not “subvert expectations done poorly” like later seasons of GoT. More like (Andor spoilers)

! when Nemik dies. I know Cassian is the Reluctant Hero™. I know he’ll need a catalyst to galvanize his will and purpose. As soon as Nemik came on screen with his fresh face and youthful enthusiasm I thought “yeah he dies by the end of ACT II, and Cassian will be so moved by his sacrifice he’ll become a rebel”. But he died and Cassian was all “Yeah that sucks. Gonna take my money and bail.” !<

Mathazzar, do gaming w Just finished binging the Fallout show, would recommend

I have many negative options of this show. Ultimately, while Lucy was…okay… Norm and chet had my favorite dynamic and didn’t act like complete morons most of the time.

They seemed to have set out with the intention of making the BoS a slapstick comedy rayher than a serious player consisting of intelligent humans. Especially Knight Titus and Maximus felt like horribly written characters.

I understand them going for humor but… I feel the slapstick nature of it really took away my enjoyment of it.

While fallout has had humor in it, I felt it was backseat to the actual atmosphere of its story of surviving the wasteland. In the series, slapstick seems to be all it is.

Also I don’t understand why they added the thing about ghouls.

JackGreenEarth, do gaming w Well now I'm sad

There’s a bit of this in The Witcher 3. Usually in quests though, but maybe there should be a way to loot them before you kill them?

@Wizard_Pope@lemmy.world avatar

Do you kill the cat school witcher who dlaughtered a village lr do you let him live?


What, the one who’s name starts with K, in the ‘Following the thread’ quest? I let him live for the sake of his family, same as I reversed the Nithing in the quest of the same name, as the son doesn’t deserve to die for the sins of the father

@Wizard_Pope@lemmy.world avatar

No I dont think that is the one. Its the guy who killed a whole village except for one child because they tried to kill him after he got rid of the monster attacking them.

JackGreenEarth, (edited )

Ah, maybe I just haven’t done that quest yet. I just finished the ‘check if Ciri is in various locations’ quest.

Edit: spelling


It’s a good one. It shows up as just another village contract in Velen, and takes a turn.


I’m only up to the level 18 quests at the moment.


In fact, I usually try to avoid getting into fights or uneccessary violence, the only exceptions being killing Whoreson Junior, and getting into a fight in that inn in Skellige over the ‘law of hospitality’, which didn’t end well.


I usually kill him. Geralt tries to comfort him by mentioning his Butcher moniker, but they’re not at all the same circumstances. What he does is inexcusable, regardless of the girl he spares.

@Wizard_Pope@lemmy.world avatar

I never kill him. The villagers betrayed him. Yeah sure he overreacted but what else could he have done?


Killed the guys who betrayed him, and dared the village to do something about it. Axxiid them walk off a cliff, burn down their barn. I’m sure there’s plenty of alternative options for a Witcher without slaughtering everyone.


You mean pickpocketing?


Yeah, something like that, but that’s not a feature as far as I’m aware.

@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

I’m only good at putting live explosives in other peoples’ pockets though.

LordCrom, do gaming w If anything, I expect to enjoy them MORE once I can share the interest with my kids

I’ve been a gamer since the 70s. Started with pong, Atari 2600, Atari 800 with basic… Compute magazine where games weren’t included on media, it was 5 pages of code you had to type in to play the game …

I keep telling young people the reason you have these awesome titles today is because of my generation playing fucking pac man.

@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

I love hearing about the development of the old arcade games. It was truly the wild west. Uncharted territory.

I grew up playing a lot of them on my dad’s Atari 2600, early DOS ports, and whatever arcade cabinets were still around through the 90s.

billwashere, do gaming w If anything, I expect to enjoy them MORE once I can share the interest with my kids

Well I’m 53 and my wife is 56 and it hasn’t happened to us yet.


I’m 47 and I did.

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