
GrammatonCleric, do games w "The Day Before" makers Fntastic are shutting down.
@GrammatonCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe they should’ve crowdfunded and did preorders

Lanusensei87, do games w "The Day Before" makers Fntastic are shutting down.
@Lanusensei87@lemmy.world avatar

What a disaster.

Lunar, do games w "The Day Before" makers Fntastic are shutting down.

That sucks, but the studio was very misleading about The Day Before.

JoshuaSlowpoke777, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Talos Principle. The VR version of the first game, haven’t gotten around to the second game yet. I love the puzzles (when I don’t struggle with timing running past mines), and it’s hilarious that the philosophical test to make a Milton admin profile showed me how utterly unprepared I am for philosophical debate, and how weirdly contradictory my viewpoints might be. Mind you, the only philosophy class I’ve taken in my life was an ethics class.

TL;DR Talos Principle is amazing so far, even though it makes me want to slink off back to college and sheepishly register for a philosophy class.

Cavemanfreak, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

I’ve actually started playing Genshin Impact, and it surprised me how fun it is! And it’s nice to be able to play on the phone when travelling/sitting in the sofa, and then hop on the PC when the kids and wife has gone to bed.


Was in there way back when it was fresh. Caught a couple extra rare characters too, but got burnt out fairly quickly on the grind.

Still, quite impressive for what is technically a phone game.


I can see myself getting burned out in a few weeks as well. But so far the combat is really fun, and the stories are interesting enough to keep me playing.

Doombot1, do gaming w Still the #1 game in causing the release of classified documents though

…what happened there?


I quit WT around 2019 or thereabouts. A certain amount of grinding is OK, but an economy xhange made it impossible to play the vehicles I already owned without grinding in between to afford the repair cost.

So what did they do now?


It happend around june this year. Grind and economy was really bad. People were mad, Gaijin didnt listen and one day they made some PR faux pas, which resulted in review bombing and boycott. And since then… Gaijin actually listened and they fixed the game. Economy is much better, you can even have a bad game on br 8.0 and still have positive income. And amount of exp needed to grind to the top vehicles got halved


Hmm, maybe it’s worth revisiting then, depending on how far back they reverted the economy.


It’s alright up to about 6.0 afaik definitely better but still not great. Imagine if they realised how much money they could make it they didn’t make mechanics to punish gameplay and priced things at reasonable prices.


I paid for premium on occasion. But when the economy turned to shit I refused. Then they made it even worse and I uninstalled.


You could probably find some premium codes, if you skimmed through some war and strategy games on YouTube. I see quite a lot of sponsorships, but maybe they only work for new account I have never paid enough attention to them.


I was stoked to finally get a jet, and then really disappointed to learn that I couldn’t afford to fly it. It’s supposed to be a game, not a reflection of my real life inability to pay for jet fuel


Nothing, it’s an old screenshot from when the devs messed up the in-game economy. The game is currently rated as “mostly positive”.

@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

The drive sprocket for the Tiger 2 was modeled with 18 teeth instead of 20.

The developers are buffoons. Absolute fools.


Better drop a classified document to prove to everyone how right you are!

@Chais@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ugh… literally unplayable.

setsneedtofeed, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar
Lunar, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Fallout 3

Having a blast exploring the wasteland.

ArmokGoB, do games w God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla FREE DLC

“Free DLC” is just marketing talk for “update”


I think there’s a distinction - I would consider an “update” with new content to be something minor (such as BG3’s recent epilogue content). “Free DLC” to me is a much more hefty addition, such as the Godmaster DLC for Hollow Knight.

(Disclaimer: I’ve not watched this trailer since I’m at work)


The Witcher 3 had 16 free dlc packs after release. I have no idea what they were or their distinction. Was definitely a marketing term for content updates that they can’t sell because the content is so miniscule.


That’s a fair point. Maybe it comes down to “is this something that you expect should have been in the game to begin with, or is it something extra that the Devs have added over and beyond?”.

Definitely a very broad term to the point of near-meaninglessness though.


Even if it is it’s still free so what’s the problem?


It’s disingenuous.


People usually appreciate the term ‘update’ with bugfixes, QoL improvements, and whatnot.

This thing adds in an epilogue’s worth of content. It’s content that’s downloadable.

@yesterdayshero@lemmy.world avatar

So a game could release an “update” with less content and charge for it, and that would be ok to call a DLC, because they charged for it?

Lennnny, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
@Lennnny@lemmy.world avatar

Previously not much of a gamer, I saw all the Starfield hype around release and decided to get an Xbox to play it. Didn’t like it initially, started to enjoy it around 5 hours in, have come full circle and am getting bored now (level 35) with all the repetitive stuff.

Starfield did show me that maybe i enjoy a wider range of video games, so now I’m starting on Fallout 4, and so far I LOVE it. I’ve pretty much only done one mission and spent a looooooong time building my first base.

I really love open world/exploration games, especially where there is crafting, hoarding, and killing bad guys in comical ways. Just Cause was amazing for that, I liked tethering people to trains because I’m secretly a maniac.

@BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

have you not played bethesda games before starfield?

@Lennnny@lemmy.world avatar


@BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

oh man, you gotta try skyrim when you can. there’s no base building, but it’s the pinnacle of exploration open world games. 12 years later and I’m still finding new shit

@Lennnny@lemmy.world avatar

That sounds alluring!

@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t want to come off as to PCMR, but truly Bethesda developed games need to be played on PC to get the most out of them. The mods tremendously elevate the experience. Everything from bug fixes and optimizations (that Bethesda should have done) to full on overhauls and DLC sized expansions, and everything in between.

I think I average about 200 mods simultaneously on Fallout 4 playthroughs.

@BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

xbox has mods for fallout 4 and skyrim, and when starfield gets its mod thing going itll have it for that too

@Lennnny@lemmy.world avatar

I just saw that on the menu. Excited to explore it!


Like others said, Skyrim is awesome. Earlier Elder Scrolls are awesome too, little more hard boiled. Fallout New Vegas is a masterpiece, highly recommend.

@Lennnny@lemmy.world avatar

Adding them all to my list!

PRUSSIA_x86, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Finally got RDR2 and holy shit this game is amazing


I’m contemplating getting on the steam sale


Go get it. It’s a masterpiece, and prime example of why gaming is my favorite art form to consume. You deserve it.


You just cost me 15$.

RinseDrizzle, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Baldur’s Gate consumed a bunch of my time, but I’ve had on hold for a bit. Got obsessed with Armored Core 6 which has been a ton of fun. Bit biased though, played AC series growing up, big Fromsoft fan in general.

Most recently been hitting that Mario World Wonder on switch for quick casual time kill, then Predecessor on PC for scratching competitive PVP itch. Got so tense playing it the other day I managed to tweak a muscle somehow 😂

lethargic_lemming, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Couldn’t sleep in the wee hours of the night, so I went “f*ck it” and downloaded Tetris on my phone. I really only like playing marathon mode, but I found myself enjoying the stages in the game as well.

Certain actions like rotating and hard drop or soft dropping pieces translate surprisingly well into swipe amd drag motions on the app.


Now there’s a thought… used to be a beast on Tetris. Played enough I was playing in my dreams. Might have to get back on that train

Nacktmull, (edited ) do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Dead Cells with all the DLCs. After being obsessed with Nova Drift for several months I got burnout and looked for other games to play.

Mafia definitive edition was on sale, so I got that. However, it quickly showed that in fact I don´t enjoy 3D shooters as I used to.

So I thought about what I really wanted to play and it was clearly roguelites with retro or at least highly stylized graphics. The DLCs for Dead Cells had been tempting me for some time already and most of them were on sale at that point, so it was pretty much a no-brainer. I erased my progress from years ago and started over fresh and it´s so much fun!

My best run yet was when I found the Hotline Miami reference lore room, which unlocks and drops the (level I) baseball bat. Now the Baseball bat does not have particularly high base damage but very good crit damage and guaranteed crits on stunned/rooted targets. That is already really cool when you combine it with stunning enemies by stomping but I was sure I´d have to replace that weapon later in the run because it was just a level I item. A few levels later I stumbled over a golden altar with a legendary Boys Axe. This item is a throwing axe that roots enemies on hit and as I told earlier you get auto-crit hits on rooted targets with the baseball bat, so obviously I ditched my rampart shield for the Boys Axe and from there on a virtually all my baseball bat hits were crit hits. But it got even better!

Shortly afterwards I found a sinew slicer, which is a trap that causes bleed on hit and then I got incredibly lucky and was able to roll +60% damage on bleeding targets on BOTH, the baseball bat AND the Boys Axe! Obviously from there I just breezed through the rest of the run and killed the Hand of the King in just a few seconds with a level I baseball bat as my main weapon :D

On top of all that, during the run I was also able to figure out how to use certain weapons like they were one, as it had been possible years ago but was patched out. This also added to making the build ridiculously strong since I could spam the baseball bat and the Boys Axe like they where just a combo of the same weapon.

TLDR: Dead Cells is crazy! If you enjoy roguelites, get Dead Cells!


I just got dead cells because I was in a gaming rut. I got one run in. It’s fun. Do you play with controller?


I just got dead cells because I was in a gaming rut. I got one run in. It’s fun

It is indeed! Especially when you get lucky on a run and find/roll some crazy strong synergies. The game has a pretty steep learning curve at first, just keep doing runs and it will get even more fun. I also very much recommend the official Dead Cells Discord, it has some really nice and helpful people hanging out there.

Do you play with controller?

I do so and very much recommend you at least try playing it with a controller too, except you have a strong habit of playing games of the genre with a keyboard. In my opinion using a controller is more intuitive.


Thanks! Yeah I’ll try with controller. Just did 2 runs with it and died both times in the second map. Just getting used to it. It’s much better with controller but my Xbox pro controller is so trash that the recoil of flicking my move button changes my direction which was annoying. I had to mess with the dead zone. I play brawlhalla on controller so the dodge button is messing with me lol

With m&k on my very first run playing the game I got past the first boss and died with like 8k gold. I got far. But I got a good combo I think. I’m looking forward to the steep learning. I beat hades 100% so I’m looking forward to synergies.


Just did 2 runs with it and died both times in the second map. Just getting used to it.

That is to be expected, I recommend to focus on learning the enemies and building some muscle memory for the roll and the parry mechanics at first.

With m&k on my very first run playing the game I got past the first boss and died with like 8k gold.

Seriously? I find that pretty impressive for a first run. I think I died in Prisoners Quarters (first biome) on mine :D

I’m looking forward to the steep learning. I beat hades 100% so I’m looking forward to synergies.

Seriously? You mean with all those difficulty modifiers activated, right? I have a feeling you will get good at Dead Cells pretty fast, lol.


Yeah it was definitely beginners luck. I killed the concierge and died a map or 2 later. Since then I think I’ve done 25 runs and got to the concierge twice. But I am just trying to bull rush in. I’m embarrassed to say I’ve died in the first encounter so many times from that stupid shield zombie and jumping one. I can’t get the parry right. They do this stupid grunt then I parry then they jump. And if I wait for the “!” they do this weird timing if I hit them. Still getting used to it.

But I got rickety wrekt by death in the castle map. I thought I was doing so effing good, got him down to phase 2 (about 1/3 health down) and with 1.4k health he killed me in a 3 hit combo, first hit taking half my life down and I got so blown away that I just missed wtf happened next. Game is very unforgiving.

I haven’t tried any of the enhancements or crutches. Which I’m a father of 3 kids, one a new born and I’m not good like I used to be. I might check out some cheats to make things a little smoother for me.

Nacktmull, (edited )

I’m embarrassed to say I’ve died in the first encounter so many times from that stupid shield zombie and jumping one. I can’t get the parry right. They do this stupid grunt then I parry then they jump. And if I wait for the “!” they do this weird timing if I hit them. Still getting used to it.

Hahaha, the shield bearer is such a bitch when one is still learning the timing, right? However he is also a perfect enemy to initially practice your parry and roll with imo, at some point you will start to intuitively time it right and the shield bearer becomes almost harmless. I recommend using the training room for that.

Probably you already noticed that the “!” is only an indicator for the begin of the attack animation and that you have to factor in the distance between you and the enemy too, to time the parry right. Also keep in mind that only a tap results in a parry, while keeping the button pressed even for very short results just in a block / messed up parry.

But I got rickety wrekt by death in the castle map. I thought I was doing so effing good, got him down to phase 2 (about 1/3 health down) and with 1.4k health he killed me in a 3 hit combo, first hit taking half my life down and I got so blown away that I just missed wtf happened next. Game is very unforgiving.

How are you distributing your scrolls? You should decide at the start of a run if it is going to be a Brutality, Tactics or Survival run, based on what kind of weapons you want to use during the run. That defines your main colour and your two off colours for the run. The best practice is to take a scroll of your main colour whenever you can for max damage and distribute the two off colours 1:1 for max hp.

Game is very unforgiving.

Yes, indeed!

I haven’t tried any of the enhancements or crutches. Which I’m a father of 3 kids, one a new born and I’m not good like I used to be. I might check out some cheats to make things a little smoother for me.

Congratulations! In that situation I think I would experiment with custom mode a lot, it has many detailed options to tailor the game experience individually. I for example like to use custom mode to limit the item pool, once I have a lot of items unlocked that I don´t want to use on a run. If you find that you miss certain option in custom mode you should also check out accessibility mode as well.

Good luck, have fun!


Hey this is awesome thanks so much for all the pointers. I’m starting to get a hang of it. Maybe 50 runs in or so and made it to that dark level and had enough money for that new shiny bomb (the light bomb) and while reading it I started taking damage. I got confused and started attacking but I quickly died. Lmao apparently the dark kills you. I’m starting to use the wiki a little now.

I’ve pretty much exclusively been using melee and the red scrolls. I noticed one run I had 8 red and 1/1 and died with full health in what felt like 1 hit I was like wtffff. And then realized I was maybe 300 health or so? I should have been in the 1k by then and forgot to distribute to get max health benefit.

I’ll try the training room. I beat death today by taking it slow. Just got the ram so I can break those stupid floors lol. Thanks to the wiki. Lot of cool Easter eggs. Loved the gordan crowbar as I’m an avid HL fan.

BorgDrone, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

I’m playing Lies of P and it’s amazing. It’s been a long time since a game was able to draw me in like this.

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