NocturnalMorning, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

Yeah, now I’m concerned this might happen with Unreal Engine, even though they’ve given no indication that it will. Once Godot works out the kinks with level and texture streaming, and has a landscape editor I will be going back to Godot.


Proprietary software can never be truly trusted. You are always at their whims.

abbotsbury, avatar

Unreal is completely open source, you can compile it yourself.


It is source available, under the terms Epic licenses to you. Not Open Source


When did the term “open source” start including specifics about licensing terms? My understanding from the past few decades was that “open source” meant the source was available for people to look at and compile.

WaterSword, avatar

Open source has always meant under a free license. Being able to fork and publish your own versions is integral to the open source philosophy.

abbotsbury, avatar

Being able to fork and publish your own versions is integral to the open source philosophy

No, that is an enumerated freedom of the free software movement, not open source

WaterSword, avatar

Open-source software (OSS) is computer software that is released under a license in which the copyright holder grants users the rights to use, study, change, and distribute the software and its source code to anyone and for any purpose. from Wikipedia

The same article also talks about the difference between open source and source available:

Although the OSI definition of “open-source software” is widely accepted, a small number of people and organizations use the term to refer to software where the source is available for viewing, but which may not legally be modified or redistributed. Such software is more often referred to as source-available, or as shared source, a term coined by Microsoft in 2001

abbotsbury, avatar

Under that strict definition, software under the GNU GPL would not be “open source” because the license stays with the code, and is not truly “for any purpose,” which is the same deal with the Epic license: you may use, study, change, and distribute the Unreal source code, but it stays under Epic’s license.

If you are talking about the FREEDOM to fork and publish and share and whatever, then you mean Free software.


You are not allowed to distribute unreal source. From their FAQ:

Unreal Engine licensees are permitted to post engine code snippets (up to 30 lines) in a public forum, but only for the purpose of discussing the content of the snippet

abbotsbury, avatar

But the code is easily visible and you can compile it yourself. If you say “I only run software I 100% knows what it does because I can read it’s source code” then Unreal Engine fits, it’s open source.

rbits, (edited )

That’s not why people want an open source game engine though, they want it to be open source so that they can’t do a unity

I agree the phrase “open source” is a bit confusing

abbotsbury, avatar

they want it to be open source so that they can’t do a unity

That has nothing to do with open source, that has to to with licensing, which I’m pretty sure isn’t an issue anyway since I think Unreal versions are tied to specific license versions, i.e. if you download the engine under one term, thats the only one you have to use

AProfessional, (edited )

Ideas started in the 70s, Free Software Movement happened in the 80s, the term Open Source from the 90s as an alternative to “free” to be more clear.

It always meant this.

abbotsbury, avatar

It is source available

Yes, open source.

Not Open Source

You mean free/libre? Open source literally just means you can see the source.


Open source is source code that is made freely available for possible modification and redistribution. Products include permission to use the source code,[1] design documents,[2] or content of the product. The open-source model is a decentralized software development model that encourages open collaboration.


And then later on…

Generally, open source refers to a computer program in which the source code is available to the general public for use or modification from its original design.

Unreal Engine is technically open source, because it’s source code is made available to the general public. But it is licensed under a restrictive EULA instead of any of the normal licenses you’d expect for an open source project (MIT, Apache, GPL3, etc).

This is definitely pedantic, but “open source” is a colloquial term, not a technical one. Most people mean FOSS when they say open source, but the terms aren’t exactly equivalent. The license that governs the code is really the only part that actually matters.

Anamana, avatar

Let’s just call it OpenSource+ at this point ;)


Nice, it’s been 6-7 months since I used Godot. Glad they got a terrain editor ported over.


Long-term I think corporate tech as we know it is screwed. Their explosive growth from the pandemic making everyone terminally online is drying up as more and more people go back to touching grass, so now the bill’s coming due and it’s only a matter of time now before Unreal also does something stupid we can’t even imagine for a quick buck

elscallr, avatar

People were terminally online well before 2019. It exacerbated the problem but we’re not going back. I don’t really think that’s a problem, technologically it pushed us further ahead which is always a good thing.

You’re right in that we are starting to rediscover what it means to be physically social again. I think that’s a good thing, too. People that got away with shit before aren’t getting away with it any more.


The problem is that interest rates have gone up after being extremely low ever since the 2008 crash, so investors lost their endless supply of debt-fuelled free money. They can’t pump money into companies operating at a loss anymore, so suddenly those companies have to find a way to turn a profit.

captain_aggravated, avatar

And some of them realistically can’t. Every other commercial game engine is developed for the studio first; Cry, Source, Unreal etc. These engines were made for, well, Far Cry, Half-Life 2, Unreal Tournament. The studio saw returns for engine development in the sales of games, then they said “We could probably further monetize the work we’ve already done if we license the engine and SDK out to third parties.”

Unity on the other hand is trying to have the Autodesk/Adobe business model of “We have a free student or hobbyist tier, and then a commercial license that’s $100,000 per minute per seat.” The thing is, Autodesk and Adobe really don’t have realistic competitors in their market sectors. Unity very much does. Unity competes directly with GameMaker Studio, Godot, Unreal, Source 2 among others, the development of which are either directly supported by the sales of first party titles (or are outright FOSS projects in the case of Godot). So Unity has to set their prices to compete in that market, without the support of first party game sales.

You can see how that’s working out for them.


The biggest thing about Epic is that it is NOT a publicly traded company.

It doesn’t mean that it’s not subject to the “Infinite Growth Disease” but look at their biggest investor: Sony and Tencent.

Both Game companies that SHOULD be more interested in having access to a good game engine than to make every dollar’s possible.

ExtraMedicated, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

No love for Stride?


What’s stride?


Glad you asked. It’s another open source 3D game engine that may feel a bit more familiar to those who are used to Unity. This is their website.

I’m still just starting to learn it myself, and it can really use some more features, but I think it’s pretty cool. I like the UI more than Godot’s, and I like working in C#.

grayhaze, avatar

You can work in C# with Godot too.


You can, but I think I read somewhere that it works better with GDScript.

grayhaze, avatar

It depends on what you mean by better. GDScript is better integrated into the IDE, with C# really requiring that you use an external code editor currently, but both languages have very similar capabilities.


I found the thing I read earlier: …

It doesn’t sound too bad, really.

dustyData, (edited )

Looks interesting. Shame the editor doesn’t run on Linux and the engine doesn’t target Linux at all. Valve is pushing Linux gaming hard and people are hating Windows 11 every day more and more. Anything exclusively C# will always have a Microsoft shackles issue.

ExtraMedicated, (edited )

I believe it does currently have Linux support. At least that is one of the build options. I’m not sure what might prevent it from working in Linux, unless the FBX import package isn’t compatible.

I haven’t tried it myself yet, though.


The only comment is a marketing text that claims “experimental support” for Linux. There’s no mention of Linux at all in any of the tutorials. And on the manual it looks very finicky, they only support an old LTS version of Ubuntu and reading the GitHub issues, it looks not only experimental but very rough. As barely working, lot of workarounds, rough. On Godot at least, Linux is a first class citizen, not an afterthought to qualify for grants.


I’ll need to play with it some more when I get a chance. In any case, my impression is that it’s still developing and still has some way to go. I’d be kinda shocked if Linux doesn’t get decent support eventually.

KingThrillgore, (edited ) avatar

Microsoft has wisely moved a lot of C# development into the .NET Foundation which also promotes the .NET Core Framework for other OSes including Linux, and the Roslyn compiler for C#.

kryllic, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding avatar

Awesome! Hope they’ll be able to work on the backlog of promised features more instead of kicking them down the road to the next version.


It should help since they’ll be able to hire more people to work on the project. Something badly needed dwith Godot is a proper testing workflow. They currently rely on the community to report bugs, and that’s just not an efficient workforce. Also doesn’t cover all the possible edge cases.


Playing devil’s advocate, I’d argue the in the wild community testing is more likely to uncover an edge case that the formal testing didn’t envisage…? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think we need both. You can never have too much test coverage.


I’m with you on that. I feel like open source is the best possible way to security audit and test issues. As any issue will be out there to see, most proprietary code ends ups being years of duct tape which wouldn’t fly if a large community of different backgrounds took a look at the code


To be fair, every single project regardless of proprietary or open source has a backlog like that. It’s just that open source projects show the backlog and don’t have marketing people telling what is and is not in the backlog.

KingThrillgore, avatar

All software development has issues that are simply left unfixed. Some bugs are hard to fix, and don’t really matter in the long run.

Example: they don’t even bother with memory management on cruise missiles, since eventually its gonna reach its target…

KingThrillgore, (edited ) avatar

I think the priorities for Godot with the new funding should be:

  • Improving Composition performance
  • Working to reduce overhead on GDScript to further improve 3D performance [1]
  • Enhancements to tooling for content generation
  • Documentation and Tutorials
hoshikarakitaridia, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

All hail FOSS and Godot.

Oha, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

thats impressive

dingleberry, do games w Microsoft - keep your filthy hands off Valve, leak shows MSFT would buy Valve

Chill. Valve is not a public company, so no risk of an acquisition.


Private companies get acquired all the time and hostile takeovers haven’t really been a thing since the 1980s

rab, do games w Microsoft - keep your filthy hands off Valve, leak shows MSFT would buy Valve avatar

Who cares valve hasn’t really done anything in years anyway aside from steam deck


Me. I care. I like valve just the way it is.

rab, avatar

I like the way they used to be, when they made games


Do you have a steam deck?


Have you been plugging your ears the past few years? Valve came out with Alyx, which was an amazing and first of it’s kind game. CS2 is basically in public beta at this point, and they are actively working on at least one new IP.

Also they have been updating TF2 again, which means a lot to me because I like TF2.

Valve is making games again


I like what they’re doing with Steam as a platform, the Steam Deck is fantastic, and their contributions and support of Proton is huge.

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, do games w Microsoft - keep your filthy hands off Valve, leak shows MSFT would buy Valve

Yeah. This is a giant nothing burger

ANY gaming, or even tech, company looking at possible acquisitions is interested in Valve. In the same way that everyone would be down to clown with Ryan Reynolds if he knocked on their door but we know it won’t happen.

Same with the “rumor” of buying Nintendo.


Sensationalist media will grab at anything, really.

I mean, the Nintendo thing started with an email Phil Spencer replied to titled “random thought,” and the email was basically a lot of “Yeah that sounds great, but here’s why it’s not going to happen. But sure, though, it would be nice to own Nintendo, and I know a guy who’s been trading some of their stock if you wanted to maybe buy some.”

pory, avatar

Nintendo is at least publicly traded. Valve doesn’t need shareholders.

BURN, do games w Microsoft - keep your filthy hands off Valve, leak shows MSFT would buy Valve

There’s no chance GabeN sells Steam. It prints money and only looks to increase their profitability over the coming years.

Microsoft can’t buy them anyways at this point I think. The regulatory bodies didn’t like ActiBlizzard, and this would be similar scale, if not larger


I do worry about what might happen when he gets too old/decides to step down though.

If Microsoft did somehow end up buying them I might have to just nope out of gaming altogether. Or just take to the high seas I guess.


I have to imagine he has something planned (inb4 GabeN AI Overlord) for after he’s gone.

He’s a bit crazy about prepping for disaster iirc. He lives in New Zealand now and has since the Covid outbreak. I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a very long document that lays out a lot of rules for if he’s gone and Steam is to continue

Sabata11792, avatar

Do we get a free copy of the new Gaben AI wiafu?



RoyaltyInTraining, avatar

In the immortal words of Cave Johnson:

Brain mapping, artificial inteligence - we should’ve been working on it thirty years ago


Holy shit, what if Cave was based on Gabe


Pretty sure he’s back living in the US, so he can actually work at the valve offices


At that point I’ll probably too old and have lost interest in gaming anyway, so I’ll just let the next generation of gamers figure it out themselves. Kinda like boomers leaving us to deal with high property price problem because it’s no longer their concern anymore.


Nah it’s still their concern too. They’re mostly just on the beneficial side of it.

HKayn, avatar

You do know that stores other than Steam exist, right?

And no, I’m not talking about the EGS.


GOG is missing a good portion of major games. Outside of that most of the options are much worse


Also they seem really averse to Linux for some reason.

brawleryukon, avatar

Probably the miniscule market share coupled with the increased vocality of its userbase.

Supporting Linux will not bring them a significant uptick in revenue but will increase their customer support load.


Nothing else comes close to steam in terms of market share.

HKayn, avatar

Isn’t that a bad thing?

Neato, avatar

Amazon kinda exists?


Yeah but just the amount of games I own on Steam already (not to mention the Steam Deck), if all that ended up getting enshittified by Microsoft it’d be like having to start over from scratch pretty much.

HKayn, avatar

Which is why I buy as many games as I can from stores like GOG, that actually let me keep them no matter what.

brawleryukon, avatar

EGS is really the only thing remotely close to what Steam does, though.

GOG will always be an afterthought as long as they have their DRM-free policy in place. They’re super cool, but they’re a niche and will never grow beyond that without losing what makes them cool.

Origin (or whatever EA’s calling their store now) gave up pursuing third-party sales years ago. They still do it, but they clearly have no interest in actually making a go of becoming an actual competitor to Steam.

The Windows Store is terrible for a number of different reasons, even if it’s better than Microsoft’s previous attempts at getting into this space (coughGWFLcough). EGS is more likely to overtake Steam than Windows Store is to even rival EGS.

Uplay (or, again, whatever Ubisoft is calling their store these days) is like Origin - I don’t even know for sure if Ubi is doing third-party sales, but if so, it’s very much an afterthought for them.

And then everyone else just sells Steam keys. They’re not in the same market as the others, so don’t really fit into this conversation. If you’re 100% reliant on the store you’re “competing” with, you’re not competing with them.

HKayn, avatar

A lot of games on Steam are DRM-free, but not (yet) on GOG. GOG isn’t an afterthought just because of their DRM-free policy, it’s also because they’re so small.


What else lets me easily play games on Linux, on my couch, without touching a keyboard or mouse?

Neato, avatar

The regulatory bodies didn’t like ActiBlizzard,

But they did allow it, unfortunately. And MS could simply argue that it already has dominance in the PC space as 96% of PC gamers are Windows users. So owning Steam is just buying 1 out of many stores (here they tout Epic, Amazon, etc).
I mean it's a bad argument but MS made a lot of bad arguments to get their way and they seemingly worked.

lorty, avatar

Activision-Blizzard-King isn’t a dominant company in any segment. You can’t say the same for steam. Regulators would have a much easier time blocking such an acquisition.


Plus, at least from my perspective, Activision-Blizzard was already bad enough that if MS made it worse, it wouldn’t affect me because they were already bad enough that I’d swore off their games. MS owning them was an improvement or at worst more of the same.

That’s absolutely not the case for Valve. They are one of the few large companies that I respect plus they are playing a big role in breaking the windows stranglehold over OSes when you like to play games.

The level of popular opposition to MS acquiring Valve would be on a whole other level than the opposition to the blizzard acquisition. It might even rival the opposition to Nvidia acquiring ARM.

Neato, avatar

CoD is dominant fps. It's why they made the concession about it

echo64, (edited )

The regulatory bodies hand waved actiblizzard through. Let’s not pretend anything else happened there. Microsoft can do whatever they want and no one is gonna stop them. Same as every other big company.

The only thing stopping Ms. is that valve is a privately owned company. But everyone has a price.

lorty, avatar

The same regulatory bodies that sued to block the deal without any convincing case “handwaved” it?


Yes, that is just how the American system works. The actual body here is the doj. The ftc tried to sue and was slapped back immediately. This was the ftc trying to show claws and the actual ruling body saying no, you have no power and Microsoft can do what they want.

It was a huge loss for the ftc that has been trying, and failing to fight big tech

thethirdobject, do games w Microsoft - keep your filthy hands off Valve, leak shows MSFT would buy Valve

there was an interesting take about that on the wan show (not ms but steam). the emphasis was on steam’s value, which is unknown but actually very high

Nia, (edited ) do gaming w Terraria dev Re-Logic donates $100K to Godot Engine and FNA, plus ongoing funding

Just for some extra clarification as not everyone will read the article (not meant rudely), this is $100k to both Godot and FNA each, for a total of $200k, and $1k monthly to them both as well, for a total of $2k per month.

Gnugit, do gaming w Terraria dev Re-Logic donates $100K to Godot Engine and FNA, plus ongoing funding

Terraria really isn’t a game for me but I may have to buy it now anyway just so I can support this.


I don’t know you, or what you know of the game. But I do know many people have preconceived notions of what the game is that are wrong.

If you haven’t tried it before, the early game is pretty tedious. And that can turn people off. Once you get a few bosses down and especially when you move into hard mode, it really opens up.


Protip: “It gets better later” isn’t a good way to promote a game.

It has to be good from the start.

If it isn’t and it can’t hook a player, you’ve just lost a customer, who likely just refunded the game as well.

Now personally: I like terraria from start to end. It got a bit boring in the middle. I used to not be able to play it at all because /something/ about the game really triggered my migraines. It doesn’t anymore, and I can play it.

verysoft, (edited )

Yep. The first few hours of a game are really important. If people tell me it gets better later I usually assume they are suffering from sunk-cost at that point. There are some games that genuinely start slow and end up really good, but it's not common.

Terraria is a 2D sandbox but with good progression built in with interesting bosses and items. The early game in these games are usually the most fun in my opinion, building up from nothing is satisfying.


I’m not trying to sell anyone on anything. I’m just giving honest information about the game to someone who has already said they don’t intend on playing it. I was addressing what is a common complaint about the game.

For context, I absolutely devoured that lackluster early game back in 2011. It’s just that as the game has gotten content over the years, it’s mostly been added to the latter half (probably like 2/3rds really) of the game. And also, games and peoples’ tastes have changed a lot since 2011 when the game came out.

So for me, today, the early game is a slog. And it’s something I’ve seen many others complain about. I understand the “it gets better” is often used to try to sell lackluster games, but I don’t think Terraria fits that bill. But the game legitimately gets better after the first few bosses for most peoples’ tastes.


I’d agree that “it gets better later” isn’t a good way to promote a game, but I dunno that a game has to be good (or at least at its best) from the start. Totally understandable if people don’t want to, or can’t invest the time into something that doesn’t grip them right away, but at least for me a slow start can be really nice, especially when a game ends up unfolding in unexpected ways later on. I can enjoy that kind of pacing, and sometimes it’s rewarding to have something start off kind of painful for one reason or another and become something much greater. At least personally I think a “weak start” can end up making the full experience better overall, as it’s kind of a part of the journey.

But of course, if you’re not enjoying it and you don’t want to continue and you want to refund it… That’s totally reasonable! A game that’s a slow burn is probably a much harder sell and not going to appeal to as broad of an audience, and I think that’s okay.


The issue is that "good" varies a lot from person to person. I like survival crafting games with an incremental tree of improvements more than boss rushes so for me it's good from the start.

AcidTwang, avatar

I've started it so many times and it feels like I'm just mining and building houses for hours and hours, having to check some wiki to see how to trigger "the good stuff". I avoid YT "tutorials" because it's all from people who've put hundreds of hours in who assume you'll just breeze to a first boss in 20 minutes. Not knocking the game, sometimes just mining with a podcast on is relaxing, but, I dunno, it needs more oomph early on.


My kids and some friends play it all the time and I appreciate that it’s a well made, great game. I’ve watched them play it many times and enjoyed the glee emanatingfrom the players, they really do have fun.

I just can’t become immersed in that particular 2D or isometric style game. Excluding the little nightmares series and DARQ.


You might enjoy playing it multiplayer with them. Worth trying at least.


I think the important thing to note about Terraria is it is as much Zelda and Castlevania as it is Minecraft. That is what makes it special. A lot of the copy cats tried to do 2D Minecraft, but forgot how important the Castlevania combat was to the whole mix.


You can donate directly to Godot or FNA if you want to show support and don’t think that you’d enjoy Terraria. Personally, I love Terraria and have bought it for pretty much every system I own and everyone I know. I got interested in it after watching TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox play it. (I can’t believe that was 12 years ago!)


Man. That was a good series. Not sure if I can watch it again now, though…


There could be something to say for both donating directly to Godot and trying to support Terraria in some form because you think they’re doing good.

It depends on how activist the Terraria devs are, though. If this donation is a one-of statement from them, supporting doesn’t make as much of a statement on your part.


They did mention that in addition to $100k to each engine they'll be doing a $1k/month donations as well.

Yokozuna, do games w Portal 2 VR mod gets an early release

Every day I want to get another headset again a little bit more.

Sabata11792, do games w Portal 2 VR mod gets an early release avatar

I should probably play this one sober.

mySFWaccount, do games w Portal 2 VR mod gets an early release

My bucket is ready.

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