gamingdexter, do gaming w A Sliding Score Means ‘Starfield’ Is Now Xbox Series X’s 47th Highest Rated Game avatar

I’ve been really enjoying the game, just past 70hours on Xbox and starting the 2nd main story mission quest. Planning on starting new on PC shortly after I complete my current character. I don’t understand the console hate. I was upset when Spiderman on PS4 was an exclusive, but later I got a PS4, played/beat it, had a blast. Hate for something because you can’t play it is just wild. Just like people hating on huge houses or seeing expansive cars just because they don’t have it. Underline jealousy. If you really hate it that much because you can’t play/have it, work towards obtaining it and appreciating it. I’ve been really happy with most of the games that have come out/still planning on coming out this year, best in a long time for me

!deleted7120 avatar

Why are people just assuming it’s a console war thing and “jealousy,” when the article is talking about reviewer scores, not scores from random users?


Making excuses as to why the game isn’t reviewing as highly as they think it should be. Not understanding that sone people just don’t like the game as much as they do.

rikudou, avatar

I was upset when Spiderman on PS4 was an exclusive

Exclusives are actively hurting the consumer, being upset is normal.

Hate for something because you can’t play it is just wild

If it’s because someone decided they can milk more money by making it exclusive, it’s not that wild.

Just like people hating on huge houses or seeing expansive cars just because they don’t have it

It seems your world view is dominated by jealousy a lot and you project it onto others. I hate huge houses and expensive cars because it’s just to show everyone around how rich you are and serves no other purpose. All that while other people suffer and struggle to survive.

CMLVI, avatar

I mean, I get where you're coming from. But this didn't start with Starfield, and Sony has a great track record of even more restrictive platforming than Xbox does. Microsoft games are now usually accompanied by some kind of PC access.

Not an excuse, but expecting Microsoft to extend an olive branch of non-exclusivity to Sony when they have historically been incredibly averse to it themselves is not really a realistic expectation.

gerryflap, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077’s Johnny Silverhand Blew Up Arasaka Tower On This Exact Date avatar

I loved that game, despite its flaws. I played it about a year ago, but it was still quite buggy. The world really sucked me in though, I don’t think a game managed to ever get me that emotionally involved for so long. I think it had the right balance of V being both controlled by me, but also a fictional character with their own life. I also ended up playing it twice with different builds, which was a lot of fun

wolfshadowheart, avatar

A stellar game bogged down by over promises in marketing. It's a fantastic game and I played it at launch, 100%ing it with a total number of bugs under the number of fingers (both hands!). When it tried, it has some of the coolest cyberpunk concepts I've seen, not even in the main quest.

For me I think the saddest part about the game is how modding brought some of the lost vertical slice content back to the game and how some of the early game content fades throughout the game. All the passenger seat riding is quest-only, by the end of the game you can only be the driver. Wall climbing wasn't critical, but it was a very popular part of the E3 showing.

Overall though it's still la solid gamem I'm glad that mods brought in a metro system and Spider-Man swinging and pole vaulting :D

Chickenstalker, do games w Microsoft’s Xbox Series S Parity Demands Are Now Handing Sony Free Wins

Console peasants btfod

ampersandrew, do gaming w Microsoft’s Xbox Series S Parity Demands Are Now Handing Sony Free Wins avatar

I don't know, you may as well say the same thing about the Switch and every port it gets. The S has its strengths and shockingly few weaknesses given those strengths.


The switch is a handheld and the ports it gets are for that reason. It wouldn't have sold enough to get basically anything third party if it was the same device without portability (see BOTW as a system seller when it literally already existed), and it still doesn't really get that many current gen demanding ports.

The fact that there's a worse Xbox you're required to support when the Xbox already lacks some of the asset loading tricks of the PS5 and has less units sold on top of it isn't something developers can just ignore. BG3 really isn't all that demanding for a next gen open world game, and compromising your vision to force it onto a worse console isn't something people want to do.

ampersandrew, avatar

The Xbox Series S is a cheap lower-resolution Xbox, and the ports it gets are for that reason. The parity scales well for most games and reduces consumer confusion.

BG3 really isn't all that demanding for a next gen open world game

Most games these days, regrettably, don't bother with split-screen multiplayer, and definitely not with the worst-case scenarios of how far apart the two players can be in that world, which is their hurdle right now.

conciselyverbose, (edited )

Parity here isn't on a scale. It's a binary trait. Either they are the same or one is worse than the other. The shitty XBOX does not have CPU parity with the real one, and it's a serious limitation that effectively means that the "good" Xbox also has that worse CPU in terms of game design. It will obviously still get some games, but it's losing games that it would otherwise get because it has nothing in common with a next gen system.

Split screen being the specific thing that BG3 is struggling to do isn't the point. It's merely a symptom. For a next gen open world game, split screen BG3 is still not that demanding. The fact that all the real action is turn based makes it far easier to make run than a similarly dense real time game with real time physics demands, and the fact that the Xbox S can't handle it is a very strong example that it's a piece of shit.

ampersandrew, (edited ) avatar

Microsoft wouldn't have nearly the install base without the Series S, and developers can either target that platform or not, just like the Switch, because people bought it for its own strengths. If they want to scale their games up to a spec such that it runs on PlayStation but not Xbox, they're welcome to, but they lose access to a large pool of customers, like those who can stomach paying $300 for a console but not $500. There are plenty of other next gen open world games that work on Xbox.

Also, your analysis on how it should perform isn't really based in reality. We can go to interviews where the Swen Vincke calls out the way their game does split-screen specifically. And besides, at this point, Xbox engineers are involved, and BG3 will run on Xbox, though likely just next year.


It has no strengths, and the install base is shit.

The switch only gets away with being a last gen console because it's a handheld. The Series S has all the performance benefits of a last gen console with the install base of one that released 5 minutes ago.

There is no "the way they do split screen". BG3 while running split screen is not a game that should make a current gen console struggle in any way. It makes the S struggle because it's not a current gen worth of hardware.

ampersandrew, avatar

$300, access to Game Pass, and playing nearly every new game that comes out for far cheaper are its strengths.

There is no "the way they do split screen".

This is just a strange argument to make in the face of interviews and contradictory evidence of other modern games running on the Series S.

ashamam, avatar

Its not the CPU that is the issue anyway. Its the memory both size and bandwidth. Microsoft addressed the size somewhat by making some more RAM available but that doesn't address the bandwidth. The issue is developers are hitting limits in shifting assets around as compared to the X. Its why you see significant texture differences and skipped RT in titles.

I don't have a crystal ball for how it will play out in the second half of the generation but you would have to think it is more likely to become a bigger issue than not. Its also imho another reason why there won't be a Pro series console. More likely they sunset the generation faster instead and just go with a whole new generation that trumps the PS5 pro. Because at least they know that the existence of a PS5 pro extends out the Sony generation enough to give them a window to do this. Or, and this would be a massive shame, this is the last Xbox hardware generation. I don't think its likely but maybe enough generations of trailing marketshare means the bean counters give up on that aspect of it.

ampersandrew, avatar

We already saw through court documents that Pro-or-similar consoles are expected. The difference with Microsoft is if they stick to generations like they implied they wouldn't. You could get creative with you how you count Xbox consoles and say, "Here's the Xbox 6X and Xbox 6S", where 6 is a larger number than the PlayStation's 5, which we know is a strategy that works. Out of the gate, very few games would require that larger hardware, and unlike PlayStation, purchasing an Xbox game once gets you the upgraded version on new hardware. I imagined this is the direction they were headed in when this generation was designed, but 2020 sure did change the trajectory of all sorts of things even if I'm right. I also seriously doubt they're interested in leaving the console space given the acquisitions they've made in the past few years.

maybe enough generations of trailing marketshare

The 360/PS3 generation was extremely close, and they had the lead for most of it.

AlecSadler, do games w ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K

That’s awesome. Also the lack of micro transactions makes me want to support them more. I kinda wish they had a donate button or something.


The donate button is buying the game and their previous titles.


Especially Divinity 2: Original Sin.

circuitfarmer, avatar

I almost never buy a game on opening day for full price. But fuck microtransaction nonsense – as soon as the devs made an official statement about it, I was on board.


Buy the DRM free version on GOG if you haven’t already.

Regrettable_incident, do gaming w Steam Deck Won’t Survive 2025 Without A Significant Upgrade. - (Original clickbait headline and not my opinion!) avatar

Yeah well my steam deck will survive 2025 unless I break it. It’s a proper nifty little machine, so glad I bought it. I’ve not done any gaming since i had a PS2 so there’s loads of games to catch up on. Recently finished bioshock, wow. I’ve got a long list of older games, but I’ve tried a couple of newer things. It plays doom 2016 just fine, same with deathloop and beam ng drive

crashfrog, do gaming w Steam Deck Won’t Survive 2025 Without A Significant Upgrade. - (Original clickbait headline and not my opinion!)

I don’t understand how Cyberpunk and No Man’s Sky were the ones that “burned” you, they’re both great games? GOTY material even?


They both had a lot of issues at launch


Every game has issues at launch, that’s why they launch them


Both mentioned games are notorious for the scale of the issues at launch, and the resulting backlash. NMS for the lack of content and Cyberpunk for the huge amount of bugs.

intensely_human, do games w Report: A Marvel 6v6 Overwatch-Style Shooter Is Coming

Hell yes. Any time I play over watch I think “this reminds me of a marvel movie battle scene”

NoneYa, do scifi w ‘Akira’ Anime Motorcycle Brought To Life—And To Market

Barcelona-based transportation-themed art studio Bel&Bel has created a new and highly accurate replica of the fantasy bike, and will now build them to order on a limited basis for less than $30,000USD.

For anyone else wondering

peter, do gaming w The Pokémon Company Announces It Will ‘Investigate’ Palworld IP And Assets avatar

Palworld could totally get away with it unless it turns out they’re using ripped models. That would be monumentally stupid

thingsiplay, (edited ) do gaming w The Pokémon Company Announces It Will ‘Investigate’ Palworld IP And Assets avatar

So does Rockstar, Valve and Microsoft investigate for any unlicensed commercial usage of the Intellectual Property they own and copyright violations by others. Some are less aggressive, that's for true. If it's not, then Pokemon Company or Nintendo simply don't care.

Edit: Did the reply I was replying to disappeared? I am sure I was replying to someone who said Nintendo would go to investigate the game for any IP infringement.

wolfshadowheart, do gaming w The Pokémon Company Announces It Will ‘Investigate’ Palworld IP And Assets avatar

Some of them seem pretty bad. I feel like the example image with the eyes and the teeth is quite a damning stylistic choice, compared to some of their other monsters which look more like a palette swap and animal change with some model variations. Save for the few that straight up have the same attack, like the Deciduueye example, I think it's reasonable enough to use them for inspiration, although not necessarily the best option. It's a shame they felt the need to rely on something that is popular I think it hurt them a bit by not having as uniform a vision.

That said, even if I do think it's pretty obvious I don't want them to lose this if anything comes of it, Pokemon is just as bad and they have nothing to gain from ruining this persons work other than asserting dominance.

I do hope they use this as a learning opportunity for next time and maybe stop being so goddamn blatant in their "homage". I would have been much more inclined to the game if it felt like the monsters had some rationale behind them because the game is pretty solid overall. All I can say is that I hope the game continues to exist but maybe gets a more original in-world bestiary and not Pokemon Gen 15

TwilightVulpine, (edited )

Calling this one image damning feels like corporatized media has become so dominant, people don't really get anymore how similar things need to be for it to be an actual legal issue.

Superhero comics have a lot of characters that are obvious ripoffs of characters from other publishers and yet they are still legally distinct enough that they can get away with it. Comes to mind also how Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse to replace Oswald the Lucky Rabbit which, even though he also created, was owned by Universal. Both were rubber hose-styled. black-bodied, white-faced, big-eared animal characters wearing shorts, and yet that was also legally distinct enough for his ownership of the character to be established.

It would take far more than a similar face for Palworld to be liable of anything. Sure, it's enough for people to tell they have tried to imitate it, but by itself that's not grounds for legal action.

There are some claims of copying or tracing meshes going around on social media that could be an actual issue, but the validity of those is still questionable. The Pokémon Company needs to either point out a near identical design, and I do emphasize, near identical, or to prove that stolen assets were used in the game's creation.

saplyng, avatar

I'd argue against the example image being damning in the first place because it's fairly obvious they're both derived from the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, which is well passed the point of being public domain


Not only that but they have entirely different body shapes and color schemes. I doubt a face by itself could be copyrighted. If that was the case a lot of anime would have issues.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

The thing is they literally took pokemon 3D assets, edited them a little and that's all

Because pals look like this

but now IN 3D!!!

They took Serperior head+ Milotic body and Primarina hair


For the thumbnail image, they took meoth face, purugly body and that's it

These designs are not "inspired" they simply imported the assets from a pokemon game on blender or something, used "copy and paste" for different body parts and that's it, job done that's their completely original creature, totally not copied


The person in social media who extracted and compared assets admitted they modified them to appear more similar because they didn't like how the game promotes animal cruelty.

One thing that a lot of people don't seem to realize in this whole discussion is that, whatever you may think of it as far as artistic integrity goes, Pokémon only owns the full complete design of their characters and the actual game files, but not every possible independently produced variation or recombination of those traits. They own Wooloo but they don't own every possible roundish sheep-like creature.

To be fair it's obvious that Palworld's company Pocket Pair doesn't care about originality. But whether the are literally infringing on the Pokémon property is unclear, and a lot of people are making serious but baseless accusations out of snowballing social media outrage.

If there's any actual, real issue that warrants a lawsuit, you can be sure that the Pokémon Company's lawyers will find it out. It's not like they need anyone to defend them, we are literally talking about the biggest media brand in the world.

spacecowboy, do gaming w ‘The Day Before’ Developer Shuts Down Four Days After Launch

Ah the age old pump n dump.

Eggyhead, do gaming w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour avatar

While I’m not entirely inclined to disagree, I doubt his idea of how much an hour of gaming should cost your average player aligns very well with mine.


What he is doing sounds reasonable on the surface but it's a rhetorical trick.

This is about getting players in forever live services to keep paying forever even if the game is not adding anything more to make it worth it. There is a hint of merit of paying for a game that you enjoy a lot but don't forget how today games are endlessly padded out with grind and daily missions to keep players coming back out of habit, delaying access to what they really want to get, rather than because they are enjoying it. Nevermind that these tactics are also what gets people impatient and buying Shark Cards, for instance. It's why the freemium model became so commonly used. He wants to profit in the mean time too.

kbal, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour avatar

... or perhaps pennies per second.


Even a penny a second works out to $36 an hour.

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