NotAnonymousAtAll, do games w Baldur’s Gate 3’s Statement On Microtransactions Warms The Heart | Forbes

To save you a click:

“No, there are no in-game purchases in our game. We believe in providing a complete and immersive gaming experience without the need for additional purchases. Enjoy the game to its fullest without any additional costs or microtransactions.”

InterSynth, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3’s Statement On Microtransactions Warms The Heart avatar

Never put companies on a pedestal.
Before Larian, it was Bungie, BioWare, Rockstar, Bethesda, CD Projekt RED.

ExcessivelySalty, avatar

@InterSynth Exactly, people need to understand companies are there to make money.


!deleted7120 avatar

Yup. You’ll always end up disappointed when they inevitably behave just like any other company.

AlecSadler, do games w ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K

That’s awesome. Also the lack of micro transactions makes me want to support them more. I kinda wish they had a donate button or something.


The donate button is buying the game and their previous titles.


Especially Divinity 2: Original Sin.

circuitfarmer, avatar

I almost never buy a game on opening day for full price. But fuck microtransaction nonsense – as soon as the devs made an official statement about it, I was on board.

meldrik, avatar

Buy the DRM free version on GOG if you haven’t already.

Pickle_Jr, do games w ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K

As someone who hasn’t ever really gotten into cRPGs before, how is the game? Is it hard to get into/is there a big learning curve to this game?


It’s heavy on the D&D 5e rulebook, if you have any level of familiarity with that it will all come naturally.

If you don’t, that’s ok too, they did a really good job describing rolls, saving throws, attack rolls, etc, in the guided tooltips.

Raji_Lev, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3’s Statement On Microtransactions Warms The Heart avatar

The higher the pedestal you put somebody on, the further they have to fall.

cazool, do games w ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K

So… I’m the only one not playing it?


Nope, I’m playing DOS2, since that’s been sitting in my steam library for way too long!

THEN maybe I’ll BG3. If my laptop can handle it…


I’m finishing D:OS2 first with another party. Also Larian games are always better a couple months or so after release, so I don’t mind waiting. So no not the only one :)

Bimbus, do gaming w ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared For 100,000 Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700,000

Well deserved. Im in Act 3 and the game is phenomenal.

Brunbrun6766, avatar

How?? My friend and I have logged 15 hours and…we haven’t even reached a city yet

lanolinoil, avatar

Same must not be sleeping a lot

riskable, avatar

Poor fella has a mind flayer brain parasite egging him on at all times.


I took off Thursday - Friday to play and that’s all I’ve done all weekend. Back at work now. :(


Wait, acts? Are there literally like title screens like “Act 2 - The bad thing happens” or do you just call it act three in a storytelling structure kind of thing? Because I played like 15 hours this weekend and only barely made it to the underdark for the first time (no idea how far into the game that is). Howlongtobeat said the main story takes like 24 hours so I figured I’m a good way through the game already.

Can’t wait to get back to it

Hanabie, avatar

Underdark is still Act 1. You’re on your way to the Act ending, but not quite there.


That’s probably an estimate for Early Access. There’s so much more to the game. You’re just scratching the surface of the game :p


The no lifer, are you not married or have kids to tend to?

But I am glad that you literally can save anywhere(except cutscenes) and continue.


Yeah, I literally had the entire Sunday off to play with nothing (urgent) to do. Don’t get many days like that though. Literally played for 13 hours yesterday

AntiOutsideAktion, do gaming w ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared For 100,000 Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700,000 avatar

Oh dang… I was just going to pirate it in like eight years. It’s online? I have to play it now? I have to buy it??



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  • AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    But if there’s a social element to the game it’s best to experience it as a part of a community, isn’t it?



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  • AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Oh sorry I didn’t explain myself well enough. I mean if there’s a significant online component where a large part of the content is interactions with other players, it seems like there’s a shelf life to getting the best experience from the game. So maybe it’s worth having a legit copy instead of pirating some time down the road.

    GenderIsOpSec, avatar

    no, it’s not an mmo, you can co op with friends anytime

    GenderIsOpSec, avatar

    dunno what the policy for pirating is here, but you can find a “test” version on here meow-floppy

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar
    seas_surround, avatar

    You’re not missing anything content-wise if you play it solo. In solo mode you control all 4 of your party members during their turns, and in the multiplayer mode you control some of your party and your friend(s) control the others. The game content is the same but the experience is very different since multiple players are generally less tactically coordinated than a single person and they can wander the map separately


    It’s only 1 to 4 player co op, there is no major social element, don’t worry you can get buddies together to play BG3 years from now if you want co op I’m playing single player and its astounding so far, tho, so you’re fine either way


    It’s not at all focused on multiplayer. Honestly, it’s probably super difficult to sink into the story if you’re playing with other people because there’s a ton of dialogue and that’s difficult if everyone’s not moving at the same pace. Multiplayer is probably intended for people who really want to invest a lot of time playing with a specific person. Single player is the primary way the game works.


    Multiplayer makes fights more fun, but the game’s story is better experienced on single player.

    When I first started playing I was mostly just using basic attacks against enemies like a regular rpg. When I played with friends with all sets of different builds I saw them dropping furniture to barricade doors, shoving enemies off of cliffs, triggering traps from a distance and all sorts of cool stuff I wasn’t even considering. But outside of fights everyone moved somewhere different and triggered different story elements that the others weren’t seeing at all.


    I think that was intended for figure out ways to beat some of the time sensitive quest, where the trigger might be you talk to someone, enter an area, etc. If you long rest then the NPC might be dead and change the subplot. With multiplayer I don’t know how they handle long rest(like can one player go long rest while others don’t? or a voting system? etc.) Anyway, I do single player, and I think multiplayer could be fun as well.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Oh dang this is my first post on lemmy. Uh… hey soviet-bashful

    Poggervania, avatar

    There’s a multiplayer component like in Larian’s previous Divintiy: Original Sin games where your friends can join your party, but otherwise you can play it pretty much single-player.

    Fwiw, I apparently paid for it like 3 years ago when it was in Early Access on Steam and forgot about it until I went to try and buy it again recently, but it’s absolutely worth the $60 if you wanna play it now bs later.

    Dalek_Thal, avatar

    Honestly mate? Buy it. This isn’t a AAA game; this is a AA game made completely independently, without microtransactions or lootboxes or any of the many bullshit practices of modern gaming. The studio deserves your support.

    It does have a multiplayer component, but it’s co-op. The game can be played in its entirety either way, and indeed, the single player experience is fantastic. So’s the multiplayer experience. The former is similar to Dragon Age Origins, and the latter is literally Dungeons and Dragons. Both are fantastic, and both are worth playing.

    Don’t skip it. This is a deeply special game, and if you’re sick of the AAA bullshit, a great way to show the greater industry is by supporting it. Vote with your wallet.


    It doesn't have the gross monetization games are trending to, but it's most definitely a AAA game.

    You can't match the scope and production quality at a AA budget.

    Dalek_Thal, avatar

    FWIW, AAA is not typically defined by budget, but instead by the presence of a publisher and methods of release. If you go by standard definitions, as a completely independent developer who crowdfunded the game at the start, Larian’s actually indie.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    There is no consistent definition for AA or AAA. It's just an implied level of production value. This game's got the equivalent modern day production value of a AAA game from 15 years ago, but the production value of AAA games like Call of Duty and Red Dead Redemption these days has soared to levels unattainable to most.


    Only shot for shot.

    Those studios with those budgets couldn't do meaningfully better with hundreds of hours of scenes to shoot.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    Sure you could. The Witcher 3 has better production value by a meaningful amount with tons of scenes to shoot and permutations of those scenes. People said you couldn't meaningfully do better than the likes of the Kickstarter CRPGs ten years ago because of how much work would go into voice acting and animating all of those scenes, but BG3 is the better production value version of that.


    Frankly I think that's laughable. The Witcher 3 is fine production quality wise, but it's not even sort of competitive with BG3. The main quest line vs BG3 side quests, maybe, but there's a huge step down to the animation quality of anything else.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    I'm still working my way through BG2, but even watching main story quests in BG3 in the footage that's coming out around launch, the thought frequently enters my mind that the Witcher 3 looks better, like it got better touch-ups beyond what the engine automates for them.


    A lot of the storytelling is through 2D scenes giving the illusion of being animated by moving pieces around (which does the job perfectly fine), and a lot of the side quest stuff is just plopping one character without any impressive animation in one spot just dropped in the world.

    In BG3, there are a bunch of minor side quests where there are several characters interacting with each other in the 3D world, and your decision making branches branch harder. Just the sheer number of otherwise "minor" interactions with fully animated, voiced, and narrated actions is crazy.

    Commiejones, avatar

    Cough fitgirls got it cough

    solarizde, do games w ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K avatar

    Good thing is, it runs flawless on my Linux desktop too 👍 Just one of the best games I played in years. Good it payed out for larian to invest so much time into it. Maybe a good example for others that you do not need to rush a launch.

    Yurt_Owl, do gaming w ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared For 100,000 Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700,000 avatar

    surprised how successful this was since it barely got a mention all the time it was in early access so thought it would have a relatively mild release but no the g*mers heard bear sex and everyone flooded in to buy it.

    Aryuproudomenowdaddy, avatar

    the g*mers heard bear sex and everyone flooded in to buy it.

    side-eye-1 side-eye-2

    FuckYourselfEndless, avatar

    I think it’s more so that “bear sex” was just joke-worthy enough that people talked about the game that otherwise wouldn’t talk about it and news of the game spread beyond its usual corners of the internet. So more people heard of the game and I guess the openness that “bear sex” entails is pretty appealing for a CRPG.

    Commiejones, avatar

    Could it be that the hard core Baldur’s Gate fans are OG/serious Gamers and have learned to not pre-order? BG 1 & 2 were released way before gaming was mainstream. Most of the casual gamers probably only care about BG3 due to hype from other gamers who would also be “Never Pre-order” folk.

    Yurt_Owl, avatar

    Its more that no one wanted to burn themselves out on early access before the real thing came out but actually it was the bear sex

    Ghost33313, avatar

    My wife found out BG was out. Saw it was a full release price and was kind of like, "meh I can wait". I joked about everyone playing just wanted to edit their character's genitals and she immediately put it on top of her Wishlist.

    TXinTXe, avatar

    2.5 million copies sold in EA, but barely got a mention? ok…

    cordlesslamp, do games w ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K

    We need to support and embrace this kind of games and studios more. They put so much love and effort into the game. But in the end, this game will probably profit as much as what Fortnite make in a couple months.

    It’s always sadden me to know that even something as successful as Elden Ring, which sold 20 millions copies and made 1.2 Billion dollars, is nothing compared to what microtransactions make in games like CoD (2 Billion dollars per year) or Fortnite (over 5 Billion dollars per year).

    And people complain why they “don’t make good games anymore”.

    Shalaska, do gaming w ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared For 100,000 Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700,000

    Good to hear. I always new the lie the AAA publishers push that no one wants single player rpgs anymore, but numbers like this prove it out. No AAA we aren’t skipping your games because we don’t want the stories m, we are just tired of spending $70 only to discover it is full of micro transactions, always online issues, and all the other AAA predatory tactics!


    AND, didn’t actually wrapping up the story, for sequel sake.

    BG3 is so huge even if it’s only the beginning arc(Larian tends to taper off at the end, lol), I had to “replay” some decision making and see how outcome and the exp net gain and to decide how I proceed.(yep I save scum, don’t hate me I have limited time and want to explore content and choices to my desire outcome. Then my other play through I can be more free form, and I bet there are something I haven’t seen yet from this good guy talk things out approach.)

    GFGJewbacca, do gaming w The Main Lesson From ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Should Be ‘People Hate Microtransactions’

    This is like saying, “people need air to breathe.” The fact this is a revelation to gaming studios is deeply concerning.

    I played some when it was in early access, and I’ve been absolutely loving BG3 now that it’s officially released. I haven’t felt like this about a game in a long time, and it’s probably because Larian studios treated this like Divinity Original Sin - a complete game with loving care. As I saw in another review, they didn’t make a D&D game, they just made D&D.

    !deleted4292 avatar

    I feel like the revelation to gaming studios is not that people like a good product, it’s that Larian was allowed to make one without investors demanding it be the shittiest thing since shit sandwiches.

    iltoroargento, avatar

    Absolutely. I genuinely worried a bit about my group, myself as DM included, being sucked into this game or having unrealistic tabletop expectations because of how well this game has been done lol

    I also saw that there are a lot of things for players and DMs to learn from this game and how, although we can’t compete with the years long process of making such a complete game (done by many, many, minds and hands and through significant man hours), tabletop GMs can definitely be inspired by such a complete work. Asessing what they can implement from it in their own game designing and seeing how the two mediums of tabletop and video game can complement each other and how they differ will definitely lead to more interesting content on the table and respect for what GMs and story designers do.

    CalOtsu, avatar

    I love the game, but I do miss some of the "fuck around" shenanigans you can get into with a DM who can improvise based on if someone comes up with some WAY out of left field idea of what they want to do. It's no replacement for the tabletop but there are definitely things both DMs and game designers can learn from each other here.

    ArtZuron, avatar

    BG3 does have a few too many “the ceiling collapses and you all die” moments for my liking, but, for the most part, I do like it. It just came out, so it’s still going to probably get some balancing patches!

    There are many spells and items in the game that would be pretty good in a TT game IMO

    iltoroargento, avatar

    Agreed, I’m just astonished how they got the feeling of exploration/intrigue/investigation in the game down so well.

    I’m taking notes on how best to bring that kind of suspense into my sessions. I’ve had players feel similarly suspenseful using Foundry Virtual Tabletop and a fog of war on a map I created, but it’s a little harder to accomplish that in person.

    The improvisation is one thing and GMs definitely lend tabletop to be more creative in that way, but the suspense of not knowing what’s around the corner or behind the door is harder to relay with just description. I think the visual aspect is definitely helpful.

    whatisallthis, do gaming w The Main Lesson From ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Should Be ‘People Hate Microtransactions’

    The job of the AAA gaming company is to make money, not good games.

    For the same reason McDonalds is never going to serve filet mignon, big gaming companies are never going to release feature-compete passion projects.


    Indeed, the job of most AAA game studios is to get as much money as possible from the gamers to their shareholders.

    tonytins, avatar

    Doesn’t mean people should accept their attempts to nickle and dime them.


    Not exactly, though I see your point. I think it would be more accurate if McDonald’s charged for ketchup, mustard, salt, drink cups, lids, straws etc.


    The big difference with physical goods is that it’s much harder to steal a McDonald’s burger that it is to crack a single player, offline game. Furthermore, once you ate your burger, if you want more, you have to buy another because it’s a consumables.

    On the other hand games are prone to piracy, expecially on pc, you pay once but can play anytime while patched and updates require prolonged work after you purchase.

    It isn’t strange that developers look at dlc, microtransanction or game as a service with subscription, because they allow a stable flow of income that can support development, and it’s harder to avoid paying when the game is always online and stuff like that.

    Sordid, avatar

    Furthermore, once you ate your burger, if you want more, you have to buy another because it’s a consumables.

    The same goes for single-player offline games, though. There’s only so much entertainment you can get out of one before you’ve seen everything, get bored, and look for another one.

    you pay once but can play anytime while patched and updates require prolonged work after you purchase

    If a studio fails to budget for that and make sure those costs are included in the price of the game, it frankly deserves to go bust.


    There’s only so much entertainment you can get out of one before you’ve seen everything, get bored, and look for another one.

    You’re absolutely right, but that’s true from “your perspective”. For you the fame might last 50 hours and that’s all, but the developers still need to work on big patches, content and fixes even years after release.

    If a studio fails to budget for that and make sure those costs are included in the price of the game, it frankly deserves to go bust

    And this introduces another topic I think. Would the average consumer willing to spend more for a game with everything in it? AAA already cost 70$ at launch, would the average consumer accept further price increases, or would selling plummet in comparison with reduced price+dlc or free to play with microtransanction?

    At the end companies are not inherently “evil” they just look for what works and what doesn’t by trial and error

    Sordid, (edited ) avatar

    the developers still need to work on big patches, content and fixes even years after release

    Why would they need to do that? If it’s years down the line, there shouldn’t be any bugs left to fix by that point. And offline single-player games don’t need regular content drops. Sure, an expansion or two might be nice, but those don’t come free. Only online games need to constantly feed their players new content in order to keep them hooked and coming back to buy more MTX.

    Would the average consumer willing to spend more for a game with everything in it? AAA already cost 70$ at launch, would the average consumer accept further price increases, or would selling plummet in comparison with reduced price+dlc or free to play with microtransanction?

    Oh sales would plummet for sure, but it would still make a profit, just not as much. If From Soft and Larian can do it, everyone can. They just don’t wanna. (see below)

    At the end companies are not inherently “evil” they just look for what works and what doesn’t by trial and error

    That really depends on your definition of “works”. Sure, it’s a business, but what’s the goal? To me there seems to be a noticeable difference between companies that want to make good games, for which the business side of things is just a means to an end, and companies that want to make as much money as possible, where the games are the means to that end. Is that latter category ‘evil’? Maybe not strictly speaking, but I have no concern for those companies whatsoever, they can go fuck themselves.

    Landrin201, avatar

    Movies and books exist and they are one time purchases that you use once and stop interacting with. Why do games get special excuses for being extremely exploitative and shitty to their players? I don’t have to pay for a book chapter by chapter or pay extra for a character to appear, but authors and filmmakers still make TONS of money.

    The game industry makes lots of excuses for it’s shitty behavior but none of them hold water.


    but authors and filmmakers still make TONS of money.

    This is an affirmation many writers would find offensive lol

    The editorial sector is in deep crisis, it’s really hard to live off as a writer unless you’re ridiculously famous.

    Same thing for the filmmaking industry, look at protest of screenwriters and actors, and to companies terrible financial sheets, and to movie theaters basically bankrupting as maybe their time is over. Also we both agree there’s been a shift from movies to tv series and one of the reason is that you “buy the product piece by piece”?

    Ps: funnily enough, period publication of chapters were a thing until not long ago, and still are in somewhere (for example manga in Japan)


    Webnovel sites in Korea and China sell books one chapter at a time, and some of their publishers are trying to break into the Western market with the same structure (ie Wattpad bought by naver, owned by Qidian). They also like using virtual currency for buying chapters. Korean and Chinese web comics are also sold this way. Publishers really like the microtransaction money no matter the industry. If they could figure out how to sell microtransactions for movies I bet they would do it.

    Side note: I downloaded this chinese app for downloading region locked games on mobile and they somehow figured out how to put gacha in it. Publishers seem to do anything for money no matter how little sense it makes.


    The movies industry is no better, they too try to get as much money as possible and they do for example with product placement.

    If they could find a way to make you pay a few bucks more to see the protagonist on a unicorn instead of a horse you can bet they would.


    Fun fact: In literally every single analogy that has ever and will ever exist, you can add things to it to make it even more analogous.


    What can we add to fun facts to make them even more fun? 🤔


    Lot of us have already heard most company justifications for the anti consumer moves they make. That is no new revelation.


    Witcher 3, the Last of Us (ps3), Baldurs Gate 3, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Elden Ring, Read Dead Redemption 2 (offline), Zelda, etc…

    There are plenty of triple A games that were well received that didn’t involve gambling and mtx.


    Ones that weren’t well received like Cyberpunk 2077 did well too.


    Because they largely fixed it…


    I don’t care how they were received. Give me a total revenue comparison.


    You simply listed exceptions, thus proving the rule stated by @whatisallthis


    How many exceptions do you need before it no longer being an exception, 50%?


    But you listed less than 1 percent?


    Sorry for not combing through every major release since tetris and making a perfectly objective list of every good game of which most them I’ve never even seen gameplay of.


    Why so salty bro? Maybe go outside, meet some people. That usually helps me when I´m grumpy …


    Salty? I listed a bunch of games that are clearly made by passionate developers and have been part of defining of defining the space in recent history. You are the one leaving a snarky comment that I listed less than 1 percent of games as if that proves anything.


    We probably just did not understand each other well. Can we just agree to disagree and move on? I respect you and your opinion, have a nice day!

    luthis, do gaming w The Main Lesson From ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Should Be ‘People Hate Microtransactions’

    Author got burned bad in the comments:

    8 hours ago

    “Instead of getting more accepting of microtransactions these days because they’ve become so normalized, I’m moving the opposite direction. I genuinely resent Diablo 4 for sinking so, so much work into its $15-30 armor sets in the store when they could have been farmable in the game, and in-game sets are already starting to fall behind in the seasonal model.”

    You clearly don’t resent it that much, considering you gave Diablo 4 a 9/10.

    Madison_rogue, avatar

    It's not a burn; it's a poorly constructed comment made out of context. The author's criticism on Diablo 4 is based within the context of Baldur's Gate 3's release. The review for D4 was written before BG3 was released.

    Eggyhead, avatar

    I would be happy if MTX were just a default penalty rule on all game review scores. MTX: Yes. Score -2.

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