
fox, do games w Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age

awesome news !

as expected this will be an “easier” version of space exploration, but that’s not a bad thing, specially for people like me that couldn’t finish space exploration, pretty cool to see that Earendel is on the team as well.


Agreed, definitely excited to see what the revised tech tree does to the initial stage of a playthrough as well. This seems like a great way to make the game feel fresh and change up a player’s approach.

charles, do gaming w Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age

I hadn’t kept up with Factorio much over the last little while but I’ve always appreciated how great the Friday Facts are.

Not surprised by the overall theme of the expansion but I didn’t expect a different tech tree for “dlc playthroughs”. I think if it’s reshuffled correctly, it could really help give even the initial part of a playthrough a fresh feel and change up some of my usual strategies. Looking forward to reading about more of the details over the next year.


Same! Though, I am disappointed that we likely aren’t getting hills or diagonal walls lol. Regardless, looking forward to it.

…Also (as a pet peeve), I can’t deal with space ships where the thrust vectors are wrong. Personally, I would like to see the engines as some sort of building you have to build in the centre of your platform so you could actually walk around if you needed too, but it looks like you’ll just be chilling in the white building thing, which would still be difficult to move around in because you’d constantly be ‘falling’ towards the engines. /reeeeeeeeeeeeeeant

(the engine animations look really cool though)

Moc, do games w Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age

You and I both know we’re going to buy this day 1.

@Sabata11792@kbin.social avatar

Lets hope I don't miss work playing this.


WUBE is probably the only company left that I’d pre-order a game from


Man, I remember when most players felt the same way about Blizzard. Sad memories

@exoplanetary@lemmy.world avatar

One of like three for me. Ghost Ship Games and Re-Logic also have my trust.

Bay 12 Games as well, though I doubt they’ll be putting anything up for preorder for another 30 years or so, lol.

Besides that, I can’t think of any other studios. Been burnt too many times before.


Well. It aint getting cheaper. So might as well.

Tarte, do gaming w Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age
@Tarte@kbin.social avatar

Great news! I‘m looking forward to the expansion (haven’t played Factorio for years now), but I’m already happy about the regular Friday Facts that will certainly bring me joy.

Kaldo, do games w Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age
@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Definitely a day 1 purchase for me as well, no other game has the same amount of love and polish as Factorio does, both when it comes to the vanilla game and mods, and I know they will deliver a good experience with the DLC as well.

However, I am worried if it's gonna be enough to stand out among other games in the genre. It has been many years since Factorio last got a substantial content update (maybe too many) and in the meantime we've got a lot of similarly-genred games like DSP or Satisfactory that have raised the bar in areas that Factorio lacked. I hope F:SA has enough meat on its bones to substantially change the core game rather than just more of what we've already played.

Deestan, do games w Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age

While painful, it makes sense to push cliff explosives into later game. Cliffs are completely irrelevant in the current game, as you get the tech to blow them up so soon that they don’t manage to affect your base layout.

@Chailles@lemmy.world avatar

Cliffs are generally pretty irrelevant even without the ability to blow them up. Just going around or using an Underground belt works.


They shape your factory though and that is probably the reason for their existence.


Not really, you ought to build a rail and it can be a pain in the ass to go around cliffs some times.

@CosmicApe@kbin.social avatar

Me, who plays with cliffs turned off: Oh yea, that'll totally suck.

lwe, do games w Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age

I really appreciate that Earendel also got to voice some lines here. The crossover with the mod is undeniable and him being involved with the company now could have been handled differently elsewhere.

wahming, do games w Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age

Oh fucking hell. There goes a year of my life


I just can’t right now.

Stanfield comes out in a couple of weeks, and I got friends begging me to try AC, and Baulders Gate is a time sink

I’m gonna do it anyway, The factory must grow

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I guess you're lucky since the DLC is not coming out or at least another year then? :P


Are you kidding me? With the backlog i have?

I feel like it could be another 3 years and then maybe I would have the actual time I need to dive into that addiction again




Armored core 6.

Releases today. Has gotten nice reviews

H_Interlinked, do games w Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age
@H_Interlinked@kbin.social avatar

I'll wait for the updated cracked file. Sorry to the rest of the team but their lead dev is a collosal cunt.


? Care to expand on that?


He is a huge mysoginist and transphobe. There was an FFF long time ago, where he defended the infamous Uncle Bob, and when people pointed out in the reddit thread that he is a problematic figure, kovarex came out defending him and insulting so many people in the subreddit that he got his messages removed by moderation. Was a huge clustefuck.

@H_Interlinked@kbin.social avatar

They're staunchly anti-sale, and the game will not ever be available at any kind of sale price. On top of that earlier this year they increased the price to "adjust for inflation". When they announced it there was a reddit thread with plenty of criticism in the comments. He proceeded to come in hot, fling shit, and condescend to everyone with the attitude of a grade school bully. It was mildy entertaining tbh. They really need a PR person with a guy like that in the lead.


It’s a fair price. And well everything else has increased in price and especially for Europeans like most of Wube staff.

@H_Interlinked@kbin.social avatar

It’s a fair price.

That's a valid opinion that I disagree with. My opinion on the price isn't why the guy sucks. It's just another reason I won't buy the game, personally. It's just the basis for him acting like a damn fool on a public forum about it.

No need to come to their defense if you like that game, that's cool. I'm just voting with my wallet for my own personal reasons. Simple as that.


Pirating isn’t really voting with your wallet.

@H_Interlinked@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, it's the not buying it.


I mean yeah the price raise is a bit controversy but you getting a crack version doesn’t make you less so of an ass.

And not having sales isn’t a bad thing.


So what it went from $20 to $35? Game has been out for a long time and updated quite a bit in that time. Also if the devs don’t want to put it on sale… that’s their decision 🤷‍♂️

They don’t do any of the other bullshit other big game companies do, and $35 isn’t even close to the $60-70 other games with a much lower playtime ceiling charge.

Without actually reading the content itself, I’d hazard it probably wasn’t great for the dev to go off, but I understand how it could be incredibly annoying to have a bunch of people online crying about a small price increase for. A game they likely already owned.

@H_Interlinked@kbin.social avatar

So what it went from $20 to $35? Game has been out for a long time and updated quite a bit in that time. Also if the devs don’t want to put it on sale… that’s their decision 🤷‍♂️

I thought all of this went without saying, so I didn't. That's just stuff I personally dislike as a consumer. Nothing egregious about it.

It's how the douchebag thinks it's okay to treat other people is what turned me off of ever giving them business.


Actually only went from 30-35. I think the 20-30 was exiting early access. Regardless, I have 200 hours in the game and $30 (or now $35) is worth every penny.

morhp, do games w Factorio: Space Age

Nice, haven’t played Factorio for a while, but I could probably get back into it with the expansion.

Sibbo, do gaming w Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age

I think this is a really nice idea! By having different planets, this is basically four different expansions in one, plus the space stuff. I am really interested in what will make the planets special. One looks kinda deserty (no water?), one looks very green (dangerous fauna?), and the last one rather icy (will the cold be a problem?). Whatever they chose for the planets, I am sure it is gonna be really interesting!

RaincoatsGeorge, do games w Factorio: Space Age

I’ve played the crap out of this game and never even got close to launching the rocket.


Same here. Love the game so much, but I end up taking a big break and coming back and not knowing how to play, so I just start new. Rinse repeat. Seems there’s a year to build and launch a rocket before this expansion drops, so maybe I should fire it up again and give it another try.

dragontamer, (edited )

Which science did you get stuck at?

The 3rd science pack is probably the hardest leap forward. But purple/yellow science are difficult too (just not “as hard” as blue IMO).

The 3rd science pack requires mastery of oil refining. The 4th and 5th (purple/yellow) science packs are “just” about scaling up to exceptionally large bases, which is easier IMO than trying to figure out oil (though still somewhat difficult, and the scaling is of two grossly different stuffs. Purple science requires a ton of stone-and-steel, while yellow science requires a ton of copper).

Once you recognize that purple and yellow need way more space than you originally expected, its actually really easy. Just build “bigger” than you ever had before, but otherwise the basics are the exact same as red/green science. Don’t build a “few” assembly machines, you need to be thinking of at least 50+ assembly machines for the entire purple / yellow chains, and possibly need ~2 or ~3 belts of raw iron ore (for purple) or ~2-to-3 belts of raw copper ore (for yellow). Meaning you need maybe 200+ furnaces (I’m not joking). But… “big designs” are just big, they’re not actually difficult to think about.

3rd / Blue science is difficult because its the only time you ever have to master fluids in Factorio. Fluid trains, fluid wagons, fluid containers, etc. etc. You pretty much have two designs: you either bottle everything up into steel drums so that you can “stick with belts”, or you learn to properly use pumps+pipes+trains (fluid wagons) to move things around. In both cases, its complex but its the only way you get past blue-science.


I can’t recall but I know it was somewhere around when you started messing with oil. Honestly the problem was space for sure. You build this massive complex factory but then you have to start making adjustments to try and fit new parts in and it just got so complex that in order to proceed I was gonna have to gut entire sections and restart, just lost interest.

Still an amazing game and I loved every minute of it. I did the same thing with rimworld. I have dozens of hours and I’ve never once launched the rocket lol.

dragontamer, (edited )

You build this massive complex factory but then you have to start making adjustments to try and fit new parts in and it just got so complex that in order to proceed I was gonna have to gut entire sections and restart, just lost interest.

Ah. You haven’t learned the most important rule of Factorio.

Don’t “erase” your old factory. Its far more efficient to instead “abandon” it. Space is infinite in Factorio.

“But the biters will attack and destroy the factory” ?? Well, guess what? You don’t care. Automated cleanup. Just abandon it and move somewhere else.

And when you “abandon” a factory, its not a big deal to “undo” your decision, walk back, fix the few broken parts to grab the 400 belts you need for the new factory, and then “re-abandon” the factory. Deciding which parts are abandoned / not-abandoned is a state of flux. You can always reuse / repair the old factory as you spin up your new one. Just do whatever is easiest.

Bonus points: try to abandon your factory after the research of Construction Bots. At this point, you can CTRL-C your good designs into blueprints, and then CTRL-V the “good parts” of your factory over to the new base with very little effort.

But really, the answer is rarely to abandon your working factory. Instead, you use belts to pipe out every useful element of those factories (ie: iron, copper, circuits, gears, steel), and then expand your factory to a new location.

InfiniteLoop, do games w Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age

really glad we got to hear about a straight up comparison against space exploration. i’ll admit i was hoping they’d go a different direction (i’ve seen people mention going underwater which i think would have been a ton of fun and a guaranteed differentiator from anything currently available)

all that aside, the most interesting parts for me are the engine changes:

  • improved blueprints? how? i can’t say i’ve ever had much to complain about with factorios blueprint system
  • better flying robots behavior. this one could be huge, when i built a large base it was hard to properly balance logistics robots and not feel like they were just not working as well as they should

a year away tho! that’s okay, we’ll live, i just got sucked back into satisfactory (playing sf+ which is basically bobsangels for sf and it’s GLORIOUS).

i know all us diehards will pick it up sight unseeen, but unless there’s something flashy, like a graphical overhaul (which i’m not sure the diehards would be in favor of), i do wonder how it will stand out and attract the newer players that have been playing the newer automation games and might only look at factorio skin-deep and not get as excited for.

and i’m okay with all that, but i also want their work to be appreciated by as many people as possible so here’s to hoping they can nail the marketing


An underwater or even underground factorio would be awesome. Maybe a future mod or expansion? I’d imagine a lot of the engine work will make those types of things easier too.

PeterPoopshit, do games w Factorio: Space Age

Oh man, there’s already a space exploration mod for factorio. If the plan is to do that but better, they really have their work cut out for them. I really hope they plan to and succeed in making it “space exploration but better” otherwise the modding situation is going to get really awkward…


Seeing as the post is written by the person who made Space Exploration, it seems they’re targeting entirely different niches here. Where Space Exploration is about challenge and increasing numbers of interdependencies, Space Age seems to be just the natural progression of vanilla Factorio, as in, just keep expanding. Having never played Space Exploration nor made it past Purple Science, I’m interested to see how this expansion will develop.


They address that at then end of the post. After all, the same developer is working on both projects.

Basic point is thwt they are targeting different audiences, but there will also be engine improvements. I’m hope that means SE just gets better because of these changes.


The announcement goes to mention that he was one of the creators for space exploration. But this expansion here is supposed to be for more for the casual player.

@sockenklaus@sh.itjust.works avatar

But this expansion here is supposed to be for more for the casual player.

Yes but to be honest the term “casual player” doesn’t exactly apply to Factorio.

Staiden, do games w Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age

Well there goes a few more thousand hours of my life.

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