Kolanaki, (edited ) do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!
!deleted6508 avatar

Well… Confirmed what I had feared. They heavily rely on dynamic resolution and DLSS/FSR instead of real optimization. Meet most of the recommended specs, except the GPU. I’ve got a 1660 Super and even on low settings @1080p, the game runs anywhere between 25 and 60 fps. And it’s like… Backwards from what I would expect. Indoor areas are the slower areas, while outdoors is nice and snappy. But it looks blurry as fuck with the resolution scale at anything other than 100%, and even ultra settings do not put it that high.

That said, it is still playable without having to mod in lower textures and reducing clutter. Which is more than I can say about Fallout 4 at release, and I had the exact recommended specs for that one back then.

First game since I built this machine to run this poorly with settings this low. Even Baldur’s Gate 3, which looks way better, runs so much better at Ultra settings than Starfield does at the minimum.

Other than that, the setting feels pretty bland, which is not what I expected considering the passionate way they talked at lengths about it. It’s all very generic and very obviously just trying to make every fun sci-fi trope they like stick. I am not playing for the story or the writing, but the world building is usually one of their best features… This one is pretty lackluster with the world building, and so far has not really drawn me in.

avater, avatar

ai rendering is the here to stay. Especially unreal 5 titles are relying heavy on fsr/diss

nico, avatar


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  • Kolanaki, (edited )
    !deleted6508 avatar

    I mean… Yes, but I would have expected it to not run at all. It runs playable. Which is crazy for it not only being an unsupported GPU, but also a BGS game. It wasn’t meant as a bash, other than it probably could have been supported if they didn’t use DLSS/FSR as a crutch. It was praise for the stability actually being fucking solid for once.

    Complaints about the looks still stand (don’t need to have high fps to see the world looking nice in a still frame lol). At its best, it looks 5 years old. I’ve seen better recently, so it’s kind of disappointing.

    aetrix, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    Bought it on steam. i7 3770K. GTX 1080. Pop_os. “Whatever, it will work!”

    … anybody want to donate an Xbox series X?

    tal, (edited ) avatar

    I saw some comment in this thread that on the Deck, someone had to set their Proton version for Starfield to Proton Experimental -- newer than the current stable release version -- and then it worked. Might try that on other Linux distros too.

    IIRC it's in the Properties->Compatibility dialog for a given game.

    checks ProtonDB

    Many entries on ProtonDB saying "switch to Experimental". Looks like the current GloriousEggroll Proton build also works, but if you've never set that up, easier to just do Proton Experimental.


    Works fine and selected Experimental as the default.

    However vrr isn’t working on the latest Experimental so the monitor doesn’t slow down with the game.


    I’m on an i7-1165g7 and 1070 on windows. 25-30 fps at 1080p.

    It’s completely GPU bound. I have a 4060 ti 16 gb in the mail. We’ll see how it plays.

    beefcat, avatar

    That CPU is a little long in the tooth


    Damn dude I thought my 4770 was old. Until a few months ago I had a grx770 until I cracked and found a deal on a 6800XT. So now I know what it’s like to be heavily CPU-bottlenecked .

    aetrix, (edited )

    It has somehow been fine for everything I’ve thrown at it until now. But after a decade, “it’s time to go

    A new rig with an i5 13600K and 7900XT is on the way. I’m trying to remember what game finally forced my hand at a big time upgrade last time around.

    avater, avatar


    just visited my parents and could negotiate with my little brother that the drives us home so we don’t have to take the train.

    poor fellow thought starfield would also release on playstation 5 so I offered him my xbox series x as a reward for the drive 😅

    Daisyifyoudo, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    Fuck preordering


    I clapped. I clapped because I agree. I’m still clapping.



    verysoft, (edited )

    Not only preordering, spending almost 50% more on the game just to play it 5 days early. The fuck is wrong with people, no wonder the industry got like it is.

    beefcat, avatar

    What does this thread have to do with pre-ordering?


    Did you actually read the original post?

    beefcat, avatar

    The original post is incorrect, you didn’t have to pre-order to play early. I bought my copy after reviews dropped.

    ABoxOfNeurons, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    I’m having a great time, but I also love FO4 and No Man’s Sky. The toe-dip I’ve done into colony building shows that they put real thought into Astroneer-like automated manufacturing stuff, which is my crack, and something I missed in NMS and FO4. It’s also clear from the first city that they know how depressing FO4 is, and wanted to add more variety.

    Story and characters are a cut above any other Bethesda game so far, but that’s not saying much. My wife is replaying BG3 next to me, and it makes Starfield’s writing look amateurish by comparison. It’s not the core of the game though, so eh.

    Downsides so far have been that the minor planets/moons don’t have much to do, and that inventory management is annoying with how much crafting components weigh.

    Ship combat is… Fine. It’s not as intricate as Elite: Dangerous or SW:Squadrons (for sim gamers, weapons are all on REALLY forgiving gimbals, which makes precision unnecessary), but not actively bad like NMS VR. I think it’s a good compromise, because not everyone wants to deal with a realistic sim in what is essentially a minigame.

    It’s also complex, which is good, but adds some awkwardness to the beginning.

    BigBananaDealer, avatar

    if ship combat was like those space combat games i would be avoiding any space fight like the plague. i barely survived the tutorial enemies 😂


    I think they made the right call too. It’s better for almost everyone. A lot of flight sim types are also techies, so I bet the mods will bias that way.


    that’s what I’m hoping is a big flight Sim guy

    sturmblast, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    20 hours in, I really like it… just wish the spaceship stuff worked more like Elite Dangerous

    SuperSleuth, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    Unfortunately it isn’t what I wanted out of this game.

    Loading screen to land on a planet, loading screen to leave my spaceship, no seamless entry into caves or buildings. Planets and space having boundaries. Can’t use my spaceship to traverse.

    Glad people enjoy it, but I was looking for something more akin to NMS or Star Citizen.

    c0mbatbag3l, avatar

    This is exactly why I didn’t pre order or buy this game, I knew it was going to fall severely short of the expectation.

    A bunch of non connected areas and gameplay loops.


    They specifically said there were going to be loading screens and no user driven landings. I agree with not preordering games, but I also think you need to actually look at what the dev is saying before you set your expectations.

    CaptainEffort, (edited )

    My expectations are set by the gaming landscape as a whole. For example, virtually all games releasing nowadays have a manual save feature. I expect that. A dev coming out during development to say their game doesn’t have manual saving doesn’t suddenly make that okay.

    It’s an extreme example, but my point is that a dev disclosing something before release shouldn’t magically negate all criticism of it. People are allowed to be frustrated by things this game does poorly that other games excel at, even if the devs were transparent about those shortcomings.

    c0mbatbag3l, avatar

    It’s not even that, I never talked about the space to planet transition because I expected that to be a loading screen.

    I’m talking about how the game itself is structured, I thought the space travel and jumping from system to system was going to be more like elite, but it’s just small instances with loading screens. Was that my fault for assuming that? I mean, they focused so hard on ship customization I assumed space travel was a big part of the game. At least the space gameplay, if not the planetary gameplay.

    Bethesda was super closed off about how exactly the gameplay loop was structured because they knew the truth was going to reduce sales. So they let the reality of it just go unsaid while they kept you focused on the pretty screenshots.

    c0mbatbag3l, avatar

    Good strawman, notice how I never specified planetary landings? Cause I already knew that it was going to be a loading screen.

    I’m talking about the fractured nature of the surface and the inability to fly from place to place in space. Or transition from locations in atmosphere. Everything is its own tiny location and fast traveling the rule of thumb. It seems like they kept as little information on this specific aspect as possible until the preorders were in. Probably so that the nature of the game wouldn’t drive away people looking for something with more of an interconnected holistic model of travel. They knew the truth would severely reduce their consumer base so they pretended it was “Star Citizen (with severe limitations)” instead of “Mass Effect: Andromeda (but you can customize and fly the tempest yourself)”

    Someone in here said it best, “I have no idea what the purpose of including space ships and space travel even was.” If that’s a legitimate question in your space game, you failed.


    At this point, what is functionally the difference between this and The Outer Worlds?

    c0mbatbag3l, avatar

    There really doesn’t seem to be one, honestly.

    dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

    Could give space engineers a go

    Harrison, (edited )

    So called seamless experiences just add time and tedium, because they’re hidden loading screens. Take me to the content please.


    loading-screen-lover gamer, this is definitely a first.

    Give me RDR2 seamless experience every day of the week


    Sorry, if you want to get to Valentine, you have to get on your horse and fast travel.

    totallymojo, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! avatar

    I feel like I’ve burned myself out a little bit on story heavy games after Baldurs Gate 3, so I cannot concentrate on the story lol

    But otherwise…
    Fps jumps between 30 and 90 and I feel the slowdowns (rtx3080, Ryzen 3900x here).
    The graphics and animations are kind of shit. Standard Bethesda.
    The menus are super fiddly.
    The aesthetic is cool. I love the retro futuristic bulky style.
    Music is great!
    Voice acting thus far, is good.
    Starship is cool but basically unnecessary. You just fast travel anyway.
    Combat is pretty cool but stiff.

    I haven’t played super far yet so im hoping it gets a bit better soon.

    tal, (edited ) avatar

    Music is great!

    Thanks. I specifically meant to ask about this in this thread and forgot.

    I liked the music in New Vegas a lot, liked Fallout 4. Fallout 76 was a disappointment music-wise -- I'm not a fan of country, and didn't think that the DJing was good, left the radio off. Was really hoping that the Starfield music would be good.


    That’s because Obsidian did new Vegas. Bethesda is good at making promises not games.

    tal, avatar

    I was fine with the music in Fallout 4, and Bethesda did that.

    AustralianSimon, (edited ) avatar

    Obsidian are great at story but also iffy at game Dev. NV was standard AAA bug fest.


    That seems a bit unfair to Obsidian. They were given an engine, they where unfamiliar with and had a very short 18 months of development time, very likely because of their deal with Bethesda.


    i mean it explicitly was the deal they made with bethesda, they both agreed to a deadline

    the lack of focus on actual bug fixes and the overconfidence with how much content they could realistically finish in those 18 months was still absolutely on obsidian

    They did not treat us badly at all - even the Metacritic thing was something they added, not threatened us with… and if we’d been better with fixing bugs, we could have hit the score needed to prevent layoffs, but nope - FNV when it was released had a LOT of bugs.

    Unfortunately, the other interpretation made for a better story… but even Obsidian’s CEO clarified it. That said, FNV needed to be downscoped, and production should have ended and testing begun at least 2 months earlier than it was.

    Bethesda’s engine was the easiest to create content for, by far. Source control was easy, iterations were fast, the scripting language was pretty powerful – just easy to work in. Not necessarily easy to change, but if you wanted to do what we did on F:NV, which was make a bunch of new content and new features for the F3 engine, it was great.

    AustralianSimon, avatar

    The other person made a good point but QA before release is important and lots of bugs were dead obvious in all the games.


    this was more a result of them biting off more than they can chew than an actual lack of skill

    obsidian seemed like it had a hard time letting go of grand plans even when they proved to be unworkable


    Still love it, maybe because it feels like they cared about making a good game. I still load up NV on occasion.

    AustralianSimon, avatar

    I do a play through of all the FO games every couple of years too.


    Fallout 76 was a disappointment



    Nothing burns out a gamer like a larian studios game


    BG3 is my first Larian game, I will absolutely be going back to play them, after a long ass break.

    I had to step back from BG3 in the first week as it was already consuming my life.

    FragrantOwl, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! avatar

    I feel like I was completely ripped off. This game is nothing like promised, and I can’t believe how many people seem to be okay with that.

    There are more issues than I have the patience to type, so here are just a few of the most egregious.

    Graphics. The graphics are nowhere near modern. They are basic colors and sometimes pretty blocky. It almost looks like graphics from a game over 30 years old. This is unacceptable.

    Spaceship flight mechanics. There are none. In fact, I have yet to see ANY spaceships in this game. So far, it’s 100% on foot.

    First-person gameplay. Not very realistic, but kind of satisfying. There’s a lot of jumping and numerous enemies to avoid. They get a little repetitive, but are enough to hold interest. Some have loot that can give your character special abilities like flying with a raccoon tail, breathing underwater like a frog, or even throwing fireballs.

    Character creation. This is virtually non-existent. In fact, I don’t think I was ever asked to review my character. I tried restarting a few times and every time I’m automatically set as some guy in red with a moustache. I did find a multiplayer option, but that just gives a green variant.

    I’m thinking of refunding this game as it is nothing like what Todd Howard promised.


    It’s amazing how many people aren’t getting this joke.

    viking, avatar

    Maybe it’s an age thing…


    everything is an age thing, the older you are

    tal, avatar

    Probably were in the wrong camp, had a Sega Master System or Genesis or something at the time.


    Oh my god… I get it now, thanks ⭐


    sigh I know they’re describing Mario, but what am I missing here?


    Wow, very surprising. Dunkey already gave it game of the year.


    He gave it to which game?




    If you retry character creation with the second controller expansion pack, you can get a green suit.


    Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half lol


    I see exactly what I expected. I didn’t bought the hysteria on Youtube/insta/TK.

    And I didn’t preorder the game because of that hysteria. The Hysteria looked a lot like the Cyberpunk Fiasco. Realistic expectations, we seem to have lost that capability with upcoming video games. When something sounds too good, It is.

    I don’t know what you saw Todd say where but I just read some interviews like this one:…/todd-howard-interview-starfield-sgf-202…And in nothing i’ve red from him even slightly resembles the hype around this game.

    TH: “We do lock it at 30 [FPS], because we want that fidelity, we want all that stuff.”

    That means 1 thing: not a real action game, more in line of FO4, maybe NMS like but more like RDR. A dogfight @30FPS is over before it starts. Beauty is more important then speed for this game.

    Speaking about RDR, TH: “So I think it also as a flow, probably has more of a feeling of a [Red Dead Redemption 2]”

    Here you have it literally: a game like RDR. Not NMS. Not Elite. Not StarCitizen. But like RDR. That means that the ships are more of a means of transport then a real gameplay mechanic. And space is just the theme.

    TH: “this is like five or six games in one, right? It’s the spaceship game, it’s the on the ground game, it’s just a dialogue game, it’s an outpost game, it’s a crafted game. It does all of these things, and so… And it always is tricky for us to get a good game flow where those things don’t feel like they’re separate game”

    That means the spaceship part is not front and center. All these things he states are just pieces for a standard RPG:

    • Ground game: Loot and shoot.
    • Dialogue game: standard RPG.
    • Outpost game: base building.
    • Crafting? Standard part of every RPG in the last decade.

    Add to that it’s build with the Bethesda engine. We know it’s capabilities for what… 2 decades? We flew in FO4. But we didn’t steer… It was on rails

    This all meant in my mind that the spaceship part had to be a transportation mini game.

    So reading the official stuff, I always expected a mix between FO4 and Mass Effect. With a mobile “base” (your ship) with maybe some light spaceship combat. Sprinkled with some exploration.

    Not a game which morphed all those separate game types. Just an FP/3rd p ARPG set in a cool science fiction universe.

    I think we’re finally getting Firefly.




    God I was about to downvote you because of the spaceship comment. Like “Damn, some guy literally gives you his spaceship and puts you into the combat tutorial in the first 30 minutes.”

    I love the comments that arent getting the joke, though.

    CaptFeather, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    Y’all I thought we agreed as a society to not preorder anymore?


    I got the premium edition when I bought a new CPU and it came bundled, so I still have my Hardcore Gamer Badge.

    …I also got Overwatch 2, but I’m not even going to bother redeeming that one.


    Isn’t OW2 free?


    Which makes it even worse


    You’re right, just checked my emails and saw that the code is for “Overwatch 2 Invasion Ultimate Bundle”, which I guess is DLC or something. It was bundled with a Zotac 4090 on Amazon.


    I didn’t pre order. I waited for review embargo to lift, then I bought it today.

    This isn’t “early access”, this is Bethsda squeezing money out of game pass subscribers


    I actually have no problem with this, I even almost like this.

    If you want, you can spend extra cash to play it a few days earlier, otherwise you can wait and get it for “free”. This drives sales, “forces” the most hardcore players to purchase the title, and ensures that gamepass players can enjoy first party titles on day one even in the future.


    In my defense, I preordered it after it came out.

    emptyother, avatar

    Same. I almost always hold on games until just after release, when the preorder is still up, so I can read user reactions and gameplay videos before buying but still get the crappy preorder rewards.


    which one are you in? I am in society 2.0.1B


    I didn’t preorder, it’s free with Game Pass. Just not the early play.

    beefcat, avatar

    You didn’t have to pre-order it for early access.

    0Empty0, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    I like it. Still has some classic glitches, enemies jumping high into the air after you kill them, grabbing weapons out of a locked container because part of the gun was sticking was sticking out, you know, Bethesda things.

    I found that it looks really blurry if I don’t have it on Ultra settings, that’s my only real complaint.


    You might want to check the FSR scaling if the screen looks blurry below ultra. Basically the graphics preset also changes the resolution scaling IIRC with Ultra with the highest percentage.


    It took me a hot minute to figure this out.

    Also even on low, with fsr up, I’m pulling a whopping 30 fps max with my 1070. My 3060 is dead and I just went ahead and upgraded ahead of the warranty check.

    But I had to turn motion blur and film grain back on to make the game even marginally playable. It’s like a new record for how unoptimized it is. Seems specific to nvidia cards.

    beefcat, avatar

    Turn on FSR but keep the resolution scale at 100% if you don’t want it doing any upscaling. This looks a lot sharper to me than native resolution with no FSR.

    I wonder if this is because the TAA implementation lacks a sharpening pass.

    Murais, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! avatar

    “Bethesda, FFS can you finish a functional, polished game for once? Bugs and performance issues are not cute anymore!”

    Bethesda: “No Uwu”


    It’s got some rough edges but it seems fine so far for me?

    jackoid, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    Won’t play it until the modding scene becomes bigger

    emptyother, avatar

    Unless Bethesda fucks anything up behind the scenes, I think this modding scene is gonna be BIG.


    I’ve been playing Bethesda games vanilla for my first playthrough since Oblivion. By the time I finished my first run, usually a healthy modding scene had already developed.

    RememberTheApollo_, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    No VR.

    Not gonna buy until the VR modding community catches up to it and the game is on sale.

    peopleproblems, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    I’m surprised at how well it’s running on my machine, though I haven’t messed with rhe settings much.

    It’s an enormous game though. That is very clear so far


    What are your pc specs?


    Ryzen 7 3700x, 32gb DDR4, nVidia RTX 2070 Super, @ 1440p.


    I’m on a 3070, 10700k, 32GB ram, and it runs really well at 1080p. I’m hoping the steam deck can keep up decently as well


    I’ve been streaming it to my deck, I don’t want to make space for it yet lol


    Can I ask what your experiences are with streaming to the deck? I have a 5ghz router and still run into latency issues. Do you get good results, and if so what kinda router are you using?


    My router is terrible, it’s a linksys, cost me $400 and is just horrible to configure. It is however a WiFi 6 router with 5Ghz. The wifi 6, as I understand it, is the biggest benefit.

    I get a capture of 60FPS and it says I’m getting 60FPS. The other thing is I have a clear line of sight between me an the router.


    Damn that sounds amazing. I’ll have to check out some WiFi 6 routers — I thought I was up to date but clearly not! Thank you for the info


    Also, make sure you enable HVEC decoding on your deck, it’s higher performance compression


    Thank you!! I will check on that tonight


    I mean you have a 3070 with a 1080p monitor. It would be a failure if any game didn’t run well on those specs. 1440p is more logical setup. 4K a challenging one.


    That’s fair, I think fallout 4 scared me lol. That shit barely ran even on 1080p

    finestnothing, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    What I’m learning is that I’m really glad that I told myself I wouldn’t be buying it until it was on sale post-launch to see if it was even worth the sale price




    I waited until I could see video of people actually playing the game. I like how it looks. I decided to just purchase the base game, so I haven’t played it yet but I’m okay with waiting va few days. Also I got my Steam key $5 off on Newegg so paid $65. I’ll wait to buy all of the DLC in a bundle sometime down the road and it will give the game new life for another playthrough.

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