Ado, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

The Lemmy community desperately needs a mix of more people lol, how are most of these comments “I haven’t played but it sucks” 😂


Cause this isn’t Reddit lmfao


I was hoping that would be a good thing, but yeah… feels like a site-wide echo chamber almost lol


I can attest that my comment was made in isolation. I intentionally didn’t look at conversations or reviews and wanted a fresh experience all to myself. So I’m not parroting or trying to push some negative narrative.

Now that I’ve slept on it, I’m going to dive back in with my expectations reduced, and I’m hoping I’ll have lots of fun with it.


I think your comment is totally fair, you actually tried the game and came to the opinion. I’m more so confused on the zero gameplay but I know it sucks comments.


Lemmy overall has somehow managed to become an even more negative place to post than Reddit


I agree and it sucks. At least on Reddit you could generally avoid pointlessly negative people, whereas here it feels like that’s the majority of comments. I hope it changes into actual conversations at some point

elouboub, avatar

"I hate negativity" he said while being negative.


Ya, that’s not the argument you think it is, lol

ShakeThatYam, avatar

Reddit has toxic positivity with regards to Starfield. I find the comments I’ve read here so far to be a much more measured take. Basically that it’s a good game but it has a few minor issues that make it not live up to what was advertised.


Or at least the expectations people had made for themselves.

Default_Defect, avatar

More so this. The things I saw people saying they were gonna do once they got the game despite nothing of the sort being implied to be in the game were out of control. I’ve played the dog shit out of Skyrim and Fallout 4 and have yet to be let down by Starfield because I knew what to expect. And yes, I watched all of the ads and read the interviews, same as most, and never once felt lied to.

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

You’ll die someday and the sun will explode in a few billion years


Not soon enough, that glowing bastard has it coming!


so if I don’t like the game I should just avoid commenting because it isn’t positive? I prefer to see everyone’s take thanks


Uh, so you shouldn’t criticize games here…?

I prefer people giving their honest opinions to whatever they think the collective deems acceptable.

!deleted6348 avatar

Agreed, there’s a couple comments of actually thoughtful replies but the vast majority is booo Bethesda bad because Bethesda.

Nima, avatar

it’s because a lot of us didn’t pay for early access. so we have to wait.

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

Or we brought the wrong version 😿

Nima, avatar

I can spend what I saved for the game. I can’t spend 100 bucks for the version that let’s you play 5 days early. 😢


you don’t have to play a game to comment on it, especially when there’s so much material about it online because it is such a relevant title.

I would never comment on an indie game because of a tweet I read. But this is not that and there’s a lot of info about it.

finestnothing, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

What I’m learning is that I’m really glad that I told myself I wouldn’t be buying it until it was on sale post-launch to see if it was even worth the sale price




I waited until I could see video of people actually playing the game. I like how it looks. I decided to just purchase the base game, so I haven’t played it yet but I’m okay with waiting va few days. Also I got my Steam key $5 off on Newegg so paid $65. I’ll wait to buy all of the DLC in a bundle sometime down the road and it will give the game new life for another playthrough.

rDrDr, (edited ) do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

It’s pretty good. I’m not super into fantasy so I think I prefer the story so far over TES. I do like a sideish plot I’m in to join a faction and potentially betray another faction.

I am running on a 3080 with no real hiccups. I get 40-80fps. It’s higher indoors and on the blower side in cities. This is on Ultra with resolution scaling at 77% at 4K, which is slightly above the Ultra preset.

There are loading screens when you take off and land or enter certain areas. They’re annoying, but usually just 1-2 seconds. I do wish they optimized this more.

Combat is decent. It’s not the best shooter in history but it generally works okay. Space combat is again just okay. Kind of simplistic relative to something like Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen. Actually, after admittedly only a couple space battles, I actually think even No Mans Sky has better space combat. Don’t take this as gospel though.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

The space combat looks like it has the complexity of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

It was an amazing game, but yeah kinda arcade-ish.

tal, avatar

To be fair, the realistic space combat video game genre really doesn't exist, that I've seen.

You can get pretty hard-realistic combat aircraft sims. Not many, but they exist.

But in space combat games, you're always playing something roughly like Star Wars. Which is cool and all, but just not what actual space combat would likely look like.

googles for one of the pages talking about the issues

tal, (edited ) avatar

Thanks, haven't seen it before. If it does a release, I'll take a look.

samus12345, avatar

Because realistic space combat would be slow and boring.

tal, (edited ) avatar

I dunno.

Real life naval warfare is generally slow and boring, but by using a variety of tricks, like time compression and only having the player involved in actual combat, many games have made that palatable.

I think it could be done.

Spacecraft, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

I feel bad about supporting the preorder system, but fuck me this game has been fantastic so far. Long weekend babyyyyyyy

PositivePossum, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

Refunded it. It’s all of the worst portions of Bethesda games put under 1 roof with space added as a flavor.


I beg to differ. It’s the most beautiful of the Bethesda games by far, very immersive without having to have the main character have dialogue (fallout 4). Tons of items, crafting, research, outposts, ships. This game is huge. Absolutely love it.

I’ve played oblivion, skyrim and fallout 3 and 4. While it’s similar engine of game, this game blew it out of the park.


Worst Bethesda game to date. Returned it.


Weak. FO76 was worse.


Both suck terribly.

Murais, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! avatar

“Bethesda, FFS can you finish a functional, polished game for once? Bugs and performance issues are not cute anymore!”

Bethesda: “No Uwu”


It’s got some rough edges but it seems fine so far for me?

Red_October, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

So far I’m a few hours in and I’ve been having a great time. My hardware is closer to the minimum requirements, so I’ve had some issues with my resolution throttling back to keep framerate up in the busiest areas. So far, no significant bugs experienced, assuming the aforementioned texture resolution fuzzing was intentional.

I will say I’ve found all the complaints about loading screens to be a little silly. Again, I’m closer to the minimum hardware level on PC but most loading screens I encounter have been around 3-5 seconds, and they’re generally made up for with other conveniences like the ability, when planetside, to fast travel not just directly to your ship, but Into the pilot’s seat, so I’m spending a lot less time loading than I would have just walking through doors.

All in all so far it feels like exactly what I was expecting.


specifically to the loading screens point, I guess it’s about expectations. Since this is such a huge game advertised as exploration-based people might find too many loading screens immersion-breaking.

I know I’m spoiled about this since Red Dead 2

aetrix, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

Bought it on steam. i7 3770K. GTX 1080. Pop_os. “Whatever, it will work!”

… anybody want to donate an Xbox series X?

tal, (edited ) avatar

I saw some comment in this thread that on the Deck, someone had to set their Proton version for Starfield to Proton Experimental -- newer than the current stable release version -- and then it worked. Might try that on other Linux distros too.

IIRC it's in the Properties->Compatibility dialog for a given game.

checks ProtonDB

Many entries on ProtonDB saying "switch to Experimental". Looks like the current GloriousEggroll Proton build also works, but if you've never set that up, easier to just do Proton Experimental.


Works fine and selected Experimental as the default.

However vrr isn’t working on the latest Experimental so the monitor doesn’t slow down with the game.


I’m on an i7-1165g7 and 1070 on windows. 25-30 fps at 1080p.

It’s completely GPU bound. I have a 4060 ti 16 gb in the mail. We’ll see how it plays.

beefcat, avatar

That CPU is a little long in the tooth


Damn dude I thought my 4770 was old. Until a few months ago I had a grx770 until I cracked and found a deal on a 6800XT. So now I know what it’s like to be heavily CPU-bottlenecked .

aetrix, (edited )

It has somehow been fine for everything I’ve thrown at it until now. But after a decade, “it’s time to go

A new rig with an i5 13600K and 7900XT is on the way. I’m trying to remember what game finally forced my hand at a big time upgrade last time around.

avater, avatar


just visited my parents and could negotiate with my little brother that the drives us home so we don’t have to take the train.

poor fellow thought starfield would also release on playstation 5 so I offered him my xbox series x as a reward for the drive 😅

Kolanaki, (edited ) do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!
!deleted6508 avatar

Well… Confirmed what I had feared. They heavily rely on dynamic resolution and DLSS/FSR instead of real optimization. Meet most of the recommended specs, except the GPU. I’ve got a 1660 Super and even on low settings @1080p, the game runs anywhere between 25 and 60 fps. And it’s like… Backwards from what I would expect. Indoor areas are the slower areas, while outdoors is nice and snappy. But it looks blurry as fuck with the resolution scale at anything other than 100%, and even ultra settings do not put it that high.

That said, it is still playable without having to mod in lower textures and reducing clutter. Which is more than I can say about Fallout 4 at release, and I had the exact recommended specs for that one back then.

First game since I built this machine to run this poorly with settings this low. Even Baldur’s Gate 3, which looks way better, runs so much better at Ultra settings than Starfield does at the minimum.

Other than that, the setting feels pretty bland, which is not what I expected considering the passionate way they talked at lengths about it. It’s all very generic and very obviously just trying to make every fun sci-fi trope they like stick. I am not playing for the story or the writing, but the world building is usually one of their best features… This one is pretty lackluster with the world building, and so far has not really drawn me in.

avater, avatar

ai rendering is the here to stay. Especially unreal 5 titles are relying heavy on fsr/diss

nico, avatar


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  • Kolanaki, (edited )
    !deleted6508 avatar

    I mean… Yes, but I would have expected it to not run at all. It runs playable. Which is crazy for it not only being an unsupported GPU, but also a BGS game. It wasn’t meant as a bash, other than it probably could have been supported if they didn’t use DLSS/FSR as a crutch. It was praise for the stability actually being fucking solid for once.

    Complaints about the looks still stand (don’t need to have high fps to see the world looking nice in a still frame lol). At its best, it looks 5 years old. I’ve seen better recently, so it’s kind of disappointing.

    0Empty0, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    I like it. Still has some classic glitches, enemies jumping high into the air after you kill them, grabbing weapons out of a locked container because part of the gun was sticking was sticking out, you know, Bethesda things.

    I found that it looks really blurry if I don’t have it on Ultra settings, that’s my only real complaint.


    You might want to check the FSR scaling if the screen looks blurry below ultra. Basically the graphics preset also changes the resolution scaling IIRC with Ultra with the highest percentage.


    It took me a hot minute to figure this out.

    Also even on low, with fsr up, I’m pulling a whopping 30 fps max with my 1070. My 3060 is dead and I just went ahead and upgraded ahead of the warranty check.

    But I had to turn motion blur and film grain back on to make the game even marginally playable. It’s like a new record for how unoptimized it is. Seems specific to nvidia cards.

    beefcat, avatar

    Turn on FSR but keep the resolution scale at 100% if you don’t want it doing any upscaling. This looks a lot sharper to me than native resolution with no FSR.

    I wonder if this is because the TAA implementation lacks a sharpening pass.

    GuStJaR, (edited ) do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    I played 4 hours last night and I really am enjoying the game. There are a few issues but I think they things that could be improved via patches. For the most part it’s QOL things. I fixed the no ultra wide support with a hex editor but by far my biggest gripe is movement speeds. Walking is way too slow. Jogging is a little slow but not available if using kb&m. Run and sprint feel OK (sprint is maybe too fast). Using kb&m feels really bad. You go from very slow walking to a full run which ruins the immersion for me. Using controller is better but I prefer kb&m for combat. Even with controller though, the difference between walk, jog, run and sprint feels weird as they don’t blend together. I would switch between kb&m and controller but there’s not a separate setting for inverting Y for controller vs. Kb&m, which for me is a problem as I invert y on controller so switching between the two requires a change of that setting as well. For now I’m sticking with kb&m and just putting up with the fact that I feel like I’m running around like a crazy person all the time. Oh, and the fact that walk is slower for your character than it is for NPC’s is so annoying. Allowing that to happen should exclude you being able to make video games! Whoever is responsible for that needs to do better.

    _spiffy, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! avatar

    I have the feeling this is another Bethesda puddle game. So big, but so shallow.

    ABoxOfNeurons, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    I’m having a great time, but I also love FO4 and No Man’s Sky. The toe-dip I’ve done into colony building shows that they put real thought into Astroneer-like automated manufacturing stuff, which is my crack, and something I missed in NMS and FO4. It’s also clear from the first city that they know how depressing FO4 is, and wanted to add more variety.

    Story and characters are a cut above any other Bethesda game so far, but that’s not saying much. My wife is replaying BG3 next to me, and it makes Starfield’s writing look amateurish by comparison. It’s not the core of the game though, so eh.

    Downsides so far have been that the minor planets/moons don’t have much to do, and that inventory management is annoying with how much crafting components weigh.

    Ship combat is… Fine. It’s not as intricate as Elite: Dangerous or SW:Squadrons (for sim gamers, weapons are all on REALLY forgiving gimbals, which makes precision unnecessary), but not actively bad like NMS VR. I think it’s a good compromise, because not everyone wants to deal with a realistic sim in what is essentially a minigame.

    It’s also complex, which is good, but adds some awkwardness to the beginning.

    BigBananaDealer, avatar

    if ship combat was like those space combat games i would be avoiding any space fight like the plague. i barely survived the tutorial enemies 😂


    I think they made the right call too. It’s better for almost everyone. A lot of flight sim types are also techies, so I bet the mods will bias that way.


    that’s what I’m hoping is a big flight Sim guy

    jackoid, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    Won’t play it until the modding scene becomes bigger

    emptyother, avatar

    Unless Bethesda fucks anything up behind the scenes, I think this modding scene is gonna be BIG.


    I’ve been playing Bethesda games vanilla for my first playthrough since Oblivion. By the time I finished my first run, usually a healthy modding scene had already developed.

    drekly, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

    I still haven’t completed Skyrim. or New Vegas. or FO4… I’ll be back once those are finished!


    New Vegas is a blast. I went in blind after playing Fallout 4 and was blown away by how good the story was compared to Fallout 4.

    tal, (edited ) avatar

    The New Vegas dialog system is much better.

    However, the graphics are getting kinda long in the tooth.

    And it is significantly less-stable. I've definitely fallen out of the map a number of times, too.

    And without hitting a wiki, you can lock yourself out of a lot of things that aren't obvious. Choices matter, but often in not-immediately-apparent ways.

    Veraxus, avatar

    New Vegas is the only post-Interplay Fallout game that actually feels like Fallout. It would be nice to get a remaster, though... it's not aging well.

    tal, (edited ) avatar

    If you liked Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, have you tried the Wasteland series? It's what Fallout 1 was modeled on, and that series kept going.

    It's not Fallout, but it's the closest I have found to "more Fallout 1 and Fallout 2".

    That being said, I thought that the Fallout jump to 3D would not work well, and I think I was very much wrong there -- the series did a pretty good job jumping the gap.

    feels like Fallout

    If you like the desert American Southwest "New Old West" theme in Fallout 1 and 2 and New Vegas, the Wasteland series does that.

    Veraxus, avatar

    Oh yeah! I was all-in on the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter and bagged the CE of Wasteland 3. Those do scratch the itch a bit, but Fallout's universe is so much more interesting and weird. Wasteland is a lot more straight-laced, comparatively.

    I'm fine with the visual presentation of Bethesda's Fallout games, but I hate the gameplay. Fallout was the ultimate exercise in player agency and consequences... so many different ways to approach situations with so many possible outcomes. It's not just shooting things. While New Vegas flirts with those principles, BG3 is the first game in 20 years to REALLY recapture that magic for me. That's the kind of game I want more of, and that's the kind of game I want Fallout to be.

    tal, avatar

    Ah, I gotcha, yeah, I guess I can see that.

    Yeah, from that standpoint, I imagine that Fallout 76 must have been a complete disappointment, because that element is almost nonexistent there.

    You ever play Jagged Alliance 2? It's pretty old now, got more of a combat focus, but has a lot of the "multiple ways to pull things off".


    I played it on the steam deck this year and it was great! I completed 1, 2 and Tactics all on the deck.


    I tried to play it on release, but it was so buggy I couldn’t continue. I’m looking forward to seeing what I missed out on

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