Yepthatsme, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

I7-11/3070/32GB and I have been having a lot of fun. I play all games on very hard and this one I was thinking maybe I should tone it down. I didn’t and I didn’t regret it.

30+ hours in and after reading this thread I feel like some people just got unlucky or were expecting something like SC or SpaceBourne 2. This isn’t those games and weren’t promised to be. I play both of those games and SC is a mess 12 years and $600k later and SB2 is awesome and only made by one guy! But this game is way polished and ready by comparison. By far imo.

I was maybe 4 hours in and got sidetracked in a solar system surveying everything. I forgot about the original quest to scan a moon and just traveled to every planet and not only had a great time scanning and scouting across different moons and planets but was also helping randoms with distress calls and 3 on 1 battles against Spacers in spaceships. By the time I was done with that solar system I was 18 hours in.

I would scan a planet, find a spot to land and drop in. Scout every place that popped up and then set another course on the same planet and repeat. Never did I feel bored or that I was going to see the same assets. Every spot felt unique and well designed. One planet felt like the American Southwest, it was so beautiful.

I highjacked a landed vessel during my surveying mission and upgraded and redesigned it for more maneuverability and storage and I have to say that the ship editor is so well done. I have 1000+ hours in FO76 and the camp building in that was really great and Bethesda has made the industry standard camp building format in SC. It is really an improvement from FO4 to current. I cannot wait until the mods really open this masterpiece up.

I haven’t even touched the base building yet btw.

The space combat is solid. From what I gather people don’t really know how to do space combat. Especially when in bulk freight ships or similar. You have to boost right at them guns blazing and then hard turn when you pass them so you can get behind them. Watch your throttle as you will only turn fast when it’s at halfway (within the white lines). I can take on 3 Spacer attackers on very hard difficulty with this method. If you can track the enemy (perk i think?) do it and just kill their shields and weapons. If you just kill their engines they love to just tumble in space and shoot at you. I usually kill two and then disable the third and board. It’s hard af and fun af.

I would like to be able to spacewalk but also see why it’s not included in Starfield. It’s fun but as I have experienced it in SC all of that extra functionality doesn’t really add to the game. It’s a pain to get out of your ship and fly over to the enemy ship and then try to gain access. I like the way Bethesda did it. Super easy.

Also the space travel is super easy. Fast traveling is great and keeps the game going without having problems finding where you want to go. SC has this problem. Their map of one solar system is terrible and doesn’t work half of the time. It’s only 1 solar system and barely works. Not to mention the navigation in SC and SB2 typically bug out and don’t work which calls for a reboot. Bethesda said fuck that and did better. Sure it’s not as immersive but immersion really has potential to take away from the game and progress.

The overall look and feel is what I was hoping in FO76. Vast improvement. The gunplay is on par with what I want and expect. Fighting on moon bases is fucking awesome. On very hard the enemies are harder, their tactics are okay, not great, but challenging enough to keep you guessing. Abandoned bases are always fun to attack. Loot is everywhere.

Some NPCs are bugged. It’s annoying but infrequent enough to not be a game breaker. The NPCs just talking to you randomly is weird, especially when you are walking through a city and your companion is already talking to you. Needs work.

I caught Shrouds stream and it looks like this game just gets better. I can’t wait to jump back in.


Thanks for the actual good comment and not the circlejerk hate comments that are surrounding this game

reverendsteveii, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

Anybody able to talk about the steam deck experience?

tal, avatar

If you read through this thread, there are people doing so.


It’s better than I thought it would be but not a great primary experience. In space and exploring planets you can enjoy 30+ FPS, but in the main cities, your framerate will be in the 20s. I haven’t encountered combat there so it’s less of an issue, but still not great

Cold_Brew_Enema, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

As someone who found NMS boring very fast, will I like this game? I just want a game I can sink a ton of time in with moderately fun combat and progression.


I still have to play Starfield, but the most boring aspect for me of NMS was the writing. I’ve found it incredibly bad, so i guess starfield is better in that regard

AustralianSimon, avatar

The lack of real stories was a disappointment but I like the whole empty world find your own fun kinda thing in NMS, we started playing after MP was fixed and within 10 mins I had a carrier 😂


They're completely different games. If you like other BGS games (Elder Scrolls, Fallout 3/4) you'll probably like this. If you didn't, you absolutely won't like this.


I really liked Skyrim. I want another experience like that. I don’t care about flying around space


If you like the sci-fi setting and don't mind some flying around space (it does have it, just not seamless travel) you'll probably like it.




I also want to be a stealth archer… In space

Baphomet_The_Blasphemer, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

My experience is much like the others are saying in here. My initial response was oh wow it’s like no mans sky, but worse. I’m mostly underwhelmed with it after a few hours of game play, and I’m torn between grinding along, hoping it gets better, or getting a refund before I’ve played for too long.


That’s the part that scares me, I’ve played no man’s sky, it was fun for a short while but then got tired pretty quickly.

If this game keeps getting compared to no man’s sky and is said to come up short, then I’m definitely gonna wait to try it for cheap.


I think this game will have more story focus to it than no man’s sky, which is why I’m hesitant to make such a snap decision as I’ve barely gotten into the story.


That’s a fair point. Could you do me a favor and let me know how it is?


I plan to play some more today, so I will happily give you my impressions once I’ve gotten into it a bit further.


Update: I played for around 8 hours yesterday and can now say that once you get through the whole “tutorial” bit of the game, the story starts to become more evident, and I no longer feel like it’s a worse version of no man’s sky. After the first hour or two (depending on how quickly you play), it starts having the type of Bethesda RPG vibes you’d expect from a Bethesda RPG. I’ve been enjoying it.


Thank you. I might try it out via game pass.


I've only played a couple hours so far but I don't understand the comparisons to no mans sky beyond the setting. It's not a similar game at all.

Veraxus, avatar

You shoot pirates, scan animals, and mine things... repeat. It really does feel a lot like "Shitty No Mans Sky" so far (about 4h in so far).


You do the same thing in any number of space themed games. That doesn't make any of them similar. This is nothing like NMS. They are completely different types of games.

I can see why you would not like it if you were expecting NMS but it was never intended to be that. It claimed to be a BGS game in space, and so far they seem to have delivered on that.

tal, avatar

I can see why you would not like it if you were expecting NMS but it was never intended to be that.

Come to think of it, most of the comments in this thread that are unhappy about it seem to be comparing it unfavorably to No Man's Sky.


nms doesn’t have any deep quest lines like the dark brotherhood

Sev, avatar

Yeah what a retarded take. NMS is a lonely boring experience with the dullest ditch water plot (love those vague-nothing dialogues lol) and the worst gameplay loop in a while. Don’t worry they’re adding x pointless feature in an update!

Granted I’m waiting on release to play SF, but no fucking way are the games similar.

elscallr, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! avatar

Absolutely loving it. 25 hours in and a lot more to come, and I’ve barely scratched the surface of the game. I’ve already got a second play through on the mind.


This is me. Starfield, warts and all, is more engrossing than anything else I’ve played this year.

RememberTheApollo_, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

No VR.

Not gonna buy until the VR modding community catches up to it and the game is on sale.

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

Having a very weird “relationship” with this game.

Switched to linux for my desktop so PC gamepass is… a hassle. Which means I would be playing this on my xbox. But also? There is a full month of “early access” that I need to wait through to play the game I “own”?

Caught a few streams yesterday and it looked fun in that “Outer Worlds without the charm” kind of way. Could see myself going hard on the ship editor but… Avorion and Space Engineers already exist. Also Cosmoteer

Which makes this weird. It looks fine/good (like basically any bethesda game since Oblivion) but I kind of already am having difficulty mustering up the interest to go preload it on my xbox. Suspect I’ll just “forget” about this game until a Steam sale a few years from now. Kind of like Fallout 4 (although, I have yet to actually bother with that outside of ymfah videos).


The standard editing that comes with gamepass officially releases 9/6 in the US but due to timezones could be playable 9/5 in the evening. So it could only be a couple more days for the general release assuming you are in the US.


Ah, nifty.

TwystedKynd, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

I’m certainly enjoying playing. I just wish Bethesda could stop making potato people with weird talking animations and the whole muted, grainy, weird Bethesda art style, but that aside it’s pretty fun. I wasn’t watching a bunch of footage beforehand, so I didn’t build up expectations to get let down. I think paying too much attention to things said during development (which is where lots of changes happen) is pretty dumb.

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

Some populated areas are lacking that nice complex shadows, without nice lighting it looks flat


Same. Loving my time with it. It’s great that they’ve captured the things I loved about their old games (no surprise) but too bad they can’t alleviate the immersion breaking issues of their old games (again no surprise).

leftzero, (edited ) do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

“Graphics card not supported.”

Find out I have to update Windows.

Hadn’t updated since around 2018 and everything worked fine, but OK, fine, let’s try it.

Can’t figure out how to reenable Windows update (it kept trying to come back, like a dog swallowing and revomiting its own puke, so at some point I’d disabled it with extreme prejudice, and it seems it stuck).

Manage to find a Microsoft tool that’ll update Windows 10 to the latest version without going through Windows update.

Upgrade assistant does its thing and at seventy-something percent complains VirtualBox isn’t compatible and must be uninstalled. Yeah, not doing that, got my family’s mail server in there. I was only 2 major versions behind, shouldn’t’ve been a problem, but all right, have it your way.

Update VirtualBox, looks like Upgrade assistant is finally happy, after a couple aeons Windows is updated.

“Graphics card not supported.” Fuck. You.

Update graphics drivers (couple more aeons; in for a penny, in for a pounding).

While Nvidia does its thing, try to start the VMs in the new version of VirtualBox. “Can’t start operating system”. Well, fuck.

Eventually figure out that at some point around version 6 VHD support got fubared and Oracle never fixed it. This is why I don’t update.

Start converting VHD disks to VDIs, which should fix it. What’s a few more aeons between friends.

While I’m at it the drivers finish updating. Try to start the game again, third time’s the charm.

Fans reach take off speed! Main screen goes black! Logos start showing! It lives!

“Compiling 1 of 7000 shaders”

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

System grinds to a halt. Finally manage to open program manager and kill the game. Probably shouldn’t have started it while I was migrating the virtual disks. (The fact that it’s a 980ti probably doesn’t help either, but hey, it’s worked perfectly till now, including with Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur’s Gate 3, and by jingo it’ll work with Starfield).

“It just works.”

Anyway, meanwhile the disks finish migrating, and at least now the VMs work. Update the VirtualBox extensions just to be sure, reboot the VM…

Black screen.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Find out at some point the display drivers got fubared for Windows 2003 / XP and Oracle never fixed it. Manage to start the VM in safe mode and uninstall the VirtualBox extensions; after fixing the display settings, it sort of works again. Yay. Second VM is staying with v5.x extensions, thank you very much.

Say what you want about Bethesda (they almost certainly deserve it), but at least they ain’t Oracle.


Gonna eat something, relax a bit, and leave the game to compile shaders while I sleep.

With luck, tomorrow it’ll be done, and it’ll just work.

tal, avatar

VirtualBox isn’t compatible and must be uninstalled. Yeah, not doing that, got my family’s mail server in there

In all seriousness, might be worth just setting up a physical server separate from your gaming system.

I mean, I've thrown out many computers that would be entirely capable of running a mail server and the like.

leftzero, (edited )

Yeah, probably, though computers take space, and electricity… though, admittedly, these days you can probably run a mail server on a raspberry pi (if you can get your hands on one) powered by a potato… 🤔

The plan sort of was to eventually (once I can afford a new machine) move everything to VMs, with GPU pass through for the gaming one (I can’t afford a dedicated gaming machine — nor have the space for it — and I want something I can easily reset to a clean installation in case of Denuvo and similar malware without messing with my work software), but moving the servers and firewall to a small dedicated machine might indeed be a more realistic (and maybe even cheaper) approach…


Just get a secondhand thin client like hp t620 for like $30, which is perfectly capable of running 64bit Linux/Windows with 7 watt of power.


I’d disown you if you were family and I found out you were hosting my email on a VM in a 5 years-out-of-date windows PC. Some things are simply unforgivable.


You’re throwing back “It just works.” at them because you failed to maintain a Windows VM that you haven’t updated in FIVE YEARS? Not to mention that you really expect game dev studios test and support running a game in virtual box??

If you want to do something tech savvy, that’s on you to do the tech part.

This has to be one of the most wild “gamer” complaints I’ve ever seen.


And yet, every other game I’ve tried so far (including several with better graphics) actually worked out of the box without requiring Windows or even driver updates, or having to spend ages compiling shaders. 🤷‍♂️


You could also drive an old hooptie with 300,000 miles on it and it might work for a period of time but don’t bitch at your mechanic when the engine finally gives out.


You have done that yourself


True, I should’ve probably waited for the community patch that’ll fix these issues.


“fix these issues” - You’re the issue lmao

peopleproblems, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

I’m surprised at how well it’s running on my machine, though I haven’t messed with rhe settings much.

It’s an enormous game though. That is very clear so far


What are your pc specs?


Ryzen 7 3700x, 32gb DDR4, nVidia RTX 2070 Super, @ 1440p.


I’m on a 3070, 10700k, 32GB ram, and it runs really well at 1080p. I’m hoping the steam deck can keep up decently as well


I’ve been streaming it to my deck, I don’t want to make space for it yet lol


Can I ask what your experiences are with streaming to the deck? I have a 5ghz router and still run into latency issues. Do you get good results, and if so what kinda router are you using?


My router is terrible, it’s a linksys, cost me $400 and is just horrible to configure. It is however a WiFi 6 router with 5Ghz. The wifi 6, as I understand it, is the biggest benefit.

I get a capture of 60FPS and it says I’m getting 60FPS. The other thing is I have a clear line of sight between me an the router.


Damn that sounds amazing. I’ll have to check out some WiFi 6 routers — I thought I was up to date but clearly not! Thank you for the info


Also, make sure you enable HVEC decoding on your deck, it’s higher performance compression


Thank you!! I will check on that tonight


I mean you have a 3070 with a 1080p monitor. It would be a failure if any game didn’t run well on those specs. 1440p is more logical setup. 4K a challenging one.


That’s fair, I think fallout 4 scared me lol. That shit barely ran even on 1080p

Ado, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

Played for 3 hours yesterday on a 3070, 10700k, 32GB ram. Game runs and looks incredible on high/ultra settings. I haven’t gotten far into the story, but the beginning gets into the action very fast like Skyrim.

The animations and textures make npcs feel more alive than fallout. I made it to the first city area and it looks amazing. It looks like mirrors edge type city in space

tal, avatar


What about the textures? Like, higher texture resolution?


Higher res and more details in the textures. Faces don’t look like they’re one flat texture with the npcs skin tone, for example.

The look of npcs, items, roads, rocks, hills, etc. is way better than even F4/F76.


What resolution? I’m just a tier below with a 3060Ti + 10600k and a tech review has me worried my 1440p monitor is gonna be a problem.

I don’t want another situation like downtown in Fallout 4 on my last rig where I’m trying to play a FPS with framerate dips all over the place.


1080p, I’ve been too scared to upgrade to a 1440p monitor on the current rig ):

I had those downtown F4 dips too, even at 1080. This game is far from that, it feels much more polished.

I can’t even play F76 to this day without super annoying frame dips


Yeahhh, I found a great deal on this monitor but I was a dumbass and didn’t know how bad the down-rez is when running 1080p on a 1440p monitor😅

Other than not being able to use raytracing in CP2077 it hasn’t been a problem, but I’m think I’m going to start running into trouble from this point on. Oh well, I was thinking of getting another monitor for my workflow anyway…


Definitely get a decent 1440p monitor with high refresh rate and GSync and then you are set. If you get it used it probably won’t even be that expensive (that’s how I got mine around 2 years ago).

Monitors last a long time so it’s not something that you will just toss, and a 3070 with 1080p is such a waste imo

Frawley, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

Did the game pass for a month. No way I’ll spend 70. So far not impressed. I really don’t care for the start of the game

sturmblast, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

20 hours in, I really like it… just wish the spaceship stuff worked more like Elite Dangerous

vagrantprodigy, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

I can’t get past the intro mission, it always crashes, and takes my whole PC with it.


Sounds like a you problem

Default_Defect, avatar

Weird, I had a couple crashes, but backing off my GPU overclock got rid of them. Been smooth sailing since.


My kid has had smooth sailing with their well below specs PC. Makes me wonder what specs they used to test the game.

DagonPie, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! avatar

Game isnt running the best on my 2070 super but I've also heard its not running great on peoples 3000/4000 series cards either. Gunplay is fun. I like the challenges to level up perks. Could I have waited the 5 days to play it and save myself 30 bucks? Yes. But its a long weekend so I'll take advantage of it. I also havent played a Bethesda game since Fallout 4 came out so I find myself getting lost in the game and I played 4 hours last night and it only felt like 1.

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