GuStJaR, (edited ) do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

I played 4 hours last night and I really am enjoying the game. There are a few issues but I think they things that could be improved via patches. For the most part it’s QOL things. I fixed the no ultra wide support with a hex editor but by far my biggest gripe is movement speeds. Walking is way too slow. Jogging is a little slow but not available if using kb&m. Run and sprint feel OK (sprint is maybe too fast). Using kb&m feels really bad. You go from very slow walking to a full run which ruins the immersion for me. Using controller is better but I prefer kb&m for combat. Even with controller though, the difference between walk, jog, run and sprint feels weird as they don’t blend together. I would switch between kb&m and controller but there’s not a separate setting for inverting Y for controller vs. Kb&m, which for me is a problem as I invert y on controller so switching between the two requires a change of that setting as well. For now I’m sticking with kb&m and just putting up with the fact that I feel like I’m running around like a crazy person all the time. Oh, and the fact that walk is slower for your character than it is for NPC’s is so annoying. Allowing that to happen should exclude you being able to make video games! Whoever is responsible for that needs to do better.

vagrantprodigy, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

I can’t get past the intro mission, it always crashes, and takes my whole PC with it.


Sounds like a you problem

Default_Defect, avatar

Weird, I had a couple crashes, but backing off my GPU overclock got rid of them. Been smooth sailing since.


My kid has had smooth sailing with their well below specs PC. Makes me wonder what specs they used to test the game.

darth_helmet, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!


  • side quests other than the radiant ones are mostly cool so far
  • stealth archer isn’t so good that you can just play that way straight out, but the tree makes it looks eventually strong
  • zero g combat in a derelict space station was cool. I hope there’s more of that
  • base building seems fine, I’m not sure what it’s for, but it seems fine


  • ship stuff feels bad. I don’t care about fast travel, but it’s just about the weakest ship-to-ship combat that I’ve played. Its early yet, though. Boarding a ship was cool at least.
  • combat AI is not good. Enemies never seem to take any initiative, they mostly just crouch behind wherever you found them
  • the setting has no… flavor? The factions feel like fallout analogues but without fun or verve. Maybe I just haven’t found the weird shit yet, but I’m not optimistic.
gamer, (edited ) do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

I only played a few hours on my Steam Deck (because it would freeze on my PC), but what I saw was slightly disappointing. The game looks great, even on the Steam Deck with FSR blurring everything, the gun mechanics are fun, the character animations are the best I’ve ever seen from this studio. The performance is also very good on the Deck, with stable 60FPS 30FPS (edit: when I wrote this initially I was just eyeballing it, but didn’t bother to check that Steam capped the frame rate to 30 by default lol, so it was actually 30 and not 60…my bad) in indoor scenes and playable sub-30 in large outdoor areas.

…but the exploration. Man, Bethesda is known for their exploration, yet the spaceship is a gimmick at best. To be fair, I haven’t played enough to get familiar with everything yet, but I don’t expect that part to get much better. The game feels like Fallout, except instead of having a giant seamless open world to explore, you have a giant open world with tedious transitions between different areas. Maybe it’ll grow on me, but it’s not at all what I was expecting.

EDIT: update after playing some more.

The game definitely grew on me! The exploration is still shitty, but everything else makes up for it. I’m at ~9 hours on my Steam Deck, and even with all the FSR blurring I’m enjoying it a lot. I started doing a side quest collecting on bad debts for a bank, and during one of them I found a mission terminal on Mars offering a reward to anyone who surveys a distant planet, and on my way to the planet I picked up a distress call from a settler asking for help to fight off a bunch of pirates, and stumbled upon a drama between 3 settler families, then hijacked a pirate ship and found some “sentient AI” contraband inside and then… I went to sleep because it was late.

So in short, it definitely feels like a typical Bethesda game, but in a good way. Just side quests on top of side quests, but with less bugs.

The ship combat is still bland. I found it very easy. Idk if it’s because it’s early in the game, but no enemy has even gotten close to killing me, even when it’s 3 on 1 and we’re using the exact same unmodified ship. On the one hand, that’s boring, but on the other hand I appreciate not having to spend a lot of time in ship combat. However, now that I discovered how to board and hijack a ship, the combat is slightly more interesting.

And again, I did all of this on Steam Deck, with the only performance issue being on Mars and New Atlantis, which are both big cities/hub areas. It was still playable, but a blurry FSR mess. I disabled FSR because I hate the blurring, and it dropped the FPS pretty hard. Luckily, I didn’t have to spend a lot of time in those locations.


I think people were expecting fallout no man’s sky…and I don’t know why.

I’d rather play nms for exploration/sandbox

And then a Bethesda space game for goofyish gunplay with a decent story.

dojan, avatar

Bethesda’s not exactly known for decent stories though. I mean yeah maybe back in the day, but nothing they’ve released in the past 10-15 years or so.

tal, (edited ) avatar

I liked Fallout 4. I mean, the dialog was annoying compared to New Vegas, but the story was fine. That was 2016 for the initial game, and the DLC later.

EDIT: 2015. 2016 for the DLC.

dojan, avatar

I liked the DLC with the creepy island and the robot man detective, that one was good! The main story was poppycock though. Like, a partner I didn’t care for died within the first few minutes, then a baby I didn’t care for got kidnapped and that was supposed to be my main motivator to get through the game?

Bethesda also kind of flops in the roleplaying department. Looking at BGIII, there’s plenty of moments where you can make decisions and not know what impact it might have, there’s lots of little interwoven story threads, and that’s what I’d expect from an RPG. Bethesda doesn’t really let you make choices.

Even No Man’s Sky has deeper thoughts hidden in that sparkly, colourful, arcade sandbox. The game touches on ideas of existence, life, and self. What themes did Skyrim touch on? Racism I guess? It feels to me like they wanted to do more with Skyrim, but blew all their budget on making a big world and didn’t have enough to put in it. The civil war storyline could in theory be a fantastic exploration on morals, but in reality it was just a slog.

Oblivion had some good quests. The expansion was really nice, but the quest that stands out most in my mind is the one where you set out to help a woman find her husband, and sleuth out that he actually managed to get trapped in the painting he was working on, after being attacked by a burglar.

Skyrim doesn’t really have anything remotely like it. Just endless copy-pasted dungeons with the same condescending puzzles and boring enemies. Sure they included Sheogorath, but somehow they managed to make even him drab and grey.

Overzeetop, avatar

I was kind of hoping for fallout and elite; real space flight and exploration, but with an actual story and story line to follow. I'm mostly over real-life gaming that looks like a cartoon, so I'm glad it's not nms.


Skyrim and Oblivion definitely hooked me with exploration. It was a significant reason for playing and completing those games for me. If I want story there are a thousand better games out there. One without the other feels like a loss for me.

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, (edited )

I think people were expecting fallout no man’s sky…and I don’t know why.

Well, Outer Worlds is already almost literally “Fallout 3, in space”. We had more, but smaller, open world areas but that isn’t much different than how The Pitt and the like were treated. Hell, it has been a minute, but I want to say DC proper was already a separate set of exterior cells that you transitioned into from the capital wasteland?

Mentioned elsewhere that I think anyone who was expecting seamless transitions just do not understand game dev (or Bethesda’s engine) in the slightest.

But it IS disappointing that there is such a massive emphasis on fast travel. Because Outer Worlds showed that traversing a space wasteland to do a few quests and find some POIs is really fun. And Bethesda have a LOT more resources than Obsidian and could have made that a much more “real” world. Even if it was mostly procedurally generated landscapes with painted in POIs.

tal, avatar

Well, Outer Worlds is already almost literally “Fallout 3, in space”.

Outer Worlds really did not scratch my Fallout itch.

Yeah, superficially it's similar in a number of ways, but:

  • For all practical purposes, the game is fairly linear. The world is open, but you have little reason to go back.
  • The Fallout perk system introduces a lot of interesting mechanics, is an important part of the game. The Outer Worlds perk system was almost entirely flat bonuses to one thing or another. Didn't change much how one would play the game.
  • I rarely found myself stumbling into new and interesting situations just walking around the world.
  • The weapons weren't all that interesting or customizable. That includes the uniques, other than the science weapons.

The performance is also very good on the Deck, with stable 60FPS in indoor scenes and playable sub-60 in large outdoor areas.

Wow, really? The game has a 1070 Ti minimum requirement, I barely expected this to work on Deck


Minimum requirements are always useless.

The Steam Deck is an extremely low resolution which is why anything works.


I played a few more hours today in handheld (yesterday was on power and connected to an HDMI display).

I did notice worse performance, but that could also be because the content was different. The game is still fully playable, and I had fun murdering a bunch of pirates in an abandoned fracking station. New Atlantis (the first big hub city) ran like dogshit though. It struggled to maintain 30 and was blurry as hell, but yesterday it ran better. Idk, this isn’t scientific at all.

Just adding this extra info in case someone sees my first comment and thinks the game will run perfectly. Playable? Very much so. Recommended? Only if you can’t play on something more powerful.

tal, (edited ) avatar

Some people in this thread are apparently streaming it to their Deck from their PC. If you're set on playing it on a Deck, that might be an option.


I wouldn’t take their word. Everything I’ve seen about Deck performance is it runs at a fluctuating 30fps in basic scenes but drops massively in cities etc, on lowest settings with FSR on.


That’s amazing. I hope I have the same luck on the deck. Got a long weekend away from home and I’m itching to playing more.

Veraxus, avatar

How did you get it working on the Deck? I can load into the menus, but when I try to start a game it crashes.


I was having the same problem until I switched to the preview branch and installed the latest system update, and I also switched it proton experimental. My current Steam OS version is 3.4.9, although I see there’s another update available.

drekly, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

I still haven’t completed Skyrim. or New Vegas. or FO4… I’ll be back once those are finished!


New Vegas is a blast. I went in blind after playing Fallout 4 and was blown away by how good the story was compared to Fallout 4.

tal, (edited ) avatar

The New Vegas dialog system is much better.

However, the graphics are getting kinda long in the tooth.

And it is significantly less-stable. I've definitely fallen out of the map a number of times, too.

And without hitting a wiki, you can lock yourself out of a lot of things that aren't obvious. Choices matter, but often in not-immediately-apparent ways.

Veraxus, avatar

New Vegas is the only post-Interplay Fallout game that actually feels like Fallout. It would be nice to get a remaster, though... it's not aging well.

tal, (edited ) avatar

If you liked Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, have you tried the Wasteland series? It's what Fallout 1 was modeled on, and that series kept going.

It's not Fallout, but it's the closest I have found to "more Fallout 1 and Fallout 2".

That being said, I thought that the Fallout jump to 3D would not work well, and I think I was very much wrong there -- the series did a pretty good job jumping the gap.

feels like Fallout

If you like the desert American Southwest "New Old West" theme in Fallout 1 and 2 and New Vegas, the Wasteland series does that.

Veraxus, avatar

Oh yeah! I was all-in on the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter and bagged the CE of Wasteland 3. Those do scratch the itch a bit, but Fallout's universe is so much more interesting and weird. Wasteland is a lot more straight-laced, comparatively.

I'm fine with the visual presentation of Bethesda's Fallout games, but I hate the gameplay. Fallout was the ultimate exercise in player agency and consequences... so many different ways to approach situations with so many possible outcomes. It's not just shooting things. While New Vegas flirts with those principles, BG3 is the first game in 20 years to REALLY recapture that magic for me. That's the kind of game I want more of, and that's the kind of game I want Fallout to be.

tal, avatar

Ah, I gotcha, yeah, I guess I can see that.

Yeah, from that standpoint, I imagine that Fallout 76 must have been a complete disappointment, because that element is almost nonexistent there.

You ever play Jagged Alliance 2? It's pretty old now, got more of a combat focus, but has a lot of the "multiple ways to pull things off".


I played it on the steam deck this year and it was great! I completed 1, 2 and Tactics all on the deck.


I tried to play it on release, but it was so buggy I couldn’t continue. I’m looking forward to seeing what I missed out on

Spacecraft, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

I feel bad about supporting the preorder system, but fuck me this game has been fantastic so far. Long weekend babyyyyyyy

MrMusAddict, (edited ) do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

One thing I can say so far after a few hours is that their advertising department and Inon Zur did a masterful job capturing a whimsical aesthetic that nostalgically reminds me of some educational TV space shows like Cosmos.

Now that I’m playing the game, it feels significantly more clunky than that, and I haven’t gotten as immersed into that aesthetic as I had hoped. Really just FEELS like Fallout in space so far, which is a bit disappointing.

There’s also significantly more load screens than I had hoped. I’ve been spoiled by No Man’s Sky, thought we’d be getting some seamless transitions to planets and cities. Seems bizarre that we just fast travel through the starmap.


I think the load screens is what will kill it for me. I’d like to be immersed in a new universe. Not just select places from a menu and then load that place in.


What a time to be alive when NMS is the standard that a Bethesda game is being held up to. Hello Games have made the comeback of the century I guess.


I mean I thought fallout 4 was kinda mediocre to bad, and fallout 76 was awful, so I don’t really expect much from Bethesda any more. TES 6 is gonna come out and feel like a 20 year old game, not in a good way.

Cold_Brew_Enema, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

As someone who found NMS boring very fast, will I like this game? I just want a game I can sink a ton of time in with moderately fun combat and progression.


I still have to play Starfield, but the most boring aspect for me of NMS was the writing. I’ve found it incredibly bad, so i guess starfield is better in that regard

AustralianSimon, avatar

The lack of real stories was a disappointment but I like the whole empty world find your own fun kinda thing in NMS, we started playing after MP was fixed and within 10 mins I had a carrier 😂


They're completely different games. If you like other BGS games (Elder Scrolls, Fallout 3/4) you'll probably like this. If you didn't, you absolutely won't like this.


I really liked Skyrim. I want another experience like that. I don’t care about flying around space


If you like the sci-fi setting and don't mind some flying around space (it does have it, just not seamless travel) you'll probably like it.




I also want to be a stealth archer… In space

leftzero, (edited ) do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

“Graphics card not supported.”

Find out I have to update Windows.

Hadn’t updated since around 2018 and everything worked fine, but OK, fine, let’s try it.

Can’t figure out how to reenable Windows update (it kept trying to come back, like a dog swallowing and revomiting its own puke, so at some point I’d disabled it with extreme prejudice, and it seems it stuck).

Manage to find a Microsoft tool that’ll update Windows 10 to the latest version without going through Windows update.

Upgrade assistant does its thing and at seventy-something percent complains VirtualBox isn’t compatible and must be uninstalled. Yeah, not doing that, got my family’s mail server in there. I was only 2 major versions behind, shouldn’t’ve been a problem, but all right, have it your way.

Update VirtualBox, looks like Upgrade assistant is finally happy, after a couple aeons Windows is updated.

“Graphics card not supported.” Fuck. You.

Update graphics drivers (couple more aeons; in for a penny, in for a pounding).

While Nvidia does its thing, try to start the VMs in the new version of VirtualBox. “Can’t start operating system”. Well, fuck.

Eventually figure out that at some point around version 6 VHD support got fubared and Oracle never fixed it. This is why I don’t update.

Start converting VHD disks to VDIs, which should fix it. What’s a few more aeons between friends.

While I’m at it the drivers finish updating. Try to start the game again, third time’s the charm.

Fans reach take off speed! Main screen goes black! Logos start showing! It lives!

“Compiling 1 of 7000 shaders”

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

System grinds to a halt. Finally manage to open program manager and kill the game. Probably shouldn’t have started it while I was migrating the virtual disks. (The fact that it’s a 980ti probably doesn’t help either, but hey, it’s worked perfectly till now, including with Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur’s Gate 3, and by jingo it’ll work with Starfield).

“It just works.”

Anyway, meanwhile the disks finish migrating, and at least now the VMs work. Update the VirtualBox extensions just to be sure, reboot the VM…

Black screen.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Find out at some point the display drivers got fubared for Windows 2003 / XP and Oracle never fixed it. Manage to start the VM in safe mode and uninstall the VirtualBox extensions; after fixing the display settings, it sort of works again. Yay. Second VM is staying with v5.x extensions, thank you very much.

Say what you want about Bethesda (they almost certainly deserve it), but at least they ain’t Oracle.


Gonna eat something, relax a bit, and leave the game to compile shaders while I sleep.

With luck, tomorrow it’ll be done, and it’ll just work.

tal, avatar

VirtualBox isn’t compatible and must be uninstalled. Yeah, not doing that, got my family’s mail server in there

In all seriousness, might be worth just setting up a physical server separate from your gaming system.

I mean, I've thrown out many computers that would be entirely capable of running a mail server and the like.

leftzero, (edited )

Yeah, probably, though computers take space, and electricity… though, admittedly, these days you can probably run a mail server on a raspberry pi (if you can get your hands on one) powered by a potato… 🤔

The plan sort of was to eventually (once I can afford a new machine) move everything to VMs, with GPU pass through for the gaming one (I can’t afford a dedicated gaming machine — nor have the space for it — and I want something I can easily reset to a clean installation in case of Denuvo and similar malware without messing with my work software), but moving the servers and firewall to a small dedicated machine might indeed be a more realistic (and maybe even cheaper) approach…


Just get a secondhand thin client like hp t620 for like $30, which is perfectly capable of running 64bit Linux/Windows with 7 watt of power.


I’d disown you if you were family and I found out you were hosting my email on a VM in a 5 years-out-of-date windows PC. Some things are simply unforgivable.


You’re throwing back “It just works.” at them because you failed to maintain a Windows VM that you haven’t updated in FIVE YEARS? Not to mention that you really expect game dev studios test and support running a game in virtual box??

If you want to do something tech savvy, that’s on you to do the tech part.

This has to be one of the most wild “gamer” complaints I’ve ever seen.


And yet, every other game I’ve tried so far (including several with better graphics) actually worked out of the box without requiring Windows or even driver updates, or having to spend ages compiling shaders. 🤷‍♂️


You could also drive an old hooptie with 300,000 miles on it and it might work for a period of time but don’t bitch at your mechanic when the engine finally gives out.


You have done that yourself


True, I should’ve probably waited for the community patch that’ll fix these issues.


“fix these issues” - You’re the issue lmao

Ado, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

Played for 3 hours yesterday on a 3070, 10700k, 32GB ram. Game runs and looks incredible on high/ultra settings. I haven’t gotten far into the story, but the beginning gets into the action very fast like Skyrim.

The animations and textures make npcs feel more alive than fallout. I made it to the first city area and it looks amazing. It looks like mirrors edge type city in space

tal, avatar


What about the textures? Like, higher texture resolution?


Higher res and more details in the textures. Faces don’t look like they’re one flat texture with the npcs skin tone, for example.

The look of npcs, items, roads, rocks, hills, etc. is way better than even F4/F76.


What resolution? I’m just a tier below with a 3060Ti + 10600k and a tech review has me worried my 1440p monitor is gonna be a problem.

I don’t want another situation like downtown in Fallout 4 on my last rig where I’m trying to play a FPS with framerate dips all over the place.


1080p, I’ve been too scared to upgrade to a 1440p monitor on the current rig ):

I had those downtown F4 dips too, even at 1080. This game is far from that, it feels much more polished.

I can’t even play F76 to this day without super annoying frame dips


Yeahhh, I found a great deal on this monitor but I was a dumbass and didn’t know how bad the down-rez is when running 1080p on a 1440p monitor😅

Other than not being able to use raytracing in CP2077 it hasn’t been a problem, but I’m think I’m going to start running into trouble from this point on. Oh well, I was thinking of getting another monitor for my workflow anyway…


Definitely get a decent 1440p monitor with high refresh rate and GSync and then you are set. If you get it used it probably won’t even be that expensive (that’s how I got mine around 2 years ago).

Monitors last a long time so it’s not something that you will just toss, and a 3070 with 1080p is such a waste imo

rDrDr, (edited ) do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

It’s pretty good. I’m not super into fantasy so I think I prefer the story so far over TES. I do like a sideish plot I’m in to join a faction and potentially betray another faction.

I am running on a 3080 with no real hiccups. I get 40-80fps. It’s higher indoors and on the blower side in cities. This is on Ultra with resolution scaling at 77% at 4K, which is slightly above the Ultra preset.

There are loading screens when you take off and land or enter certain areas. They’re annoying, but usually just 1-2 seconds. I do wish they optimized this more.

Combat is decent. It’s not the best shooter in history but it generally works okay. Space combat is again just okay. Kind of simplistic relative to something like Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen. Actually, after admittedly only a couple space battles, I actually think even No Mans Sky has better space combat. Don’t take this as gospel though.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

The space combat looks like it has the complexity of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

It was an amazing game, but yeah kinda arcade-ish.

tal, avatar

To be fair, the realistic space combat video game genre really doesn't exist, that I've seen.

You can get pretty hard-realistic combat aircraft sims. Not many, but they exist.

But in space combat games, you're always playing something roughly like Star Wars. Which is cool and all, but just not what actual space combat would likely look like.

googles for one of the pages talking about the issues

tal, (edited ) avatar

Thanks, haven't seen it before. If it does a release, I'll take a look.

samus12345, avatar

Because realistic space combat would be slow and boring.

tal, (edited ) avatar

I dunno.

Real life naval warfare is generally slow and boring, but by using a variety of tricks, like time compression and only having the player involved in actual combat, many games have made that palatable.

I think it could be done.

Red_October, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

So far I’m a few hours in and I’ve been having a great time. My hardware is closer to the minimum requirements, so I’ve had some issues with my resolution throttling back to keep framerate up in the busiest areas. So far, no significant bugs experienced, assuming the aforementioned texture resolution fuzzing was intentional.

I will say I’ve found all the complaints about loading screens to be a little silly. Again, I’m closer to the minimum hardware level on PC but most loading screens I encounter have been around 3-5 seconds, and they’re generally made up for with other conveniences like the ability, when planetside, to fast travel not just directly to your ship, but Into the pilot’s seat, so I’m spending a lot less time loading than I would have just walking through doors.

All in all so far it feels like exactly what I was expecting.


specifically to the loading screens point, I guess it’s about expectations. Since this is such a huge game advertised as exploration-based people might find too many loading screens immersion-breaking.

I know I’m spoiled about this since Red Dead 2

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!

Having a very weird “relationship” with this game.

Switched to linux for my desktop so PC gamepass is… a hassle. Which means I would be playing this on my xbox. But also? There is a full month of “early access” that I need to wait through to play the game I “own”?

Caught a few streams yesterday and it looked fun in that “Outer Worlds without the charm” kind of way. Could see myself going hard on the ship editor but… Avorion and Space Engineers already exist. Also Cosmoteer

Which makes this weird. It looks fine/good (like basically any bethesda game since Oblivion) but I kind of already am having difficulty mustering up the interest to go preload it on my xbox. Suspect I’ll just “forget” about this game until a Steam sale a few years from now. Kind of like Fallout 4 (although, I have yet to actually bother with that outside of ymfah videos).


The standard editing that comes with gamepass officially releases 9/6 in the US but due to timezones could be playable 9/5 in the evening. So it could only be a couple more days for the general release assuming you are in the US.


Ah, nifty.

DagonPie, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! avatar

Game isnt running the best on my 2070 super but I've also heard its not running great on peoples 3000/4000 series cards either. Gunplay is fun. I like the challenges to level up perks. Could I have waited the 5 days to play it and save myself 30 bucks? Yes. But its a long weekend so I'll take advantage of it. I also havent played a Bethesda game since Fallout 4 came out so I find myself getting lost in the game and I played 4 hours last night and it only felt like 1.

_spiffy, do games w [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! avatar

I have the feeling this is another Bethesda puddle game. So big, but so shallow.

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