vrighter, do gaming w Why there are few native Linux games compared to Windows or even Mac?

because you can’t just target “linux”. You target a distro. That’s not feasible for any of them to maintain

princessnorah, avatar

This isn’t entirely true though. Devs could target an AppImage for example.


and i have found appimages that fail to worm due to some dependencies too. This is not a solved prooblem for linux. And no, flatpak isn’t it either


I want to add on to that, flatpak even struggles with native Linux games like left4dead2. (Hardly any mods work)


yea dependencies seem like a real issue here, I don’t think Linux supports side-by-side versions like Windows does, Windows will just install every version of DirectX and libraries like that

missingno, avatar

You only need to target the Steam Linux Runtime.

Lootboblin, do games w Is Civilization 7 not fun? avatar

Humankind is free on EGS.

scrubbles, do games w Is Civilization 7 not fun?
!deleted6348 avatar

I hate questions like this. How would anyone but you know if it’s fun? Fun is completely subjective. Some people didn’t have fun in Veilguard. I had a lot of fun in Veilguard. Was Veilguard A good game? Now that’s a bit different question.

Things can be both not good but also fun. Among Us isn’t going to win game awards for narrative, but it was fun as hell to play.

Only way to tell if it’s fun is to go and play it, and return it if you don’t like it. Stop letting other people tell you if you’re having fun or not. Just, go enjoy things


Yep. For what it’s worth. I played about six hours today and had an absolute blast. Definitely some UI weaknesses, but I’ve been focusing more on the big changes to the gameplay loop, and I like them so far.

But I’m just some random online.

!deleted6348 avatar

Your disclaimer is what I really like tbh. We’re all just random people online with our own opinions, why would anyone take our word for if something is fun?

I’m glad you’re having a good time though!

garretble, avatar

Yeah, I now have six hours in the game between last night and today. I actually finally just stopped after a few hour stretch.

I’m having fun! But I also have seen some bugs. I can get behind waiting if some smaller bugs are annoying, but I’m enjoying the game quite a bit.

I’m pretty happy that it runs alright on my Mac Mini M4. Starts up quick and gets going. It defaults to High settings but I turned the shadows down a bit just to keep things a little smoother.

Strayce, do games w Are mods usually confusing as hell or am I just an idiot?

Not familiar with those particular games, but if you’re lucky there might be a third party mod manager that takes some of the hassle out.

propter_hog, do gaming w What video game franchises do you not need to start from the very beginning to enjoy? What would you recommend as the entry point into your favorite series? avatar

Zelda does a good job of this. You don’t usually “miss out” on the lore, because they tend to explain a bit as things go on. Sure, you’d miss the easter eggs placed in the game for fans of older titles, but you also wouldn’t know any different. For example, in Breath of the Wild, a dilapidated farm is present in the main field, and this is a reference to the farm in Ocarina of Time where you find Epona, your horse. If you didn’t play that earlier game, it would just seem like scenery to you. But you wouldn’t actually miss out on anything. So the makers of the Zelda titles do a good job striking a balance between providing nods to earlier titles while also being welcoming to new players.

dan1101, do gaming w What video game franchises do you not need to start from the very beginning to enjoy? What would you recommend as the entry point into your favorite series?

Forza Horizon lol

Also Far Cry. No story connection between the games although there is one minor recurring character.


I’ve played Far Cry 2 through most of 6. If you don’t recognize particular references, there’s nothing that makes them substantial otherwise in the sea of creative, humorous descriptions of everyone/everything else.

I would say it’s similar with assassin’s creed, keeping it in the family of “ubisoft series gamers love to shit on”. The references are in the same style as other database entries, so you’re not missing anything if you’re unfamiliar. I’ve played 4 through Odyssey.

I’m trying to think of other series and keep landing on the same reasoning, actually. Yeah, I love having more basis for the lore in other series, but I don’t feel I’m missing much without every reference. I mean, Ace Combat was my personality for a few months when 7 came out, prompting me to replay 4 and 5 and buy Zero and 6. As others have said, the main thing is if you do choose to go backwards, things get clunky for both general game and specific series development reasons. Assin 4 was my most recent AC (tried 3, beat Unity>Ody, then beat 4) and man, parkour is tough. I gave up on 3 because it was so awkward and I was too old to learn at the elder age of like 23.

I gotta say though, Forza Horizon 1 remains my favorite. There’s certainly some nostalgia tied to it because it set me up for impossible expectations in the car community (especially now in the post-covid takeover bullshit). It had a more concise campaign and had some story attached to it. I’m up to 4 and it just drops me in like “this is just what you do now” and every race unlocks 4 more races with no end in sight.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Isn’t New Dawn a sequel to Far Cry 5?


Yes, you got me there. Forgot about New Dawn even though I finally played it for the first time a couple months ago.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

I feel like I recall a lot of people saying it was kind of forgettable though I might be thinking about Far Cry 6.

What did you think of it?


I put it off for a long time but I enjoyed it co-op. It was relatively short, the antagonists weren’t that compelling or even very present in the story, but I felt like it was greater than the sum of it’s parts and I enjoyed re-visiting Far Cry 5 locations with post-apocalypse appearances. Like “Hey, here is the island where you started FC5” and “Hey, here is the gas station at the rural intersection where you had to steal the truck.”

Bytemeister, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Metro 2033 and Last Light.

But those are the only games I have with nazis in them.

Well… There is that one nazi in Killing Floor 2…

Mim, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein (2009) for FPS.

Otherwise Company of Heroes (any of the three).
Exploding Nazis is just so much fun :D


Company of Heroes gets my vote. I love having a sniper take out a machine gun nest so my riflemen can rotate the gun 180° and mow down wave after wave of Nazi reinforcements.


Or the 88s in the first mission. BLAM :D

Near the end of the 2nd mission of RtCW you can mow down a horde of Nazis rushing across a bridge with an machine gun. So statisfying.

CrunkBy, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis? avatar

Lately I’ve been playing the Rise of the Triade remake, I’m a retro kind of old guy anyways.

Taser, (edited )

Man, I loved that game (the DOS original)! I don’t remember the baddies being Nazis, but it would fit what I do remember from the rest of the game.

Just looked it up (it was originally called “Wolfenstein 3D II: the Rise of the Triad”):

In order to keep as many of the numerous game assets the team had already created from going to waste, Tom Hall came up with a new storyline which still incorporated the Nazi themes seen in the Wolfenstein series, however they would ultimately depart from plotlines involving Nazis, with the final narrative concerning a cult apparently inspired by the Californian folk legend of the Dark Watchers or ‘los vigilantes oscuros’.


Edit: aw, man, quote your sources, ffs!

CrunkBy, avatar

Ah you know what? I didn’t even realize that. I thought they were Nazis this whole time

jordanlund, do gaming w Hogwarts Legacy - a weird (90 hour) review *no spoilers avatar

I 100%ed the game and as I was reading your review I was like “Wait, something’s off… this isn’t the game I played on PS5…”

Then I saw:

“A huge caveat: I purchased this through the switch store, and it should have absolutely not had a switch release!”

Oh… yeah… Oh no. Now it makes sense. Yeah, the game was never intended for the Switch and compromises were made.


Yeah, I was about to say the game was surprisingly great. Seeing the op played it on the switch, I can understand the subpar experience.


The first 4k video of gameplay I saw blew my mind lol. You can actually see depth and aren’t confused squinting at a low res model trying to figure out what you’re looking at from a small distance. I was shocked when we first played BOTW and it’s problems running properly (lots of lag for a game made for the system), this title made me realize the switch is just dead to me now.

SadSadSatellite, do gaming w Reviewers giving high scores to poorly optimised games really grinds my gears

I see this opinion fairly often, and it honestly confused me. My rig is not a showcase by any means, and I had no issues with sh2 or dead space.

I’m thinking more people need to optimize their OS.

bread, avatar

You just aren’t perceiving the issues that are there. SH2 stutters. That’s a fact.

Fubarberry, do gaming w Reviewers giving high scores to poorly optimised games really grinds my gears avatar

In my experience it’s largely been unreal engine 5 games.

The issues with both Doom DA and Indiana Jones is that they have mandatory ray tracing that can’t be disabled. I generally think that ray tracing is a often a waste, it’s far too resource demanding, other lighting techniques can offer very similar visuals for a fraction of the cost.


Sure it wastes your resources but the devs don’t need to do much so it speeds up their workflow. You are a sacrifice they are willing to make.

Fubarberry, avatar

The audience being a sacrifice doesn’t always work out when they’re the ones expected to buy the game.

ICastFist, avatar

“I’m willing to sacrifice potential sales in order to have an easier dev cycle” - I’m frankly amazed that the higher ups ok-d that

termus, avatar

Arkham Knight was the first I noticed it really bad on, no RT present. Since then it seems most Unreal titles suffer from it in some kind of way.

Thcdenton, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?
reksas, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

bj would have been beyond devastated about what is happening now

Excrubulent, avatar

BJ saw it in 60s US, and you know what he did?

He got to work.

EntirelyUnlovable, avatar

There’s a line in New Colossus where he’s in the USA during a parade for the Nazis and everyone is cheering and he says something like “look at them, cheering for their own destruction” and I keep being reminded of it

jeffw, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? avatar

I was literally googling earlier today to see if there were any updates on the next installment. Maybe it was subconsciously influenced by current events?


Machine games has been working on Indiana Jones for the last few years, I doubt we’ll see anything for a while.


Hold up, so they went from making the Wolfenstein games, to making an Indiana Jones game where (according to people here) you beat up Nazis?

Based studio…


Standing on a pile of Nazi corpses definitely reminded me of Wolfenstein, even as Indy.

Based af


I look forward to the PS5 version coming out.

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