Zerfallen, do games w What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from?
  • Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
  • The Neverhood

Make games weird again

Apeman42, avatar

I haven’t gotten to try it yet, but I hear Dread Delusion has a lot of Morrowind’s visual style and weirdness, if not quite the same gameplay.


Looks cool, it’s also in an “acid fantasy” bundle… new genre unlocked.

Omegamanthethird, (edited ) avatar

I want a game in the Black Marsh. And I want it to be weird like Morrowind where I can kill anybody and become a god (from absolutely nothing).

Like, in Morrowind you’re literally not important. Even the Nerevarine hopefuls die and they just find another. Oblivion you’re given instructions (by the Emperor, IIRC). Skyrim you’re the Dragonborn pretty much immediately.


we got a modern revival of the neverhood in Armikrog., and it sucked :(


The Morrowind expansion for Elder Scrolls Online could have been the greatest thing ever, if they had just straight remade TES3 in the ESO engine, following the failed Neverine that literally existed in lore during the era ES was set in. Instead they just released an expansion set in morrowind with a story that had nothing to do with tes3’s storyline.


I really wanted to love ESO, and I'm delighted that they'e actually using the weirder lore sometimes, but it never felt like it rewarded my exploration. Like I never learned aything new about a place by finding stuff in it.

helloharu, do games w What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? avatar

Ridge Racer - Namco have really done it dirty and would love to see it revived. Take it back to basics as a pure arcade racer without the Burnout nonsense.

Timesplitters - Just pleeeeaaase.

Alundra - It was a JRPG on PSX and nothing ever came after the second game. It had loads of potential.

SSX - I still love the stupidity of those early games. Would love to see a fun another snowboarding game that doesn’t take it self seriously.

TAG, avatar

In regards to SSX, after the success of the Tony Hawk Pro Skater remake, I am surprised that EA did not counter with a remake of SSX Tricky. I love how accessible the SSX controls are while still offering plenty of depth for people who want to optimize their runs. It is too bad that EA Sports seems to be focused on simulationist sports games (and live services).

helloharu, avatar

I can across this a while back that might scratch some of the SSX itch for me - its an indy game that takes heavy inspiration from SSX. There’s a basic demo, it plays quite well on Steam Deck. Though I wasn’t a fan of the controls, so hoping the dev changes them or allows them to be changed.…/Tricky_Madness/

Banichan, do games w What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? avatar

None. We need less rehashes and more fresh IPs.

Post like this slow progress by letting devs think we want the same shit over and over.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

I want to see an adaptation of Naked Lunch as a video game that starts out as a hard-boiled neo-noir detective game, becoming a surreal waking nightmare much like the book, and ending with becoming an endless randomly-generated flight from the cops as you evade pursuit for accidentally killing your wife during a game of William Tell.

Banichan, avatar

This has to be a point-and-click adventure, Sierra-style.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

I’ve got probably 9,000 hours on different variants of the Civ franchise over my lifetime, assuming I played Civ V and VI the same amount as the other four. I’ve got 1,600 hours in Factorio and probably the same amount in KSP.

My point being that some of us kinda do want the same shit over and over.

Banichan, avatar

And people like you are slowing the progress of gaming.

If you want to play a game you used to like, just play it.


Have you made any games?

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

Which means I wouldn’t be buying new games, which means game makers don’t have a market, which means no more new games.


I haven’t really played since 4 but I played 1-4 quite a bit.

acosmichippo, avatar

so you think developers are just setting aside great new ideas because of random internet posts? gimme a fucking break.

JackbyDev, do games w It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation

I miss Super Monday Night Combat. (This is utterly unrelated to the post other than being a shooter/moba.)


I honestly can’t understand how that game still feels like it was so much better than all the clones that came for years after it!


For me it was the themeing. Games like League of Legends try to come up with weird reasons why the games work the way they do and it feels silly. SMNC leaned into the goofiness. Instead of killing a dragon for gold you’d have to catch the Mascot. I wanna say you’d get stuff from brands to help you out but I can’t remember.

helenslunch, (edited ) do games w It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation avatar

I was just looking at Valve’s publishing history. Their catalog is super small, only releasing games every few years. Aperture desk job was amazing (even if very short and sweet). I don’t have VR but Half Life:Alyx was also very well received. Recent evidence suggests there will be a HL3 sometime in the near future.

Do I wish Valve would invest more of the unfathomable amount of money they’re making into producing excellent games? Absolutely.

Am I going to hold it against them if some of the games they make are money-printing machines? Not really.

Deceptichum, do games w It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation avatar

I’m not a kid anymore, I don’t have time for a deep immersive single player campaign, I want a light casual game I can play a few rounds of to relax after work.


I grew up and decided that games have a place in my life to give experiences, you grew up and decided that they are a source of burst distractions. I guess age has nothing to do with it and it’s just about personal preference.


Your observation is wise

Quazatron, avatar

Some games give you a story that sticks with you and you love them for that (Half-Life, To The Moon, Bioshock Infinite). Some give you an experience that sticks with you but no story to speak of (like Doom and Doom II, which I still play).

What I dislike is having to deal with people in my games. I already do that in reality, thank you very much.

To me games are about escaping reality.

jerkface, avatar

I wasn’t a kid anymore when HL came out. Hope you are still having fun, whatever you’re doing.

garretble, avatar

I’m not a kid anymore and I’m the opposite: give me a single player Half Life 3 so I can relax without getting stressed online after work.


I honestly cannot fathom how people find pvp games relaxing. They're toxic as fuck and their competitive online nature makes them inherently stressful.

ampersandrew, avatar

If you do anything enough times, most of your responses are automatic. You’re doing less thinking and more instinctively responding to the situation.


Nah, I just type gg at the end. They’re just games, like disc golf, volleyball, or airsoft. I lose sometimes, actually I lose a fuck-ton, but that’s just statistics if the matchmaking isn’t actually the worst. It’s those wild unscripted moments. Coordinating with your buddies. Learning your opponents. Learning yourself.

I get the appeal of single player games, but I’ll just share my opinion: to me the most stressful gaming moments are hard bosses in single-player campaigns. If I get my ass handed to me in a multiplayer match, nbd “gg This is Rocket League”. I’ll get them next time. In the single player you’re stuck though. I’ve gotten migraines because I couldn’t beat a boss and I was stressing over the wasted money I spent on the game that I might not ever finish. Beating a boss after <5 tries is satisfying. Beating it after 20+ feels like getting out of the hospital.


I find single player enemies to be mostly easy and usually it is just a pattern logic that you have to figure out. Online games are just engagements with people who clearly take the game and what happens way too seriously, evident when you don't meet the required expectations (that goes for being bad and better than them alike). I also find pvp games way too repetitive. It's always the same matches over and over again. The same map, the same weapons, the same tactics. The randomness of the matchmaking just adds to making it more of a pointless experience. But ultimately, nothing really changes.


After two young kids I’ve pretty much abandoned multiplayer. Singleplayer, even deep ones, can be be paused, saved, interrupted and come back to later. And I’m wanting to go back to more distinct experiences, whereas I find stuff like league or live service games overfills time. I’m trying to avoid sandbox games too currently as well. Crusader kings, Stellaris, civilization are great, but im trying to concentrate on the more story driven games backlog right now

cRazi_man, do gaming w Android games for girls?

There is no reason to push her towards gender stereotypes. If she likes the look of a game then why don’t you just let her play one of the many “boy’s games” you mention are available.

If you’re still looking for a suggestion then Stardew Valley is on mobile and a great game (although it is about farming and crafting rather than caring for a doll)

reliv3, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

Project Zomboid. Feels like a Sims game with zombie and great survival elements. Arguably, the best zombie survival game to hit the market. Supports split screen couch co-op.


Came here to say Zomboid!

Also, OP, dont be afraid to jump straight into mods. You dont have to fuss with a single file. Right from the start, inside the client, you can join modded multiplayer servers. The mods are automatically installed and applied then and there. Zero setup! I say this because a whole heap of mods are strictly quality of life and they really ease the learning curve.

However, picking and choosing your own mods for your own server is the headache you might expect. Let some saintly admin do all that work for you.

Hyrulian, avatar

Good recommendation! I’ve played a decent bit of Zomboid, but never with any mods. I definitely should check some out!

LunarLoony, do games w What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end? avatar

You can 100% the first three Spyro games in about 9-12 hours each. The first one can be done without any backtracking, even, since you have the same move set throughout.

I believe modern games take 100% runs way too far. I enjoyed 100%-ing the 3D Mario games… and then I got to Odyssey, and it was such a ridiculous slog that I couldn’t get much further than the standard ending.

cuchilloc, do games w What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end?

I really enjoyed Hades


I didn’t hate Hades, I liked it a lot, but I absolutely would have hated 100%ing that game.

This is why FSM made YouTube clips of secret endings.


For me it came naturally… I tried improving my times and using more pacts… the game is so fun I just kept playing it and competing with my previous times


Yeah, one of the only games I’ve 100%ed, the achievements are deliberately set up so that you can get most of them organically by the time you get to the true ending. The rarest achievement on Steam has like a 6% obtainment rate, which is a lot.

AlexanderESmith, do games w A long time ago, a obscure buggy VR game unintentionally terrified me more than expected.

You don't "almost get PTSD", and you wouldn't be laughing about something that would cause you to have it. It's a serious medical condition, not a fucking meme.

Minnels, do games w Deadlock (Valve's Unannounced Title) Passes 12k Peak Players in Closed Alpha

Looking for new friends with benefits. If you know what I mean.

ivanafterall, avatar

Sorry, I only date people with Deadlock invitations to share.

Antium, do gaming w Gamers Above 30, What Older Games Would You Still Recommend to Younger Gamers?
  • Tron 2.0 - A FPS game set inside computers from the early 2000s. There were a lot of great weapons in the game but I always went back with the Disc throwing weapon.
  • Homeworld 1/2/Cataclysm- An 3D space RTS series 1999/2000s. During the campaign all units made carry through to the next mission.
Thteven, avatar

Homeworld is fantastic. I heard the new one sucks though and that really bums me out :(


I hear some of the online modes are awesome but the story was a bust. I was looking forward to a good old Homeworld story but I heard enough to know not to buy it.

It’s also one of those games that end up as discord competitive games, like a lot of fighting games. You kinda need to play against people who are really into RTS if you’re gonna play it online a few months after release.

Count042, do gaming w Gamers Above 30, What Older Games Would You Still Recommend to Younger Gamers?

Thief 1 - 3.

HarriPotero, avatar

I must admit I’ve never seen or played these. They might be a bit too new for me. I listened to an interview with the game designer on the retro hour a while back. It sounded intriguing.

Would you care to give an elevator pitch on why these are must-play?


The open world concepts for each level.

The story is found and told through other characters. A lot of the story is shown rather than told.

Thief 3 has the most horrific level design ever in the orphanage. A game review had a review (really more of a worship piece) just on that one level. (I think this is the review:…)

The stealth mechanics actually require stealth and are multivariate. Most stealth games stealth systems now are actually less advanced.

They’re great games.


They invented sound bouncing off walls as a mechanic to make Thief. Truly a trendsetter


God I remember having to actually disable enemy AI to get through The Cradle as a kid.

Thief 1 and 2 have incredible community made mods that completely overhaul the graphics and make it quite a beautiful game. Said community is still alive and well over on the TTLG forums, making fan missions for the game to this day (including the highly regarded Black Parade, which is basically an entire game made in the dark engine).

The only stealth games I’ve played that come anywhere close are Dishonored 1 and 2 (which, unsurprisingly, had a lot of Looking Glass veterans working on them).


I came here to say this! These games are highly underrated. Amazing story and world building, actually having to be sneaky even with low level enemies, amazing music, these were always my top faves.

magic_lobster_party, do gaming w #StopKillingGames update: Finland just passed the threshold.

Unacceptable! Sweden is supposed to be first!


So close…! You can still be second, go for it!


I’ve already done my part. Waiting for the rest of us

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