Bottles as flatpak is an amazing way to run windows dependent software isolated from your main system. Flatpak will automatically bundle Wine and 32 bit library runtimes and bottles packages in DXVK (no need to enable multilib). If you use ProtonUPQT you can even get the bleeding edge GE wine as a runner for your programs in bottles.
I pirate because Steam is a garbage program for playing games and Valve is an evil company. So I pay for games in Steam but will just pirate a Non DRM-Non steam affiliated copy of the game to backup on my own local storage.
There are rumors of the Switch getting a successor next year. My biggest wish is for it to be compatible with the current games, included digital purchases. Honestly, if I can import my digital library and saves I’m already sold on a switch successor
Diablo 4. I’m still playing my first character, Necromancer. I put on some chill music and work on completing all the quests and dungeons. It’s really relaxing and thoughtless. I finally killed the random spawning Butcher and was so excited I text my wife about it. Lol
GTA Online. Me and my kids have a Motorcycle Club and we cruise around and shoot people together and it brings me joy!
I wish that was true, there are so many games I would go back and play again. PS3 was a technical marvel for it’s time, however using it was so complicated that we only got to see it’s true potential by the end of it’s lifecycle with games like TLOU. So just speaking of raw power, PS5 could %100 not emulate PS3 games flawlessly as we barely have PS3 emulation on PCs. Technical part aside, it just doesn’t make business sense for Sony to invest in it. You also have to keep in mind if Sony offers PS3 emulation, it can’t stutter or crash on some games. it needs to be a commercial grade product which is not even guaranteed with PS2 or NES emulation on PC
I’ve played lot of games on the PC without issue like lollipop chainsaw, asura’s wrath, drakengard 3, and shadows of the damned without issue at 4k/60. Was really surprising to me, but rpcs3 has made great strides and if a game has been marked playable it’s been a fantastic experience. And that’s with someone unaffiliated with Sony making it possible. Seeing what Xbox accomplished with Xbox One when it came to 360 compatability it wouldn’t surprise me if Sony did better than what RPCS3 did.
There’s some notable attention given the games that don’t emulate well like MGS4 and red dead with it coming across as buggy, but lot of other titles do run really well as if they were official remastered ports.
Just look at the Rui’s signature on the forum since most of uploads were his:
Well, it had to happen eventually. All the google drive uploads from my account are now inaccessible, due to me refusing to pay 10x more for unlimited storage, and consequently Google forcing authorization request for each and everyone of the links. It was great while it lasted. I’ll leave the google drive bypass method here nonetheless, who knows, might be useful one day.
Paradise Killer : One of the best Detective/Mystery/Investigation games that I have played, and I’ve played quite a few; I’ve essentially spent the last couple of years trying to collect more of them. It took me a while to try because of the art style, but of course you shouldn’t judge a book/game for its cover/art style, and actually the style grew on me as I played. The soundtrack is quite nice as well, making the general vibe and atmosphere of the game pretty great, and that’s another big reason I still think about that game.- Heaven’s Vault : Mystery/Investigation and Fantasy/Sci-fi in which you play as an archaeologist and where the main gameplay mechanic is translating ancient texts of an ancient language, in order to decipher the history of the galaxy and uncover its great mysteries. And I mean you, as the player, translate them; the game only tells you whether you are right or wrong after you have attempted to translate the same symbols several times.- Planescape: Torment : Finally got around to playing it, and it will definitely stay with me. It was apparently one of the inspirations for Disco Elysium - which should say a lot - but it’s actually a Fantasy game based on D&D 2e. There is about 1 third of the game which was developed by a different team who took a very different approach and so the quality doesn’t really match, but still a great experience over all. I’d say the first two thirds are 10/10, the last third is 5/10, and the end was 8.5/10.
ISEPS and CIFI, both by Octocube Games, have kept me hooked for several years now, albeit they tend to land more on the idle side of things, at least the way I play them.
Dodecadragons is more active most of the time, and IMO is absolutely fantastic. It recently reached completion, but I just found out while writing this that apparently some people bullied the dev so hard they pulled the game down earlier this week. Still, they have some other games at so show them some support. Try Array Game!
I also played Tap Wizard RPG on mobile for a pretty long time. It’s good stuff.
I loved the first Soda Dungeon. But I couldn’t get into the second one in the same way. I think the progression was slower. I think maybe they thought the first was too easy.
Why not use something else? I know what community this is but still. Internet Archive serves a lot of important purposes and they’ve got enough heat on their back as is.
Yup, I saw this yesterday, now apparently for what I can see they are trying to minimize bandwidth downloads and mass sharing of files by the account having to give one by one authorization to everyone that wants to access a file