They will delete it if they get a DMCA takedown request, as required to avoid liability under US law. They don’t however proactively look for copywriten content. As long as the music owner doesn’t care or doesn’t notice it will be fine.
Sea of Thieves. I’ve had so many great interactions with other pirates, and the freedom the game gives me allows fights/battles to go in some very interesting ways. I’m not sure I’ve played another game that lets me outsmart my opponent in so many ways, and the ability to speak to other pirates can provide for some very interesting or funny moments. The other day I was attacked by a reaper ship, once they knocked down our mast I started swimming with a gunpowder barrel towards their ship. They swam right past me while looking for me, unfortunately I was killed just feet from their ship. But they had no idea about my second gunpowder barrel and started sailing closer to my ship. As it sunk, the barrel was freed from the chains of gravity and hit their ship, killing most of their crew. We all had a laugh in the ferry of the damned after that. They were pouting that we had no treasure so we teased them with how we just sold a giant pile of it when they started chasing us.
Another time we were about to log off so me, in a sloop, approached some random galleon to give them all our supplies. We were really lucky with finding them and had an absolute fuckton of supplies. The first words from them as we approached were “They’re here” and they all jumped on our deck ready to attack. We told them we come in peace, with gifts, and gave them our supplies. In return, they gave us a key to one of our chests, which had three items we needed inside of it, that we would have otherwise missed out on. Got like 5 achievements out of that interaction.
Yes it's possible. Their version of Google Drive (Pan Baidu) is basically a paradise for piracy. But it's a bit of a pain in the ass for foreigners to get access. And obviously everything is in Chinese.
China doesn't care about foreign held copyright. So anything that isn't owned by a Chinese company is fair game. As long as it isn't considered banned material of course.
Watching foreign movies is illegal north korea. They might not care about the right holders, but they certainly care about not letting their citizen watch foreign movies.
BaiduYun's a paradise to host pirated content but not to download. The free tier fucking limits you to double digit KBs per second and the Chinese government will arrest you if you create a script that simply uses aria2 to circumvent that (contrary to many of these Chinese arrest rumors this actually happened).
Scorn was worth a shot if you’ve already played Soma and RE. The mechanics are… Fine. The art is jaw-dropping. It’s like Amnesia if H. R. Giger had been the art director.
Well, that’s a good exercise, I’ve actually completed more games in the past year than I thought I did…
Lunar: Silver Star (Story Complete) - I’m not usually fond of “typical” turn-based RPGs, but there was something about Lunar’s fairly simplistic gameplay, beautiful art and sound design, the quirky translation from Working Designs, it’s just a very “charming” game and it’s been on my mind for a while since then, everything kinda comes together to form a really memorable experience. I’m looking forward to playing Eternal Blue sometime soon-ish.
Uncharted: Golden Abyss - Okay, hear me out: Golden Abyss is sort of the black sheep in the Uncharted franchise and I wouldn’t say I love it - it can be very frustrating at times, the story is somewhat subpar compared to mainline games and as a showcase for the PS Vita, it can also be pretty gimmicky - however, it was my first Uncharted game, back in 2012, and I had to wait until I got a PS5 (in 2020) to finally experience the other games. It was well worth the wait, I absolutely love the series and that’s why I wanted to replay Golden Abyss (for that bit of nostalgia) last year.
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice - I’ve been on a (fairly recent) journey to try and explore my own mental health through various mediums, with video games being one of my primary passions/hobbies/time sinks, I’ve been trying to find games that explore this subject specifically - Hellblade is, of the ones I’ve played yet, the one that does it best. It’s a very intimate game and it can be really sensory heavy at times (I don’t think I would’ve been able to play it, were I in a less than ideal mental state at the time), but it’s such a rewarding experience, being able to see and feel Senua’s tale that way. I can’t wait for the second game.
A Plague Tale: Requiem - This is the most memorable and emotional experience I’ve ever had in a video game, bar none. I played Innocence and Requiem back to back and I enjoyed it so much, I can’t recommend it enough. I fear my words wouldn’t do the game(s) justice tbh. And that OST is wonderful.
Nier: Automata - What does it mean to human? I would say this is one of the games which had me reflect on our own condition and society the most, haha. Beyond that, I really enjoyed the gameplay (that’s usually more my kind of RPG - Action focused), with various other interesting mechanics (shmup gameplay, etc). The OST is one of the best I’ve ever heard. One of those games you wish you could erase from your memory and relive all over again.
GRIS - Another game with a focus on mental health. Simple, beautiful, emotional. No spoken words, yet I felt like I went on a journey at a time when I feel I needed it most, I cried multiple times, but I’m really grateful for what I experienced. Probably the most memorable sound design I’ve experienced last year!
I know people have gotten it to run on Steam Decks in the past. Here’s a guide for running it on Linux in general, though I would assume it also applies to the Steam Deck.
Also, controller support is not a thing in Freelancer, so you have to play with KB&M
Though you might be better off asking in the discord server:
How does it reduce accuracy? It allows you to make very precise movements if you move the mouse slowly, but make large movements very quickly by flicking the mouse instead of needing to pick it up and move it multiple times.
I just bought a Pi and set this up a couple of weeks ago. I turned my Pi into a NAS using OMV 6 (Open Media Vault - free), installing docker compose and qbittorrent in OMV, also installed gluetun docker in OMV, and then added my, opened a port in AirVpn, and added the port to gluetun and set the network_mode argument in qbittorrent to my gluetun container. Now qbittorrent only connects to my vpn. OMV has extensive documentation for setting it and docker compose up, and the OMV community forum is extremely active.
Ive been abusing steep for days now, and boy is that game the after dinner thin mint of gaming. Its gorgeous, and offers million of ways to go down tue several proposed mountains.
Stray - There’s not a massive amount to it, but what’s there is charming, with just enough storytelling to drag you in. Plus you’re a cat. Who doesn’t like cats?
Guardians of the Galaxy - The gameplay feels a little rough around the edges, and the characters have an extremely irritating habit of starting to talk just before you cross the invisible lines that stop them talking again (and unlike God of War, that conversation is now lost), but it felt like a Marvel game should. More fleshed out than the movies (especially Drax and Mantis, who are just fucking moronic on screen). I feel everyone (including me) ignored this on launch because of The Avengers, which is a shame because it deserved to do better.
Ghostwire Tokyo - Definitely unique. It’s kind of a shooter, but not. They’ve added a (free?) update to it with a school, so if you played it before and wondered where the horror element was, go back and play that bit.
Death Stranding - The first strand type game. I’ve certainly never played an apocalyptic Deliveroo driver before. I recommend mostly just mainlining the story here, as the payoff is the best bit.
Humanity - Neat little puzzle game. Not especially challenging. Somewhere between Lemmings and an obscure Amiga game called Timekeepers.
Endling - Come for the cute foxes. Stay for the sudden realisation that you can actually lose those babies and this isn’t what you thought it was. Like Stray it’s not overly long, although somehow even bleaker.
I really liked that little crab island shooter. Cute and inexpensive. Not a huge or blockbuster game but pretty fun for me. I need a new FPS after OW2 ruined OW1.
OP if you liked Project Wingman VR, you absolutely owe it to yourself to try out VTOL VR.
As a combat flight simulator enthusiast I can’t recommend it enough. Virtual joystick so you don’t need to set up a HOTAS (it works surprisingly well), online multiplayer with a very active modding/custom scenarios community, and a good balance between realism and arcade.
I literally rebuilt my pc with this game in mind 🤪