MaskedMan, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

Battlebit Remastered

Waiting for POE 2 ಠ_ಠ - the new POE league

Some Cities Skylines while I wait for Cities Skylines 2

Some Chivalry

JCPhoenix, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th avatar

Playing Danganronpa v3 and FF7 Crisis Core Reunion, both on Steam Deck.

I started Danganronpa a couple weeks ago. And so far, it’s definitely the weakest of the main trilogy. I really don’t like any of the characters. They’re all just too edgy, weird, and/or outright dumb. And not in a funny endearing way often seen with characters in the first two installments. I just finished the the second class trial; the twist there was pretty stupid. The first trial and murderer at least made sense and was unexpected. This second murderer, while also unexpected, just had the dumbest reason; totally unbelievable. That said, the game itself isn’t terrible. And the story is just interesting enough that I wanna see where it goes.

I started FF7 Crisis Core Reunion last week and I’m still in the early stages of it. Don’t really have any opinions on it so far. After finishing FF16, I was in the mood for another action-based FF game, so tried this out.

Continuing to play FF14; still in Shadowbringer expansion (SHB). I’ve been taking my time with it as I had to level up a Machinist so that I can take advantage of the experience gained from MSQs. I finished the Titania trial over the weekend. I am enjoying the level of difficulty with SHB; I felt like Stormblood was a walk in the park. Admittedly, I was massively overleveled through most of Stormblood, but even with level adjustments, it felt easy. So it’s nice to see some challenge again.

Also I’ve gotten back into Eve Online after taking a few months off again. Idk; null blob fleet stuff is something to do, I guess.

DracEULA, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Metro 2033 Redux: I’m not usually big on first person shooters, but love horror games so I gave it a try. The atmosphere and mechanics combine to make it a really immersive and tense experience. I loved that they put a stealth option in a FPS. There’s limited gas mask filters which pushes you to move faster, while at the same time the traps and lack of ammo make you want to slow down; which keeps up the tension even if there’s nothing elsr happening at the moment. There’s a good variety in the types of levels, so you’re not just blasting your way through everything all the time.

Their approach to moral choices was also very well implemented; instead of giving you clunky and obvious dialogue options, they just watch how you play the game to determine which ending you get.

TransplantedSconie, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

BG3, this game is awesome!

Pseu, do gaming w What incremental games do you enjoy?

Prosperous Universe is quite different from a typical incremental game, but it scratches the same itch for me. The game is very complex, and other players drive the economy, leading to some price/availability unpredictability that is interesting. Gotta keep your bases fueled, but you also want to wait for prices to rise or fall, and potentially use your ships to trade at other markets.

It’s quite nonlinear in progression and there’s a lot of ways to expand.

sandriver, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

Continuing the PSO2:NGS grind. Leciel is extremely fun, just the right amount of tension and challenge, and constant novel boss “twists”. Yesterday we had a boss with breakable parts and a breakable bomb, as well as buffs to damage to breakable parts. The strat was to stagger him by breaking his legs then do a mad rush to break the bomb before it wiped the entire party.

Beyond that, continuing my journey through .hack//IMOQ. It’s immediately clear how special this series is. Not just for being the seminal story about an imaginary game, and being fairly unique in actually looking at how people interact with games as a third place, and the queer potential of video games; but also for actually providing a playable version of the imaginary game. Including an MMO version of the MMO!

I really want .hack to come back. Log Horizon rules, and I like the more heroic, legendary, and optimistic tone and theming, but there’s something really appealing at how realistic .hack is without being dark, gritty, or cynical. The sense of romance in the game’s backstory is great too. All this weird background fabric about genius programmers singlehandedly changing the course of the world, people overhwelmed by emotions; meanwhile the spotlight is on real people.

currychaos, do games w What is your gaming "comfort food" and why?

Hollow Knight for sure. Just load up a couple of randomizers and explore hallownest for the millionth time

retrieval4558, do gaming w How much 5e do you have to know to enjoy Balders Gate 3?

In my opinion, It helps to know the rock bottom basics (like why is this d20 being rolled all the time and what the stats are) but it’s certainly not a necessity.

Taako_Tuesday, do games w What is your gaming "comfort food" and why?

Minecraft. I go through phases of not playing it, but once or twice a year I’ll start up a new world and just mindlessly build and mine while listening to a podcast or an audiobook, and will play every night for several weeks. I’ve started so many minecraft worlds over the years that I really don’t need to think about what to do next

Ashtear, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

Baldur’s Gate 3, naturally. I was enjoying it until I reached the zone border and I got a warning I was underleveled. I was like, really, Larian? We’re doing this again?

My biggest complaint with Divinity: Original Sin 2 was that the level differences were so stark and the XP was so tight that it felt like the game was forcing me to comb through the entire map. Absolutely kills replay value, and BG3 is a game I’d really, really like to save something for a replay.

This ended up being a constant issue in D:OS2 but turned out mostly okay in the first D:OS after a really tight first act. I hope this ends up being more like the latter. Or there’s some way to grind this time around.


Im in act 3 and only encountered the “you’re underleveled” message once at that same point. I havent scoured the areas for everything nor speed run the main story. I think act 1 is tight like you said, but it seems to be much looser as you progress.


That’s good to hear, thanks. I’m not gonna say I did a speedrun on the first area but I was definitely skipping around.

I’m going to finish up these two quests and just leave from that point. If it’s too hard, I can always drop down to Explorer difficulty. As much as I’m enjoying the challenge right now, I’d rather do that than stop roleplaying because I’m XP hunting. I felt like I had to do that a lot in D:OS2 and it was one of the few major negatives in the game.

Coelacanth, avatar

Is taking on encounters while underleveled as much of a death sentence in BG3 as it was in D:OS2?

I’m early still so only got into one such fight at this point where I got the warning message recommending me to flee. I was level 3 versus level 5s, and the encounter was perfectly doable (playing on medium, not Tactician, mind).


I haven’t actually seen that particular message.


Hmm, I haven’t seen that particular message. I’m still early on plus I have little experience with D&D 5e. I suppose it could go either way at higher levels. Right now it feels challenging but doable. Two levels was definitely pushing it in D:OS2.

I’ve been in two encounters with enemies two levels higher and both resulted in a party member death. Not nearly as big a deal as it was in BG2, but not something I’d recommend allowing every fight. Party comp might play a role here: maybe some are better able to handle it than others.

Coelacanth, avatar

Party member death in BG 1&2 could be pretty rough yeah, especially in 1, and there were plenty of effects that prevented resurrection, even. Plus, characters dropped all items on Death, so picking everything up and re-equipping it after resurrection was punishment itself, haha.

Death is basically a non-threat in D&D 5E, but I haven’t looked into whether Larian has added any house rules to make it more punishing. In general I’m not a huge fan of the 5E ruleset so we’ll see how I feel about BG3 combat as I get further in. So far it seems more like death is handled like it was in Divinity, with plenty of Revivify Scrolls already.

I turned off Karmic Dice on principle, but maybe that was a mistake. So far the biggest challenge has been terrible luck. I’ve missed so many 80%+ attacks, often in a row. Feels very frustrating.

Fenzik, do piracy w [Looking For] VPN + Torrent Client in Docker Compose

Use gluetun, look up how to configure for your provider. Run a 2nd container for your torrent client, using network_mode: “service:gluetun” to run all your traffic though the vpn. Note that if you’re forwarding ports from your client to e.g. access the web UI, you’ll need to forward them from the gluetun container instead.

Evergreen5970, do gaming w What incremental games do you enjoy?
Blackmist, do gaming w Worth to replay Ghost Of Tsushima? (PS5)

If you didn’t enjoy it the first time I don’t see why you would now, even with a better framerate. It’s still the Assassin’s Creed Kurosawa Edition it always looked like, just smoother.

I didn’t mind it, but if you don’t like AC gameplay, you won’t take to this.

Try Days Gone instead, that one actually feels like the better gyro and framerate of the PS5 improves it.

PenguinTD, (edited ) do gaming w Backwards compatibility is the best feature of Xbox, and I don't understand why Sony is so far behind on this

Xbox has always doing the x86 architecture(Edit: as corrected by following comment, 360 was not.) so it’s much easier to do BC. For Sony or Nintendo it’s just not worth the effort until the emu is mature that they can just reap the benefit. PS5 can already play almost entire PS4 library, Anything PS2 or before can be emu pretty consistently if you are trying to get it done, then it only left PS3 in a weird place. For PS3, many good games already have a PS4/PS5 remaster games, for non-best sellers you can probably get a cheap ps3 slim with enough storage to play those left out games.(ie, PSN only Puppeteer), OR stream them like you mentioned.


Xbox has always doing the x86 architecture so it’s much easier to do BC

No it hasn’t - the 360 was PowerPC based just like Wii, WiiU and a lot of the PS3.

MS just had a lot of PC experience and games to fall back on.


Whoops, should have look it up I guess. Sorry for my old and fading memory and thanks for correction.

dire_rhea, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

I’m at 86% main story progress of ff16 and the game is such a letdown after reading people hyping it up so much… feels like a chore at the moment but I’m so close to the end I’m just gonna power through it

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