JebanuusPisusII, do wolnyinternet w Problem Lemmiego

Zgadzam się, byłoby super, ale wg mnie powinny wrócić fora BB! Kwestię wygody jednej strony/jednego konta załatwić przez single sign-on.

didleth, avatar

@JebanuusPisusII @lemmur jak stracisz hasło do takiego konta, to za cholerę nie idzie go odzyskać, ani nawet stworzyć nowego, żeby jakieś namiary na admina złapać.


Gdzie niby jest problem z odzyskaniem konta do któregoś z IdP? Jedyne, czego brakuje, to żeby jakaś szanująca prywatność organizacja działała jako IdP (np. Mozilla).

didleth, avatar

@JebanuusPisusII jeśli przez "IdP" rozumiesz fora BB, na wegedzieciaku chociażby. Już z dwojga złego wolę fb...


Mam na myśli zmodernizowane fora BB z logowaniem przez SSO. Czyli “log in with {FB,Google,GitHub, etc.}” tylko fajnie by było gdyby właśnie ktoś lepszy też oferował bycie IdP jak np. Mozilla albo gdyby stworzono wsparcie dla nomadycznych tożsamości.

AceFuzzLord, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______

If you don’t mind some puzzle solving and the fact it’s a point and click adventure game, there is Beyond The Edge of Owlsgard. It can be completed in a couple hours if you have played it before, but took me so much longer since I had no prior experience.

There is also Brok the Investigator, which is a choice based game where your actions lead to one of something like 6 different endings before, supposedly, getting the cannon ending or something along those lines.

pbpza, do zapytajszmer w Jakie tipy macie w walce z pracą dyplomową?

Czerwiec już się skończył. A tak to radzę wyjebać się na akademię, nie bez powodu miałeś kilka lat przerwy. System jest do zaorania, bo jest toksyczny i nawet często nie możesz żadnej sensownej nauki porobić. Może załóż kooperatywę pracowniczą?

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

Sierpień* pomyłka

A jaki sens ma kooperatywa pracownicza jak

a) nie jestem pracownikiem

b) nie mam pomysłu na biznes

c) pytałem o tipy na przemęczenie dyplomu żeby mieć to z głowy


Jak nie ma jakieś specjalnej procedury w regulaminie to może możesz oddać w lutym?

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

No niby mogę przedłużyć do grudnia, a jak dłużej to prawdopodobnie będę musiał powtarzać etap rozliczeniowy. Boje się jednak że przedłużenie terminu mi nie pomoże, kiedy brakuje mi pomysłu na kształt pracy

Nioxic, do games w Questions about coop in baldurs gate 3…

Ask here, mate

Sorry. I dont think my stupid lemmy app can properly link communities :(

Blaze, avatar

I will ask there too, thanks :)

Deestan, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______

Procession to Calavry is a point-and-click adventure game tagged as “medieval” and “dark comedy” which is spot on.

The Longing is a pretty experimental game about waiting. You can win the game by waiting 400 hours, or you can go for one of the alternative endings, all of them needing a lot of waiting around.

Return of the Obra Dinn is a game you should take your time in. Explore. Ponder. Explore. Ponder. It has been compared to filling in crosswords.

Ittle Dew is a puzzle game with a Zelda-ish style and cute punk comedy presentation.

One Finger Death Punch 2 makes you feel the way super cool martial arts fights scenes look.

SatyrSack, do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs

Does Stardew Valley count?


I came here to make the same suggestion. Excellent pixel art, though until you get the machines to automate farm tasks it can feel a tiny bit grindy.

Personally I like a bit of grind. Stardew Valley and Classic World of Warcraft hit the spot for me.

FeatherConstrictor, do piracy w Can someone list the youtube alternatives and maybe even link them if youre feeling super generous?

Did I miss something? What’s wrong with revanced? It’s what I use and I like it…

Nyla_Smokeyface, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______

I loved Killer Frequency! I made a post talking about it.

Tarquinn2049, do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs

Secrets of Grindea

Yes, the title has grind right in it, and yes it’s for that reason. But, the way grinding works is handled pretty well. The longer you stay in a combat area, the faster the enemies keep respawning on kill, until there is almost no delay and you are just murdering hundreds of them per minute. Of course when you first get to a new zone, you won’t be able to handle grinding it like that.

But yeah, grinding mechanic aside, the game is also a pretty good narrative and has a really good sense of humor and is well-made. I recommend looking it up despite grind being right in the name, lol.

UprisingVoltage, do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs

Fear & hunger will surprise you. It looks like an RPG and it seemingly plays like one, but it’s actually an entire different beast. Lots to understand and to uncover, both gameplay-wise and lore-wise. If you decide to give it a shot, be sure that the game it’s not unbalanced, it just need to be understood.

If you want something less dark and hard, the Mario & Luigi series for GBA/NDS/3DS is crazy fun. The same applies for the Paper mario series, very original and super fun RPGs that don’t really play by the rules

Monologue, avatar

fear and hunger is an immersive sim disguised as an rpg.

the only thing pushing the game further isn’t your characters level but your own knowledge and understanding of the game mechanics and your ability to manipulate them to your advantage but this comes with bashing your head to a wall over and over and over again until you find something that works. it is brutal and not for everyone. the themes are also pretty disturbing so proceed with caution.


Thank you for clarifying

Cabeza2000, do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs

Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark

It doesn’t fit all your requirements but I think you may like it.

morras, do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs

Captivating narrative and in-depth combat system? Final Fantasy 7.

resketreke, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______ avatar

I'd like to recommend Pentiment. Narrative-driven game set in the Middle Ages, or rather at the end of the Middle Ages. It has an interesting story and according to some historians it's historically accurate. I loved the story, the setting, the art...

Watch a review or something and give it a try if you find it of your liking.

TQuid, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______

Observation is one I really enjoyed. Mild puzzling, tension but not really the sort that kills you, and a fun, mind-bending story. Also the title track is just amazing.

julianh, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______

Haven’t played observer, but the aesthetic and horror aspect remind me of SOMA.

If you want something more action focused with a cyberpunk aesthetic, I can’t recommend Distance enough. (If you need a pitch: racing game with horror and your car can fly). I also just started playing Severed Steel and I’m enjoying it a lot so far.

I will also concur with the other person who recommended Outer Wilds. Don’t look up anything about it, go in as blind as possible, and try to see it through to the end. You will not regret it.


I wanted to love Soma, I tried playing twice now. I live for the ocean, so this should be right up my alley. But to be fair I never passed the apartment at the start.

I reaaaaally should stick with it and try again. Thanks for reminding me of my shame!

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