Infiltrated_ad8271, do piracy w Is anyone else like 10 times more likely to play a game they pirated versus one they bought? avatar

I guess so, as it's fine to leave a game in the gog/steam library for a long time, but several games taking up tens or hundreds of GB on disk is a hassle.

On the other hand, I also notice that I have much less commitment, I discard them easily and often without giving them a real chance.

lurkeymclerkface, do gaming w hardware: use TV as a monitor?

I am most concerned about the logistics of mouse and key slouched over a table sitting on the couch. Maybe some sort of desk setup in front of the TV? 1080p monitors are very cheap second hand. Sometimes thrift stores have them even.

HumbleFlamingo, do gaming w Suggestion for game streaming setup

Is running an optical usb, and optical hdmi cable an option?

Kir, avatar

Unfortunately, no

ginerel, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO? avatar

Pretty much any game made by Valve. I have a bunch of friends that are really fans of them and I gradually started enjoying them as well.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Nice. That’s one of those games I wish I got into at the same time as my friends. Portal co-op looks like a lot of fun

CaptObvious, do piracy w Is anyone else like 10 times more likely to play a game they pirated versus one they bought?

Simple common sense suggests that rented (subscribed) software of any kind is likely a very bad deal for the consumer. Rental where all the control rests with the publisher and not the user or creator (a la Steam) is just as bad.

Before big publishers emerged, we had exactly the try-before-you-buy situation you describe. It was called shareware. It had excellent quality control since any game that didn’t hold the player’s attention didn’t generate income. And the creator got all the revenue rather than the publisher and distributors keeping 80-90% or more.

These days, I just settle for waiting until a game appears on GOG. It’s a decent compromise.

Excrubulent, avatar

Yeah, I remember the Duke Nukem Episode 1 shareware, one of the first games I remember playing actually. There were others but this was the first one that really gelled as a functioning game. A lot of the others were sort of incomprehensible to my small child brain. It’s wild that I can remember these old games then just search them and they’re immediately playable with no setup needed.

Abnorc, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 3rd

I recently finished Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. it’s a fun game, but I’d say it was a bit expensive for the overall length and simplicity of it. Still, I really enjoyed it.

I also downloaded the free version of Shadow Warrior on GoG. I am not playing it blind since I watched Civvie-11’s video on it already, but it’s way harder than I expected. It’s my first time playing a build engine game, but the weapons and combat feel very intense and satisfying to use despite the technical limitations of games back then. I think I will keep on playing on “who wants some wang” for now, but it’s taking some perseverance. Lo Wang is hilarious though, and it’s making the game way funnier than I expected. If I keep on enjoying it this much, I may give other old shooters a try as well.

Kolanaki, do piracy w Is anyone else like 10 times more likely to play a game they pirated versus one they bought?
!deleted6508 avatar

No… I am just more likely to buy a game I pirated if I actually like it enough to keep playing more than a few minutes.

nosurprises, do piracy w Is anyone else like 10 times more likely to play a game they pirated versus one they bought?

Maybe it’s the fact I downloaded it exactly when I decided to and not when a sale happened or it was in a bundle.

I don’t get this argument. You don’t have to download a game when it’s on sale or in a bundle. Buy it when it makes the most economical sense, download and play whenever you feel like it.


Agree. I changed the way that I purchase games by setting myself a rule:

  • Buy it only if you are going to play it TODAY

Previously I had a library of games I had never played because I bought them on sale and they just sat there, unplayed, making me feel sad and stressed.

Purchasing only when I want to play now is both less stressful, and less expensive!

wolfshadowheart, avatar

This one is dangerous because then you bought it and played it for today and never boot it up again after lol

Excrubulent, avatar

Oh well, I should’ve said “acquired” there. I mean I bought it on sale, then forgot about it because I wasn’t jazzed to play it right then and there. With pirated games, the act of acquisition is the download, so they are generally available when I’m thinking about them.

gamermanh, do piracy w Is anyone else like 10 times more likely to play a game they pirated versus one they bought? avatar

I think it’s the work that goes into it, at least for me

Money abstracts it too much. Sure that game cost $20, let’s say an hour of my job time. But because it’s the weekend and money has obfuscated this fact a bit I just buy it and move on.

But a game that takes an hour or more to find, download, install, and properly get running? I just did that work on my own free time with no obfuscation, so I’m more likely to want to reap the reward of it

For example: spent a couple hours turning my old hodgepodge of emulators I’ve been using since 2014 into a nice Retro arch installation that my steam deck can also fully utilize a couple weeks back. Because of that I spent some time downloading old games to play, mix of old faves and ones I never got around to.

After all that work it’s all Ive really been playing lately, and the cycle shall repeat I’m sure

GhostOfElectricity, do gaming w 8BitDo Ultimate BT: Gyro input over 2.4Ghz guide avatar

How is the latency in this mode? I find the input delay when wirelessly connected to my switch too annoying to use so I only use a wired connection. Normally no delay on PC so I’m wondering if this will be the same.


I have no issues with latency in any mode. I played some Super Mario Bros without issue, and I think I’d realize if there was latency in that game

DrQuint, do piracy w Is anyone else like 10 times more likely to play a game they pirated versus one they bought?

Statistically, no, but only due to the fact I once pirated every single gameboy color and advance game there.

Even if I did play the majority of notable titles from the advance library too, the numbers are just vastly against me.

Excrubulent, avatar

Oh sure, if you count the emulator libraries I’ve installed on a retropie in bulk then this number changes, that’s every NES, SNES, N64 and SEGA Mega Drive game ever, but I mean games I specifically sourced. I find if I compare full price individual game purchases versus individually pirated games, the pirated ones still have a better hit rate.

Turun, do gaming w Help deciding PC upgrades

I have an i5 8600 and a 1070 and a 450W power supply. At least on that front you have plenty of headroom for an upgrade. PCPartPicker calculates the total maximum power usage as advertised if you input all your parts, so you can double check there if you’re in doubt.

Euphoma, do piracy w Is anyone else like 10 times more likely to play a game they pirated versus one they bought?

No, for me its the opposite, when I buy a game I’m more likely to actually play it because I want to get my money’s worth of enjoyment, while with a pirated game, there isn’t a need to play the game, even if I do have fun with it.

Callie, avatar

Same here, except it also applies to if a friend gifts me a game. I’m way more likely to play the game I bought because I have money that could be wasted, rather if it’s free, I have no obligation to ever touch it

Excrubulent, avatar

I guess I’m talking about launching and trying the game, rather than finishing it. Like once I start playing, the chances I continue are mostly about the game itself, and probably more about my mood at the time than I’d like to admit. I’m talking about games languishing completely untouched. As someone that’s been collecting a steam library for 20 years, I’ve got well over 1000 games and I haven’t played even close to half of them. I play almost all of the games I pirate. I’ve only started doing that a lot in the last year or two, but even in that time I’ve bought a bunch of stuff I don’t play. The pirated ones just call to me stronger.


The pirated ones just call to me stronger.

I think it’s just you.


I guess I’m talking about launching and trying the game, rather than finishing it.

I wouldn’t buy a game if I’m not going to play it though.


eh, a few years back I pirated Geometry Dash, really liked it and played it all the time, so I bought it on steam

tombuben, do piracy w Is anyone else like 10 times more likely to play a game they pirated versus one they bought?

Honestly these days it’s much more difficult to find a good pirate copy compared to getting a working copy you pay for that yeah, if I put in the effort to pirate a game, I’m going to play it. Though I do enjoy having a really large steam library, so I usually just buy something just so it grows.

TheRoarer, (edited ) do gaming w Help deciding PC upgrades

Gamers nexus and hardware unboxed did gpu reviews for starfield. Do NOT get a 6700 xt or 6750xt like someone suggested.

You need a 6800 xt for stable 60 fps.

But you are worried about electricity cost, the rdna2 and rdna3 series is VERY inefficient (stock).

You can pay upfront for a more efficient 4070 ti/4080, or maybe pay more per lifetime with rdna 2/3.

As for the rest, you don’t wana hear it but… your rig is old my dude.

You could probably reuse the ram if you went intel.

Psus have a finite lifetime. Make sure to put money aside for when it dies.

What case do you have? Gpus have gotten BIG.

Where do you live? Microcenter has great deals right now for last gen stuff.

Edit: What resolution is your monitor? The lower the resolution, the more important the cpu is due to bottlenecking in modern games.


Edit2: hardware unboxed JUST did a video on starfield’s cpu limit. Definitely check that out.


A plain 6800 should be pretty decent for 1080p60, unless you absolutely must have ultra settings. There are guides on what graphics settings are worth the performance hit, if you follow them you can get nearly identical visuals with a nice bump in FPS.

But I agree as far as the 6750 and 6700 XT, they’re already struggling a bit with Starfield, and it’s not going to improve going forward.


In Starfield lows with a vanilla 6800 drop below 60 fps at 1080p HIGH as per hardware unboxed testing.


Yes, it dips slightly below 60 FPS. Of course it’s up to OP if that’s good enough.

iturnedintoanewt, avatar

Thanks for all these considerations. I’m still undecided, but a whole rush of stuff came in, so I’m going to have to wait for the upgrade/replacement for at least a couple months…I’ll see what the market looks like in a bit.

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