Shilkanni, do gaming w Looking for games with unique core mechanics

The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom

Nibodhika, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment?

From some of the games you mentioned I think you’ll appreciate some of these games. All of them are the sort of games that have very rich stories that you will want to talk to people about, remember how you wanted to get your friend to play MGS blind just so you could see him face Psycho Mantis and have his mind blown and then you had someone to talk to about it? I had the same feeling for each of these games (which means I won’t tell you much about them, and you should try to avoid spoilers):

  • SOMA
  • Spec Ops: The Line
  • Life is Strange

I also think the Stanley Parable deserves an honorary spot it’s not exactly story rich but it’s a neat experience that I found quite unique.


NieR: Automata has the same effect for me. That game made me have some thoughts, I tell you what, that once-in-a-lifetime experience you wish you could erase your memory of to experience it for the first time again.

kratoz29, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment? avatar

Hotel Dusk and Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney if you want something with a slower pace.

rmstyle, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment?

Since you seem to enjoy JRPGs I can’t recommend Persona 5 enough! Story is at times predictable, but the characters make it worth your time.


Seconded, though particularly the Royal version. The extra semester (and related content) and quality of life upgrades are completely worth it, and the best way to experience the game.

nightmareofahorse, do gaming w Looking for games with unique core mechanics

Its retro and really rough around the edges (and QTE heavy) and is more of a life sim than a traditional adventure game, but Shenmue I & II introduced day/night cycles with NPC schedules, has a fun martial arts combat system, and the story is kind of like an 80s martial arts film with a detective kick. There’s also gambling, drinking, a little bit of working at the docks, darts, retro arcade games, and some sleuthing to progress the story. Your progress from Shenmue I carries over to II

But again its rough around the edges and sometimes referred to as QTE simulator (or Dock Worker Simulator, as I jokingly call it). But somehow, all these elements blend together well to create a unique game. Not going to be for everyone but I really enjoyed it

Final note: I highly recommend using a controller. I ran into issues with KB+M, especially after remapping keys. It broke some of the QTEs.

Commiunism, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment?

Disco Elysium definitely, as it’s probably one of if not the best written games available right now.

If you want something with more gameplay, you should definitely take a look at Pathologic 2. New content will be released relatively soon for it too (as in a different playable character and story), so it’s probably a good time to give it a shot.

calypsopub, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment?

I’ve been playing Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG on the PC since its inception more than a decade ago and I am still loving it. It’s playable as a solo game (I rarely group up for anything) and there are 8 different character classes, each with their own unique story and missions. It’s very much a typical Bioware product. So YMMV I guess.

Argurotoxus, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment? avatar

If you enjoyed FFXVI, it’s worth considering FFXIV.

It’s currently free to play through its first expansion and the second expansion will be free next year. So it’s a safe game to try from that perspective.

The producer of FFXIV is the same as FFXVI. His mentality has been that he’s wanted players who don’t want to play an MMO to be able to play through FFXIV’s story as if it were a mainline FF game. I’d say 95% of story content can be soloed at this point.

The two caveats are these: This is like playing through five full length JRPGs. To finish FFXIV’s story takes months. It’s easily 400+ hours of playtime imo.

The initial base game story, called A Realm Reborn or ARR is mediocre. It’s not bad, but the story quality spikes up in a big way at the first expansion and then never backs down. Even the end of ARR is really good, but it’s only decent up until then. However, after ARR is some of the best story writing I’ve ever had the pleasure to play. Shadowbringers and Endwalker in particular still bring tears to my eyes when I hear certain songs or rewatch some cutscenes. Truly a beautifully told story.

Destraight, (edited ) do gaming w Looking for games with unique core mechanics

Kenshi, or noita are the 2 indie games I can think of

Kenshi is unique in a way that it doesn’t give you main character vibes. You’re a nobody like mostly everyone else.

wintrparkgrl, avatar

+1 to kenshi. I have ~1500 hours in it. Noita is dope too, but Ive barely touched it as I suck at it


I beat the tutorial boss, but I have yet to defeat the high alchemist

Apollo2323, do piracy w How do the Debrid services get away from copyright?

This is what I found from a Reddit comment: Debrid services literally are just like if you downloaded from the share website directly, as if you had signed up for an account with them. And/or the debrid service downloads the torrent on their server, and you stream from it.

This is already protecting you from any potential legal issue.

Some people may get warnings/potential legal trouble for torrenting directly, but this is only because when using torrent you also become a hoster of the content yourself. This doesn’t happen with these.


Think you’ve missed the point a bit of OP’s comment. They’re asking not how the end-user is protected from copyright claims, but how the debrid service itself is.


Yes you are right lol well I hope it was helpful from somebody else.

kratoz29, avatar

I guess it would, aside speed, this is another big reason for some users to get it, as a third world country person I couldn’t care less about torrenting, nor data caps now that I remember 🤣


Lucky you :)

ArchmageAzor, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment? avatar

I highly recommend Outer Wilds if you haven’t already. Just don’t get it mixed up with Outer Worlds


Outer Worlds is good too. Not as good as Outer Wilds, but still good. Sorta like New Vegas in space

dutchkimble, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment?

Ghost recon wildlands, it’s the game that keeps on giving


I’ve platted this game, amd I love it dearly. We need a Wildlands 2. Not Breakpoint.


Indeed we do

JokeDeity, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment?

New Vegas

SCB, (edited )

Hey man you know where you can find a great cup of coffee? Starbucks!

Edit: this How I Met Your Mother joke apparently did not translate.

p74tx984js, avatar
quams69, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment?

Outer Wilds

all-knight-party, do gaming w Starfield has made me obsessed with no man’s sky avatar

That was the same for me, but reverse. I tried to play No Man's Sky to get hyped for Starfield, but they're just such different games doing different things and one doesn't appeal to me as much as the other.

acastcandream, (edited )

What I find funny is so many people saying “starfield is so open but there’s nothing to do.” But for some reason, no man’s sky has “so much to do.” Every planet is basically completely barren or has one of the same four types of points of interest as every other planet

Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed no man’s sky and starfield does have surprisingly barren places, but to say NMS has “more to do” is patently absurd.

Comparing them generally just reveals people’s preferences/loyalties as opposed to anything useful about either game.


Playing starfield is making me realize all I really wanted from NMS was some coherent side quests, actual combat, and a ship builder.


I really don’t get it to be honest, I’m left saying “damn I can’t wait for the weekend to play starfield longer because there’s so much to do” I don’t have enough time to do what I want in any given weeknight. I’ve been absolutely obsessed with starfield…

I got the early release and had a 4 day weekend, my play time was measured in days by Tuesday…


Starfield has made me very disappointed with the planet designs in NMS, unfortunately. Like, a lot of it boils down to “This planet has purple dirt, but this other planet over here has blue dirt and is cold!” and they’re always one biome only. In Starfield, one planet can have several different biomes realistically spread out (like snow/ice region on the polar caps, etc.), and it also has a bigger pool of structures to pull from. I last played No Man’s Sky a year or so ago, and it always felt like there were only a handful of structures that could generate on a planet.

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