You’re missing Elden Ring. Bang for buck one of the best games hands down if you have 150ish hours to spare. Absolutely beautiful game with a great story, if a bit cryptic and dystopian. It’s a game that takes patience and can punish mistakes but just such a rewarding experience, wish I could start it over without knowing anything.
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God of War 2018 - such a great story and you don’t need to know the previous games.
God of War - Ragnarock - it’s rare a sequel to a banger is good. Even more rare when the sequel to a banger is an even bigger banger. 2018’s story was good, ragnarock is so damn moving.
Red Dead Redemption 2 - never played the first one but bc 2 is chronologically before it, no matter. This game is so immersive and deep.
Horizon Zero Dawn - this one is probably hit or miss. You either lovr the lore or couldn’t be fucked. For me it was a great story. Gameplay may not stand the test of time however.
Ghost of Tsushima - this game is so fucking pretty.
Hollow knight - the lore. Omg the lore and the art style and omfg the music. Hidden gem.
Horizon’s story stuck with me for a few weeks after completing it. Also one of the few games I played all the way through without playing other games as well. I usually have to play a few different games so I don’t get burned out of any one game.
I agree on the God of War games as well. So well done.
Edit to add: for me the lore of HZD was like 1 generational leap from plausible. Like it’s science fiction for sure but 1 leap in tech and it’s science plausible. That said… Fuck Ted Faro
I also agree, I loved Horizons story and lore. I also agree people either love it or hate it which is super odd to me because it is such a great game and reminds me of all the other great games yet somehow this one gets shafted. You never got to see the past but just the retelling of what happened throughout the game was perfect.
I liked the lore, but the game was a bit of a slog for me. Just kind of sick of that kind of open world game, I guess! I don’t think it’s a bad game at all, but I can imagine others might feel similarly. Also I guess I really wasn’t invested much in what was happening story wise in the present in that game and the side quests are just aggressively mediocre and I kind of regretted bothering with any of them.
Bladur’s gate 3 is awesome but if you can wait, do so and you will have a much more seamless experience in the near future once more patches come out.
My recommendation is the following.
NieR Automata. It’s a masterpiece of a game with innovation all over the place. Trust me, it’s much more of a JRPG with some hot chicks. Go in blind and you will have an amazing experience.
On a similar note, Death Stranding. The story is less cohesive and honestly as a game it isn’t as good either but I still maintain that it is a game that everyone must try at least once. It’s not one of the best games I’ve played, by far but I am 100% happy that I played it.
Last recommendation is Hades. Flawless game with incredible amounts of polish.
Currently playing a second Fallout 4 play through so that will color my view but honestly, all the fallout games.
Not the main story necessarily but all the smaller stories you find absolutely everywhere in those games are magical, piecing together what happens with a family who’s been dead for 200 years through terminals and notes or going through a vault slowly realizing what horrors have taken place keeps me pushing to exploring!
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The first three Metal Gear Solid games have fascinating stories. They’re not the most logically sound stories and they have a lot of weird elements that make them hard to follow. At the micro scale they’re not the most comprehensive. On the macro scale they’re not hard to get into at all. When the story hooks you it really hooks you.
I was a child when I completed the first two MHS games. I never finished MGS3 because the disk got smashed to pieces. I do remember liking it a lot though. MGS2 is my favorite of the bunch. It was a good mix of old characters and new that carried the story in a satisfying way.
The absolute best story in video games(IMO) is the Mass Effect trilogy. For the longest time those games set the bar for video game story telling to me. Every character was so easy to get invested in. I cared for all of them and deciding who completed the journey or not was a series of deeply personal tough choices that carried across three games. Did the ending suck? Absolutely. Do not let that last 0.1% mar what is easily %99.9 one of the best space scifi stories in any medium.
The 3rd act of MGS2 hits like a sledgehammer after so much light hearted, self-parodying, comfortably familiar heroic espionage. The story has aged so well. It invokes that eerie 4th wall break feeling that Psycho Mantis delivered, but on a prolonged and more meaningful scale.