NaoPb, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

I liked the point and click games when they were 2d hand drawn and not (3d) rendered. It seems to be a thing that has now been lost to time.




Interesting! Not exactly what I would think of but this seems right up my alley. Thank you!

Mysteriarch, avatar

Are those still playable? Loved those, great vibe!


mateusz has some on his website that you can buy for $25 in the form of the “complete collection.” He is also currently working on “submachine legacy” which combines all games into one and will be released on steam and I’m assuming will be paid.…


Wadjet Eye still makes them, no? There's still a few, they're not totally gone. I always keep an eye out for them on Steam.


Wadjet Eye games are soooo good.

gaytswiftfan, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

I hate when games are open world just cause. I only ever enjoy an open world when there’s an insane amount of lore like in Skyrim or Fallout, but in most games I prefer a linear gameplay or semi-open (Mass effect, Dragon Age)

At some point something happened and literally every game has to be open world now 😭


A Plague Tale is an incredible example of what can be done with a linear design. Both Innocence and Requiem were amazing.

Open world games like the Witcher 3 leave the player with this really weird interaction with plot urgency. I’m looking for someone but just barely missed them? Hurry to the next town so I don’t miss them again? But then zero consequences when I ignore that quest for twenty levels.


Agreed. Like the original linear Mirror’s Edge is way better than it’s open world prequel. It’s my go-to example for exactly this problem.


And that Halo game I can’t remember what it’s called, but there’s an open world Halo game and it’s awful.

The biggest problem in that game, and in general, is the fact that, yeah it’s an open world game, but there isn’t really a lot to do, so you have to run around through the level, which is usually boring, to get to the actual next bit of the game.

It wouldn’t be so bad if they just teleported you to the next bit. Then the open world aspect could be played around with on your terms, but you could also just ignore it if you wanted. But they never do that because they’ve made an open world, and they want you to look at it.


While I don’t mind openworld games, they definitely feel off, esp. with regards to the main quest. Can’t save the world, gotta get this granny laid.

One of the only games with a open world that actually REQUIRED it for the game to make sense is Paradise Killers. It’s a detective open world game on an island. The open world makes a lot of sense, because a detective has to find their clues. It’s not a detective game if there’s a counter of “clues found” or there’s a linear progression. The game never tells you that you’re done finding clues. Like a real detective in a real open world, you have to decide whether you’ve seen enough.

Faydaikin, avatar

I mostly dislike open-world games because of the lazy travel systems. Either you have to run everywhere or you free fast-travel from any point, too any point.

There is no middelground.

I miss games like Morrowind, where you not only had to pay for fast-travel, but it functioned more like an actual transportation system. Like, you had to go to this city and take a Strider to that town and then a boat ride to get to your destination.

Giving the world some infrastructur and natural money drainers helps with immersion and facilitates the need to go do some side-quests every now then. You get fast-travel, but you also get to see the world that was build for you. And you don’t run around as the richest douche in the world by level 10 with the best gear available because nothing costs anything.

Bethesda skipped this aspect entirely back in Oblivion and never looked back. Making your characters golden gods from the get-go, with no reason to interact with anyone or do anything except screwing around and collecting trinkets.

There’s more to it, ofcause, but this is the biggest pet-peeve I have.

Bandicoot_Academic, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

Like: advanced phisics engines - some of my favourite games are phisics sandboxes

Dislike: equipment durability - it rarely adds any difficultyand is most times an anoyence


Weapon durability is fine when done well, like the Soulsborne games.

I hate it on Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.


It’s the primary reason I put down Breath of the Wild. Hit an enemy three times with a basic weapon and it breaks? Nah, I’m good.
I think if I had any sort of fandom towards Legend of Zelda as a series, I may have stuck with it, but that’s just not a series I could get into when it was coming up (Link To The Past, Ocarina, etc.)
Weapon durability in, say, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is handled way better. Gun starts to slowly become inaccurate and more unreliable (more frequent jamming, which means you have to reload mid-firefight to clear the jam. I actually like that).


I think it worked really well for TotK. Unlike with BotW, I was actually kinda excited when my weapons broke because by that time, I had some new, better monster part I wanted to fuse to make a new, better weapon. It made it more fun having the weapons break so that I would be more likely to try new combinations.


It’s not super painful in Soulsborne games but it’s still enough of an annoyance they got rid of it in Elden Ring.


Weapon durability becomes a lot more bearable when you streamline the decision-making process to “do I want this stick” and “which stick do I want the least to make room for this new stick” and/or treat it as an exercise in zen. Leave your burdens at the shore of the dao, dear Bandicoot.

Someonelol, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

The junction system in Final Fantasy VIII. The magic system is based on the amount of spells you have left in an inventory and you can also equip them to your character’s stats. If you don’t take the time to acquaint yourself with the system your stats will take a dive because you’re casting spells like in a more traditional game. The upside to this is if you hoard enough spells and equip them to the right stats you can be unstoppable since early game.

RickRussell_CA, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

Like: open world combat where you can plan and use geography to your advantage.

Hate: Inventory management

Eddie, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Action sports games like Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, 1080, Wave Race, Steep, and more. I mentioned Steep because it’s the latest mainstream attempt but I feel like it never really found it’s footing.


have you played rider’s republic?

HidingCat, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Good RTSes. Last great one I played was Company of Heroes.

Buttons, avatar

I’ve been playing Beyond All Reason, a free RTS that’s like Supreme Commander or Total Annihilation. The game handles 8v8 team games quite well, I’ve never played on such large teams in a RTS game, it’s fun.


I'll go check that out, but I recall I wasn't fond of the economy generation in Supreme Commander.

Buttons, avatar

The economy is similar, but it’s a little easier than sup com. Energy to metal converters are cheap and if you balance them right you wont waste metal or energy.


Thanks, if it's a little easier it might just be enough.

Pantoffel, avatar

Used to play a lot of RTS, both single and multiplayer. The last one I bought was the new AoE game. It did scratch a bit of the itch, but on the whole was a letdown. Before that it was Iron Harvest, which was visually pleasing but clunky. I am still looking for an RTS I can really get lost in.

Any recommendations?

bmaxv, avatar

@Pantoffel supreme commander is my all time favorite and "beyond all reason" is a free game, developed by the community that shares some elements.

Pantoffel, avatar

Thanks I’ll give it a try!


My favorite is still command and conquer generals lol. Not the best in the series but I loved it. Still play it every once in awhile.


Generals with Zero Hour is fantastic, and I actually think it's the best in the series. While I think Company of Heroes is better, it's still a very good game.

knokelmaat, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Arcade / over the top racing games like Motorstorm and Split Second.

Wreck Fest is close but needs more crazy scenery or setpieces.


I absolutely loved Split Second!


Recently picked up ‘arf of rally’. It somewhat scratches that itch with it’s handling but eh…

There’s just the itch that hasn’t been scratched properly since Midnight Club 3 and Midnight Club Los Angeles.

Thavron, avatar

Split/Second was such a great game.

Turmbaumeister, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

Hate soulslike stuff other than combat, bonus points when there’s no checkpoint before a boss fight so you have to redo 50 fights just to die again and repeat the process until you’ve learned the boss moved… or shot yourself. Oh and you can’t pause so tough luck if you ordered food or kids want something. Fromsoft are masters or marketing to sell this bullshit as something great

Also hate unskippable cutscenes, good story like witcher, ffvii remake or kotor defends itself. If you feel the need to do it chances are your story is bad and so you shouldn’t. Just look at ghost of tsushima, good combat, great world and visuals. Easily an 8/10 or better potential but mostly bad story without skips makes it tedious and just not fun. A samurai fetching herbs for peasants 😂 Bonus points if you can’t even pause the mighty cutscene


bonus points when there’s no checkpoint before a boss fight so you have to redo 50 fights just to die again and repeat the process

DS1 I feel is decent with this (could be Stockholm syndrome) and Elden Ring removes the issue almost completely. But Jesus Christ DS2 was awful in this regard. At least they added the mechanic where mobs stop respawning after you’ve killed them N times; I removed every single enemy from along the Smelter Demon corpse run lmao

Kerb, avatar

im usually not to bothered by a few fights before the bossroom (probably because i started out with ds2)

but smelter demon was awfull until i learned the balcony jump.

beta_tester, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?
TheDeadGuy, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often? avatar

The tribes series, or z-axis games, where you are able to move up and down as well as the traditional x-y movement you see in virtually all games. Usually set as shooters, they are fast paced movement games that have a huge skill curve which is why they aren't made that often. Super fun when you get the hang of it though


dawnerd, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often? avatar

Sim games. Not THE sims but like SimTower, SimAnt, etc. There’s been some attempts over the years but everyones missed the mark.

choco, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Stealth games. The last one for me was MGS5, I loved it even with its shaky story line. Hitman is really nice but it feels more like a puzzle game if that makes sense.

ElmarsonTheThird, avatar

I concur. Hitman can be a somewhat true stealth game but the design steers you away from “free form” stealth with its mission stories. I like the idea but the puzzles are too small, few short steps to the goal.

I hope for Metal Gear Delta to succeed, not only because I have a soft spot for MGS3 but also to revive the genre.


Have you played Mike Bithell’s Volume?


No I did not, thanks I’ll look into it!

any1th3r3, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th

I’ve just finished FF XVI, and while it’s certainly not a perfect game, I really had a fantastic time with it.

Now onto either of Soul Blazer, Parasite Eve or Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, I’ve yet to decide which to start with.

ampersandrew, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often? avatar

First-person shooters, the way they were made in the 6th and 7th gens. A campaign, probably co-op, probably with split-screen or LAN, with some versus multiplayer that repurposed some slightly-remixed locations from the campaign that you can play with approximately 4-8 players. That's all you need. Sometimes we still get some great FPS campaigns, like Half-Life: Alyx, but I haven't really gotten the kind of co-op or versus multiplayer I've been looking for for over a decade. Not everything needs to be a live service. It can be a flash in the pan multiplayer that's so good that you break it out when you have a few friends over or in a Discord call. Not every multiplayer FPS needs to be an e-sport with an online population of tens of thousands of players to matchmake with in ranked.

I also don't really get racing games for me anymore. Star Wars: Episode One Racer, Burnout Revenge, and F-Zero GX truly spoke to me, and there were a few others that were close, but for the most part, if your racing game isn't basically Mario Kart or full of real licensed cars in real places, it doesn't get made. And the ones that aren't Mario Kart don't usually get split-screen multiplayer either, which is a must-have for me. I did get Trail Out in the recent past, which is very good, and there's that game Aero GPX on the horizon to potentially give me my F-Zero fix, but the actual racing games I'm looking for are so few and far between.

Fortunately, this list used to be much longer, and all the other holdouts, like Advance Wars-esque tactics games, Resident Evil 1-esque survival horror games, Commandos-esque stealth tactics games, and a few others have all gotten their itches scratched.


What's a 6th and 7th gen? I think I'm too PCMR to understand that

ampersandrew, avatar

6th is GameCube/Xbox/PS2. 7th is 360/PS3.


But that was when shooters were getting worse the fastest. It's when we started getting chest-high walls everywhere, regenerating health, auto aim, and a general slow down of the action.

ampersandrew, avatar

I mean, a lot of my favorites were slower than Quake for sure. Faster isn't automatically better. Regenerating health was preferable to health packs, but we also had the likes of Doom 2016 to show that it didn't have to just be one or the other. Games like Halo 2 and 3, Call of Duty 2, 4, and Modern Warfare 2 (the first time), the Timesplitters games, the 007 games of that era (Agent Under Fire with moon gravity and Q Claw is some of the most fun you'll have with three friends on the same couch), Half-Life 2 and its episodes, Crysis, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2; and getting into third person shooters that were of a similar design philosophy, Metal Arms, Gears of War 1-3, and the much better Star Wars Battlefronts than the ones EA put out with basically the same titles.

Silverhand, avatar

As for the antigrav racers you mentioned, have you checked out BallisticNG? It leans more towards Wipeout than F-Zero, but even as a huge GX fan (and looking forward to Aero GPX myself) I’ve really enjoyed it. I believe it does have splitscreen as well, though I haven’t tried it personally.

ampersandrew, avatar

It couldn't hurt to try it out, but I always liked F-Zero more than Wipeout. At least it looks to be as fast as F-Zero.

Silverhand, avatar

It’s got a variety of speed settings that increase in difficulty, and it absolutely gets fast enough for anyone lol. I like it a lot more than the actual wipeout games I’ve tried even though its mechanics are more styled after that.

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